1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Modern Writer's Relationship with the Reade

When it comes to modern writers, there are many representative modern writers, such as Thomas Stearns Eliot, William Butler Yeats, Cormac McCarthy, Margaret Atwood, and Martin Amis. In their novels, readers are asked to acknowledge their inherent difficulties and admit their current situation. Western modernity literature is part of the capitalist culture of the 20th century. It does not advocate that readers use works to reproduce life, but advocates starting from people's psychological feelings, to express the oppression and distortion...
2 Pages 963 Words

The Influence of the Internet on Kids: An Essay

Many people do not realize that there are about 2 million children under the age of 15 who access the Internet daily basis (Rikkers, Lawrence, Hafekost & Zubrick.2016). According to the statistics, the percentage of children using the Internet in Canada from 2014 to 2020 is varied highly. In 2015, the use of the Internet by children aged 11 years or younger reached 50.6% (Statista research department, 2016). Children, age 8 to 15 spend on average 44.5 hours per week...
2 Pages 1020 Words

The Theme of Patriotism and Idealism in Rupert Brooke's Sonnet 'The Soldier'

Overflowing with patriotism and idealism, the sonnet, written soon after World War I, exemplifies the glory of self-sacrifice. Rupert Brooke details the optimistic perspective of a British soldier through the themes of courage, nationalism, and self-sacrifice. By doing so, the poet conveys the beauty of defending and dying for one’s country, concealing the doleful aspects of war. A sonnet written in the first-person speaker, the Soldier reveals the passion and courage of those that fought in the war. The poem...
2 Pages 992 Words

Mao Zedong's Role in the Cultural Revolution

As Mao Zedong said in 1976, “Some people say that China loves peace. That’s bragging. In fact, the Chinese people love struggle. I do, for one” (Mao Zedong 1967). Mao Zedong is one of the few, held most responsible for the cultural and political shift made in China during the Cultural Revolution, which lasted from 1966 to 1976. During these 10 years, Mao Zedong rose to power, and changed the face of China, as many can argue for the worst....
2 Pages 1035 Words

Modern Architecture Vs Classical Architecture

Art enhances the human condition. What would our lives be without it? Music, paintings, sculptures, and poetry all make life worth living, but an often forgotten art form, architecture, is arguably the most important. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average American spends 87% of their life inside buildings. With so much time spent in and around structures it becomes increasingly important to understand the best way to build them. Marco Vitruvius is a Roman architect from the first...
2 Pages 967 Words

Differences in Language Use by Men and Women

In using a language, men and women have their own different ways. In an interaction, women tend to use linguistic devices that focus more on the affective functions than men do. Women communicate in such ways to increase their solidarity while men tend to communicate in such ways which focus on the masculinity and power. Stylistically men are less flexible than women. The language of men and women has a number of differences in some ways (Lakoff, 1975). This paper...
2 Pages 980 Words

An Essay on the Long-Term Effects of Unemployment on a Person

As we all know unemployment has many effects on the individual. Whether you want to apply for a job in your home country or even in another country, unemployment is becoming a big issue that many countries are facing. Whether it’s due to robots doing a more efficient and faster job than humans or maybe even a more precise job than humans, this issue is becoming a worldwide issue that must be solved. And that’s why in this essay we...
2 Pages 967 Words

The Effects of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl on Migrant Workers

In the 1930’s a chain of events occurred in the United States. These events were the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. The Great Depression was the largest money-making decrease history had ever seen. The Dust Bowl was a series of large dust storms, which caused many to become sick. Both of those events as well as the environment affected migrant workers. So you will need to know about the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl and the effects they...
2 Pages 970 Words

Predetermined Punishment in Salem Village

Salem, a city along the northeast coast of Massachusetts, is infamously known for its dark history of the prosecution of witches during the 17th century. Long before the witch hunt, the Puritian village firmly believed in the supernatural. As their strength in the worship of God was strong, they also believed that the Devil was real. In 1692, Puritan belief in the supernatural exponentially grew to the barrage of witch accusations based upon unearthly evidence. In February of 1692, a...
2 Pages 1033 Words

The Concept of Recovery from Psychosis

Mental health and wellbeing are of major importance due to the vital role in which they play in everyday life. This can be shown in the prevalence, with mental health affecting approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK each year. Good mental health allows the individual to cope with ‘varying life stressors, learn, feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions, form relationships and cope with uncertainty’. However, mental illness can be defined as “clinically diagnosable...
2 Pages 1023 Words

Contribution of Florence Kelly, Jane Addams and Elizabeth Cady Stanton To Women Today

The Progressive era was an era in which many people were standing up for what they believed in and starting organizations dedicated to what they wanted to change. Problems were being addressed mainly in the labor work force, women’s suffrage and in African Americans lives. Thankfully a lot of great women were in this era, and made such great impacts on women today. Here are just a few of women who impacted us and our lives. Florence Kelley was born...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Influence of Caribbean Colonialism on the Structure of Mother-Daughter Relationships in Jamaica Kincaid's Novel ‘Lucy’

Jamaica Kincaid extensively exploits the relationship between a mother and her daughter through her literature pieces. 'Lucy' is a succinct depiction of this theme and exploits her troubled relationship with her mother. According to Barrio-Vilar (2016), Kincaid’s novel’s 'Lucy' is an allegory that seeks to expose the need for Caribbean countries to question and reject the influence of Western culture, politics, and economics to become more independent and have the autonomy to decide their future. The novel is centered on...
2 Pages 954 Words

The Last Straw, or Why the Japanese and Americans 'Grabbed Each Other by the Neck'

During the 1900s, there were lots of controversy between America and other axis countries. There is so many reasons why the Japs and Americans were at each other necks. First, the Japs had attacked Pearl Harbor and this was one of the brutalist attacks that has ever happened. The Americans didn’t react fast enough and didn’t know what to do once it had happened. All they could do is try and fight for their country and their lives. At that...
2 Pages 969 Words

Achievements of the Chicano Movement

American citizens suffered from discrimation due to their background. The Chicano Movement began in the 1960s when they generation was tired of being discriminated and decided it was time to fight for their rights. During the movement, there were goals that people wanted to do. For example, demand their rights to fair treatment and equal access to education, and as well the right to claim an ethinc community without prejudice. Even until this day, Mexican Americans are still getting targeted...
2 Pages 1000 Words

Essay About Money Is Not Everything

Money makes the world go round, well that saying is partially true. Money influences our decision-making process. As emphasized in ‘Study Reveals Who Influences the Financial Behavior of Children’ by Copywriter Jessica Horton, the fact that 44% of Americans learned the most about personal finance from their parents (Horton). The way we handle money is affecting our future and our children's future. I am personally affected in several ways by money. My happiness is constantly squandered by money. All ages...
2 Pages 1012 Words

Liberalism and Freedom of Speech

First, let me introduce and explain to you the meaning of free speech. Free speech means independent thought, free thinking and delivering our opinion or thinking in front of people, parties or government without any fear. Where people have right to worshiping, writing and speaking their own ideas in all fields of life (Machan, 2010). The paper will argue that the liberal parties oppose the free speech right in the Constitution and have provided more rights of freedom for worshiping,...
2 Pages 992 Words

Essay on the Impact of Smartphones on Society

Ring, Ring! The never-ending sound of your cell phone ringing. According to Pew Research Center, about three quarters of Americans own a smartphone. A prediction of the growing use of smartphones was made by the author of ‘Fahrenheit 451’. Although smartphones have become very popular and effective, they have negatively affected our society in many ways. Smartphones have affected society by limiting our ability to communicate face-to-face and empathize with people, affecting sleep patterns and health, and creating a new...
2 Pages 999 Words

Student Loan Debt and Its Diverse Future Consequences

In modern-day society, a post-secondary degree is needed to compete for a well-paying job in the labour market. Higher education is viewed as a necessary long term financial investment to better oneself in their career, however, in reality, it is often a financial risk for students. Student loan debt is an unfortunate norm for many students who choose to pursue post-secondary education. Tuition for higher education is quickly increasing, and as this incline continues, many students are unable to pay...
2 Pages 1048 Words

The Mentality of the Salem Witch Trials

What if I told you that the world we live in is much more similar to the 1692 Salem Witch Trials than you thought? Arthur Miller’s play ‘The Crucible’ speaks about these aforementioned trials through the eyes of those living during the era. Chaos in Salem spread after the accusations of witchcraft against Reverend Parris’ slave, Tituba, due to the fact that his daughter, Betty, became ill with no plausible explanation. Tituba, being brought into custody for interrogation, admits to...
2 Pages 1007 Words

Is the Internet a Good Invention?

Contemporary world comes with many technological changes and improvements. The biggest invention over the past century has for sure been the Internet. The whole idea of having people around the globe connected, experiencing easy access to every little piece of information you could possibly think of, or getting the comfort to work from your home was simply unbelievable years ago. Luckily, today’s generations get to enjoy all this and much more. The Internet is almost inseparable part of our lives...
2 Pages 1022 Words

The Bottom Line Reasons of Drug Addiction

Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry (Csiernik, R. 2016). Addiction is like a trap you go there to escape from your problems or harmful effect in your life. We treat addicts differently because of their dependency. It is like a spider web, likes like weak, soft, and comfortable, but once the spider web is all around, you are no longer in charge of your life.You think it's your only or best solution...
2 Pages 965 Words

The Happening of the Zulu State and Sokoto Caliphate

Around the years before 1870, Africa had some extremely unique political changes and an incredible extension of Foreign trade. At that period, there were a few of African pioneers held out against European's control, the maps of Africa became filled out with pink and green, the traditional shades of British and French states. Instead of the slave trade had been ended under British pressure was the trade on different products developed pointedly. Africans expended huge amounts of imported machine-made textiles...
2 Pages 979 Words

Main Ideas and Takeaways About Jon Krakauer's 'Into Thin Air'

Krakauer leaves from his generally ordered account in this first part. It might appear to be perplexing; however he is really arranging the peruser in a significant manner. Starting at the top resembles an outline similarly as should be obvious a huge span from the pinnacle of Everest; the peruser can see the broadness and tremendousness of the circumstance by starting at that equivalent place. We know promptly that he makes it to the top, which implies that the peak...
2 Pages 1008 Words

Will There Be Robots That Capable of Having Emotions in the Future?

Is an AI, artificial intelligence, capable of having emotions in the future? In the past century, robots have shown to be able to replicate human characteristics. Artificial intelligence and human intelligence demonstrate a distinct relationship in the area of a human's mental process, like emotions and instincts, because AI is being programmed to have human-like, emotions, intelligence levels, and instincts. Are AIs capable of having a similar mental process as humans? Some experiments have shown us, Homo sapiens, that eventually,...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Video Games Make Kids Violent

Violence can be manifested in various ways, although the most frequently used is attacking, which means disrespecting in rude manners to the people around a person. Video games and violence has been a main topic in todays world revolving around the younger generation. Video game addiction also known as gaming disorder is generally defined as problematic, and a compulsive use of video games, that results in significant impairment to an individual's ability to function in various life problems over a...
2 Pages 1011 Words

Golden Rules for Mastering Typography

In the construction of a visual, the text is often inseparable from the image, even if it is present in small quantities. For reasons of balance, as much as power of the image, you must spend as much time typography these words as crop and other filter effects selected. That's why I want to discuss 15 typography rules to know absolutely. Know the Fonts Each font transmits a particular message. A handwritten typography will not have the same effect as...
2 Pages 1028 Words

Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis

‘Their Eyes Were Watching God’, written by Zora Hurston, is a book about empowerment because Janie is constantly fighting for her beliefs/rights. For instance, as the book begins Janie meets her wed, Logan Killocks, she is put right to work by him. When she is put to work she starts to dislike him because he will not let her be free, so she flees with another guy named Jody. Jody promises Janie many things, but once again Janie is restricted...
2 Pages 994 Words

America's Social, Political, and Economic Rise in the Late 1800s and Early 1900s

Progression has been the number one goal throughout American history. With this progression, it caused many changes through the economy, social structure, and the political structure of America. This allowed America to be one of the top empires of its time. The reason why it allowed America to be one of the top empires of its time was through the use of freedom through its people in which many other nations did not have. During 1865-1939, Americans went through a...
2 Pages 978 Words

Need to Expand FDA Food Safety Policy

Can people truly take the time to answer the following questions? Who produces their food, what ingredients make up their food, and when that food was produced? A few people can say they truly take the time to know how their food is process, the types of chemicals that have been used in their food, what harm will those chemicals cause to the body and the nutritional value of their food. A common point made by food advocates, Bittman, Pollan,...
2 Pages 1039 Words

Venezuela’s Macroeconomic Crisis of 2015-2019

Venezuela was once the richest country in South America where its economy was supported by large oil reserves. Its oil accounted for more than 90% of its exports and the Venezuelan government relied heavily on the sales. The oil exports were also a way to provide the country with imported consumer goods. However, under years of mismanagement from President Hugo Chavez, Venezuela was not prepared for the sharp fall in oil prices in 2014. Economic conditions have worsened and become...
2 Pages 1000 Words
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