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Social Issues

Book Review: Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography

In the 1700's, books were not only expensive but also one was required to travel as far as Boston or New York to purchase one. The situation took a toll on Benjamin Franklin who had a passion for reading and determined to improve his language “While I was intent on improving my language
”(Franklin, P 21). Consequently, in 1731, he worked with Junto philosophical organization members and together they wrote Articles of Agreement with the goal of creating a library. During...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Benefits of Positive Changes during Gilded Age: Analytical Essay

Industrialization has brought different changes to our way of life. Industrialization is defined as a development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale. I define it as the new changes making our world into what it is today. The Gilded Age occurred from 1870s to the 1900s and it was during the late 19th century. This age brought a rapid growth that was made by technical advances in transportation and manufacturing. These changes were good and...
2 Pages 983 Words

The Educational Growing Pains of Richard Rodriguez: Analytical Essay

As a young reader, I always was left empty and dis-satisfied after reading for academic or pleasure purposes. By no means was I ever an “avid” reader. I could never feel the words “come to life” as many of my elementary school english teachers proclaimed. Growing up, I was alone and segregated in my academic progression. I did not receive the proper help I desperately needed. As we read “The Lonely Good Company of Books” by Richard Rodriguez, readers learn...
2 Pages 981 Words

Reflective Essay on Jesse Owens' Way of Life

When Berlin was designated the host city of the eleventh edition of the Olympic Games of the modern era in 1931, very few should have assumed that five years later the German and European political scene would find itself extraordinarily concerned about the consecration of Adolf Hitler as the highest Nazi hierarchical of the Nazi regime. A year before the Olympic event, there had been a number of initiatives, especially in the United States, to organize a boycott, and which...
2 Pages 1025 Words

Edwidge Danticat’s “A Wall of Fire Rising” and Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”: Comparative Analysis

Many times, an author tends to reuse certain types of characters throughout their works. This does not only apply to one author but across many different ones. Because of this, there are a lot of characters that may come from different stories but share very similar characteristics. Although it may look like these two characters do not relate to each other, both Guy from Edwidge Danticat’s “A Wall of Fire Rising” and Mrs. Mallard from Kate Chopin’s “The Story of...
2 Pages 1030 Words

Role of Industrialization during Gilded Age: Argumentative Essay

The Gilded Age is the era Mark Twain describes as being where wealthy people acquired their wealth through unethical activities and were said to be role models and ideal people. Wealth was all people noticed during this era. All of the unethical things they did to get their money often went unnoticed. The Gilded Age is more commonly known as the transformation period. It occurred from 1865 through the 1900s. Although America changed in many ways, there were two basic...
2 Pages 978 Words

Analytical Essay on the Significance of 9/11 to People of Middle Eastern Backgrounds Living in the West

Due to the wake of September 11th, Middle Easterners from all over the world have come under particular scrutiny, especially those in the United States. Americans consider the events of September 11 to be a historical event that transformed the conveniently targeted acts of aggression toward the Middle Eastern community. In this case, through the argument of Puar and Rai that ‘Queery-ing’ Arab-Muslim subjective is ‘central to the creation of certain knowledge of terrorism’ this argument is able to conceptualise...
2 Pages 1045 Words

General Overview of Amazon: Report on Case Study

Amazon Case Study Amazon functions as a multinational conglomerate company and is acknowledged as one of the world’s biggest online retailers. Amazon’s mission statement affirms that they aim “to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online”, which is evident to be somewhat successful due to the rates ranging between 2.9 to 4.3 stars from numerous online reviews. Despite Amazon’s depiction of being a successful and friendly company, Amazon has...
2 Pages 968 Words

Representation of Chris McCandless's Adventures by Jon Krakauer: Philosophy Essay

McCandless's adventures throughout the film represents issues faced in society today. Are we idolised by the technologies or companies of others? Obsessing over how we are viewed by society, even for those, our peers who care so much about us. Early on it was visible that McCandless wasn’t infatuated with such items that consumed his parent’s world. In the film McCandless discovers about himself the true meaning of life, or what really does consume our society? Was McCandless really an...
2 Pages 1033 Words

Critical Analysis of Articles: Impact of Plate Tectonics on the Evolution of Humankind

The plate structural super cycle is a spin the Earth experiences a time of 400 to 600 million years from where the mainlands were a solitary enormous landmass to now where they are discrete mainlands that are spread the world over. This procedure is rehashed again and again from an enormous landmass to single mainlands and back again and is the thing that structures a cycle or a succession of occasions. Climate change occurs when changes in the earth’s climate...
2 Pages 993 Words

Arguments for Debunking the Myth That Violence in Video Games Causes Violence in Real Life

Today i will be debunking this myth that video games cause violence. There are three main points that I will be addressing today is: Society was more violent before video games existed, Lack of evidence, and that video games don’t fool our senses. Firstly i will be talking about how society was more violent before video games The video games industry began in the 1970’s thriving to a colossal level that today rivals the movie industry.Since the 1970s crime rates...
2 Pages 1008 Words

Diversity Assessment: Analysis of Specific Areas of Diversity That the Organization Addresses

Diversity Assessment Notes – rephrase everything. Reference APA referencing Citethisforme.com Definition of diversity Diversity includes people with difference characteristics that include varying gender age, religion, race, ethnicity, cultural background, sexual orientation, languages, education, abilities and etc. Diversity explanation for each section Identify specific areas of diversity that the organization addresses Gender, including transgender For ANZ, gender balancing in their organisation is a business imperative. ANZ ensures there is equal representation of women and men in our leadership teams this is...
2 Pages 1031 Words

Improved Scholarship Essay to Harding Miller Education Foundation

Scholarship Criteria At a minimum, please ensure you answer the following questions in your statement: How are you experiencing personal or socioeconomic hardship and how that affects your ability to achieve your academic and professional goals? How are you demonstrating your high academic achievement or potential (and commitment to your secondary studies)? What are you motivated to achieve academically and professionally, including what you intend to study at university? How do you intend to make the most from the Harding...
2 Pages 999 Words

Life of Joan of Arc and Her Role in History of Europe: Discursive Essay

In the year 1412 Joan of Arc was born here nickname was the Maid of Orléans after the siege of Orléans. At the young age of 18, she left home on a message from god to relieve the siege of Orléans. After that, she becomes somewhat of a hero as she manages the army of France to reclaim the land that was taken by the British. She was burned at the stake in 1431by the British as she was convicted...
2 Pages 1004 Words

Hardship of Living as an African American in the USA in 'Black Like Me': Analytical Essay

Griffin yearns to expose the racist nature of white Americans through his focus question “What is it like to experience discrimination based on skin colour, something over which one has no control?”. The author achieves his goal through powerful and vivid imagery of how people view each other and behave and exposing racially prejudiced beliefs that underpin peoples behaviour, however, Griffin's success is highlighted by the fact that Black Like Me is a biography written in form of a journal...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Reflective Essay: Vocational Education, Academic Education and Humanist Education

Vocational Education: As a recent high school graduate, my personal history as a learner has developed throughout my schooling life and within my personal quest to become a lifelong learner. During this time, I have encountered and experienced various forms of formal and informal modes of vocational education, in particular, one example which will be examined; learning to be a surf lifesaver. To begin with, what explicitly is the philosophy of vocational education? An accurate and sophisticated explanation is that...
2 Pages 1042 Words

Critical Analysis of the Impact of Dengue Fever (First Infection) on Thalassemia Major Sufferers

Inquiry Question: How extensive is the impact of Dengue Fever (first infection) on Thalassemia Major sufferers? Abstract: The purpose of this report is to determine the potential impact of Dengue Fever symptoms (first infection) when presented Thalassemia Major. To determine this potential impact, a thorough research analysis was conducted into Dengue Fever (effect on body, immune response, prevention and treatment) and of Thalassemia Major (cause, prevention and current medical management). By establishing similarities and conditions induced by each disease, as...
2 Pages 980 Words

Theme of Climate Change in McCarthy’s Novel The Road: Critical Analysis

“Perhaps the greatest utopia would be if we could all realize that no utopia is possible; no place to run, no place to hide, just take care of business here and now.” A utopia is not a state but rather a state of mind. Composers of utopian and dystopian literature offer an inherent political and social critique of their contexts which allow for an expression of the possibility of either hope or fear. These are two opposing conditions of thought,...
2 Pages 1011 Words

Effect of the Great Depression on Australia: Argumentative Essay

The Great Depression was the pivotal movement for Australia, that challenged the government and society of Australia to survive. Australia was deeply affected by the great depression not just to one group of people but to every single person in the community. The Great Depression had a long-lasting impact on both men and women, rich and poor, young and old, and the government. Australia was in fact affected severely but also learnt from this dilemma that improved Australia greatly. One...
2 Pages 1029 Words

A Good Man Is Hard To Find: Critical And Literary Analysis

Integrity is the most valuable and respected quality of leadership. Always keep your word. “Brian Tracy”. Flannery O’ Connor story presents us with a strange morality one where hypocrisy and integrity; also, religion has to do with the story. We can relate this story into today’s society because, sometimes people just thing for themselves and what they want. Just as the grandma just thought for her selves on going to Tennessee instead to Florida like the rest of the family....
2 Pages 1005 Words

A Legend of the Battles: Analysis of The Legend of King Arthur

Whilst no longer, at this factor all the tales around King Arthur are authentic there is probably bona fide idea technique in a King Arthur who controlled in Britain inside the 5th or sixth century. This individual could had been out and out one in all a kind from the character within the legend, he could not had been a knight in sparkling shielding layer, as an non-compulsory his gadget and style will be more and more proximate to that...
2 Pages 968 Words

Research Report on Amazon Financial Analysis

The company I have decided to research and complete my financial analysis on is Amazon. Amazon is the world's largest online retailer with over 750,000 employees. Their company's main focus is e-commerce, digital streaming, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. Along with Google, Microsoft, and Apple, Amazon is considered one of the “Big Four” tech companies. They were originally a book seller but have vastly expanded into a highly respected online retailer. Jeff Bezos is the founder and current CEO and...
2 Pages 986 Words

Representation of African Americans during the Harlem Renaissance in the Novel Their Eyes Were Watching God: Critical Analysis

As humans, we might prefer to find others for comfort to feel like we belong, and over anything we want love. We would wish to be loved and to like another through our trials of life. This can be one of the many themes of the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. The character Janie includes a desire for love which propels the events of the novel and her eventual self-improvement. Zora Neale Hurston’s, Their Eyes Were Watching God, is...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Fraternal Birth Order Effect: General Overview of Theories

The argument of how an individual’s sexual orientation is determined is constantly up for debate. Some might argue that one is born gay while others may disagree and say that sexual orientation is a choice. A theory called “the older brother effect” may be used to argue that sexual orientation may be biological rather than social according to researchers in Toronto (LeVay, 2016, p. 135). They believe that on average gay men have more older brothers compared to straight men....
2 Pages 978 Words

Critical Analysis of Disney Version of Peter Pan

When Peter Pan opened during 1953, it was an instant hit. Movie critics from all the different popular magazines and outlets gave the Disney produced movie phenomenal ratings. Peter Pan stands for magic. He is fun, fantasy, pirate-fighting, and adult-confounding, lost to civilization's straightjacket. Why could anything so innocent have been wrong? How dare we go after our childhood, the ultimate dream of Neverland?. Even those who agree that America has a significant race problem don't want to deal with...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Rhetorical Analysis: Consequences of Using Myspace and Facebook

Dana L. Fleming, a Boston area attorney that specialized in higher education law, is the author of the article “Youthful Indiscretions”, discusses the consequences of what young users post online and how institutions should take some steps to monitor social media usage of students and prospective employees. Fleming Opens the article by introducing social media giants My Space and Facebook. She states how making an online identity and friends is easy, as well as how these identities can be detrimental....
2 Pages 1042 Words

Gender Issue in Education: Critical Analysis of Vocational Education

Ambivalent sexism is bias or discrimination based on a person's gender. Sexism can affect anyone, but it primarily affects females. It has been linked to stereotypes and gender roles, and include the belief that one gender is intrinsically superior to another, it may arise from social or cultural customs and norms. Gender discrimination is especially defined in terms of the politics, the education and workplace inequality. Ambivalent sexism is a theoretical framework which posits that sexism has two sub-components: hostile...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Impact of Social Networking Sites: Review of Literature

Social networking sites (SNSs) usage is a common phenomenon nowadays. Social Networking Sites are basically internet based tools that facilitate communication, content exchange, and collaborate in multiple ways. Beginning with sixdegrees.com (Boyd & Ellison, 2007) SNSs have evolved with complex functionalities and grown to engulf the globe particularly after the genesis of Facebook in early 2004 and it is now the largest SNS in terms of user base (Staticbrain.com, January 2016) Social Networking Websites or Social Networking Sites (SNSs) have...
2 Pages 969 Words

Realization of Social Contract Theory in Today’s State Formation: Analytical Essay

What is Social contract theory? Social contract theory defines itself as economy is based on capitalism. This concept suggest that the economy is based on contract, society and government is also based on contract. This theory was popular in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. Many philosopher such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean Jacques Rousseau explained the meaning the origin of government and obligations of the subjects. When we talk about social contract theory we instantly think about...
2 Pages 1038 Words

Analysis of Man Therapy Campaign: Problems, Solutions and Suggestions

Public Health focuses on preventing and raising awareness about widespread diseases and healthcare topics empowerment and health promotion. A Health Campaign is a type of media campaign which promotes public health by making new health interventions available. The organizers of the campaign, usually the government and some organisation, use education to spread awareness of the targeted problem and then provide further opportunities to get it checked and provide treatment. There have been several mental health campaigns around the globe focusing...
2 Pages 985 Words
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