Taj Mahal essays

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2 Pages 689 Words
The Charbagh design, which was beautifully implemented by Taj's architects who wanted to provide it with a heavenly atmosphere, did so by successfully integrating the water tools, water brought from the Yamuna River, into the structure in such a way that even after three centuries the garden looks filled with living. Luxurious green grass, floral beauty unabashed, ever-growing trees, and...
1 Page 525 Words
Countless doors all over the world haven't been opened for decades and even centuries. The question is why? It seems that nowadays you can open any door you want. The truth is that some doors were sealed for a grave reason. And so far, nobody has found out what treasures and mysteries they hide. In this essay, I will talk...
1 Page 449 Words
The Taj Mahal is a gigantic mausoleum built out of white marble by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to house the remains of his beloved wife. It was built for twenty years, commissioned in 1632, on the southern bank of the Yamuna River in Agra, India and was a prime example of the Mughal architecture. It was named the Taj...
1 Page 425 Words
The Taj Mahal and Tikal were products of the devotional attachment of two amorous rulers, Shah Jahan and Ah Cacao, to commemorate the loss of their respective spouse. The Taj Mahal was the most challenging project in the history of Indian architecture with consideration to its completion span, availability of materials and demand for skilled workers that fostered its overall...
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