Essay on Toddler Observation

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I observed that the toddlers were behaving admirably. I didn't notice any negative conduct. The toddlers were associated with the staff and other toddlers who were from different gender, color, or culture. The toddlers' conduct was positive toward the staff and different children from various cultures or sex. The staff treats all the toddlers the equivalent. I saw that the center gives the correspondence between the toddlers. The program advances social and enthusiastic skills through direction and order. The staffs show a positive temperament by grinning. The staff's facial cause me to comprehend that they care about the children. They cause them to feel that they are their second parent by talking and grinning with them. For example, the staff was engaging with the toddlers in the group and smiling. I believe the importance of social and emotional competence for toddlers is the capacity to collaborate with others, direct one's own feelings and conduct, and impart successfully. Toddlers who are socially and sincerely skillful have healthy confidence, self-assurance, self-adequacy, self-control, individual organization, tolerance determination, relational abilities, compassion, and ethical quality. All of these support toddlers emotionally, psychologically, and cognitively. As a result, this classroom encourages toddlers to develop social and emotional skills, so the staff searches for occasions to advance fellowship abilities. They support friendly conduct, model agreeable conduct, and set up open doors for toddlers to rehearse kinship aptitudes.


The advantages of the square structure are profound and wide. Toddlers increment their math, science, and general thinking capacities when working with blocks. With the sand, toddlers can be changing two chambers so the distance between them is just equivalent to the length of a long square. They can assess the number of squares they need to complete a surface. I noticed materials, for example, sand which can offer numerous rich open doors for numerical reasoning a lot. I saw that the staff used math when she was playing catching ball with the toddler. For example, she said 1, and 2,3 numbers teaching the toddler how to throw or lift the ball up the ball and using math at the same time. She used questions! “Can you help me pick the ball?” Then, she said let’s find the ball you like? This was great because once the staff observed that the toddler was bored, she made a good transition. In addition, I observed that the indoors had outstanding markings on animals to the example in the developing seasons, there are various ways toddlers follow, so the animal address science. Typical models can be confounding, anticipating that kids should think reasonably and unravel their natural components in a startling manner. When a child sees a periodic period of leaf advancement on a tree, there are various possible results to interface their observations to math, science, and proficiency. For instance, the child was playing with a pen to stick it in the leaf of a tree. Toddlers can be exposed to math when they put the toys away by counting or counting how many toys they want to play with, and cooking activities using measurement by how much they will cook to make a recipe using sand. It is important to make the toddlers exposed to math materials even if that is primary math teaching.

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What was your overall impression of this program? Did it meet the physical and psychological needs of children and families? Is it a place you would want to work? Is this a place you would leave a child? Give some examples of why you reached your conclusions.

My overall impression of this program was great because based on my observation; I believe that toddlers will learn about math while they are finding out about science. And afterward, science will apply to literacy. What's more, literacy will apply to art. This should influence the way the toddlers learn at the center. This is significant, and it is been given an incentive in the classroom. I also observed that the staff of the center supports the diversity and anti-bias curriculum. For example, outdoors, there were black and white dolls, and the staff treated cultural toddlers the same. The program meets the physical and psychological needs of children. When we talk about physical, we meant that the toddlers in this program will be active. Walking and running are basic movements, but they are beneficial for toddlers’ health specifically their hearts. Play time includes walking and running which will make the toddlers happy, so this helps them psychologically. I didn't observe anything that related to the family. Honestly, I would not want to work in this place due to covid-19. If I have to work in this program, I would make the toddlers wear masks. I work with nurses at ELM Day Care Center, we all wear masks, and we have a six feet distance. Even though we all tested negative. This kind of disease is becoming risky for all ages. For example, my cousin is been tested positive for covid-19, and her baby is positive too. I will not keep my child in the program because I can't tolerate seeing my or any child sick and crying. If the center makes all the children wear masks, then I would leave my child there. This center is effective that will make toddlers develop social skills, emotional skills, and cognitive skills. Also, it is good to help toddlers psychologically and physically. I suggest that this center needs to improve its health and safety environment.

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Essay on Toddler Observation. (2023, April 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Essay on Toddler Observation.” Edubirdie, 21 Apr. 2023,
Essay on Toddler Observation. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Essay on Toddler Observation [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Apr 21 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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