The Sin Of The Pews In Catholic Church

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Homosexuality within the church has always been the greatest issue in any religion. However it does stop people from acting in such harmful and mischievous ways. The way people ultimately view homosexuality, whether in religion, politics or modern popular culture, is all determined by traditional or changing points of view. This essay will discuss mainly liberal and conservative Christian interpretations of the Bible, including many verses that may support or condemn homosexuality. It will also discuss the political views and laws against same-sex marriage and the social activism in the homosexual community. This is all about view points and it has many conflicting views and arguments. This paper is going to be focusing on how some men in the church commit crimes within the church.

Summary of News Account

For this topic of discussion they had a conference to speak about the child abuse that led to homosexuality and pedophilia. Conservative views are often very traditional and interpret most or all Bible passages regarding, or allegedly involving homosexuality as condemning. In the news articles focuses more on how the popes in the catholic churches are criminally harming the young boys. They are molesting these young children, and covering up that they are actually homosexual but scrutinizing those who are out and open. The priest were trying to iterate that the only reason why the men abuse the young boys is because of homosexuality, and not because they can.

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Entering the conference, Bishop Gonzalo de Villa y Vásquez of Guatemala said, “I think it can be a legitimate question whether or not there is a link between homosexuality and abuses.” (Horowitz &, Povoledo 2019). This was one of the topics that were discussed throughout the whole conference. Throughout the whole article the journalist were saying that the conservative catholic news outlets were asking questions about why they were trying to avoid talking about homosexuality. They could not answer the questions regarding that but keep bringing of the homosexual topic. Also, the main focus for the news article was to help tell that the child abuse that was happening within the Catholic Church was not connected to homosexuality; it’s connected to the men’s mental health.


After reading the news article talks about how the council were trying to blame homosexuality for the child abuse and pedophilia, but in reality they know it’s a mental health issues. I do not feel that the child abuse that the priest are committing comes from homosexuality. I just feel that since it’s considered to be one of the biggest sin their view, they try to tie it to the abuse that other priest do. I do feel that they just want to create more of a controversy between the LGBTQ Community. Being homosexual may play apart with sexual abuse, and pedophilia but that is not the only factor that creates the actions. If sexuality was the case then why do straight men sexually abuse women?

Much of the disdain faced by the Catholic Church stems from this ever burning stigma. Comments such as, “I’d never leave my son alone with a catholic priest,” directly correlate to the fear and disgust associated with the endless news reports of innocent children, who have fallen victim to perverted hands of their very own leaders. It frustrates me that the fact that this is still continuing today, and seen as a sexuality preferences rather than a mental issue. It is shameful not because that there isn’t any good news coming out of these reports, but because it means that, yet again it’s happening around us. It’s shameful that the hierarchy of the church has chosen to protect their over the defenseless.

Original Research Report

The issue of opportunity is a major factor in the sex offenses in Churches. In churches, opportunities for abuse are in activities such as taking children home after an activity or youth group, giving individual attention to a child, and being alone with children in summer camps. These opportunities allow priests to be alone with children without other adults being suspicious or concerned. Another factor in explaining the opportunity for abuse is the power and influence that clergy have. Since in the church, priests or ministers are influential in defining what is right and wrong, they may have the power to show abusive behavior as normal. Children are in a position that church workers can use their authority within the church to persuade a child to comply with sexual acts (David, 2005). When authority is misused in this way it adds trauma to the abuse. The betrayal of trust involved is enormous, and for some victims it causes the difficulty to trust authority again.

Critique Reporter/Journalist

As we know, the article speaks on how the hierarchy of the Catholic Church thinks that the sexual child abuse comes from men acting upon homosexuality and not base on a mental health issue. In the journal, the journalists do convey this story well by statin g the questions asked from the news reporters being at the conference. In the article one of the leading crime investigators spoke out to say “homosexuality has “nothing to do with the sexual abuse of minors”” ((“Scicluna”, 2018) Horowitz, & Povoledo, 2019). This shows that the journalists searched for major information to prove their story was right. In the journal they did not do much research or did any experiments to be able to have a method of use. However, they did do a survey which can be counted as a method. They conducted a survey based on if the homosexuality the main issue for the Catholic Church to commit sexual abuse or is their other mental issues that could cause that. They concluded that most people feel that homosexuality could be their lifestyle of some sort but that there is a major mental issue that triggers them to commit those actions on children.


  1. Agnew, John. 2010. “Deus Vult: The Geopolitics of the Catholic Church.” Geopolitics, 15(1): 39–61.
  2. Gochenour, Zachary J; Robinson, John A. Journal of Private Enterprise; Martin Vol. 34, Iss. 1, (Spring 2019): 103-116.
  3. Hodge, David R. Social Work; Oxford Vol. 50, Iss. 3, (Jul 2005): 207-18.
  4. Horowitz, J., & Povoledo, E. (2019). The Most Talked About Non-Topic at the Vatican? Homosexuality. New York: New York Times Company.
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