Pros and Cons of Poverty: Critical Essay

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Poverty is not having ample money to fulfill the most important needs that consist of clothing and protection of substances or regional monetary property. Poverty is a circumstance in which the community has no economic belongings and basic elements for the minimal preferred of residing poverty potential. The desires of a minimum of trends have the populace that the incomes are so low that the vital human desires cannot be fulfilled to influence poverty people. Each state has its criteria to determine how many humans live in poverty.

Explanation of the picture

In the picture, it is evident that people are living in poverty because there are not many resources available. The hut and pool table are man-made materials which means they must do everything themselves seeing that they are supported with the necessary equipment. Living in poverty does its benefits but the majority of the time it is seen as a disadvantage. It does not show that the people are supported by electricity, so they must make their own light or fire to see at night. A picture says 1000 words so there is a lot going on. The people are wearing old clothes because you can see it is worn out and old. They would have to make use of hunting and making their own food by farming. It seems like they are living in the middle of nowhere and making use of fruit to continue their game. Everything in the picture was done by people.

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What factors does poverty affect?

Poverty has a big impact on your future including factors like education, health, participation, and income. Living in poverty capability a life of hostilities and deprivation. Poverty is like being enclosed in a jail mobile phone with no doorways or windows. It feels claustrophobic as if there is no way out. Only the most resilient do not give up. Still, there is no assurance that lifestyles will get better and those in poverty comprehend this all too well.


Children living in poverty regularly lack get admission to proper education. It is due to the fact there aren't ample exceptional schools, their parents cannot find the money for school fees, or impoverished families need their young people to work. This causes the illiterate rate to increase and influences more children to not continue with school. Education is one of the motivations for a better way of living and contributing to getting yourself out of poverty. Education is the key to success but unfortunately, not all schools are equipped with the resources to educate learners. Unprivileged schools have a lot of talented learners but due to poverty they cannot live up to their potential and afford to go further or expand their talent.


People living in poverty are more likely going to carry diseases or become aware of sicknesses spreading because they do not have the medication or medical support they need. It is often seen that people living in poverty are not neat or the area they live in is filled with rubbish. In the picture, you can see there is rubbish laying on the ground. All the rubbish can cause diseases and contains a lot of bacteria. People living in poverty do not always have food to eat or drink. They must go extremely far to get water to wash and drink. It is difficult for people living in poverty to stay healthy because they cannot afford to pay for everything. Sanitation is not always safe to drink or used in any form.


Living in poverty does not give you the necessary security you should have. The crime rate is higher in poverty areas because people tend to steal, rob and break into houses more than in urban areas. Gender-based violence and rape tend to be higher in rural areas because people cannot protect themselves.


To receive an income does not mean you are financially independent. Some people's income must go to support family members or to survive. An income could possibly just help you to put food on the table. In South Africa, it is scarce to get a job and the unemployment rate is high which means poverty places a big role in South Africa and other African countries.

Advantages of living in poverty

People living in poverty are equipped with government assistance and social services. You qualify to get a monthly stipend which could help you buy food or help you obtain your basic needs. People are assisted with free medical services in certain places, and they do not have to pay taxes due to a certain income. In some school learners are sponsored with food or financial support with bursaries. People tend to be happier than people who are financially stable. Communities tend to be closer and more involved within the community itself. The biggest advantage is handling the adversity which makes you stronger.

Ways to Break the Cycle of Poverty

Educating yourself comes first because it is most important. Change your mindset towards money. Leverage community resources and avoid predatory payday lending. Ask someone you trust, focus on your credit, and don't be afraid to walk away. It is important to build independence and work on your self-esteem. Do not overthink and stress too much it could cause mental health issues.


Poverty, in the easiest journey of the word, is additionally used to describe a person whose dwelling stipulations cease them from being capable to accumulate education, is in search of medical help, tightly closed to a normal job, and take phase in recreational matters to do due to a lack of money. Poverty is not truly about money, but time is money, and everything has a price to it. It is a large dialog about marginalization, exclusion, and domestic and international economic indicators. It is not possible to live in this era without having to pay anything.

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Pros and Cons of Poverty: Critical Essay. (2023, October 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 28, 2025, from
“Pros and Cons of Poverty: Critical Essay.” Edubirdie, 27 Oct. 2023,
Pros and Cons of Poverty: Critical Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Jan. 2025].
Pros and Cons of Poverty: Critical Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Oct 27 [cited 2025 Jan 28]. Available from:

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