Qualities of a Good Nurse: Essay

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Pursuing a master's degree in adult nursing is a responsibility and a dream that I owe to myself. I want to be an example to my kids and show that single mothers can be successful and follow their dreams, contribute to society, and make a change.

I have many friends who are nurses, and these people inspire me. I strongly believe that I have the passion to care for and help people in difficult times of their lives. Also, having taken my kid's father who has epilepsy to many hospital appointments and going to the emergency together and seeing how nurses work, care for and help him in time of his need touched me a lot and melted my heart, the nursing degree was in my head and heart for over 10 years. I also had a situation where my 3-year-old son needed emergency care, I never got lost and provided him with the right help needed.

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I want to study adult nursing because I am a person that needs to make a change in peoples' life, I want to help and take care of people in need, this career path will be full of challenges, but my passion for wanting to make the world a better place will give me chance to take care of people needing help. I believe that people should follow what their hearts say, studying nursing will provide me to complete the dreams I had for many years.

My work experience has already helped me to develop many of the requisite skills for my previous degree, which can also help me in the new nursing field. From the age of fifteen, I was supporting myself with a variety of customer service-facing roles. Thanks to my hard work I gained roles with more management responsibilities such as recruiting and training new employees and monitoring safety and security. The experience with various people will help me in working under hard and stressful situations and will help me to listen to people in need. I believe I have the right interpersonal and management skills, to become a great and caring nurse and this made me more determined to achieve my dream career goal. These qualities I have gained while working, being a mum, and studying at the same time and these are vital qualities that a nurse must have.

The great nurse must have good theoretical knowledge and practical skills, apart from work experience, I also have a good academic background that ensures I am academically prepared for the course. I have completed a Bachelor of Management and Business Administration in one of the strongest Lithuanian Universities. My degree has provided me with great management, organizational, administration, and communication skills. Organizing and managing can be useful in nursing. I have also completed hospitality supervision level 3 courses and have an MBA in Human Resources Management, which really helped me to have and improve my critical thinking skills and improve problems solving and understand the needs of managing human resources that can be helpful in the nursing field.

When I do not work, I love to spend my time with my sons, go to the gym, read and travel, meet new people, knowing more about cultures and traditions.

I am smart, very kind and caring, patient, compassionate, hard working person, who is always willing to learn new things. I am sensitive and care about other people, it makes me confident that adult nursing is the path I want to tread. I have good listening and interpersonal skills.

I am preparing myself by reading nursing journals to enhance my learning and keep updated on current developments. I believe I am strong and very capable to achieve my dream to become a registered nurse and I am ready to walk this long road to becoming an amazing nurse.

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Qualities of a Good Nurse: Essay. (2023, November 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 7, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/qualities-of-a-good-nurse-essay/
“Qualities of a Good Nurse: Essay.” Edubirdie, 15 Nov. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/qualities-of-a-good-nurse-essay/
Qualities of a Good Nurse: Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/qualities-of-a-good-nurse-essay/> [Accessed 7 Jan. 2025].
Qualities of a Good Nurse: Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Nov 15 [cited 2025 Jan 7]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/qualities-of-a-good-nurse-essay/

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