Temper Tantrums of the Toddlers Faced by the Parents: Descriptive Essay

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There are many ways in which child could have learned to deliver temper tantrums. Firstly it could be emulation or he might have observed someone showing the same behavior. Secondly, it could be possible he might have seen or observed such behavior in the environment he lives or is associated with, like the home, school or any other places.

Positive reinforcement can be defined as the probability that a particular behavior can or will take place in the future by removing or giving stimulus of the behavior at regular basis. Reinforcement is mainly of four types-Positive, negative, punishment and extinction. Positive reinforcement can be used to encourage positive and benignant behavior behaviors. For example give rewards to your children on their accomplishments, focus and highlight more on positives than negatives of your child, show them love in every way a guardian can by hugging or kissing the. Similarly in this case, positive reinforcement can be used to prevent misbehavior by complimenting the child on the action they perform and just by giving them a positive stimulus about what they do by improving their habits and making them realize their mistakes in a more positive way. Positive Reinforcement is further of two types that are verbal and physical reinforcement. In verbal reinforcement parents can generally communicate with their kids and use their voice to tell their toddlers what is wrong and what is right and also to make them realize that they are proud of the thing that they perform right. On the other hand, physical reinforcement includes physical postures like hugging and kissing their kids. Moreover, positive reinforcement would encourage youngsters to avoid temper tantrums by giving them opportunity to communicate and express themselves more freely. (Miller, n.d., pars.2, 6)

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Most common reasons of temper tantrums faced by the kids are anxiety, anger and frustration issues which can be influenced by the environment, schedules they follow and their parents follow which represents how much priority their toddlers have in their lifestyle. Hunger, tiredness and loneliness can also be some other reasons for temper tantrums. A schedule basically explains the situations or cases of behavior that can be reinforced whereas some behaviors cannot be reinforced at all. Parents should avoid giving into tantrums because tantrums may arise by the need to get attention for their demand getting fulfilled .So, if parents accept requests due to the tantrums than they will soon develop it as a habit. Instead the child should be told that the parents will communicate with them once they get calmed down. Staying collected can help to lower their heart rate and perceived stress. Generally there are two kinds of reinforcement schedules, both of them are – continuous reinforcement schedules and partial reinforcement schedules which is further divided as fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ratio and variable ratio .If we look at the present case, continuous reinforcement should be implied as it is the quickest method to teach any toddler a particular behavior, in this method a reinforcer(stimulus) is presented to the child immediately after he performed any action like showing tantrums so that he can make association between the behavior and the consequence(treat) which can occur if he behaves good and vice versa. Partial reinforcement is also known as intermittent reinforcement because in this case reinforcer is not given every time a behavior is displayed; these schedules can be fixed or can be variable depending upon the situation. ('Reinforcement Schedules', n.d., par.1, 2)

A fixed interim support calendar is when conduct is compensated after a set measure of time. For instance, June pushes a catch when torment gets troublesome, and she gets a portion of prescription. A fixed interim support calendar is when conduct is compensated after a set measure of time. During recuperation, she is relied upon to experience torment and will require doctor prescribed drugs for help with discomfort. For instance, June experiences significant medical procedure in an emergency clinic. ('Reinforcement Schedules', n.d., par.3)

Fixed proportions are more qualified to enhance the amount of yield, while a fixed interim, wherein the reward isn't amount based, can prompt a higher caliber of yield. The nature of what Carla sells doesn't make a difference since her bonus did not depend on quality; it's just founded on the quantity of sets sold. She generally attempts to sell individuals more combines of glasses, including remedy shades or a reinforcement pair, so she can expand her bonus. Carla sells glasses at an eyeglass store, and she acquires a commission each time she sells a couple of glasses. She couldn't care less if the individual actually needs the solution shades, Carla simply needs her reward. (“Reinforcement Schedules”, n.d., par.5)

With a variable interim fortification plan, the individual or creature gets the support dependent on differing measures of time, which are eccentric. State that Manuel is the administrator at a drive-through joint. Now and again somebody from the quality control division goes to Manuel's café. On the off chance that the eatery is spotless and the administration is quick, everybody on that move procures a $20 reward. Manuel never knows when the quality control individual will appear, so he generally attempts to keep the eatery clean and guarantees that his workers give provide brief help. His profitability with respect to provoke administration and keeping a spotless café are unfaltering in light of the fact that he needs his group to procure the reward. ('Reinforcement Schedules', n.d., par.4)

In a variable proportion fortification plan, the quantity of reactions required for a reward shifts. This is the most dominant halfway support plan. A case of the variable proportion fortification calendar is betting... Sara, isn't a card shark, yet to clear something up she places a quarter into the opening machine, and afterward one more and again. Nothing occurs, two dollars in quarters later, her interest is blurring, and she is going to stop. In any case, at that point, the machine lights up, ringers go off, and Sarah gets 50 quarters back. Sarah returns to embeddings quarters with recharged intrigue, and a couple of moments later she has spent every one of her increases and is $10 in the opening. Presently may be a reasonable time to stop. But then, she continues placing cash into the opening machine since she never knows when the following fortification is coming. She continues believing that with the following quarter she could win $100, or much more. Since the support plan for most sorts of betting has a variable proportion plan, individuals continue attempting and trusting that whenever they will win enormous. This is one reason that betting is so addictive. ('Reinforcement Schedules', n.d., par.6)

Extinction mainly leads to the disappearance of a behavior. Basically there are two main causes of extinction that are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. When a conditioned stimulus is given without unconditioned stimulus a specific behavior is likely to disappear, this refers to classical conditioning whereas in operant conditioning no response is reinforced after a discerning stimulus. Sometimes, habituation and personality factors can also influence extinction. In this situation, extinction can be applied by withdrawing all the attention and affection from the children so that they don’t throw the tantrum in the future. It is one of the toughest methods as children like attention the most, at first they might have an extinction outburst (an increase of the undesired behavior) but slowly when they get calmed create an environment of happiness, because the main focus is to reinforce self calming behavior. It is a kind of negative punishment given by the parents as it gives toddlers a view that if they throw tantrum and they don’t get a stimulus which they find rewarding, then it will be more likely that the tantrum behavior will get extinct. But extinction does not mean that the behaviors cannot come back, they can occur back. (Dolittle, n.d., pars.1,2,3)

Generalization is the state between classical and operant conditioning where similar response is generated after the response has been conditioned by conditioned stimulus, in different but similar stimuli. It is one of the important theories of learning. It can be a bit confusing and complicated for example if we talk about school bell, that indicates that the students have to leave the school similarly the school bell rings to indicate reading time in which students are supposed to read, so they might get confused how to respond in such a circumstance. Also, it helps to transfer the skills from one activity to another similar activity. In the given situation a proper training of children can be done by parents by generalization of skills that involves positive attention and the continuous use of behavioral management. It explains that the harder the assessment methods are, the less positive results will are obtained. If parents want widespread and consistent change in their children than the generalization needs to be properly schemed. Another term, Stimulus discrimination helps to distinguish the toddler or the animal between the two similar stimuli which helps to generate appropriate response according to the specific stimulus. (Cherry,October 9, 2019, pars.3,5)

In the conclusion, I would recommend any of the above methods in order to tackle temper tantrums of the toddlers faced by the parents. But positive reinforcement is one of the best ways to deal with the children as the children don’t have the knowledge about what is right or wrong so they need to be dealt in a more precise and overwhelming way while the rest depends upon the circumstances and nature of the parents and the children. According to psychology the above methods are proven to be effective.


  1. 'Reinforcement Schedules'. (n.d.). Retrieved from lumen learning. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wmopen-psychology/chapter/reading-reinforcement-schedules/
  2. Dolittle, T. (n.d.). https://www.comeunity.com/parenting/extinction.html
  3. Miller, S. (N.D). What is positive reinforcement- What are different types of positive reinforcement. https://examinedexistence.com/positive-reinforcement/
  4. Cherry, K. (2019, October 9). how the sdtimulus generalization process is conditioned https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-stimulus-generalization-2795885
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Temper Tantrums of the Toddlers Faced by the Parents: Descriptive Essay. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/temper-tantrums-of-the-toddlers-faced-by-the-parents-descriptive-essay/
“Temper Tantrums of the Toddlers Faced by the Parents: Descriptive Essay.” Edubirdie, 27 Sept. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/temper-tantrums-of-the-toddlers-faced-by-the-parents-descriptive-essay/
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