1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Theoretical Issues In Natural Language Processing

NLP (Natural Language Processing) started during the 1950s as the crossing point of man-made brain power and the semantics. This intersection of the artificial intelligence and linguistics resulted in many successful natural language processing operations in artificial intelligence. however some theoretical and practical issues were still a matter of great concern. Due to industrial growth of artificial intelligence and smart systems, the theoretical problems were being disregarded while the products were generated and sold. The TINLAP (Theoretical issues in natural...
2 Pages 981 Words

Genetics And Ethics

After discussing with relatives who have completed their at-home DNA tests, I have been able to determine where most of my ancestors are from. Interestingly, I am from Seminole, Anglo-Saxon, and Irish descent. Within the Anglo-Saxon culture, a very rare disease known as hemochromatosis (iron build up in the body), is commonly found here. There are two forms of hemochromatosis, primary and secondary. Primary hemochromatosis is an autosomal recessive disorder – meaning it must be passed down to the offspring...
2 Pages 1043 Words

Evolutionary Psychology And Behavioral Genetics

Much debated topic among psychologist are always, whether our personality and behaviour are governed by nature or nurture. Evidence from various psychologists’ study have very much agreed that both also can influence and shape who we are. But to what extent, or which is more important is still an ongoing debate. The following contents of this essay will describe about two psychology branches: Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioural Genetics, to dwell on their root’s origin, ideology approach and methodology used of...
2 Pages 1021 Words

Examining Mendelian Genetics Using Caenorhabditis Elegans And Cross Experimenting

Introduction In this experiment, we will be examining genetic inheritance and the transfer of traits such as performed in the experiment done by Gregor Mendel with his garden peas. However, unlike Mendel, we will be using Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) nematodes instead of garden peas. C. elegans are worms measuring at around 1mm and consume E. coli and other microorganisms such as bacteria. They are useful in understanding biological functions especially ones found within humans. The worms have a very...
2 Pages 976 Words

The Advent Of Modern Chemistry

Chemistry is an ever-changing field. Theories are constantly being revised and rewritten because new information has become available or a new discovery has been made. Without the founding forefathers of chemistry: Aristotle, Lavoisier, John Dalton, and others, modern chemists would be at a complete loss. Chemistry is a collaborative effort between the work of those scientists that have existed before and those that exist now. The discovery of the composition of the atom and the discovery of radiation and radioactivity...
2 Pages 1015 Words

The Chemistry Of Soda

The chemistry behind soda is very interesting. Soda is made of four main ingredients: Carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup phosphoric acid and in most cases caffeine. Carbonated acids are a main part of soda they help make the fizz of the soft drink carbonated acid is made by pumping carbon gases into water (H2CO3). The carbonated acids are then combined with Water and Carbon Dioxide to make Carbonic Acids which is the full makeup of the fizz of the...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Chemistry Behind Fireworks

Have you ever wondered how fireworks actually work? Fireworks have been used for centuries as a source of entertainment, a method of communication and for religious reasons. Fireworks were invented in China. The earliest fireworks were made from hollow bamboo stalks filled with a simple chemical composition called ‘black powder’. This powder produces a small exploding reaction when ignited. In recent times, fireworks have evolved significantly in complexity in order to produce a great diversity of colours and patterns, and...
2 Pages 955 Words

The Peculiarities Of Basic Biology

A cell is the basic structure of any living thing, and thus can be considered the basis of life. All life is made up one type of cell or another. A notable thing about living systems is their ability to maintain a comparatively constant state known as homeostasis. The cell happens to be the earliest level of complexity capable of maintaining homeostasis, and manages to perform this critical function thanks to its unique structure. According to the current cell theory,...
2 Pages 996 Words

The Astronomy Of Ancient Egyptian

I address the Old Kingdom of Egypt in the lower Nile region in the following responses. As expected, astronomers observed the sky. They noted the rising and setting of celestial bodies and measured time by them (Ruiz 276). Certain religious rituals were held at specific times of the year as denoted by stars’ movement (Ruiz 276) and because of stellar importance, priests were often astronomers. Typically, there would be at least one priest specifically “representing stellar wisdom” and named “Horoscopus”...
2 Pages 1044 Words

The Importance Of Religions In The Mediterranean

The Mediterranean Sea is called the sea on land because it borders the three continents, the origin of modern European civilization. The Mediterranean, which played a central role in Europe through the prosperity of Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Spain, has been called variously in history. The Mediterranean sea was called the ‘Great Green’ by Ancient Egyptians, the ‘our sea’ by ancient Romans, the ‘great sea’ by Jews and ‘white seas’ by Turks. These various names themselves are representative grounds for...
2 Pages 1045 Words

Convictions Of Contraception In Christianity, Islam And Hinduism

Contraception is a typical thing that most of individuals in our general public all think about and use. For the individuals who aren't mindful of what contraception will be, contraception is a wide range of techniques to forestall origination (getting pregnant). Contraception strategies are incredibly normal and in our present period it is regarded typical to utilize a technique for contraception instead of none. However, to certain religions it is considered 'wicked' or 'naturally underhanded'. The issue these days is...
2 Pages 1025 Words

The Impact Of Religious Stories On The European Ethos

I have said that the soul is not more than the body, And I have said that the body is not more than the soul, And nothing, not God, is greater to one than one's self is, (
) I see something of God each hour of the twenty-four, and each moment then, In the faces of men and women I see God, and in my own face in the glass, I find letters from God dropt in the street, and...
2 Pages 990 Words

Religious Voice In The World

The Religious Voice in the World means to me, that people take a stand and use their voice to get attention to them so they can address problems which are happening in the world today. People use their voice to speak about issues that they care about whether its education or society. When using their religious voice this helps make a change in humanity and how we live our daily lives. The values that are established in having a religious...
2 Pages 953 Words

The Definition Of Black Theology

“To sing about freedom and to pray for its coming is not enough. Freedom must be actualized in history by oppressed who accept the intellectual challenge to analyze the world for the purpose of changing it” mentioned James Cone. This paper looks at one of the prominent figures of Black Theology, James Cone and explores Black Liberation Theology. Black Theology is an off shout of Liberation Theology. Liberation Theology and Black Theology were mainly a response to the socio-political realities...
2 Pages 963 Words

Minjung Theology And Other Theologies

Minjung theology deals with the central theme of theology, i.e. there are two separate opinions it is based off. According to Suh Namdong, minjung is the centre of focus rather than Jesus, whereas Ahn Byungmu claims that it focuses on both minjung and Jesus, as they are inseparable. The reasoning given was that Jesus was the medium used to understand the oppressed (Ochlos) rather than the oppressed used to explain Jesus instead. Jesus represented the oppressed and his priority was...
2 Pages 1004 Words

The Beliefs And Practices Of Judaism And Buddhism

INTRODUCTION Religion may not be easy to define, as it is defined differently for different people.it may be defined as the belief in and worship. Religion may also be used to justify class, gender and colonial forms of discrimination and exploitation. Religion may heal and also hurt people. Teaching and learning about different religions educate citizens to live in a multi-religious world and nation. JUDAISM Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people. It is an ancient monotheistic, Abrahamic religion...
2 Pages 1036 Words

China In The Middle Ages: Buddhism, Confucianism, And Taoism

When the Han Dynasty fell around 220 C.E. This time of period would also be known as “Medieval China” that started in 220 C.E. and came to an end in 1368 C.E. China had to deal with confusing situations with their society. Most of the countries had only one religion and they went into war over the religion. China had to rebuild their society of having three major religions: Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. China has been known for its leaders,...
2 Pages 1045 Words

Pure Buddhism And Buddhist Meditation Strategies

Introduction Karma is the reward or punishment you get for what you did. This is a concept in Buddhist philosophy. This is a philosophy, which Sri Gauthama Sambuddha enchanted. This philosophy leads the way to attain nibbana, the uttermost freedom from Sansara. Sansara is the cycle which we go through from one birth to another. We face many incidents where we get sadness at the end. This philosophy shows the correct path to become free from this sadness. Karma is...
2 Pages 995 Words

Weddings In Buddhism And Islam

Introduction The dictionary’s definition of a wedding is “a marriage ceremony, especially considered as including the associated celebrations”. Marriage can be defined as the legal or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship. Marriage has been around for centuries, in fact, the first recorded evidence of marriage ceremonies dates from about 2350 BC. Buddhism Brief background and core beliefs: Buddhism was founded in North-Eastern India by a Prince named Siddhartha, in the sixth century BC....
2 Pages 1048 Words

Buddhism: Life And Four Noble Truths

Buddhism is forth most spread religion after Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism. It is also considered as the most tolerant religion because its teachings can be applied in any other religion. Buddhism, however, is not about religion, believing in Supreme God, but about “a way of living”. It was found in India by Siddhartha Gautama who is mainly known as Buddha. However, he is not God, he is just extraordinary man who achieved enlightenment. Buddhism is mainly spread in countries of...
2 Pages 980 Words

Religions Of The World: Buddhism And Islam

Buddhism and Islamic religious cultures meet the needs of their adherents very successfully. By using the Three Ninan Smart Dimensions, it will explore the religious practices, material and mythological dimension. Every religious tradition has some practices to which it obeys, and which provides spiritual awareness. Rituals and practices are inherent in the spiritual beliefs of many followers. All practices and rituals serve the same purpose; to uplift ones physical and emotional connection with their god. This is significant as rituals...
2 Pages 952 Words

Meaning Of Happiness In Islamic Perspective

From islamic perspective, happiness is express by the terms of saadah. The term saadah has a close relation to both the hereafter(ukhrawiyyah) and the present world(dunyawiyyah). In the case of the hereafter life (ukhrawiyyah), sa’adah indicates the meaning of an ultimate form of happiness which is everlasting contentment and bliss. This kind of happiness is a promise to those who in worldly life have submitted themselves sincerely to serve god by obeying His command and avoiding His prohibition. While the...
2 Pages 1014 Words

Shinto vs. Islam

'In The Name of Allah, we praise Him, and we seek His guidance in all matters” Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan. It is a complicated belief system revolving around nature and focuses on supernatural gods or spirits called ‘Kami’. The natural force is seen as divine, that inspires and gives a feeling of admiration. This relation between Kami and the natural world has steered Shinto to be considered as pantheistic and animistic. There are many forms & levels...
2 Pages 1000 Words

Judaism, Christianity, Islam And Building Peace

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are similar in that they all believe that God showed himself to Abraham. Each believe that there is only one God and conceive God to be the Creator and the foundation of law that is fundamentally moral. There is consistency in their religious texts with many of the identical figures, similar histories, and places. They are sometimes are presented with dissimilar roles, viewpoints and meanings. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, God and the universe are vastly...
2 Pages 960 Words

Islam Vs. Bioethics

To a certain extent, there need not be strict homogeneity to maintain coherence within a religious tradition for the adherents to ‘live successfully in the modern world’. There is a diversity of expression within the widespread nature of Islam, but it is the principal beliefs in Tawhid (the oneness of Allah), Kutubu’llah (the books of Allah), Al Qadr (fate) as well as submission to Allah that denotes an adherents success of life. Sunni Imam Al-Shafi (767- 820 CE) identified that...
2 Pages 1021 Words

Islamophobia And Islam

The ongoing issue of Islamophobia is outlined by the misrepresentation and stereotyping of Muslims in the media. The media have blamed all Muslims for recent terrorist attacks carried out by extreme groups who say they follow the religion of Islam. This chapter aims to investigate the reasons islamophobia is a global issue in societies. With further research conducted, 95% have an understanding of islamophobia yet 5% who conducted the survey have no understanding of islamophobia. Participants of the primary research...
2 Pages 970 Words

Misconceptions About Islam Religion

All around the world, there are many misconceptions that non-Muslims have about Islam and Muslims. This project will be describing those misbeliefs and will be clarifying them. People’s views and opinions matter which should be clarified and should be given information to them that they do not think that way. One of the biggest misconceptions about Islam that people have is that Muslims are terrorists. That is not at all true as Islam is a religion of peace and tranquillity....
2 Pages 1043 Words

The Peculiarities Of Islamic Work Ethic

This study are based on the writing article on the organizational citizenship behavior’s factors among the Malaysian bank employees. This study also show the moderating role of Islamic work ethic among those bank employees that have been practice by them. The data from the study of the article was collected from 192 employees at Islamic banks in Malaysia through a survey that have been done by the researcher. The tools that have been used to analyse the data was the...
2 Pages 996 Words

Significance Of Hijrah In Islam

The word Hijrah in the Quran is used for making people realize the sense of departure, abandonment or boycott. This generally means the idea of leaving something behind, which can be physical or mentally., of an existing unwanted state for something better. The prophet’s migration to madinah played a huge role in uniting the faith of people of Islam. Hijrah moved the center stage of events from mecca and madinah and marked a turning point in the eventual success of...
2 Pages 1007 Words

Amirs Relationship With Islam In The Play Disgraced

In the play Disgraced by Ayad Akhtar, he discusses the characters and their views on Islam and the bitterness and gratification that lies within Amir, giving us an insider of his life. Amir has heavily neglected Islam and portraits it has a pessimistic religion because of how Islam is quickly linked to radicalism and terror, due to that, he encounters with racism and oppression throughout his day to day life because of his Pakistani descent, which causes him to refine...
2 Pages 985 Words
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