Sierra Leone essays

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3 Pages 1186 Words
As a rule, developing countries tend to lack comprehensive and stable civilian structures for dealing with disasters, therefore disaster response in these countries often relies almost entirely upon the military as well as on international civilian and military assistance. Military engagement in disaster relief may contain the negative consequences of major disasters and prevent the crisis from spilling across borders....
2 Pages 1034 Words
The maternal mortality Millennium Development Goal (MDG) Sierra Leone needed to achieve by 2015 was 450 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, however, the estimated maternal mortality ratio (MMR) for 2015 was 1,360 deaths per 100,00 live births (WHO, 2015). If the ideal state for maternal mortality is supposed to be 450 maternal deaths per 100,00 live births as set...
1 Page 629 Words
Thomas Hobbes discussed about three principals’ cause of quarrel in his paper called ‘Relations Among Sovereigns’. For example, he mentioned ‘competition’ for the first option, ‘diffidence’ as second, and third would be ‘glory’. Competition is defined as the activity or condition of competing. Which can be physical and valuable argument or actual war between communities or even each country. At...

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