‘The Winter Hibiscus’ Essay

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In 'The Winter Hibiscus,' a short story by Min Jin Lee, the author utilizes various literary techniques to convey deeper meanings and explore complex themes. Published in 2007, the narrative follows the journey of a Korean immigrant family as they navigate the challenges of assimilation and cultural identity in America. In this literary criticism essay, we will delve into the rich symbolism employed by Min Jin Lee in 'The Winter Hibiscus,' shedding light on the story's underlying messages and highlighting the power of symbolism in conveying universal human experiences.

The Winter Hibiscus

The winter hibiscus, a recurring symbol throughout the story, represents the resilience and tenacity of the Korean immigrant family. Despite the harsh conditions and challenges they face, the hibiscus continues to bloom, symbolizing their ability to endure and find beauty even in the most difficult circumstances. It serves as a reminder of the characters' strength and determination to thrive in their new environment while staying connected to their cultural roots.

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The Piano

The piano holds significant symbolic value in 'The Winter Hibiscus.' It serves as a symbol of cultural heritage and acts as a bridge between the characters' past and present. For the protagonist, the piano represents a connection to her mother and the rich traditions of her homeland. Through her relationship with the piano, the protagonist grapples with the tensions between assimilation and preserving her cultural identity, highlighting the universal struggle faced by immigrants in navigating their dual identities.


Language plays a crucial role as a symbol of communication, cultural heritage, and identity in 'The Winter Hibiscus.' The use of Korean language and English translations reflects the characters' attempts to bridge the gap between their native and adopted cultures. It explores the complexities of language acquisition and the challenges faced by immigrants in expressing themselves fully in a new environment. The linguistic symbolism serves to emphasize the importance of language as a vehicle for connection and understanding.


Food acts as a powerful symbol of cultural identity and tradition in 'The Winter Hibiscus.' The characters' culinary practices and shared meals become a means of preserving their cultural heritage and finding comfort amidst the challenges of assimilation. Food also serves as a medium for connecting with others and fostering a sense of community. The symbolism of food highlights the role of cultural traditions in shaping personal and collective identities.

The Journey

The journey undertaken by the characters in 'The Winter Hibiscus' symbolizes the transformative process of immigration and adaptation. As the protagonist and her family navigate their new surroundings, they encounter both internal and external obstacles. The journey represents personal growth, resilience, and the quest for a sense of belonging. It underscores the universal human experience of seeking a place to call home while grappling with cultural and personal identity.


In 'The Winter Hibiscus' by Min Jin Lee, the effective use of symbolism adds depth and layers of meaning to the narrative. The winter hibiscus, the piano, language, food, and the journey all contribute to the exploration of themes such as cultural identity, resilience, and the immigrant experience. Through these symbols, Min Jin Lee beautifully captures the complexities of assimilation, the enduring power of heritage, and the universal longing for connection and belonging. 'The Winter Hibiscus' stands as a poignant literary work that resonates with readers, inviting them to reflect on the challenges and triumphs of the immigrant journey and the significance of cultural heritage in shaping individual and communal identities.

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‘The Winter Hibiscus’ Essay. (2023, September 22). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 9, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/the-winter-hibiscus-essay/
“‘The Winter Hibiscus’ Essay.” Edubirdie, 22 Sept. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/the-winter-hibiscus-essay/
‘The Winter Hibiscus’ Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/the-winter-hibiscus-essay/> [Accessed 9 Jan. 2025].
‘The Winter Hibiscus’ Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 22 [cited 2025 Jan 9]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/the-winter-hibiscus-essay/

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