1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on The Alchemist: Analysis of the Plot and Characters

In the Preface of the narrative, the alchemist reads a story about Narcissus—anadolescent so captivated by his mirror image that he falls into a lake and drowns. In this edition of the story, the deity of the woods encounters the lake and finds it crying, and assumes that the freshwater (lake) misses Narcissus’s beauty. Nevertheless, the lake reveals that, actually, it’s weeping for the reason that it misses being able to admire its peculiarmirror image in Narcissus’s eyes. “What a...
2 Pages 1040 Words

Effects of Language on Culture and Identity: Essay on Speaking English

Around the world 7,000 languages are being spoken, and most of us only speak one or two. Our identities are formed by a lot of aspects: by the people around us, the books we read, the music we listen to and the work we do. But, speaking a second language, can lead one to create a different disguise and help to understand who we are. The beauty of multilingualism lies in the ability to express yourself in multiple ways. Even...
2 Pages 979 Words

Divergent Versus Oryx and Crake: Comparative Analysis

As has become evident from the discussion, Divergent and Oryx and Crake vividly illustrate how conventional notions of ‘humanness’ are revised and the posthuman condition is effectuated by unethical and irresponsible us of biotechnology. The thesis shows how these two novels differ – both ideologically and aesthetically – in their treatment of biotechnology, yet are drawn towards similar ends. It is the hubris, the presumptuous belief in the power of biotechnology and in the apparent impossibility of creating the ‘perfect’...
2 Pages 979 Words

Descriptive Essay on the New Year's Festival

Section a) The New Year`s Festival is a critical vacation and each year because the New Year has many unique meanings to the Chinese. The culture, records, and customs of the New Year encompass New Year`s money, numbers, for example, eight or six. These numbers are used on New Year`s Day. It is broadly speaking quintessential for the Chinese due to the fact they have faith that these numbers will deliver them perfect luck, and then the clothes. The clothes...
2 Pages 963 Words

Critical Review of the Article “The Dimensionality of Color Vision in Carriers of Anomalous Trichromacy”

In this essay, I have chosen to review the article “The dimensionality of color vision in carriers of anomalous trichromacy (Jordan et.al, 2010)”. The purpose of this essay is to show the differences and similarities between primary and secondary articles as well as how secondary articles are gathered and findings taken from primary articles. This article explains how some women may be carriers of the rare condition called Tetrachromacy where individuals have four working cones in the retina, rather than...
2 Pages 1019 Words

Critical Essay on Black Men And Public Space

In a world where racism inevitably exists, Brent Staples is one who personally shares his firsthand experiences with issues of racial inequality and unjust treatment in his remarkable essay “Black Men and Public Space”. As an African American man with a BA from Widener University and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago (139), people disregard his multiple qualities of success in both his school career and work career and judge him based off stereotypes because he is seen a...
2 Pages 988 Words

Critical Analysis of the Character of Boo Radley

These literary elements contribute to the Coming of Age theme because it will promote the central idea of the specifically chosen passage that will unify the terms of these literary elements and the Coming of Age theme. The irony is utilized by the author throughout the course of the novel, people of Maycomb County perceived Boo Radley as a violent, feared person who had done numerous vile things. As fictitious rumors are spread throughout the community, including Scout, she processes...
2 Pages 976 Words

Concept of Truth in Oliver Twist: Analytical Essay

The famous ​Oliver Twist​ originally written as a book by Charles Dickens now made into a film and directed by Roman Polanski released in 2005 demonstrates that people can make life-changing decisions that help affect their fate. Oliver has to overcome the struggles of living in London during the Victorian Era as an orphan with no one to protect him. Oliver, Nancy and the young pickpockets are all victims of fate but they do make life-changing decisions that affect their...
2 Pages 960 Words

Concept of Second Chances in The Other Wes Moore

Giving someone a second chance is like walking a tightrope. Many people will fall off of the tightrope, and only a few will actually walk it successfully. The purpose of giving out a second chance is to let someone have a shot to right the wrong they made, to give them a chance to change for the better. In reality, most people use a second chance as a “get out of jail free card,” and will never actually correct their...
2 Pages 1042 Words

Concept of Linguistic Identity: Essay on Speaking Foreign Languages

Linguistic identity refers to a situation whereby a person considers himself or herself to be part of a certain group that speaks the same language. Most people become fluent in a second or third language at risk of losing their identity. My linguistic background is that I was raised in a linguistic environment where I used Xhosa as my home language and English at school. After that, I found myself in a different language where I need to use isiZulu....
2 Pages 1038 Words

Concept of Biotechnology in Divergent and Oryx and Crake

Contrary to Jeanine, Crake wants to liberate humanity as a whole via his biotechnological inventions. Being frustrated with the entire humanity and its unwillingness to think and act responsibly in using the resources, Crake thinks of the new and ‘improved’ human race. In order to pause the horrible end of the pillaged and polluted world, he structures the Paradice project. Atwood speculates about the possible outcome of interspecies splicing and reveals how the technological hybridity leads towards a posthuman condition....
2 Pages 998 Words

Characteristics of Digestive Systems of Different Classes

Cnidarians have no organs and a one-way digestive system. They also have an incomplete digestive system and perform extracellular digestion. All cnidarians have tentacles or stingers used to immobilize their prey. They have two layers of tissue, and the inner layer lines the gastrovascular cavity. This inner layer is known as the gastrodermis. Between these two layers is a non-living substance that is similar to jelly, known as mesoglea. The tentacles take in larger food to the gastrovascular cavity, and...
2 Pages 956 Words

Application of Psychoanalysis on Dreams in Dostoevsky's ‘Crime and Punishment’

According to Sigmund Freud, all dreams contain a subliminal message. These messages are able to be interpreted by a psychologist inorder to find the sources of one's pain or discomfort in life. The process of studying dreams is referred to as psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis has its application in the physical world and in literature. Dostoevsky has revealed the insights of Raskolnikov's and Svidrigailov’s dreams, it has provided a way to venture deeper into character analysis by applying psychoanalysis by. Crime and...
2 Pages 1026 Words

Analytical Essay on Racism in The Fire Next Time

The concept understood as race is the foundation of a continuous socio-political structure that entraps Black people within the racist confines of the United States of America. While race is a social construct that is continually being challenged, the othering of Black folks has not been dismantled since the involuntary migration of enslaved Africans. This systematic structure helped produce emotions and characteristics that have become symbolic of the Black American experience. This emotive reaction to a vicious plight of injustice...
2 Pages 963 Words

Analytical Essay on Non-verbal Communication Techniques

Twelve tree company is based in Canada and they are into importing teas from China. In recent years the sales of the company increased due to alternative health treatments the customers get out of their products. The company wants to improve its product services even further, so they found independent suppliers in China from Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, and Sichuan. But the main concern for Twelve Tree is that they don’t speak Mandarin. So, Twelve trees after a negotiation process agreed...
2 Pages 993 Words

Why I Want to Start My Own Business: Essay

Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) 10 August 1995 in Dhamai, a small village in Punjab, India into a Sikh family. My father works in the corporate sector a high position. My mother is a housewife. I have one elder and one younger sister. My elder sister is a teacher at an engineering college and my younger sister has completed her bachelor’s degree in “Computer Applications”. My grandparents also live with us. My grandfather is a retired headmaster from a government school...
2 Pages 1025 Words

Essay about Traveling

1000 Words Essay about Traveling Travelling is one of the most challenging and more fun experiences people could have. A person can explore other places and at the same time help himself to have a new perspective in life. Travelling is not only in the local or domestic area but it can also be traveling all over the world. Many people love to travel to different places because they love to experience other things that they have not yet experienced...
2 Pages 1026 Words

TikTok Essay

Introduction Once a fruit is purchased, it is delicious and easy to consume. But over time, the delightful fruit becomes rotten. When rotten, it tends to be discarded. Throughout the engrossing history of social media, numerous apps have died down or been removed. But one app has transformed millions all over the world. TikTok is simply a fruit that cannot be repudiated. The concept of the famous social media app is derived from Zhang Yiming, who created the app for...
2 Pages 999 Words

Essay about Religious Freedom

In America, citizens are guaranteed the freedom from the government from establishing a national religion and or the freedom to practice a religion of their choosing, which is a fundamental civil right guaranteed under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. “The First Amendment prohibits the government from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (FindLaw, 2015). Penal institutions are seeing an increase in inmates claiming some sort of religious freedom for...
2 Pages 994 Words

Reasons for Pursuing Higher Education: Essay

Pursuing a college education is one of the best investments one can make in today’s society. Many go to college with the mindset of getting an education, finding a six-figure job, and going to a few football games here and there. Everyone pursues a higher education for different as well as their own unique and individual reasons. Personally, I want to get a good education to be able to support my future family, discover myself as well as new ideas,...
2 Pages 986 Words

Multimedia Essay

The various shared resource materials have presented a detailed insight into the birth, development, and changes in multimedia and how it continues to refine and influence today's communication landscape and human interaction activities. Multimedia is defined as media content that is made by combining two or more forms of media such as text, audio, images, animations, and videos, which are delivered electronically and can be consumed and enjoyed using electronic information processing devices. Audiences may view multimedia presentations on-site, using...
2 Pages 989 Words

Most Influential Person in My Life: Essay

Everyone needs to be inspired, and inspiring others can only have positive effects. They can be the people that surround us in an everyday life. My inspiration consists of my parents, Oralia Reyes and Pedro Reyes. They are two full-blooded Mexican immigrants with remarkable stories of hard work, sacrifice, and resilience in a hostile society who left their country for a better life. Not only did they leave to have a better life themselves, but for me and my brothers...
2 Pages 1032 Words

Essay on Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses

In the PA-480 leadership class, I learned about the characteristics, skills, and traits of a leader. The strengths and weaknesses of a leader were also discussed in class. I knew the different styles of leaders and what is the most effective leadership style. In class we looked at leadership studies such as the Ohio State Leadership Studies, Managerial Grid, Situational, Path-Goal Theory, and the University of Michigan Studies, we also answered leadership questionnaires and learned about leadership theories such as...
2 Pages 978 Words

Essay about Korean Culture

Cultural identity can be defined by different aspects of a culture, including but not limited to, language, food, and clothing styles. I will be focusing primarily on traditional Korean cuisine, why it is interesting and how this helps other people better understand Korean culture. I chose this topic, traditional Korean food because I think that it is one of the biggest contributing factors to making up the Korean culture as a whole. I also chose this topic because I love...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Is Social Media Making Us More Narcissistic: Essay

Narcissism is a problem in the modern world and it is growing as fast as the obesity or gun violence issues in America today. This term is not just an issue or flaw in someone’s personality, but a real disorder that can be diagnosed. Technology has become widespread and Generation Y has the heaviest use of social media, compared to previous generations. The use of social media causes millennials to be narcissistic. Social networks mislead people to believe that they...
2 Pages 981 Words

Is Social Media Bad for Relationships: Argumentative Essay

Introduction Alienation is isolation and estrangement from yourself and/or others. This stems from the theories established by Emile Durkheim (1952) and in particular Karl Marx (1844), who argued that capitalism led to the “self-estrangement of man” due to the alienation humans experience from their labor (Marx, 1844). Although the main ideas are still highly relevant and applicable in modern society, alienation has changed from more labor based to a more contemporary sense of social alienation. In saying that, the recent...
2 Pages 981 Words

IPhone Essay

Apple just became the first American public company to cross $1 trillion in value. Apple’s core product, the iPhone, has ranked amongst the top five smartphone vendors in the world since 2009. It was January 9 2007 when Steve Jobs took to the stage of the Moscone Center in San Francisco to announce the arrival of the iPhone, which went on sale on June 29 of the same year. Since then apple has made 19 different iPhone modules. The progress...
2 Pages 987 Words

Interviewing Someone from Another Culture: Essay

For the cultural interview, I interviewed Andrew Tran, a long-time friend of mine, who is currently a junior at the University of Oklahoma. We have known each other for about eight years now and were happy to help me with this activity. Andrew is Korean American and was born and raised in Moore, Oklahoma. His parents immigrated from Korea and first moved to Chile. After his parents got their green card, they were able to come to America and they...
2 Pages 1046 Words

Importance of Balanced Diet: Essay

Obesity is certainly a growing problem around the world. Obesity is one of the major health epidemics that many people struggle with. Obesity is also known as being overweight has been a major concern in America. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 93.3 million adults in the United States (US) are affected by obesity (Defining Adult Overweight and Obesity, n.d.). Obesity is also a concern for children in the US. Statistics show that 13.7 million children...
2 Pages 963 Words

Grendel: Point of View Essay

Battle Between Human and Monster John Gardener, in the story Grendel, explores how the infamous antagonist Grendel became who he was, through both nature and nurture. Nature vs nurture is the battle between a person's genetic predispositions' impact on human traits, and the influence of learning and one's environment. Both can be used to describe and explain why someone is the way they are. Gardener creates situations that highlight the complexity of Grendel's mind and the two forces in it,...
2 Pages 999 Words
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