What Can I Do about Youth Violence: Essay

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I believe this undergraduate degree will be challenging but also very interesting and rewarding. It will be a new way of learning for me about subjects that I am very passionate about. It will also be rewarding as I am certain this new way of learning will help me in my future career in helping the youth.

My interest in youth crime started when watching an episode of Police Interceptors and wondering why a person so young is involved. This interest increased when I started studying sociology as I was learning the reasons why people of different classes, ages, and ethnicity resort to crime. I then saw a short documentary on BBC called The Lost Boys where three young men spoke about their experiences of being drawn into gangs at a young age. Their stories made me question how the system may be failing young people and leading them in the direction of crime. In addition to these shows, I have also viewed TED talks; one being The Unspoken Injustice of Youth Justices. In his talk, former Supreme Court Judge Stanley Jones discussed the time young offenders are standing before the court and how it is often too late to address the problems that have led them there. Jones believed that to get tough on youth crime, we need to look at early childhood and find ways to address childhood disadvantage.

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Another memorable talk I watched was The Real Roots of Youth Violence with Craig Pinkney where he goes out of his way to find the root causes of youth violence. He also discussed people's belief of not my problem and how as a society, youth violence is our problem and needs greater community support. He went on to discuss a young person`s invisibility and wanting to be noticed and often turning to violence to be seen. His talk has helped me to continually question what can I do. instead of it`s not my problem’. Both talks have pushed me further in wanting to learn more, hence my choice in taking these courses. I think they will fulfill the desire of learning and achieve something that I am passionate about. Whilst studying criminology at the A level, I have received further insight into the legal system, criminal theories, different viewpoints, and much more.

When I`m not studying, I have been lucky enough to volunteer and help support a family that has young adults with learning disabilities. I help them build up their skills in interacting and socializing with people outside of their family unit. In doing so, these experiences have helped me to learn and understand how to interact with people who have disabilities. One of the young people I assist had Angelman Syndrome where a character is nonverbal communication. I learned to adapt to a new way of communicating and pick up on their cues to support them. This has helped me to develop skills in adapting to new environments and a willingness to learn. I have also supported friends who have had family members who were in prison by giving them my time to talk about their worries and concerns and just sitting and listening to what they have to say. I carried out my work experience as a local florist. This has taught me how to communicate with people from all different backgrounds and the reasons why they may be buying flowers.

Whilst at Long Road Sixth Form College, I have been using my Extended Project Qualification to improve and develop my skills in research, time management, and essay execution. The project itself is focused on the issue of mental health, specifically body image. My research so far has given me an understanding of how people, especially the youth, can be influenced by the media and public opinion.

Overall, I believe my choice of an undergraduate degree will help me achieve my goal of supporting young people as a career. I am passionate and committed to learning all I can about criminology and the youth and appreciate any resource I can use to build on my learning. I also believe it will give me a sense of purpose where I can give back to the community.

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What Can I Do about Youth Violence: Essay. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 6, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-can-i-do-about-youth-violence-essay/
“What Can I Do about Youth Violence: Essay.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/what-can-i-do-about-youth-violence-essay/
What Can I Do about Youth Violence: Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-can-i-do-about-youth-violence-essay/> [Accessed 6 Jan. 2025].
What Can I Do about Youth Violence: Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2025 Jan 6]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-can-i-do-about-youth-violence-essay/

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