The Peculiarities of Legalization of Cannabis

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Several generations have argued about the legalization of cannabis at the global level. In modern world people are getting addicted to drugs more and more every day even in spite of the well-known fact that all types of drugs are forbidden and regulated by government. Meanwhile, the World faces issue related to making drugs legal. Such type of drug as cannabis was legalized for medical purposes only in some countries and legalized in other countries. Cannabis became legalized partially in some states of US and Holland and entirely in Uruguay and Canada. In fact, cannabis has become part of popular culture and cannot be out of policies. Unlike alcohol or many others drugs marijuana remains in the human body for weeks or months after consumption. Consequently, this topic obtained world-wide concerns. Every kind of legalization entails a lot of advantages and disadvantages.

The marijuana should be in great necessity to be legalized for solving various problems. It could lead to several benefits such as a raise of the economy level, development of health care and decrease the crime rate. First of all, legalization of marijuana affects taxation. In 2018 “C21 Investments Ins”, which is one of American analytical company made a research about how much earnings different countries will gain from legalization of marijuana (2019, January 8, RBU). For instance, Ukraine could have had income of 71 million US dollars roughly. Currently any sum of money is essential for Ukraine, because it has a lot of debts.

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Secondly, rehab help will be taken into account and developed much more. There are many cannabis-addicted people in Russia that are afraid to solicit medical help. It happens because cannabis is illegal in Russia, and all hospitals must write daily report of every single patient and their cases so drug-addicted patients may be charged or arrested. Russia has already been decriminalized personal usage of drugs in small amounts (up to 6g). Unfortunately, Russians are still afraid of the law. Decreasing the level of drug-addicted citizens, government may start advertising campaign of rehab help for drug addicted friends for free.

Thirdly, there is a big influence on underage access. Cannabis is illegal in Russia, there are two ways that drug-dealers usually use to sell drugs to customers: personal meetings and “bookmarks”. “Bookmarks” are a type of spreading drugs by concealing them somewhere near public places and sending the instructions and locations to the consumers when they pay money. After then those buyers pick up their packages by following the instructions. As a result, nobody can identify if dealers are selling drugs to underage consumers and usually drug-dealers do not pay attention on that. After the legalization of cannabis additional laws will prohibit selling marijuana to underage like with legal drugs (tobacco and alcohol). Therefore, all cannabis shops will be required to check age by asking identification documents.

In addition, legalization of cannabis will have a huge impact on medical industry. Throughout the world there is one crucial problem such as incurable diseases. Illnesses like cancer, Alzheimer, rabies, congenital ichthyosis and many others are not curable but it is likely to stop the development of the disease by using heavy medications. Besides that, such medication destroys the body by causing unbearable pain. Cannabis is a much better solution because it has minor side effects and does not damage the body. That is why cannabis should be allowed as medical help for terminally ill people to avoid excruciating pain.

However, it is vital to keep in mind that marijuana is still a drug and it may have great negative effects for every single person who decides to try it. Likewise, the authorization of cannabis has a lot of disadvantages in every sphere of life. For instance, people who begin to use this type of drug erase the borders of what is allowed and they start to drive a car being stoned. Undoubtedly, mixing driving and smoking cannabis leads to mind-blowing consequences. Smoking marijuana affects human activity to a large extent. People become less concentrated and inhibited that results to car accidents, injures or even death. As an economist at the University of Dregok in Eugene and at national Bureau of Economic Research said: “It is always suffer to drive when you are not stoned.”(2015, July 6, LiveScence). Moreover, a review of 60 studies presented in 1995 at the International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic safety revealed that marijuana impairs all the cognitive abilities needed for safe driving including tracking, motor coordination, visual function and divided attention. Additionally, making the cannabis lawful controls the rise of alcohol and tobacco consumption. It is evidently if the cannabis is forbidden people will need something else to change their mood thus the local companies will rise their income from market of country. According to study “helping settle the marijuana and alcohol debate: Evidence from scanner Data”, the researchers claimed: “We find that marijuana legalization will have a negative effect on corresponding (alcohol) sales by as much as 13.8 and 16.2 percent respectively.”

Moreover, legalization comes with risks. It is generally known that health effects of cannabis use are real. Cannabis contains a huge amount of carcinogens and THC that damage people’s brain. The use of cannabis on a daily basis has impact on some individuals but it is impossible to predict how many human-beings will act in response to the drug. Cannabis is the cause of habituation that determines as the request to repeating doses to change the mood positively or to avoid bad condition. Therefore, for some people who regularly smoke marijuana it can lead to damage addiction. Scientist revealed how these drugs work and figure out an important connection system between brain and body, mental and physical condition which named the endocannabinoid system. Cannabinoids act like a kind of “dimmer switch”. They make connections between cells in the brain attaching THC to cannabinoid receptors. Such acting of cannabis to brain has side effects like memory loss, less productivity weakening of critical thinking and decision making.

To sum up, nowadays drug use is highly discussed especially such drug as marijuana because of legalization in several countries not only like a medical treatment. Compared to other drugs, marijuana is less addictive and harmful but it is presumable for people getting addicted to anything that gives us pleasures. People think that cannabis will not be harmful to them but statistics says that 9 per cent of people (roughly 1 out of 10) who use it become dependent on it. Majority of people consider that legalization of cannabis should not happen in order to protect people from addiction, short-term and long-term effects that damage people health greatly.


  1. RBU. (2019, January 8). Retrieved from
  2. Nikitin, M. (2018, February 15). Retrieved from
  3. Focus. (2019, March 8). Ten Reasons Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized! Retrieved from
  4. Kirkey, S. (2016, May 18). When is stoned too stoned? About half of Canadians who drive while high insist pot doesn't impair them. Retrieved from
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