1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay about Conflict Over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Most Egyptians lived close to the Nile as it gave water, nourishment, transportation and magnificent soil for developing nourishment. Just as being utilized for transportation. Barely any downpour. Falls in Egypt, subsequently the floods that happened from the Nile waterway gave the inly normal wellspring of dampness to support crops, in antiquated Egypt this was the main spot that they could develop their own nourishment, and it was extremely basic to see numerous fields being cultivated up and down the...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Ridley Scott and Mary Shelley's Portrayal of Dominant Social Narratives of Their Time in 'Blade Runner' and 'Frankenstein'

Authors create works to convey their experiences and views on society. The texts they create are utilized to send a message and express their standpoints on social narratives. In the related works, the movie ‘Blade Runner’ (1982) and the novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818), the authors contradict the dominant social narratives of their time, supporting counter-narratives, including romanticism and the regress of technology and unfettered capitalism, respectively. These texts effectively portray a view of the world in their time in history through...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Representation of the Middle Ages in the Series ‘Game of Thrones’

‘Game of Thrones’ has many elements of neo-medievalism. From dragons to White Walkers, this series brings the magical to life both on TV and in the books the show is based on. The series is loosely based on mid-to-late 15th century Europe. However, the series is set in an alternate realm called Westeros. Because the seven kingdoms within the realm are at war throughout the entire series, ‘Game of Thrones’ paints a very bleak and violent picture of the Middle...
2 Pages 1042 Words

Personal Impressions from the Tour in DOST-ASTI and GMA Network

Department of Science and Technology-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) is based at the center of University of the Philippines-Diliman Campus. DOST-ASTI is tasked to do the research and improvement of the information and communications technology in the country. DOST-ASTI has local and international partners in order for continuous development of its programs. DOST-ASTI is focuses on, but not limited to, the following areas. Their top priority is research and development on microelectronics and information and communication technology. With these...
2 Pages 977 Words

Essay about Oprah Winfrey as a Successful Leader

One of Oprah Winfrey’s quotes that has stuck with me for the past 3 years is: “The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance- and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning”. A leader is built by being able to do everything confidently and encouraging the same confidence in those you lead. Some qualities a leader should poses is dependability, integrity, and perseverance. When if...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Essay about Opera and Its Origins

Imagine an arrangement that includes vocals, instrumental music, drama, paintings, sculptures, and architecture. What first came to mind is a musical, but after examining the new ground of opera during the Baroque period, I realized that opera too is a superlative art form. Developed in the early 1600’s, opera was created fortuitously, in efforts to analyze musical trends and create a simpler style of music. The Baroque era followed the Renaissance era, which is known as the rebirth of culture....
2 Pages 987 Words

Essay about Old Hollywood

The film industry is made up of many companies who have one goal: to expand their market and come out with movies to release whether on TV or movie theaters. This goal is fueled by the desire to make more money and have profitable projects in which they establish themselves as either actors or producers. This industry has a deep-rooted history that goes all the way back to black and white films with no sound to the modern day gigantic...
2 Pages 1044 Words

Investigating the Effects of Fluctuations on the Stock Market

There are wide-ranging effects on the economy when currency and stock markets move, whether on the domestic or global economy. The economic growth is significantly affected by market fluctuations resulting from technical factors such as inflation, deflation, demographics of investors and discount rates. Central banks consider exchange rates when it comes to monetary policy, controlling money supply for promoting economic growth by forcing up and down the interest rates depending on the current needs of borrowing and spending. Tighter monetary...
2 Pages 1021 Words

Influence of Reality TV on Society

There are multiple perspectives on reality TV, which is why many people ask, ‘What is reality TV?’. The definition given in the Dictionary is as follows: “Reality TV is television programs in which real people are continuously filmed, designed to be entertaining rather than informative” (Dictionary). Things today in our everyday lives are being filmed for others’ entertainment. Love and relationships, someone's ability to cook, a family’s financial income, anything and everything is being filmed. Now, with the mass production...
2 Pages 982 Words

How the End of World War Enhanced the New World Order

After the Cold War the united international locations won a new role in world politics, the ‘new world order’ grew to become the well-known word which used to be used by way of the U.S. - President George W. Bush. He stated it is a huge thought which represents new approaches of working with other international locations, peaceful settlements of disputes, unity, decreased and managed arsenals and justified therapy of all people. The world order is not possible it is...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Gustave Courbet as One of the Most Extraordinary Realistic Artists

Gustave Courbet, born Jean Désiré Gustave Courbet, was a famous French artist of the 19th century. He devoted himself to presenting his own artistic style, while turning away from the techniques of traditional art. His unique styles have even become a source of inspiration for cubists and impressionists. It was his paintings in the 1840s that made him very popular. Meanwhile, his masterpieces have attempted to challenge the conventions. Most of his photos also contain fewer political themes such as...
2 Pages 1007 Words

Excessive Consumption of Alcohol and Drugs among School Leavers

Every year thousands of Year 12 students get ready for schoolies week to celebrate graduating, in addition each year thousands of schoolies face serious health risk with studies showing that up to 58% of young people reported blacking out, 41% reported being injured, 40% reported having unprotected sex, 39% reported illicit drug use, 16% reported passing out drunk, 10% reported being involved in a fight and 7% reported driving after drinking at schoolies week (DEP, 2014). Excessive alcohol and drug...
2 Pages 997 Words

Essay on Environmental Protection and Government Involvement

Most humans don’t know this, but we are harming the beautiful planet we live on. Whether you realize it or not, we are harming ourselves and setting ourselves up for disaster. We have been doing our world wrong since the beginning of time; the industrial revolution boosted the greenhouse gasses emitted in our atmosphere. At that time, we never knew the harm we were doing; what was carbon dioxide at that time? What harm is it doing to our planet...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Comparison between the Egyptian Sculpture of Menkaure and the Greek Kouros

There are many similarities and dissimilarities between the sculpture of the Kouros and the sculpture of Menkaure. The Kouros (plural, the Kouri) is an ancient sculpture which represents a “large scale, hard stone, freestanding, nude” Greek man from the Archaic period (650 BCE- 480 BCE) (Dunham, 1). The Menkaure is a greywacke dyad statue representing King Menkaure and a woman from the Old Kingdom of Egypt (2490 BCE- 2472 BCE). This woman’s identity is uncertain, but she is thought to...
2 Pages 999 Words

Essay on Clothing and Its Unique History

Clothing, it is such an important necessity other than food or water, things we generally take for granted. We tend to forget that hassle our ancestors may have gone through just for making self-tailored clothes. Now, all of our clothing comes through lightning-fast manufacturing and is dismissed just as quick, this goes to show how crazy the history of clothing has to offer. By examining ready-made clothing to tailoring to even the advancements we made for modernizing out own clothing,...
2 Pages 965 Words

Close Analysis Essay: ‘Babies’ and ‘Kony 2012’

Childhood experiences are defined through the environments in which they are raised in. Regardless of their environment, a child will thrive through natural survival instincts, coping skills, and will exhibit resiliency characteristics throughout their childhood. Throughout the films ‘Kony 2012’ and ‘Babies’, it displays childhood from two very different views, and how childhood can manifest differently according to geographical habitus. ‘Kony 2012’ was a film produced by the organization Invisible Children, and was made to create awareness about a Lord’s...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Analysis of the Gettysburg Scene in the Movie ‘Remember the Titans’

At the opening of the Gettysburg scene in his movie ‘Remember the Titans’, Yakin starts with a long shot of the camp building and its surroundings. By using this shot, it tells the audience where the scene is taking place and at what time. As shown by the long shot, the audience can recognize that the setting of the scene is at the campsite, around midnight or early morning, because of the lack of lighting. When the fog-horn blares, all...
2 Pages 951 Words

Look at the Origins of Surgery

Surgery was, and still is, a very important aspect in medicine. The development of surgery has come a long way, but it is important to look back at its roots. Looking back and understanding the changes that occurred allow us to see the different advances in surgery, the mortality rate for surgeries, and how surgery lead to the understanding of bacteria and its relation to infection. As surgery increased, so did the fatalities. It is these fatalities that led Joseph...
2 Pages 1023 Words

Look at Infant Development in the Documentary 'Babies'

The documentary ‘Babies’ documents the development of four newborns from different parts of the world ranging from Namibia to Mongolia, Japan and America. It depicts the child’s development processes and how cultural, social, emotional, and family ties play a crucial role. The documentary has no voice over narration, but we see sparse dialogue throughout its duration, which allowed the audience to pay close attention to the development of the babies and their interactions with the surroundings. It can be observed...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Essay on 'The Blind Side': Movie Reaction

Modern society contains a plethora of various racial stereotypes, social images, and received ideas that often define how a particular thing/group of people are perceived by the individuals of the status quo. In ‘The Blind Side’, the protagonist Michael, a black individual, overcomes the common perceived racial stereotypes associated with the color of his skin; further the movie exemplifies common ideas of how whites, unlike blacks, are always the ‘saving force’ in a situation. The movie has brought many different...
2 Pages 970 Words

Essay on 'Babies': Documentary about Development of Babies in Different Cultures

In the documentary ‘Babies’ by Thomas Balmès, four newborns who live in different cultures and the environment from various regions of the world—Ponijao (Namibia), Bayarjargal (Mongolia), Mari (Japan), and Hattie (USA). The documentary visually shows each child’s developments with respect to perceptual, motor and cognitive perspectives which may be diversely influenced by diversified cultures and environments during their infancy. Ponijao and Bayar interacted with natural resources with the natural environment, whereas Mari and Hattie have accessibility to innovative technological resources....
2 Pages 1034 Words

What Is the Harlem Renaissance: Essay

Many movements have happened over the years but none were as powerful as the Harlem Renaissance. Throughout the 1920s, the Harlem Renaissance was a social development that gave another lifestyle to African Americans. While Harlem gave off a setting with amazing materials for an artist to thrive, it also highlighted struggles during those times. Things such as verses, books, and short stories were loaded with scenes and characters that made Harlem pop. Essayists, for example, Langston Hughes and Zora Neale...
2 Pages 1022 Words

What Is Professional Nursing: Essay

Professional practice What is professional practice? Professional practice assures that the standard of treatment of the nurses and midwives is upheld; their work is continually displayed and reviewed, concentrating on nursing and midwifery history, legislation, governance, administration, and administrative and legislative practices (Youtube, 2019). Professional practice is in embracing the maximum scope of the profession for patients and nurses. Describe professional nursing practice. Nursing is a discipline with its own code of ethics, its own ethical points of view, and...
2 Pages 970 Words

What I Have Learned in Class: Essay

Reflection essay Personal Reflection: In the course, I have learned that ground-breaking business communication is the key for any organization to push ahead. The last few months have been a fantastic learning experience for me where I have found out about different acquaintances of business communication. In the further course, I have profited from the knowledge concerning various activities and practices which can be implemented in order to rectify the issues regarding communications. Throughout the course, I find various means...
2 Pages 1048 Words

What I Did over Christmas Break: Essay

Reflection After going back to my home country for Christmas break, I have been enjoying my holiday to the fullest that I forgot I have an upcoming essay due on the first day back to school. After coming to the realization that the essay is due within exactly 24 hours right before I board the flight back to Birmingham, which flight is 17 hours long, meaning that I would not have wi-fi for the upcoming 17 hours, I then started...
2 Pages 967 Words

What Does Self Expression Mean to You: Opinion Essay

Individuals convey emotions through dance and this was seen by the crowd, as it is certain that people can perceive emotions when messages are communicated through a moving body. Also, dancing is one of the most freeing and open approaches to communicating emotions, as body movements are simply the main factor here in communicating. For this reason, I joined the dance team for this upcoming CPAR festival since self-expression is one of my most profoundly respected and loved qualities, and...
2 Pages 977 Words

What Does Attending an HBCU Mean to You: Opinion Essay

Throughout my high school career, my coaches and some of my teachers have pushed me to go towards an HBCU not only to get my education but to better myself and to become a young educated black man. My teachers and my coaches have stressed to me that being educated and knowledgeable is a source of power. They told me to work hard toward my career but be educated, knowledgeable, wise, poised, and smart about my decisions. They also told...
2 Pages 966 Words

Essay about Volcano

This research paper is intended to travel through the history, composition, and destructive eruptions of three of the most well-known volcanoes on Earth in order to evaluate human preparedness in anticipation of Mt. Rainier's future eruption. Specifically, Mt. St. Helens, Nevado del Ruiz, and Mt. Pinatubo will be taken into consideration for the analysis. Additionally, a final overview of Mt. Rainier’s history will be presented and compared to the above-mentioned volcanos to establish if authorities' emergency plan regarding Mt. Rainier's...
2 Pages 968 Words

Unique Essay about Myself

There have been so many people over the course of my life who have influenced my life in many various different ways, like my family and my friends. One of the biggest things that I believe has influenced me the most so far in my life was to find something that I am good at. If I was never influenced to find something I am good at and passionate about, at a young age I would have wasted a lot...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Essay on Underage Drinking

The consequences of underage drinking can range from short-term and acute like accidental injury, to long-term addiction and damage to the brain, heart, liver, and stomach (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2017). Drinking habits in youth can be modeled and predicted by Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) (Connor, 2005). SCT suggests, an individual’s behavior is explained by triadic reciprocity of dynamic, cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors, which perpetually influence each other (McLeod, 2016). Consequently, an individual’s relationship...
2 Pages 989 Words
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