The History Of The Crusades

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What happened when the seljuk turks invaded the Byzantine Empire? In this essay I will give a detailed description of the 1st and 3rd crusades, also I will explain the political,economic and religious impacts of the crusades, last I will give my opinion of if the world is still affected by the crusades today.

The People crusades started when the Seljuk Turks migrated from central Asia into the Middle East, The seljuk turks also extend their power over the Holy Land, that is, Jurselm and other places in the Palestine were christians believed Jesus lived and preached,the Byzantine emperor Alexius the I urgently asked Pope Urban II for Christian Knight to help him fight the Muslim Turks, although Roman popes and Byzantine emperors ere longtime rivals, urban agreed.

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The 1st crusades began in 1098 AD 3 armies converge and captures Antioch, Proceed down the Plestine coast and in 1099 captures Jursalem , the Holy City was taken and the inhabitants were massacred- no mercy, the crusades set up 4 crusader states in the East, they were surrounded by and they had no supplies so they had to rely on the the Italian city for supplies, since they relied on the Italian people, the Italian merchants warriors were able to develop long-terms trade routes.

The 3rd Crusade in 1197, Jersulem will fall to Muslim forces under Saladin, a crusade is called, known as thCrusade of Kings, 3 rulers agree to lead the crusades, German Emperor Fredrick Barbarossa,English King Ricahard I-Richard the Lionhearted and Freanch King Philip II Augutus, they struggle to overcome the Muslims, also Fedrick drown in a river so his dissipates, the Ennglish and French captures costal cities but can not move island anginst the muslim forces, Philip returns home with his army andRichard negotiates with Saladin and christians are allowed acesses to Jerusalem.

The European Economics Expand Fonomanaly, Their trade increase and expanded (1st Impact), Merchants in Venice and other northern Italian cities had built large fleets to carry the crusades to the Holy Land to kill, and conquer the Holy Land, also called Jursalem, now they use now they use those fleets to carry to carry on trade and such goods as sugar,cotton,and rise with the middle East.

The Crusades further encourage the growth of a money economy (2nd impact) To finance a journey to the Holy Land The crusades left a bitter legacy of religious hatred, in the East, both Christiansan Muslims committed appalling atrocities in the name of the religions, in Europe, the crusades sometimes turn their religions into fury against Jews, massacring entire communities and they just didn’t do it that one reason they also did it when they ran out of supplies they would destroy the whole village and take all of the village supplies

Even killed people. The crusades also had an effect on Monarchs, knights and on the Churches, the help increase the power of monarchs (3rd Impact), These rulers won new rights to collect taxes in order to support the crusades, some rulers, such as the French Kings Louis IX and the english King Richard I, called the Lion Heart, led Crusades, which added greatly to their prestige.

Some other Impact of the crusades was wider Worldview Evolves (4th impacts), they had contact with the muslims world led to Christians to realize the millions of people lived in religions they had never even known existed, soon, a few curious Europens had left to explore far-off places such as India and China they even invented a game people play now and days called marco Polo.

I think that the world today is still affect by the crusades today because, There is still war in Jerusalem and religions are still fighting the crusades left damage to everywhere they went they even destroyed villages to where the point there's nothing left and today those villages they destroyed are gone.

That is a detailed description of the !st and 3rd crusades and the Economic,political and religious impact of the crusades, last why I think the world today is still affected by the crusade today, maybe if the crusades had one leader and if the just did what there were suppose to there ending what have been better

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The History Of The Crusades. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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