To Kill a Mockingbird' Book Report Essay

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Background Information:


To Kill a Mockingbird was published on the 11th of July 1960.

The book has been published for 59 years yet schools still use it as a part of their curriculum and book study as it is a book we could learn from and also understand as if we were part of the book.

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To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Alabama, United States.

Harper Lee was born in Alabama, United States, and due to that she has a wide range of understanding about the country, culture, and the way of speech.


Harper Lee was born on the 8th of April 1926 in Alabama, United States.

Harper Lee died on the 19th of February 2016.

She studied at Oxford University in the United States.

To Kill a Mockingbird, won the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and is ranked by the Guinness Book of World Records as the top-selling novel of all time.

Famous books that were written by Harper Lee included To Kill a Mockingbird and Go Set a Watchman.

Main Plot:

The main plot in To Kill A Mockingbird is about Scout's coming of age as she grows up in Alabama, United States, a racially segregated state. The major event which leads to the climax of the story is the trial of Tom Robinson, a negro man, for the attempted rape of Mayella Ewell. Although Tom is clearly innocent of the charges, he is found guilty because people in the South were not ready to take the word of a black person over that of a white person no matter the circumstances. Scout's father, Atticus, who is the moral icon of the story, defends Tom to the fullest of his abilities despite knowing the futility of his effort. The trial itself may be considered the climax of the story, but the climax could be said that it is the attack on Jem and Scout as it is the final point of growth for Scout and resolves the subplot concerning Boo Radley.

Discussion Questions:

What are some of the cultural features, for example, attitudes, values, and customary aspects of the text? How do they impact events, and characters setting?

Came with a bag to hand to the child and went to get to his dad to thank him. He had paid him (apples) from the farm for the paperwork he had done for the farmer.

What part of the text most intrigued you and why? Find the page number and explain why you enjoyed this part to your group. Be prepared for questions.

When Atticus is teaching his children adult values and aspects of the way of life in an intelligent way. Atticus treats his children maturely and treats them as if they were adults and have reason to love freedom, for example, the scout would have been in trouble. Cunningham was coming over for lunch.

How Boo Radley was written with how the reader knew how he thought and his actions while the children thought differently about Radley until the events unfolded and opened their minds to see a whole new perspective on the character.

How does the author’s style affect the reader? What are some of the language choices the author makes to convey ideas?

The author had written the story with an accent shown; an example can be “Who did’em reckon?”. The way the character talked and portrayed through the eyes of a child showed their own ideas and words. How the author portrayed the story and information about the characters and the way of life can relate to how the way of life that it was indeed like in the 18th and 19th centuries with the negro African-Americans being slaves.

In what ways is the reader presented with a new perspective? (This question can be discussed with your group, but also with students who have read a different one of the 2 novels).

Personally, I have not been to or seen Alabama and the story of its past has opened me to a whole new perspective of the past and how depression affected the people and the old times, including the hostile environment. It also shows how the African-Americans were treated in the 18th and 19th centuries showing their slavery and their lack of rights in the community.

What are some hidden meanings and symbols located in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The mockingbird symbolizes that it only provides and does not take anything from us, throughout the book there are many characters that can be considered as mockingbirds, these being; Atticus, “Boo” Radley, Jem. The oak tree symbolizes compassion, communication, and friendship, the gits had been a watch, pennies, chewing gum, and a grey string. Do not judge the book by its cover, you do not understand a person until you have got to know them well, an example could be Boo Radley and how he was judged before getting to know him better as a person.

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To Kill a Mockingbird’ Book Report Essay. (2023, September 25). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“To Kill a Mockingbird’ Book Report Essay.” Edubirdie, 25 Sept. 2023,
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