1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Rebellion In Dystopian Societies In Fahrenheit 451 And The Handmaid’s Tale

Rebellion indefatigably confronts evil, from which the rebel may rectify blind servitude or unbounded freedom. As such, we see Ray Bradbury’s science fiction Fahrenheit 451 (1953) and Margaret Atwood’s dystopian The Handmaid’s Tale (1986) explore the deprivation against individual liberty and distortion of knowledge, through heroic protagonists whom are doomed revolutionaries crushed by systematic regimes. Fahrenheit 451 is based in a futuristic American society, in which its regime drives its citizens of imagination, intellectualism and self-awareness. Happiness is defined through...
2 Pages 996 Words

Totalitarian Regimes In Fahrenheit 451 And Animal Farm

Does our society comprehend the great significance behind dystopian literature and what it symbolises? Fahrenheit 451 and George Orwell’s Animal Farm are microcosms into multiple totalitarian regimes. Fahrenheit 451 was written as an indictment of totalitarian governments and the restrictions they put on humanity. Both Orwell and Bradbury have created societies that are both controlled and manipulated by supreme authority. Francis Bacon’s “knowledge is power” quote is extremely evident in both texts. Society is blinded by the powerful, therefore all...
2 Pages 961 Words

Free Speech and Censorship

Free speech and censorship is a highly debated topic with many aspects to the different views on the topic, including cultural influences, state-sponsored censorship and general public approval/disapproval of ideas. The debate over censorship stems from different philosophical thinking, both sides having their benefits and drawbacks. Censorship can lead to happier people by filtering out hurtful or negative opinions, however, when taken too far censorship can be oppressive and used to stop people from having a voice at all. Free...
2 Pages 967 Words

Is The Community Created In The Giver Utopian Or Dystopian?

The Giver by Lois Lowry introduces a concept of a utopian society being created through predictability and sameness. What if today was as predictable as tomorrow? Twenty years into the future? The community within The Giver paints a failed attempt at creating a utopian society beneath the seemingly perfect surface, in which results a dystopian community, defines as a futuristic society where there is great suffering, injustice and control while its antonym, a utopian society, is an ideal, perfect place....
2 Pages 953 Words

The Western Society in Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart is a 1958 novel written by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. The first book in a trilogy, Things Fall Apart is Chinua Achebe’s magnus opus and is regarded as one of the greatest works of modern African literature. It is a staple of school curriculums throughout Africa and is studied extensively in many English-speaking countries. Set initially in pre-colonial Nigeria, Things Fall Apart tells the story of an Igbo man named Okonkwo, a member of the fictional clan...
2 Pages 1046 Words

Heeding Bradbury’s Warning In The Novel Fahrenheit 451

Imagine a world where we all thought, acted and felt the same. What would life be like if you were just a shell of a person? Welcome to the 2019 Dystopian Fiction Conference, my name is Breanna Duckworth and today I am going to highlight a very important message conveyed through Ray Bradbury’s, Fahrenheit 451. As enthusiastic readers, you will no doubt be aware of this iconic dystopian fiction author’s, novel, c, which tells the tale of a society that...
2 Pages 1036 Words

Twelfth Night And She’s The Man: Themes And Messages

This essay will discuss the theme of relationships reflected in the characters of Viola and Duke Orsino in the film Twelfth Night and She’s The Man. Both depict a love triangle where the female lead fallsin love with the main male character,who is in love with someone else.In She’s the Man, Viola, who pretends to be Sebastian, falls in love with Duke who is in love with Olivia. The irony is that Duke uses Viola to send his love messages...
2 Pages 1008 Words

How and Why Does the Mass Media Attempt to Define Youth Culture as a Social Problem?

In todays society with a wide-ranging mix of complex issues, there are multiple cultures all developing with dominant values. This system is never homogenous; Instead, entails constant modifications and adaptions of dominant ideas and values (Brake 1985:6). The introduction to social media to the young has both a positive and negative effect on the growing culture. The convenience of enhanced communication means friends don’t have to be face to face to communicate. According to Lievrouw (2011:222), the rise of new...
2 Pages 983 Words

The Background and Peculiarities of Starbucks Corporation

Introduction Starbucks corporation is an American multinational chain of coffee shops that started in Seattle, Washington on the 31st of March in 1971. It was founded by Zev Siegl, Gordon Bowker and Jerry Baldwin who were three university friends that really liked coffee. They were inspired by the novel “Moby Dick” and by the sea; that’s where the logo of Starbucks came from. It represents a siren that calls people to grab a cup of coffee and the green color...
2 Pages 1017 Words

Planning Company’s Future during COVID-19 (Coronavirus Pandemic) Crises

The COVID-19 virus has rapidly spread out globally since the initial break out in China back in December,2019. The sudden increase in the rise of infections all around the world has compelled public & private hospitals and to act decisively. In addition, the pandemic has forced governments all around the world to pause all economic activities. However, this abrupt stop has had a negative impact on all the economies. Many countries are losing billions of dollars on a daily basis....
2 Pages 988 Words

Should Graffiti Be Considered Art Not Vandalism?

Abstract The intended purpose of this investigation paper is to educate the reader or readers about the culture, pros, cons, stereotypes and matter, both artistic and legal regarding Graffiti. As an artist myself, I thought it may be interesting to dig into a world of art that I am not all to familiar with. Throughout this paper, I will be giving some information regarding what graffiti is as well as addressing the issue as to whether it should be considered...
2 Pages 1033 Words

Literary Analysis of Shakespeare's Hamlet and Horatio

Hamlet, is composed of many finite layers that make up his irate character. Hamlet's unordinary characteristics could be explained by many things such as his father recently passing. Losing a family member (King Hamlet) is difficult for most and since everyone is different, these situations are all handled differently. Shakespeare created Hamlet's character with madness in mind to bring drama and confusion into his play. However, there is one character who remains by his side through it all, Horatio. Horatio...
2 Pages 962 Words

Human Trafficking As A Global Problem

Although it is unheard of, human trafficking is rising and has become a global crisis. This phenomenal has been an ongoing practice for a million of years and has not been stopped. Human trafficking can be defined as the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex from another person. Human Trafficking is unethical because it is incorrect to exploit vulnerable people; some consequences are that victims are harmed, and it allows for...
2 Pages 962 Words

Characterization, Symbolism, And Theme Of Evil In Lord Of The Flies

The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it. Everyday we have opportunities to stand up and change things for the better and many of us choose to sit by and do nothing. In William Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies, he uses characterization, symbolism, and theme to prove that man is essentially evil. William Golding proves that man is evil through...
2 Pages 995 Words

Issues Of Intelligence Collection: Data Scalability And Collection

While intelligence collection plays a major role in the intelligence cycle, it is significant in today’s global warfare as it provides knowledge about what adversaries may be doing or predicts plans of our enemies. Though the intelligence process is a significant issue such as information or data scalability, data collection, and information analysis need to be addressed. With the amount of data collected and it is difficult to extract relevant information within a small amount of time. Additionally, with different...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Madness in The Scarlet Letter, The Raven and Much Madness Is Divinest Sense

A recurring idea of an individual and a society in the American Romanticism made its presence throughout this collection. Emily Dickinson's poem “Much Madness Is Divinest Sense, has a base formality that resonates with how individuals may react to their current societies standards. Hawthorne uses Hester Prynne and pearl in The Scarlet Letter, and Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”, to demonstrate certain interpretations of madness derived from Emily Dickinson In “Much Madness Is Divinest Sense” by Emily Dickinson, the author...
2 Pages 1010 Words

Legalization of Marijuana: Positive and Negative Sides

The legalization of marijuana has been an issue of controversy across the globe. The issue brings in a lot of perspectives to consider. Marijuana has been in existence for many centuries. Marijuana is a small and flowery green plant that is grown in many parts of the world. The main component of marijuana is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and it is responsible for altering the minds of its users. It is believed to have negative health effects on its users. Notably, there...
2 Pages 1037 Words

Benefits and Limitations in Categorical and Dimensional Approaches to Anxiety Disorders

Benefits in using a dimensional approach also become to light when discussing diagnostic utility. Diagnostic utility can be defined as the extent to which a model is useful or helpful in assisting clinical treatment decisions (Verheul, 2005). Utility is extremely low when only considering a categorical anxiety diagnosis. In the context of treatment, each individual requires specific tailored treatments to target differing symptoms and underlying etiological causes. As mentioned earlier, a categorical approach may be useful for providing diagnoses, however,...
2 Pages 994 Words

Stress and Social Anxiety in Students

According to the research done by Crisan, Vulturar, Miclea, & Miu (2016), results confirmed that social anxiety signs and symptoms had been related to elevated state tension, biased appraisals associated with the possibility and cost of poor social reviews. People behavioral adjustments in facial expression that had been constant with speech tension and decrease cortisol reactivity. State anxiety, cognitive biases related to bad social evaluation, speech anxiety behaviors, and cortisol reactivity had been assessed in the Trier Social stress test...
2 Pages 1019 Words

Hedda Gabler as a Bourgeoisie Tragedy

Introduction Tragedy began in ancient Greece, of course, and the first great tragedies were staged as part of a huge festival known as the City Dionysia. Thousands of Greek men, that is for no women were allowed would gather in the vast amphitheatre to watch a trilogy of tragic plays, such as Aeschylus’ Oresteia. In terms of genre, tragedy requires a tragic hero and usually it is a man, one who is usually tempted to perform a deed though not...
2 Pages 979 Words

The Benefits of Marijuana Legalization

For centuries cannabis has been used as a medicine, a material to make rope with, and a recreational drug. In 2005, the U.S Supreme Court ruled in favor of criminalizing the growth, sale, possession, selling, and distribution of it. In The Great Gatsby, prohibition played a crucial role in U.S. socio-political culture. Today, the legalization of marijuana is a point of contention that has divided the country for the past century. Legalization on the federal level would bring many benefits...
2 Pages 1026 Words

Hamlet: Human Nature and Essence of Life

The complex nature of human nature drives individuals to choose between right or wrong, often causing conflicts between personal desires and moral decisions. William Shakespeare explores this concept through his tragedy Hamlet, in order to explore the timelessly relevant themes, ideas and values in this play. In doing so, he delivers the audience a message about tragic procrastination, morality, mortality, murderous ambitions and how this can lead to conflict, change and tragedy. Although written with Elizabethan context, the sophisticated use...
2 Pages 972 Words

International Quarantine: A Measure To Halt Disease Spread

Abstract New challenges of 21st century such as rapid globalization, increased trades and hyper mobility of people; can spread infectious disease faster than ever before. Vigilant practice is vital to slow down the chain of transmission and quarantine is one among them. Quarantine is a measure used by the global health agencies to prevent the further spread of disease during an outbreak. Quarantine is usually done by restraining or separating human being and other living organism; who came into contact...
2 Pages 963 Words

Holism Leadership In Higher Education

Over the last half century, the conventional aim and public role of higher education have been challenged by new pressures (The National Task Force 2012). One might argue that the aim of higher education appears to be to acquire new knowledge and to prepare one for the workforce. On the other hand, one would also suggest that higher education institutions would strive for more suitable contributions to a culture of the nation. That challenge has created continual problems about the...
2 Pages 1012 Words

Woman In Contemporary Society

Woman in contemporary society is the one of the most widely discussed question nowadays. The development level of society and its potential possibility depend on many factors, and the one factor it is a woman, her position in society. This is mean that woman status serves as an indicator of the general social atmosphere in society. In turn, the changes taking place in society are reflected in women's value system and their social value orientations. Thus, defining the place and...
2 Pages 963 Words

Monstrosity vs Humanity in Beowulf

The poem of Beowulf involves ambiguity between the portrayals of humans and monsters. It reveals the struggles of humanity finding a balance between predatorial and agonistic aggressions through conflicts which also indicate how the beast-like nature of man reflects human society. Throughout Beowulf, the monstrosity of the antagonists seem to share more relations with man’s humanity rather than diverge. The term “aglaeca” in the original poem derives from Anglo-Saxon origin, which allows ambiguity of whether the creatures are truly monsters...
2 Pages 1036 Words

How Has Rap & Hip Hop Culture Influence the American Youth

In recent years, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding hip hop and rap music, it has been the forefront of the American media. Majority of it came from the east coast-west coast rivalry between the two rappers that got murdered named Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. if it were not for those two artists along with other hip hop pioneers, the rap and hip hop genre would not be what it is today. Hip Hop music has been...
2 Pages 1012 Words

Youth in Conflict with the Law

The programs available within my community that I was able to locate are as follows, Jubilee Centre – Safe Bed Crisis Support, Justice Support Services through the Canadian Mental Health Association and then through the local North Eastern Ontario Family and Children’s Services, there’s Youth Justice Committees, Attendance Centers, Community Support Teams, Residential Programs, a Restorative Justice program and bullying mediation programs offered by the Timmins Police. All these programs are geared towards the successful rehabilitation of youth to encourage...
2 Pages 999 Words

Legalization of Marijuana in the Clinical Setting

Amidst a myriad of controversial subjects in medicine, the use of medical marijuana in the clinical setting might stand at the forefront. Like any treatment in medicine, there are advantages and risks to the prescription of marijuana. Immense benefits have been found with the clinical use in oncology patients receiving chemotherapy, those suffering from Parkinson’s, and individuals with epilepsy. Healthcare professionals that support the implementation of medical marijuana argue there are far too many known benefits of cannabis for it...
2 Pages 1002 Words

The Salesman Who couldn't Sell Himself

Arthur miller’s, Death of a Salesman showcases a Brooklyn salesman, Willy, attempt to attain the American dream. He had some tokens of success in his life, but never anything that would make you think he was living life to his fullest potential. Willy was so caught up in being someone he wasn’t, it would eventually lead him to dig his own grave. Willy’s misunderstanding of the American Dream led him to only look for traditional success, live with regret and...
2 Pages 970 Words
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