The Meaning And Understanding The Judaism As A Religion

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What is Judaism? Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions developed among ancient Hebrews. It is the second oldest world religion behind Hinduism. Also, it was founded over thirty-five hundred years ago in the Middle East. Judaism is about four thousand years old. It is the foundation of the culture of America. Jews believed the God called them to be his chosen ones in order to be an example of holiness and behavior of ethics. Who are they? They are Jews of the religion, Judaism. Jews have a symbol, which is called the “Star of David.”

They think that the Star of David is a symbol of God, instead the Star of David symbolizes that it has the chosen people. The symbol of the idea is the Jewish people then settle our whole as the people of the Covenant. The Star of David is a symbol of this Holiness of the Jewish people. The Star of David is not a symbol for God, because that is forbidden in Judaism. One of the really interesting features of the Mosaic Covenant that it is an iconic nature.

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Iconic means is that tomorrow your clothes, no icons or no symbols, something that is an iconic has no symbols know those symbols are allowed in Judaism. You should never ever make a symbol of God, because God is beyond anything that we can imagine. Point of the matter is that do not make a symbol of God at all. You should not symbolize God in any way, shape or form, because it is forbidden. Jews intentionally will not do this, because they do not want to symbolize God.

Jews were known to be the people of the Covenant. A covenant is the binding agreement between God and his people. For example, it is like when God told Moses to go back to Egypt and lead his people to freedom. So, Moses did want Gold told him to do and went up to Pharaoh, to tell him to let his people go. The covenant between Moses and God would be labeled as Mosaic.

There are different types of people of the Covenant. The people of the Covenant were Abrahamic, Mosaic, Rabbinic and Roman, just to name a few. Covenants were made with Abraham, Moses, and David. Abrahamic derived from the name of the most prophet of God, Abraham. These people of this covenant worshipped one God. Abraham made a covenant with God, which was, if him and his followers worshipped God alone, his people will be multiplied into a nation.

The Mosaic covenant follows the law of worshipping God. For example, the Ten Commandments comes straight out of Judaism. The Ten Commandments was given to Moses by God. It is a law to demand the constraints that is thought to be required of life. In other words, it is a list of rules to live by for a perfect life. The Ten Commandments are enhanced to control the four principle danger zones of/in human relationships: force, wealth, sex and speech.

The Rabbinic Covenant would have been created during the era of Rabbinic Judaism. During the Babylonian Exile period, Jews didn’t sacrifice at the temple, instead Judaism became a learning and teaching religion. That is similar to the Babylon covenant. Roles of priests became diminished and the value of Rabbis increased, which equaled to the teaching of Jewish things. Judaism led by the Rabbis was taught to be a good Jew is to study.

The David Covenant is a binding agreement with the outcome of having members of the nation. David, who was the next king after Saul, was known as the greatest king in Jewish History. He wanted to make things better by forming twelve tribes into a nation. The formation of the tribes occurred which led to the capturing of Jerusalem. After that happened, it was made the capital of Israel. It is one of the most holy cities for Muslims, Jews and Christians.

Now far as the Dispora, that was a time period where the Jews had scattered all over the globe. Jews had to do this, because Romans made it illegal for Jews to live in Israel. All of this occurred when the Romans crushed the Jews and destroyed a temple. Romans had conquered Israel and turned it into a colony. The conquering of Israel led to the Dispora. During the Dispora, the meaning of the Covenant changed during the Dispora. What it meant to be a member of the people of the Covenant became being a member of one of these four schools. Jesus is never heard of any of these schools. The schools are Dispora creations within the Jewish world, but this changes the Jewish Covenant.

The Dispora lasted nearly for almost two thousand years. This started in the year, 70 C.E. and lasted to the year, 1948 C.E. When the Jews scattered, they scattered across Africa. Many Jews fled to Ethopia, they also fled to Europe. They did not scatter in Israel. Israel was now a colonization. Since the Romans took over Israel, their covenant of people were members of four schools that were created. These four different types of school deal with Judaism. The schools were Reform Judaism, Conservative Judaism, Orthodox Judaism and Reconstruction Judaism.

Reform Judaism is the largest school of Judaism mathematically. This school is the most liberal and it tries to keep somewhat of the Jewish tradition. The people of this school tend to be more relaxed than the others. This school is least likely to keep to the rules of Kosher. Kosher Rules what Jews can eat, pork is forbidden and they cannot mix meat and cheese. In the book of Leviticus, it lists everything that is Kosher and what is not Kosher. For instance, dealing with fish, you can only eat ordinary fish. Trout would be a type of fish that is acceptable to eat. No crawfish, crab, and shrimps. Any type of shellfish of any kind is not acceptable.

Dairy products are acceptable with the Kosher rules. Cheese is allowed, but you cannot mix meat and cheese. So, they can have a cheese sandwich just not with meat. A hamburger without cheese can be eaten as well. Cheeseburgers are not allowed. The school of Conservative Judaism take kind of a middle ground in the dilemma. They keep to the rules of Kosher. Also, they keep to the rules of the Sabbath. Romans changed the Christian Sabbath over to Sunday. Conservatives are not as hardcore as the Orthodox Jews.

The school of Orthodox have the most conservative Jews of Judaism. These people do not compromise, they just want to keep all the traditional rules. Orthodox Jews tend to create their own neighborhoods. New York and Chicago are some cities that these neighborhoods are created. Also, they form their own enclaves. The first three schools of Judaism kind of describe a spectrum from most liberal to most stringent.

The last form of the four schools is Reconstruction. Reconstruction is the American school of Judaism. It is not entirely unlike from the school of Reform. They believe that achieving high things is to make Judaism look good. For example, Albert Einstein was not a very observant Jew, but he is a hero to some Reconstruction Jews.

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