1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on 'Things Fall Apart' as a Postcolonial Novel

For a long time, the colonial discourses have Africa and African humans very badly; they justify their colonial mission by way of portraying a faux image of African people. Postcolonial writers such as Chinua Achebe produced an anti-colonial discourse to withstand these colonial stereotyped pics and to show that Africans are equal to different nations and have a wealthy subculture and heritage. In his novel, Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe depicts the pre-colonial Igbo existence by means of using African...
2 Pages 993 Words

Essay on 'Life of Pi' Settings

The Life of Pi, directed by Ang Lee focuses on the main protagonist, Piscine Molitor Patel, or Pi. Pi in his older age explains the tale of his life and the series of events that lead up to this current point. He comes from an area in India where his parents owned a zoo which is crucial to this movie plot. Pi was raised Hindu in his early childhood however when he grew older in his teenage years he began...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Human Activities That Affect the Environment: Essay

Considering the current state of the environment, we have to admit that it is man and his activities that have caused what it is currently suffering. The three main human activities that have had the most negative impact on the environment are the invention of plastic, deforestation, and the destruction of freshwater supplies. The invention of plastic is the most problematic pollution problem. Plastic is a commonly used material for making things because plastic can change its shape easily. Plastic...
2 Pages 962 Words

My First 30 Days of Employment: Reflective Essay

TBA Leicester is a private sector, Leicester-based Software Company and part of the TBA group, officially formed in April 2017, comprising three sites: one in Leicester, one in Delft, and one in Doncaster. The group also has offices in Romania, Germany, and representatives in North America, South America, and Oceania. The group is owned by Finish company Konecranes, which specializes in the manufacture and service of cranes and lifting equipment, however, the group itself specializes in management solutions for container...
2 Pages 969 Words

Essay about Holiday Traditions in South Africa

Traditions, holidays, and festivals are all important in the Republic of South Africa. South Africa has a large population of 57 million people with three capital cities: Cape Town, Bloemfontein, and Pretoria. Traditions are beliefs or customs people do regularly that have been done for many generations. South Africa is known as the 'Rainbow Nation' because it has lots of different cultures that influenced its traditions since most people in South Africa either are Bantu or European, and only a...
2 Pages 978 Words

Lack of Education in Developing Countries as a Global Problem: Persuasive Essay

Helping to strive for better education within third-world countries will aid in creating a better and more efficient global economy. Our world is filled with visionaries, entrepreneurs, and tycoons, all of whom have access to education, equity, and credit, subsequently playing a major role in the development of the economic situation in their countries. Education is the center of building human capital. Research by Chris Drew, Ph.D., states that educated children, more specifically women, are a lot less vulnerable to...
2 Pages 962 Words

Sustainability - Where Do We Go from Here: Opinion Essay

A topic, idea, or concept that always captivates me is sustainability. I lose track of time speaking about it because it’s an endless conversation that has no correct answer. There are so many possibilities when it comes to saving the Earth, but the easiest and cleanest way is through sustainable living. Humans are constantly finding new ways to be more sustainable, but it’s challenging to make others live more sustainable lives. Our Earth is currently in a difficult place. Global...
2 Pages 1008 Words

Creating Employment Opportunities through Entrepreneurship: Essay

Creating a business and growing it to generate a profit is entrepreneurship. But that definition is somewhat limiting. The more modern definition of entrepreneurship refers to transforming the world by tackling pressing issues. Social alternatives or bringing about a revolutionary product that challenges the status quo of our day-to-day lives are referred to as entrepreneurship. It's when people take control of their careers and dreams and lead them in the path they desire. The meaning of entrepreneurship involves an entrepreneur...
2 Pages 998 Words

Technical Education Matters: Persuasive Essay

A lot of young people’s lives are full of voices that if they don’t go to college, they’ll end up sleeping on the streets. Garrett Morgan, who tried to go to college but finally gave up and began to be trained as a steelworker, said: “Everyone around me is crazy about going to college”. Seattle is full of construction cranes, but employers can't find skilled steelworkers. So, when Morgan received training at the work base, the boss paid the salary...
2 Pages 979 Words

What Does Dance Mean to Me: Personal Narrative Essay

Seven years ago, I made the best decision of my life. When I was ten years old I decided to quit soccer, tumbling, cheer, and guitar lessons for the one sport that would change my life. Now that I am seventeen years old, I still pursue this sport and will continue to love it, as long as I am able to do it. Dance really means a lot to me. I’ve had many experiences in dance that have changed the...
2 Pages 986 Words

What Is Literacy in the Context of Child Development and Early Education: Informative Essay

Literacy is the result of a human’s adaptation to the social environment. There are different definitions of literacy, but one important is: “Literacy is a human invention” (Snow, 2017). Also, the common definition of literacy is “the knowledge and skills necessary to read and write” (Rudell, 2002). In this paper, I am going to discuss the different domains of literacy that authors combine to define literacy, early literacy instruction, and development. So, what is literacy? According to Rudell (2002), literacy...
2 Pages 981 Words

Exploratory Essay on Fascism

What was fascism and why did it happen? How did it affect the city of Florence? Fascism and its Effects on the City of Florence Fascism refers to the form of government whereby one party exercises dictatorship and forcefully suppresses the opposing party. Fascism is against democracy and puts one nation or state above the others. Fascist governments are often militaristic and racist regimes headed by a dictator. This type of government rose to prominence in the early 20th century...
2 Pages 995 Words

Would the World Be Better without Religion: Essay

Would the world be better off with or without religion? For many years this question has been asked with no real answer. Religion brings both good and bad out of people, but would the world be better without the conflict that religious beliefs often fuel, or would it only cause more pain and depression with nothing for people to believe in? A world without religion would rely mainly on technology and science, which would be a good thing as technological...
2 Pages 994 Words

What Is Internet Regulation and Why It Is the Right Solution: Persuasive Essay

Your safety is in question. Your safety is threatened by the World Wide Web, which we use for our every question and every query. From our homework to our social life, the Internet has become so much a part of our lives, allowing all individuals to get instant access to all types of information. There is no doubt, we could not live without it. However, there are always limits to what the Internet can offer and should offer. With the...
2 Pages 1047 Words

Physicists in India after Independence: Essay

India, a land full of innate natural resources, a source of spirituality, knowledge, and inventions, is one of the oldest civilizations in the world dating all the way back to the Paleolithic age. India individually has contributed most to human civilization and because of her opulence, India was known as the 'Golden Sparrow' to the rest of the world. Starting from the dawn of civilization till today, date India has always been in a leadership position in various aspects and...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Persuasive Essay about the Importance of Poetry

Why do we have to study poetry? Poetry is useless, it doesn’t benefit anyone. I would rather have Michael J. Fox give me heart surgery than study poetry for a term. As a young student myself I understand the feeling of being trapped, the feeling of constant judgment, the feeling of not being understood. That's why in this essay I have decided to discuss the value and importance of poetry and the role it plays in young people’s lives. The...
2 Pages 962 Words

New York Life Is Not Easy: Persuasive Essay

What could you buy with $15? A meal? A new shirt? Well, $15 an hour is what about 59% of New Yorkers rely on to make a living, create a stable life for themselves, and attempt to live their lives to the fullest. Though I am only sixteen years old, I’ve experienced the struggles of trying to find affordable housing in a place like New York through my parents. Despite both my parents working minimum wage jobs, our family still...
2 Pages 1008 Words

My Journey through Physical Science: Essay

Throughout the ages of time, physicists have come and gone. Very few of them get recognized in their lifetime. Names such as Satyendra Nath Bose, Julius Robert Mayer, and Emilie du Châtelet. The chances of these names getting mentioned in conservation about science are slim beyond compare. But in retrospect, these physicists have, or had, made significant impacts in the realm of physics. The realm of physics is not an easy career to make a huge sum of money, and...
2 Pages 993 Words

My Cultural Identity: Essay

In my hometown life of more than ten years, Ju culture has permeated my life from all aspects. Ju culture, which has an awfully long history and has lasted for thousands of years, has influenced and shaped generations of people in my hometown. There is no doubt that my parents and almost all other elders are also the inheritors of Ju culture, and they have unconsciously carved Ju culture into my genes. To be an inheritor of Ju culture is...
2 Pages 1023 Words

Is the Internet Making Us Stupid: Argumentative Essay

How many of you depend on the Internet a day to keep busy? Do you think technology could be in favor of one’s ability to retain detailed information on a specific topic? Is this affecting our ability to expand our knowledge? These are just a couple of questions that come to mind when the topic of technology is brought up. How much of our time a day do we actually devote to technology? The purpose of this essay is to...
2 Pages 1038 Words

Is the Internet Making Us Smarter: Argumentative Essay

Have you ever wondered how technology shapes the person that you’ll become in the future? Without a doubt, technology has a great impact on our everyday life. Nicholas Carr in his article 'Is Google Making Us Stupid' describes the Internet as an immeasurable powerful computing system: “It’s becoming our map and our clock, our printing press and our typewriter, our calculator and our telephone, and our radio and our TV”. We can see how technology is spreading in many different...
2 Pages 969 Words

Is Making Real Friends on the Internet Good: Argumentative Essay

Friendships are undoubtedly a huge part of any teenager’s life. Teens often rely on their friends to share good times with one another, support and help each other during hard times, and feel like they fit in somewhere. However, a new Pew Internet Project report found that a whopping 93% of teens ages 12-17 go online daily, and 57% have met a new friend online, how many of those online friendships are authentic friendships? In my opinion, making real friends...
2 Pages 963 Words

Essay on Materialism and Greed in D. H. Lawrence's Short Story 'The Rocking-Horse Winner'

Money is one of the most significant fundamental factors that influence social customs; it makes people greedy and corrupt; even worse, it causes family collapse. Due to the background of 'The Rocking-Horse Winner', it is the period of Western industrial civilization where materialism is extraordinarily prevalent and money is the symbol of social status. In the introductory paragraph, Lawrence makes it clear that the story will revolve around money or lack of it. Through the following plot, it is not...
2 Pages 1043 Words

Essay on a Mistake You Made

Mistakes are something that comes with being human, everybody has made them at one point or another, and most of the time they end up learning an important lesson from them. Sometimes mistakes are good and end up being beneficial, and other times they could be small little mistakes that end badly. Mistakes are not always good, but sometimes even the smallest mistakes, like somebody not tying their shoe when their dad tells them to, could end awfully. Adults are...
2 Pages 953 Words

Essay about the Importance of Nutrition in Sports

Food, specifically a balanced diet, is of great importance to the body as it provides it with the nutrients and materials necessary to function properly. Without it, metabolic processes and overall health suffers. The lives of professional athletes are physically demanding and they must be in the best possible shape to perform their jobs, meaning their diets must be healthy and balanced. The main role of nutrition in sports is to support the training program and ensure that the athlete...
2 Pages 975 Words

Essay about My Favourite Sport, American Football

The American game of football was invented on August 20th, 1920 in Ohio, Canton. The man who came up with the idea of football was non otherwise known as Walter Camp, he was known as the father of football and played as a halfback in the time he played football, he came up with the idea to play with a leather ball, and the positions there are today. In football, you are required to wear a helmet to protect your...
2 Pages 1036 Words

A Woman's Power Should Not Be Underestimated: Essay

We cannot deny the importance of the role that women have played in history, more specifically in the history of the Middle Ages. Women have been viewed as possessions and were given off for peace. They were considered not worthy of power nor freedom, just living under the mercy of their lords and husbands. Their duties included raising children, cooking, and farming. Unfortunately, this has been going on throughout history and in many places today. But when women take power,...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Rhetorical Analysis Essay on a Movie

Rhetorical Analysis: Breakfast at Tiffany’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a romantic comedy film that focuses on the eccentric Holly Golightly, and her new neighbor and friend Paul Varjack, who she calls Fred, after her brother that he shares a striking resemblance to. Their friendship is threatened when Holly’s husband tracks her down and talks to Paul Varjack, revealing that Holly, who is actually named Lula Mae, is an adoptive mother of four from Tulip, Texas. Aristotle’s three rhetorical appeals—ethos, pathos,...
2 Pages 994 Words

Rhetorical Analysis Essay about a Cultural Artefact

My cultural group is Chicano'a, a term many Americans born in the United States but having Mexican descents use to identify. The term was popularized during the Chicano Movement of the 1960s by many Mexican Americans to express a political stance founded on pride in a shared cultural, ethnic, and community identity. Chicanos are one of the largest ethnic minority groups in the United States. Tamales originated in Mesoamerica as early as 5,000 – 8,000 B.C.E. It's possible that the...
2 Pages 977 Words

Persuasive Documented Essay on Net Neutrality

Introduction The information on the internet is available for everyone to access and it’s been an issue for many years on net neutrality. If there is no net neutrality then the Internet Service Provider (ISP) has complete control over the content that can be accessible by the Internet users. Net neutrality prevents ISPs from demanding premium payment for the websites to have faster streaming. The internet websites were segregated based on paid prioritization and the users will be regulated based...
2 Pages 983 Words
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