The Evolution of Text and Voice Messaging

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Communication is very important. This is the key to understanding between people. Over the years, communication has evolved. The way people communicate with each other today is completely different from prehistoric times. Previously, communication was limited to interpersonal interactions, i.e. from person to person. Until it turns into letters, signs and symbols, letters, and telephones. Today, the Internet era has paved the way for countless methods of communication. Technology is indeed redefining communication. People no longer have to wait for years, months, weeks, and days to receive information or messages. Today, texts, emails, tweets, and personal messages can reach recipients in just seconds. Besides that, society’s message exchange style continues to change over time. From text message to use this voice message because the message can be answered immediately. Therefore, we will discuss the evolution of text and voice messages.

Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of a biological population from generation to generation. Therefore, a few years before the spread of instant messages, such as BBM, WhatsApp, Line, Facebook Messenger, etc., the use of SMS as a short communication tool is pretty much used by people. Year after year, the number of people who use SMS decreased and started using instant messaging. One of the strongest reasons why people today rarely use SMS is the issue of cost. Text messaging, or text, is the act of composing and sending an electronic message, usually consisting of letters of the alphabet and numbers, between two or more users of a mobile device, desktop laptop, or other compatible type of computer. Text messages can be sent over a cellular network, or they can be sent over an Internet connection.

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The evolution of text messaging was first made in 1984 and practiced in the mid-1990s, text is a form of short messaging and, during the 21st century, text messaging has evolved into a fundamental communication tool. Also, the first official SMS message took place on December 3, 1992, when Neil Papworth, an engineer from Sema Group (now Airwide Solutions) used a computer to send “Merry Christmas” over the Vodafone network. In 1994, Radiolinja was the first network service provider to perform person-to-person text messaging. Now, SMS has grown where more than 9 trillion SMS are sent every year.

In addition, let’s take a look at the text order architecture. The Short Message Service (SMS) enables the exchange of short messages between mobile stations and wireless systems, and between wireless systems and external devices capable of sending and receiving short messages. The external device can be a voice phone, data terminal or short message entry system. The Short Message Service consists of message entry features, administrative features, and message delivery capabilities. These features are distributed between the wireless system and the SMS messaging center (MC) which together form the SMS system. The order center can be physically separated or integrated into a wireless system. The short message entry feature is provided through an interface to the order center and mobile station. Shippers use this interface to enter short messages, intended destination addresses, and various shipping options.

The technical realization specification as outlined by 3GPP details the service elements, functions and message centers, functions, routing, architecture, and protocols used in the SMS standard for GSM systems. 3GPP also produces other specification documents for things like requirements, security, data, and program management, all related to SMS. It is important to note that this key specification document focuses on communication between mobile stations (MS or mobile users) and the SC. SMS communication can actually go beyond the SC for entities, such as aggregators or brokers (and with other protocols such as CDMA). In principle a number of relay points can be included, each containing a stack of SMS protocols similar to those shown for the base station. For example, when a call is made in an inter-system process, an SMS message arriving at the main base station of a mobile station must be sent to the current service base station for delivery.

Moreover, voice messaging is a short message where everyone records an audio clip and sends it instead of typing text. They are usually sent via messaging apps like Messenger, WeChat and WhatsApp as small audio files. Voice messaging is not like voicemail, which takes a lot of time to open and then tends to take too long. The message appears right in the selected application, ready to be heard and then the voice message can be heard happily. Those who send and receive messages can hear each other’s voices without having to make an actual phone call.

Furthermore, the evolution of voicemail is voicemail that is widely recognized as one of the great telecommunications applications. Beginning with its launch in 1980 by VMX and others, the use of voicemail quickly became a place in any business and quickly turned into a multi-billion dollar business in addition to business PBX systems, home phone services and convenient services. move later. Suitable for short messages, voicemail automated messaging service and eliminates pink ‘Exit’ slips. Recently, voicemail is increasingly disappearing as other apps take over the responsibility of sending short messages. Email, instant messaging, SMS, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger and other mobile applications are often the solution for delivering short messages.

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The Evolution of Text and Voice Messaging. (2022, October 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“The Evolution of Text and Voice Messaging.” Edubirdie, 28 Oct. 2022,
The Evolution of Text and Voice Messaging. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
The Evolution of Text and Voice Messaging [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Oct 28 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from:

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