1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Benjamin Franklin's Way of Life

Ben Franklin was a unique man that didn’t share the same values as many of the other people of his rank during his time period. He grew up in a time where religion was the main concern of the majority of people, especially high ranking people. He spent his time with his inventions and being a nationalist for his country. He did these things without religion on his mind, his only thought was the betterment of his country and how...
2 Pages 1014 Words

Essay on All the Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy: Analysis of Traits of Jimmy Blevins

Jimmy Blevins, one of the main characters in All The Pretty Horses by Cormac McCarthy, has some questionable attributes that make him a little less than admirable. Blevins is a very sensitive thirteen-year-old boy who runs away to Mexico due to an abusive parent. Because he is so immature and sensitive, he worsens the situations that he finds himself in. While in this foreign country, he is met with many unfortunate circumstances. While dealing with each unfortunate event, his impulsivity...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Representation of Abuse in The Child Called It by David Peltz: Critical Analysis

The Child Called “It” is written by David Peltzer and tells the story of his childhood and the abuse that he had to endure from his mother, terrible things from beatings to locking him in a room while it slowly filled with toxic gas. Peltzer talks about how he grew up feeling spite and anger towards people since they got to be fed and experienced happiness while he was treated as a slave and was lucky to find any food...
2 Pages 987 Words

The Story of Joan Arc: Annotated Bibliography

The Messenger: The Story of Joan Arc 1. Joan of Arc: God’s Warrior. Directed by Lucy Swingler, performances by Helen Castor, BBC. 2015. Dr. Helen Castor’s documentary depicts the rise and fall of Joan of Arc’s heroine life. As mentioned in the film, Castor has studied medieval history for over thirty years thus making her a reliable and credible for this topic. Castor has studied many primary sources about Joan’s story. She virtually takes the viewers to France’s National Library,...
2 Pages 973 Words

Immigration and Cultural Identity in Amy Tan's “Mother Tongue”

United States has embraced of the most diverse population in the world today. It is diverse in terms of its ethnic makeup and religious practices for immigrants. Immigrants from different nation congregate upon the United States in Seeking for a better life for family or simple to fulfill a long-life dream. Therefore, we discover the loss of social or family support, the need to afford a new unknown life style and many times harsh alleged environment, or languages/communications problems. In...
2 Pages 987 Words

Impact of McCarthyism on American Society: Analytical Essay

Throughout the course of Judith G. Poucher’s book, State of Defiance: Challenging the Johns Committee’s Assault on Civil Liberties, Judith G. Poucher discusses the empowered individuals who “challenged the prejudices of the legislature’s investigating group, the Florida Legislative Investigation Committee. It is known and referred to as the Johns Committee. Judith G. Poucher introduces the stories of five citizens. Virgil Hawkins, who was focused on his childhood dream of integrating UF. Ruth Perry, a Miami NAACP officer. Sig Diettrich, a...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Long-term Consequences of 9/11 on Airline Industry: Analytical Essay

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks rocked the U.S. in a profound way, dramatically disrupting the understanding of national security within U.S. borders. Every business or economy sector, more than the airline industry, felt the impacts of these events. The sector has been negatively affected by both the immediate reaction to the attacks and the long-term consequences. Directly after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, airports were closed by the federal government, cancelling thousands of flights at direct airlines price. Nevertheless, even...
2 Pages 981 Words

How Does Patria Show Courage in the Time of the Butterflies

Courage is one’s determination to face their fears and stay strong despite any obstacles standing in their way. In the Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez, is about the Mirabal sisters’ fight for a free country against Trujillo’s dictatorship in the Dominican Republic in the 1950’s. The Mirabal sisters’ courage is highlighted as Minerva faces the dictator and his regime, Patria is inspired to protect her family, and Dede faces her husband. Minerva, who is viewed as the most...
2 Pages 1013 Words

Accomplishments of Rachel Louise Carson in Writing and Research: Analysis of Silent Spring

Growing up in a home where nature was integrated to their daily ventures allowed Rachel Louise Carson to love it from a very young age, which in turn influenced her field of academia. Her accomplishments in writing and research embarked an activist movement related to the environment, impacting a range of individuals all over the world. Carson was born on May 27, 1907 in Springdale, Pennsylvania. Living in this rural river town allowed her to write about nature at a...
2 Pages 986 Words

Becoming a Pediatric Dental Assistant: Analytical Essay

Research paper “If it’s important you’ll find a way. If it’s not, you’ll find a excuse”-Ryan Blair. Becoming a pediatric dental assistant is something that has always been important and serious to me. I love the fact that you get the chance to change a kids life one visit as a time. Becoming a pediatric dental assistant isn’t for everyone you have to have real passion and patients. In this research paper I plan on informing you about what this...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Anthropological Studies of Nacirema: Analytical Essay

Anthropology has changed a lot over the years - early anthropology is characterized by a strong sense of ethnocentrism, to being heavily influenced by evolutionary theories. Imperialism and colonialism, too, color many early anthropological works. Later on, with burgeoning cultural relativism, a more modern approach started taking form, and anthropologists started to criticize their own works and ways of interacting with other cultures and people. In this first part of my essay I will be focusing on how the attitude...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Essay on the Canterbury Tales: Critical Analysis of the Character of Pardoner

‘The General Prologue’, more than anything else, offers the modern reader a window into medieval society. Discuss, from your reading of the prologue, what problems appear to affect English society in the late fourteenth century, using evidence from the text. Through the writings of Geoffrey Chaucer in The General Prologue we peer into the lives of the many figures of late fourteenth century England in this estate satire. Because of this, we also come to see the problems of the...
2 Pages 1032 Words

The Beast in Man within the Freedom of Choices and Corruption of Ideologies: Argumentative Essay

The potential for good and evil transpires in all individuals. For centuries we have found consolation in the safety of but one side of the argument. The argument being whether or not man is inherently good, and the control over the mechanistic qualities of which would constitute an explicit stance on the former. The novel In Cold Blood By Truman Capote as well as Lord Of The Flies by William Golding conveys unique messages that aid in enlightening the nature...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Critical Analysis of Ray Bradbury's Story All Summer in a Day

Imagine living without ever even seeing the sun, or being able to enjoy the warmth of the sun again. In the short science fiction story written by Ray Bradbury “All Summer in a Day” is about a group of students that live underground on the planet Venus, where it's only gushing rain and the sun is rarely even seen. Margot is a 9-year-old who used to live on earth when she was 4, Margot cherished the moments when she would...
2 Pages 951 Words

Essay on American History from the Colonial Period to the Civil War: Westward Expansion and Market Revolution

The Market Revolution was a period of monumental economic transformation and considerable technological advances. Innovations had now opened land West for settlement that made it far easier for large factories to sell their products in small cities. Westward expansion and the Market Revolution deeply affected the lives of all Americans. There was a shift from an agricultural economy to an industrial market system that forever changed the production of goods and services from the traditional to the mass produced, mass...
2 Pages 990 Words

The Whore-ible Character of Abigail Williams: Critical Analysis of The Crucible by Arthur Miller

The Whore-ible Character Memories from the past can either be excellent or awful. In the younger days, recollections like, playing at parks and eating sugar come to mind. Memories that are unpleasant can have an effect on a person by changing their attitude, the way they act, and can even make a person do enough to the point they regret it. As for Abigail Williams, a character in The Crucible by Arthur Miller, remembering the past is something she wants...
2 Pages 982 Words

Importance of The Articles of Confederation: Argumentative Essay

We are a part of the greatest generation to have ever existed upon the earth. God has blessed us with strength and power to defeat the mightiest nation on earth. Now it is up to us to either establish a government that will stand for centuries, or crumble into oblivion. The Articles of Confederation do not give our young nation the power to defend our natural rights, which we are obligated to protect in order to have the liberty we...
2 Pages 1001 Words

Influence of Course Under the Influence on My Knowledge: Reflective Essay

Consuming alcohol at any age can be dangerous. Alcohol is one of the most commonly misused substances and has one of the highest rates of addiction. Underage consumption of alcohol can lead to early addiction problems as well as problems such as memory loss and kidney failure. Being a college student who is surrounded by alcohol often learning more about the dangers of alcohol from courses such as Under the Influence has really expanded my knowledge on both the short...
2 Pages 1009 Words

Case Study of Heidi Blum Versus Hula Bay School District Memorandum: Analysis of Morse Versus Frederick and Tinker Versus Des Moines

Facts: Heidi Blum, a student at Aloha High School attended a community health fair held in city park in May of last year. Heidi Blum attended the fair with her family which included her mother, father, and younger brother. Aloha High School held a school-sponsored booth at the fair. An Aloha High School student who was also attending the fair took a photograph of Heidi Blum holding a sign which read, “Be compassionate, legalize marijuana for medical purpose.” The picture...
2 Pages 970 Words

Critical Analysis of Amy Tan's Story “Rules of the Games”

Amy Tan is a Chinese American writer and novelist, whose works explore mother-daughter relationships and the Chinese-American experience. Her story. “Rules of the games” is partly inspired by the stories of her own family. In this story, Amy Tan uses chess as a tool of symbolism to show the damage caused by toxic, controlling relationships among family members, reflecting the way the character was degraded, and experienced a life different than her peers due to the bad treatment she received...
2 Pages 993 Words

Analytical Essay on Symbolism in The Road by McCarthy

'Symbolism is no mere idle fancy or corrupt degeneration; it is inherent in the very texture of human life” (Nair 1). Symbolism has become an essential component of most literary works and in The Road, McCarthy uses symbols very frequently and subtly. The novel The Road was written by Cormac McCarthy. The main characters in this novel are the man, the boy, and the cannibals. The novel takes place after the apocalypse and surrounds the survival of a man and...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Analytical Essay on Contract Law: Case Study of the Construction of a Bridge

Facts On the 16th of June of the year 2019, Mark Brexit whom is a sitting member of the United Kingdom Council met with John Whiskey an engineer and building contractor were they discussed the construction of a bridge that would join the districts of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Details of the bridge were: Length: 35,000 meters’ long Time of Construction: 8 Months to complete Total Cost of Construction: 2 Million Euros Upon writing out a check of $100,000...
2 Pages 990 Words

Promoting Improvement As a Key to Teamwork Excellence: Analytical Essay

(Smith,2018)The article for critique gives an in-depth discussion for the topic promoting Improvement- factor for the excellence of teamwork. the given article is written by “ David .F. Smith, Ph .D, CFP, he was born on 01/01/1965 and has been involved in financing planning since 1980, he is a member of the FPA of San Diego”. the given article illustrates that providing excellent service to staff or team members is the foremost responsibility of the leader its in the hands...
2 Pages 1014 Words

Issues of Sex and Violence in Video Games: Critical Analysis

The government has a seemingly insatiable appetite to censor on behalf of parents and families. Lawmakers have considered a variety of labeling or censorship schemes in the past for music, movies, and comic books in the name of helping parents shield their children’s eyes and ears from potentially vulgar content. The latest incarnation of this old habit involves recent proposals by federal, state, and local legislators to regulate “violent video games.” “Pong” and “Pac-Man” revolutionized the world of children’s entertainment;...
2 Pages 1021 Words

Funding Exploration and Colonization to Profit for the Monarchs: Critical Analysis

Numerous factors changed the balance of power in terms of trade between different regions throughout the world during 1400 to 1700. In the course of this time, Europe becomes a dominant force in the emerging trade market through discovery and colonization. When we look to the past many people presuppose that Europe was always going to become a big power in the growing world trade market. In actuality when you consider the leaders, merchants and technologies it's seen that Europe...
2 Pages 1028 Words

Importance of Family and Neighborhood in the Development of Mankind in Sonny’s Blues: Critical Analysis

The story “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin talks about Sonny who lives in Harlem in the 1950’s. The story, is centered about Sonny who is a talented musician, lives a life full of struggles and was trapped in drug addiction which got him in jail while trying to attain success in life. The narrator, Sonny’s brother has a very hard time understanding Sonny and believes his brother’s choice of being a jazz musician is bad and tries to convince him...
2 Pages 1046 Words

Link between Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” and Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts: Analytical Essay

The idea of a planned and deliberate retribution at the heart of Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” reflects to some degree the vengeful ideology that inspired the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts. Jackson took immense inspiration from tales of the macabre in an otherwise seemingly mundane society—she wrote, for instance, of seeking out the news articles depicting something horrendous like an ax murder for the sake of reviving her spirits after so many life-affirming stories about babies: “The lead article on...
2 Pages 998 Words

Analytical Essay on 'The Law of Life': Lessons Taught by Jack London

Symbolizes that the old man knows of his coming mortality and that he knows he is only hanging on for a short while. The survival of the fittest message is well conveyed by the actions of the members of the tribe who abandon the old man. These people have what it takes to survive. They have the strength and the speed to move away from the harsh weather, but the old man does not possess those abilities. As a result,...
2 Pages 1000 Words

Behind the Salem Witch Trials: Analysis of Puritan Society and Values in the 17th Century

To the Puritans, good deeds and prosperity were believed to be the work of God while misfortunes and abnormalities were to be the work of the Devil. In 1692, the infamous Salem Witch Trials began in Salem Village, Massachusetts. After a group of young girls were thought to be possessed by the devil, local women were accused of witchcraft which started a wave of hysteria and panic throughout the colony. A special court was then created in order to put...
2 Pages 1043 Words

Rhetoric and Communication Assignment on Virginia Woolf’s Thesis in Her Feminist Essay “A Room of One’s Own”

Virginia Woolf’s thesis in her feminist essay, “A Room of One’s Own”, is that a woman must have money and a room to herself to write fiction (Woolf 3). One of the main claims she brought forward was that women are not inferior to men, yet the power imbalance between men and women has been destructive to potential female writers. Everyone needs a certain environment to write “incandescently” (Woolf 42), but due to the patriarchal nature of society, many women...
2 Pages 1046 Words
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