What Is In A Name According To Mormon?

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The other day I was idle – in my idle state, I found myself wondering why I have such a bad luck in. I have never planned anything that worked out for me.you see .hat I do with an idle mind?, no room for the devil to make it a workshop. So,i was perusing the book of Mormons because i was idle, I was actually not very keeen on reading untill something caught my eye. In the middle of so many words that forms a page I saw the word, “Jaredites”.

According to the story, Mormons are the decscendants of Jared. To jog your mind, Jared is a character fromthe bible and he was the father of the Methusell,who is the man who lived the longest in god’s world. So the Mormons who uses the book of mormons as the scripture, not the bible,believe that they are the descendants of Jared.

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What is the point of all these? You might ask. Well ,as my you might be aware by now,i am called jared. And this is why I felt i have the right to about Jared. I ask you this question, “ Aprt from me,which other Jared do you know of?” the answer is obviouslynone! Or Just a few! I wouldn’t be suprised because I personally know a few Jareds.

To be honest, famous people are found in hollywood,music industry or sports but which Jared have you heard of? In hollywood, there is Jared Letto, who is cast in major roles probaly once in a decade! Then there is Jared Evans, a rock songer that you don’t even know of. Jared Kusher is not on the good side of . And then there is me who has been struggling to be published for over a decade! The only Jared who could have made all Jareds proud is the bbiblical ones, but even himself he didn’t achieve much.If there were a reward for the oldest people, he wouldn’t get the prize because Methusella,his grandson outlived him!.what is wrong with Jareds?

This is the point when I thought it wise to apply for a name change. But am still scared because I don’t want to end up like Mormons,replacing an already popular name may be a challange, the kind of challange they have after their latter-day prophet Russell M. Nelson declared the word “Mormon” a bad name. Look at the decendants of the biblical Jared,I mean the mormons,everything they do is full of confusion and unrealistic!

Beging with the year of foundation.and how it was founded.It’s confusing because they believe jesus the christ and that he is the son of jehova but they don’t need the bible. The bible is the medium through which god communicates with his children,the mormons use the book of mormons.

There is hope for all Jareds all over the world,you can change your name! I think Shakespere wasn’t very right when he posited that there is nothing to a name. There’s a lot to a name, if not,why would the Russell M. Nelson, prophet and leader of the church of Mormons insist on changing the name to “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” a very long name indeed! A nine-word name!

One could assume that the reason for this was to avoid Mormon being confused with morons, as some people tend to. But no, the prophet emphasized that using mormon or Latter Day Saints obliterates “the sacred name of Jesus from his one true church, and this gives Satan a clear “victory” over Jesus! And you think there’s nothing to a name? By now you are probably asking, “If Mormon is such a abd name, how come it has been in use?”

Well, the story goes that the name official name of the church which is really The Church of jesus of Latter-Day Saints, was given by Jesus Christ himself to Joseph Smith, the founding prophet back in 1883. By this time, the church had been in existance for eight good years.Being a nameless church, people called it the church of Mormons taken from the book of Mormons. So by the time Jesus unveiled the true name,it had stuck.

Even the memebrs and the top leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter_Day Saints resorted to use the less-wordy Mormon. They used it in press releases,audio-visual materials,businesses and even decided to use the word to prove their religious superiority by always introducing themselves thus, “Am a Mormon”, they even produced a film titled Meet the Mormons.

Changing the name doesn’t apply to the church name alone, it affects every aspect of the only true church of Christ-though all churches claim to be the only true church, the church’s choir formely known as “Mormon Tarbenacle Choir” will change too. Bur it will not be “The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints Tarbalce Choir”, even Mormons knows this will be a tiresome name, so it will be known as “The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square,” worth noting is tha fact that the word “Jesus” has been eliminated, Satan wins! I also wonder what they choir will be called when it’s away from the Temple Square.

All in all, I am not letting such minor things stop me from changing my name. I will simply go Paul’s way, remember Paul replaced letter “S” from Saul with “P” to make Paul.

Or just go the Jacob way. From Jaco to Israel. I wonder what I have been bubbling about!

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What Is In A Name According To Mormon? (2022, February 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-is-in-a-name-according-to-mormon/
“What Is In A Name According To Mormon?” Edubirdie, 21 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/what-is-in-a-name-according-to-mormon/
What Is In A Name According To Mormon? [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-is-in-a-name-according-to-mormon/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
What Is In A Name According To Mormon? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 21 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-is-in-a-name-according-to-mormon/

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