1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

George Orwell's '1984' Vs Peter Wier's 'The Truman Show': Comparative Analysis

Texts motivate the collective to question the realities presented. Orwell's novel ‘1984’ provides a political commentary on the impact of a totalitarian regime. Similarly, Peter Wier's film ‘The Truman Show’ is used to depict the rise of mass surveillance and the paranoia that follows in the post-Cold War period of 1998. Orwell's and Wier's works likewise bring forth concepts that question their context, including those of overall control and the how truth is represented by a higher authority. Both the...
2 Pages 959 Words

Environmental Issues of New York City

The largest city in the United States of America is New York City. The problems faced by this city have a significant impact on our country and other countries as well. Climate change has become an issue globally due to either organic or inorganic wastes emitted to the environment. For instance, emissions from buildings account for about 67% of the total emissions (Moore, R. A., 1997). This trend could leave us wondering if not checked, and these emissions could damage...
2 Pages 986 Words

Dieting Vs Exercising: Comparative Essay

Nowadays, many people are aiming to lose weight. Some of them are doing a diet or eating less and others are doing exercise. Exercise requires physical effort to sustain or improve your health and fitness. Exercise not only helps you to be healthy but it also makes your body proportion. Dieting refers to restrictions or limits on eating food which providing enough nutrients needed to have good health. The diet of one person should always be balanced, so it can...
2 Pages 990 Words

Essay on Comparing Worldviews

The purpose of this essay is to compare my worldview to another worldview. Firstly, I will talk about my worldview and what I have perceived from my ancestor (tupuna). Secondly, discussion of my value, attitude, and beliefs. Also comparing it to Tokelau whakatauki (tradition) saying. Furthermore, I will discuss how the two worldviews reflect the work of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory and Pohatu’s ‘Te Tuakiritanga’. Lastly, a conclusion will be given, in this mahi tuhituhi. My Worldview Growing up in...
2 Pages 998 Words

Classical Vs Positivist School of Criminology

There have been many theories that have contributed to the development of criminology. The classical school of criminology theories investigate free will and rehabilitation, Bentham and Beccaria were influential theorists in classical criminology. The positive school of criminology theories explore biological explanations for crime. Lombroso was a key figure within positive criminology and is credited as the ‘father of criminology’. During the 18th century in the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment classical criminology was established. Classical criminology focused on...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Essay on Brazil: Its Internal Weaknesses and Role in Global Affairs as a Regional Power

Brazil has achieved an immense economic growth over the last decades and managed to enhance its influence regionally, in Latin America, and globally. Nevertheless, the country is plagued by social problems, corruption, crime and human rights abuses. This essay will discuss Brazil’s internal weaknesses and its role in global affairs as a regional power. Firstly, it will examine President Jair Bolsonaro’s stance on the environment and what threats does his outlook pose to the future of Brazil and the world...
2 Pages 1042 Words

Ban on North Korean Citizens Leaving the Country

North Korea is situated in East Asia, consisting the northern section of the Korean land. The ruler of this country is Kim Jong-un. It has a population of 25.49 million people. Tourism or emigration in North Korea is strictly controlled by its government. Foreign tourists encountering local citizens have been strictly controlled. However, from photos seen around the Internet and, evidence from tourists to North Korea, few of those restrictions have relaxed in the past few years. On the other...
2 Pages 980 Words

Are Heroes Really What We Think They Are?

A hero is defined as someone who is admired for his or her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. A hero usually demonstrates the values of sacrifice, selflessness and bravery. In today’s society, the work hero is passed around excessively much. A football player who scores the winning try or the final swimmer of the Olympic relay team are defined as heroes but in reality, they are not. An ordinary person who does extraordinary things is usually a hero. “A...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Analysis of Forrest Gump Character as the One Who Made the Movie ‘Forrest Gump’ Iconic

In 1994, the iconic movie ‘Forrest Gump’, directed by Robert Zemeckis, was released. This movie gave life to one of today’s more inspirational movie characters, Forrest Gump. The movie ‘Forrest Gump’ is about a simple, seemingly uneducated man’s journey through a string of complicated times and nonetheless coming out on top. At the start of the movie, we learn Gump has an IQ of 75 which is significantly lower than average, but it does not seem to stop Forrest. We...
2 Pages 987 Words

Analysis of Lord Farquaad from 'Shrek' from Humanistic and Psychodynamic Perspectives

Lord Farquaad is the main evil villain of the movie ‘Shrek’, and shortest one too. He is the ruler of Duloc - and a cruel one at that. At the beginning of the movie Farquaad banishes all of the fairytale creatures from his land (relocated to Shrek’s swamp), torturing others to give up the location of whatever creatures he hasn't yet found. From the start he is portrayed as a cruel and insecure ruler, and yet is the butt of...
2 Pages 977 Words

Air Pollution as a Key Issue in Mexico Caused by Urbanization

Mexico City is located in the center of Central America. It is geographically located in the Valley of Mexico. It has an altitude of 2,240 meters. The city covers an area of around 1,485 sq. km. Its coordinates are 19°25′57.85″N 99°07′59.71″W. Mexico is located in the tropical zone. The high altitude determines the climate of Mexico City. It experiences hot summers and mild winters with an annual average temperature of 18°C. It has small seasonal changes and January is the...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Essay on African Americans: Jazz, and Their Contribution to America

A type of music that is usually played in the major key and quite popular in America is jazz. It was originally invented in the late 1800s by African-American musicians. However, it didn’t become very popular until the 1900s. By this time, jazz had become an inherent part of American culture. In the 1920, there was a time period known as the ‘Jazz Age’, since jazz music flourished and became extremely well-known especially among the younger generation. Jazz also spread...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Scream' as One of the Best Horror Movies

After being released in December of 1996 by Dimension Films, the movie ‘Scream’ continues to be one of the most popular horror movies of all time. It was directed by Wes Craven and written by Kevin Williamson. ‘Scream’ is a slasher film that went on to restore and redefined the horror genre for a new generation of teenagers. It offers a different approach to scary movies by adding humor, romance, and having characters use cliché rules in order to survive....
2 Pages 989 Words

Get Out' as a 2017 Horror Masterpiece

Meeting your significant other’s family is a strenuous situation for anyone. The suffocating tension through the air and the agonizing moments of silence describe what many people experience, although when racial indifference interferes, it changes every factor. In the 2017 horror movie, ‘Get Out’, the protagonist, Chris Washington, is concerned about meeting his girlfriend’s family because for one, he is black and his white girlfriend has not told her unsuspecting family about him yet. As he first meets them, the...
2 Pages 1012 Words

A Beautiful Mind' and Schizophrenia: Character Analysis

Have you ever watched a movie and wonder what is wrong with a certain character? After reading about various mental disorders listed and play close attention to their symptom it made me realize what could be wrong with a person. Many movies and tv shows often show or educate the public on mental disorders but often I find myself wondering what is wrong with them. Which brings me to a disorder called schizophrenia, which is defined as a severe psychological...
2 Pages 1002 Words

International Trade in Energy in Ethiopia: Challenges and Opportunities

Energy is a sector that plays a driving role in socio-economic advancement; poverty reduction and enhancement of the quality of life. Energy relates to all sectors of the economy as well as forming a sector itself. For decades Trade in energy has been considered as an exceptional case of International trade, different from other trade sectors and products. This is because of a variety of factors including the distinctive features of the product and the unprecedented challenges confronting it. Energy...
2 Pages 954 Words

Self-Acceptance as a Way Towards Confidence: Stages of Acceptance in Learning Disability

Growing up I seemed to always be accused of being lazy and stupid. I suppose this day was every other average day, Ms. Robinson, my kindergarten teacher called my parents after school to discuss my behavior issues. “Your daughter refuses to carry out my simple instructions when I ask her to silently read or to complete homework”, - I remembered hearing this as I sat next to my parents. Holding back my tears, I silently asked myself: “Why am I...
2 Pages 993 Words

Cultural Influence of The Little Red Riding Hood: Moral Purpose of Grimm's' Version and Feminist Vibe in American Version

This essay will examine the literary styles and the cultural influences in The Little Red Riding Hood. The essay will describe the background on Little Red Riding Hood and its origins to get an idea of where the story came from and how it was brought up. Next, it will identify the literary styles in Little Red Cap by the Brothers Grimm. The literary styles will include mostly symbolism, with theme and diction. Symbolism is important in the Little Red...
2 Pages 996 Words

Tourist Notes: Tips About Having Safe Sex When Visiting Zimbabwe

How to have safe sex when visiting Zimbabwe? What’s a vacation abroad without getting frisky? The excitement of seeing new places, the adrenaline rush, the anxiety…all combine to make a potent mix, which can be channeled into explosive sexual energy. However, as much fun as it is to indulge yourself in carnal pleasure, there are rules to take note of. Part of responsible travel includes safe practices when it comes to sexual activities, and here are some of these (the...
2 Pages 959 Words

Principles of International Law in Finding Resolution to Kashmir Conflict

Definition International law is a set of principles or norms in the shape of treaties and agreements which countries accept as binding with respect to their dealings with other nations. It defines the ways in which nations would interact with other nations, people and organizations. Introduction International law is generally categorized into two classes, i.e. Public and Private law. Public international law governs dealings among states including laws of seas, economy, diplomacy, human rights and global conduct etc. It is...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Tess of the D’Urbervilles: Concept of Death and Continuity of Life in Thomas Hardy's Novel

Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy is about the titular character, Tess Durbeyfield, who goes on a journey to reclaim her family’s wealthy name. On this journey, she encounters a relative, Alec, who takes away her innocence, causing her to live with a secret that eventually causes her downfall. In closely examining this passage, it highlights the significance of death, justice, God, and the continuity of life. The first two sentences about the black flag signify death and freedom...
2 Pages 974 Words

Philosophy of Freedom and Existence of God in The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky and Works of Sartre

In contemporary society, the issue of freedom holds a priority among most individuals. As a result, people have different opinions regarding the manifestation of freedom at the local and international level. Jean-Paul Sartre provides his thoughts on freedom in Existentialism is a Humanism. Also, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky presents his argument on freedom in his novel, The Brothers Karamazov. The arguments of Sartre and Dostoyevsky’s are compared based on the existence of a God, the nature of the approach in achieving...
2 Pages 1027 Words

The Cell One: Educative Story of The Thing Around Your Neck about Colorism and Criminal System

In life we are never aware of the outcomes of our consequences, but when we face our consequences we feel remorse towards the ones we hurt. “Cell One” focuses on the out-of-control crime and the corrupt criminal system in Nigeria by telling the story of a boy’s stay in jail. When someone is taken into custody, things start to change for the good. Unfortunately, the narrator’s brother, Nnamabia, was one of those taken into prison as guilty of theft. In...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Crying of Lot 49 by Pynchon: A Lifelong Search of Oedipa for Truth about Tristero

The Crying of Lot 49’s story-line is perhaps clearly explained by Randolph Driblette telling Oedipa, “You can put together clues, develop a thesis, or several… You could waste your life that way and never touch the truth” (56). The novel may seem frustrating to some readers, presumably undergraduate English majors, to search for meaning in Oedipa’s investigation into Tristero, involving a convoluted web of real and fictional references such as Clark Maxwell’s information entropy, The Courier’s Tragedy, and Calculus’s instantaneous...
2 Pages 962 Words

Columbian Exchange: Positive Usher to Globalization

Throughout history, globalization has had its positive and negative impacts on societies and the environments they live in. It began when Christopher Columbus discovered the New World. Determining whether the effects of globalization made it a positive force was difficult. There was a negative side to every argument, but the positive effects outweigh the negative by a long shot. Factors such as education, the Columbian Exchange, expanding territories, disease treatments, animal populations, and overall environmental impact are what prove that...
2 Pages 999 Words

Factors Causing Personality Disorders: Arguments for Psychopaths Being Born or Made

To begin with, those who argue that psychopaths are born may refer to the study conducted by the scientists from ‘the Kings College London’s Institute of Psychiatry’ in which magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans used to assess the levels of grey matter in the sixty-six participants brains. Twenty-two of sed participants were healthy and had no previous convictions to their names whilst the other forty-four had been convicted of crimes such as murder, GBH and rape on top of this...
2 Pages 967 Words

Analysis of Advertisement Strategy of PepsiCo Products

1. Intended message: As a worthy competitor of the Coca-cola company, the advertisement aims to announce that the Pepsi beverage has been consumed over many generations, is continued to be drunk by everyone nowadays and will remain popular in the years to come, so everyone should join the bandwagon and drink Pepsi. 2. Target audience: Being an American advertisement, PepsiCo appeals to their audience of soft drink consumers and Americans. The tone of the ad is cheerful and motivating and...
2 Pages 975 Words

Using the Concept Speed in Understanding Special Theory of Relativity

Introduction Newton's three laws of motion for several decades remained a matter of course. Until 1905, the physicist Einstein published a paper questioning the accuracy of these laws, which are now known as the Special Theory of Relativity, followed by the General Theory of Relativity, Its lack of understanding, where this understanding was based primarily on Newton's law of gravity. The theory of relativity states that the laws of physics do not change and are the same everywhere. The theory...
2 Pages 980 Words

History of PepsiCo Success: From Pharmacy to Transnational Company

Introduction: In 1893, Pepsi was produced by Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist, in New Bern, North Carolina. He made it in his drugstore when he found that it gets sold very quickly. Before it was called Pepsi-Cola in 1898, he named it Brad’s drink. He started selling Pepsi at a repository instead of his dispensary in 1903. He started his own corporation “Pepsi-Cola” for years where he faced fluctuations, successes, and failures. In 1965, PepsiCo was created by integrating Frito-Lay with...
2 Pages 979 Words

Describing Brief Contents of Sons And Lovers: Essay on Novel by David Herbert Lawrence

Sons and Lovers is a 1913 novel by D.H. Lawrence. Gertrude, a middle-class English woman, meets a miner in a country dance. This miner's name is Morel. When he sees Walter Morelinbu dancing, he realizes that he is very handsome. They get to know each other better and get married a few months later. And this young woman takes the name of Mrs. Morel. Then Mrs. Morel becomes pregnant. During the first months of their marriage, they are very happy...
2 Pages 998 Words
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