1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Harmful Blue Light Emitted by Electronic Devices and Methods to Block It

Blue light is a spectrum of light that can be seen by humans’ eyes. Blue light produces a high amount of energy due to its short wavelength of 400-450 nm. Phones, computers and other electronic products with screen emit blue light and ever since phones became mainstream more people have started using their devices longer with many people having the habit of checking their phones at night. This may seem like a harmless habit but this could be harmful to...
2 Pages 959 Words

The Issue of University Fees in Australia

Within the next year, a majority of the people in this room will already owe roughly $20,300 in debt, a debt that will take roughly 9 years to pay off. How in the world can an eighteen-year-old accumulate this much in debt, you may ask? Well, the answer is - university fees. This debt, along with the cost of living increasing more and more by the minute, has left us young people option less in regards to our futures, having...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Violent Video Games and Potential Risks for Children Development

The World Health Organization (WHO), have recently made a decision to classify ‘video game addiction’ as a mental health disorder. Due to video games becoming increasingly popular and due to approximately 91% of children worldwide playing video games, it begs the question, are children imitating behaviors and actions seen in violent video games? A statement has been released by the American Psychological Association, stating that there is a relationship between participation in violent video games and heightened aggression levels, aggressive...
2 Pages 960 Words

Location of the Eastern Australia Hotspot

The glasshouse mountains are volcanic peaks located in the Sunshine Coast, halfway between the hinterland and the coast. Unlike most volcanoes formed on plate boundaries, the mountains are bye-products of the East Australian hotspot. Hotspots are formed when anomalously hot magma, called thermal plumes, rise from Earth’s core into the mantle. Hotspots then develop on top of the plumes in the asthenosphere and melt the surrounding rock, creating a weak spot. The magma then rises through the cracks and erupts,...
2 Pages 1042 Words

Accounts of Cleopatra's Death

The earliest account of Cleopatra’s death was written by Strabo, who was present in Alexandria during or soon after her death. Strabo highlights that the story of her death by asp is only one version. His accounts propose two views, one agreeing with the story of an asp bite and the other mentioning the possibility of her poisoning herself. He also makes it known that the version of Cleopatra’s death by asp bite was widely known soon after death. This...
2 Pages 962 Words

The Problem of Patriarchal Oppression in A.Roy's ‘The God of Small Things’ and H.Kent's ‘Burial Rites’

The detrimental effects of patriarchal oppression are reinforced through a sense of cultural imprisonment and the innate desire for love. Through the use of separate contextual frames of 1820s puritanical Iceland and 1960s post-colonialist India, Arundhati Roy and Hannah Kent in their main novels demonstrate a joint idea of perpetual male dominance invading each aspect of a woman’s life. Kent and Roy reveal their own critical perspectives on the definitive barriers that shape these patriarchal societies which are ironically believed...
2 Pages 989 Words

Criticism of the Current Systems in Society by Orson Scott Card in ‘Ender’s Game’ and Michael Bay in ‘The Island’

Film and book composers are showing their concerns for the future by over-exaggerating the future. They are showing us faults that our world has by exaggerating the consequences of our actions. ‘Ender’s Game’ written by Orson Scott Card is a novel about militarism and ‘The Island’ directed by Michael Bay is a film about the will to live. Although our world right now is doing fine, dystopian literature serves as a form of criticism of the current systems in society...
2 Pages 1007 Words

Marketing Plan: Beard Wash Self Kit

Dollar Shave Club is an American company based in Venice, California, which transports razors and additional personal grooming goods to consumers by mail. Dollar Shave Club was founded by Mark Levine and Michael Dubin. It offers three membership tactics, which can be upgraded or downgraded at any time.[It distributes razor blades on a regular basis and offers supplementary grooming goods for home delivery. This market plan forms the basis of the outline of an advanced and exceptional product called ‘Beard...
2 Pages 956 Words

Gold's Gym SWOT Analysis

Gold’s Gym, originally started by Joe Gold, is an American chain of international co-ed fitness centers. He opened the first Gold's Gym, with homemade equipment, in August 1965, in Venice Beach, California, way before gyms existed. The gym got popular when it was in a documentary, ‘Pumping Iron’ (1977), and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dave Draper used to train there. Each gym offers a variety of cardio, weightlifting and strength training equipment as well as group exercise programs. Its corporate headquarters...
2 Pages 955 Words

Donald Trump's Policy to Combat the Opioid Epidemic

The opioid epidemic has been a problem since the Nixon years. President Trump has made many efforts to change policies of sentencing for addicts. Addiction is considered a disease by the President, but there are many people who disagree. He even declared it a national health crisis because people die from overdosing on opiates every day in America. The Trump administration has done more to fight this crisis than Nixon did. President Trump has spent billions on setting up treatment...
2 Pages 1042 Words

Should Child Soldiers Be Given Amnesty

Throughout the world, child soldiers are being used more commonly in armed conflicts. Be it with the government in which they have to fight or a terrorist organization forcefully taking them from family. This has created an international debate as to whether these children are criminals deserving of persecution or are they innocent children from nearby countries caught up in war and killings. Today around the world there “...are more than 300,000 children fighting in armed conflict around the world”;...
2 Pages 1048 Words

The Colonial Days of America in John Smith's, William Bradford's and John Winthrop's Works

Numerous records have been recorded of early life in America. We are fortunate to have the option to see these artistic works and comprehend the preliminaries these early Americans experienced making our nation. John Smith, William Bradford, John Winthrop are three critical men who committed their life to archiving the existence they encountered. Anybody looking at their works can thoroughly analyze their encounters, beginning with brief over views on what their identity was and why their experience matter. Since Smith,...
2 Pages 964 Words

Impact of Jurisdiction on Cybercrime Prosecution

In the prosecution of cybercrime one of the most problematic issues is jurisdiction. Cybercrime presents difficulties in prosecution because it’s borderless. Cyberspace has made it possible for criminals to commit crimes anywhere in the world with ease of movement across geographic borders unmatched by law enforcement. Many of these criminals are not committing crimes in their country of origin which presents a challenge for law enforcement to apprehend them from a country, state, or nation where they have no jurisdiction....
2 Pages 1037 Words

Proposed Changes for Significant Health Legislation

The provision of health care in the United States (U.S.) does not function as a logical and interconnected system network designed to work together in a coherent manner. Instead, it is devoid of any unity and remains poorly structured in terms of funding, insurance delivery, distribution and payment processes. In a system that is fundamentally fractured and in which the different system components fit together only loosely, there is little standardization. Since a central agency like government does not control...
2 Pages 1014 Words

Journey into Hispanic Culture

I am a member of subculture. Subculture is a “part of your life from birth to death such as religion, race/ethnicity, or the elite upper class”. I became a member on April 23rd of the year 1999. I was my parents first child. My grandparents second grandchild. This is where my journey into the Hispanic culture began. Two material examples for Hispanic families such as mine would be the vapor rub and pinatas. Vapor rub, also known as ‘Vicks’, even...
2 Pages 1029 Words

Types of Investors Based on 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' by Robert Kiyosaki

Different investment avenues are to be had to buyers. Mutual budget also offers correct investment opportunities to the investors.Like all investments, they also bring positive dangers. The traders must compare the dangers and predicted yields after adjustment of tax on numerous units at the same time as taking investment choices. The investors might also are seeking for advice from professionals and specialists consisting of dealers and vendors of mutual budget schemes at the same time as making funding choices. In...
2 Pages 999 Words

Overview of Major News Media in America: CNN, The New York Times and Fox News

In this paper, I have written about political and national news media in America. I have selected three major television and print outlets in the United States. I chose CNN, The New York Times, and Fox News. I researched the three outlets ownership, their expected audience, their political affiliations, notable writers, and anchors. Each company has its own highs and lows in their reputation history. Lastly, I will compare and contrast the differences between my chosen groups. Every reporting association...
2 Pages 968 Words

Unemployment as a Social Problem in Pakistan

Social issues are a problem that influences many individuals within a society. Social issues are common problems that are being faced in Pakistan very often, because social issues influence many peoples to strive to solve many issues. Pakistan is a developing country which is facing a lot of social problems now a day, which includes the economics problems, unemployment, environmental problems, climate change, inequality, poverty and many more. But unemployment is one of the biggest social problems in Pakistan as...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Social Issues in the United States Prison System

We call it prison but in reality its modern-day slavery. There are many Americans who are incarcerated every day whether they are wrongfully accused or not. Some do not even have the possibility of obtaining freedom again. The United States has a high incarceration rate with over two million people behind bars (Sawyer, Wendy). The courts have had many cases where they wrongly convicted individuals, therefore they were forced to serve time. After being sentenced some inmates are sent to...
2 Pages 953 Words

John Proctor's Personality Transformation

Chaos breaks out in the town and rumors of witchery spread. Teenage girls let out savage screams and shake uncontrollably. Everyone is panicking and blaming one another. In ‘The Crucible’, a historical fiction play written by Arthur Miller, set in 1693 Salem, Massachusetts, John Proctor, a respected farmer, tries to get the truth out and end the witchcraft madness. Arthur Miller wrote the play about the Salem Witch Trials, which started when a group of young girls were accused of...
2 Pages 1023 Words

PEST Analysis of Google

Google or Alphabet was founded in 1995 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Both of them attended Stanford grad school initially the search engines name was BackRub. Their first office was a garage in a suburban neighborhood owned by Susan Wojcicki who is the current CEO of YouTube which is another subsidiary by Alphabet. Google They now have hundreds of products mainly software related. The full form of google is Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth and also...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think? Essay

Have you ever thought about how the Internet affects our cognitive abilities and changes our way of thinking? According to ‘Is Google Making Us Stupid?’ by Nicholas Carr, the Internet is affecting our process of thinking. The Internet is our ‘short way’ to answer which is causing us to decrease our independence. It's affecting our professional and our personal life, which we can’t separate them to live a more balanced life. We are treating the Internet as an extension of...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Rescuing America from the Great Depression by Franklin D.Roosevelt and His Policies

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a positive because of his effect on the Great Depression, helping with America’s economy and forever changed the way banks operate. When Roosevelt came into power on March 4, 1933, he helped restore the Great Depression with the New Deal. Before he died in 1945, he served longer than any other president before or since and led the United States through one of the biggest challenges in the 20th century. Roosevelt was born on January 30,...
2 Pages 1049 Words

Desire to Study Adult Nursing

My desire to study adult nursing started when I volunteered at Keech Hospice for my Duke of Edinburgh bronze award in year 11. At this end of life care home, which looked after my cousin in his last moments, I realised how extraordinary nurses really are as I witnessed it first-hand. Nurses that would do everything in their power to make a patient feel better emotionally and physically. That is what I hope to be able to do and provide...
2 Pages 1034 Words

Obtaining a Hungary Scholarship as a Step to Achieve Career and Personal Goals

In the words of the Dalai Lama, ‘’the prime purpose of us humans in this life is to help other people, and if you cannot help them, at least do not hurt them'. I have always wanted to be a social service provider for as long as far back as I can remember. To say nothing of, I have been, on numerous occasions, tasked with the responsibility of taking care of countless patients. Also, I have been engaging in environmental...
2 Pages 960 Words

Are Robots Better than Humans? Essay

As the years went by and technology advanced, the use of robots and machines have been used for many purposes. Many machines can do tasks no human could possibly do and industry wouldn't be the same without them. They provide great service and perform to a very high standard, if manufactured properly. Nearly every modern household or industry uses some form of technology. In this essay, I will be going over if using robots is better than humans in everyday...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Core Ethical Values in My Life

Firstly, ethics have been explained differently by numerous individuals and philosophers over the years. Simply put, ethics are referred to as a set of principles and standards that guide and influence the way in which individuals and groups behave. Ethics are also known to differentiate between things and behaviours that are right and wrong. Furthermore, core ethical values are those essential principles that are used by individuals to conclude the differences between what is right and what is wrong. I...
2 Pages 1017 Words

The Strained Relationship Ties between America and the British Empire

The relationship ties between America and the British Empire should have been strengthened after bounteous years of French and Indian war. However, the bond between the two countries was strained by a series of laws enacted by the British to regain their financial prosperity and political control over the colonies. Steadily, American settlers realized the dominance of the British and started to suspect and resist the control and rights of the English empire over them. The two sides soon realized...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Benefits of Inclusive Education for Children with Dyslexia

Children with special educational needs require their learning to be taloried to meet desired learning objectives. In addition, children who have significantly greater difficulty learning often struggle to keep up with others of the same age, due to the severity of their disability and therefore extra school support is needed. One of the most prevalent learning disabilities found within pupils is dyslexia, a disorder which impedes the development of literacy skills such as reading, writing and spelling. Since this disorder...
2 Pages 960 Words

Florence Nightingale's Influence on the Role of Nursing

Medicine has come a long way from its origin in ancient times. As humanity and society has evolved, so has our knowledge in medicine and medical practices. Over the past few centuries, a tremendous amount of medical discoveries, vaccinations and cures, and medical breakthroughs have been accomplished. Discoveries throughout the ages have influenced and contributed to the improvement of today’s health care. Nursing over the years has greatly evolved from caring for the sick in wars, to homes, churches, into...
2 Pages 1002 Words
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