1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay about Underground Railroad

Abstract In this essay, I will be diving into detail about three topics that are not spoken of in our presentation. The first topic is the living conditions, daily routine, and torture that became a normal part of their life such as work from sunup to sundown. The second topic is debatably the most important, the one thing that help them keep going through all of the trials and tribulations that they faced while being considered and compared to cattle/animals...
3 Pages 1141 Words

Types of Social Control: Review of 'Invitation to Sociology' by Peter L. Berger

In the book Invitation to Sociology, Peter L. Berger discusses six types of social control and how they can be used to have authority over society. Social control is defined by Berger as the “various means used by a society to bring its recalcitrant members back into line” (68). Berger also states that “no society can exist without social control” (68) and even a small group of people will have to develop mechanisms of control if the group is not...
2 Pages 1081 Words

Essay about Theatre

In September 2019, I was on a Greyhound bus from DC heading to New York City for the first time. I remembered the butterflies feeling of excitement in my stomach when I spotted the Big Apple getting closer and bigger with every passing second. “Ding” – an email pops up on my phone notifying me that I have just won a lottery ticket for Tootsie, my very first Broadway musical. My eyes were tearing up because there are no words...
2 Pages 1085 Words

The Moment That Changed Everything Essay

Throughout a lifetime, everyone will experience an obstacle that may be difficult to encounter. Many of these obstacles that come our way may seem impossible to overcome. We react to these difficulties in our own ways. At the beginning of my senior year in high school, I received the shocking news that changed the way I viewed the past seventeen years of my life. Unexpectedly, and by accident, I found out that my father was not my birth father. As...
2 Pages 1072 Words

The Lady or The Tiger’: Critical Analysis Essay

Frank Stockton’s “The Lady, or the Tiger” is a 19th-century short story that leaves the reader with a sense of speculation. The story introduces the audience to a kingdom that bears a resemblance to the Roman Empire. There rules a king that is said to be “semi-barbaric.” Alongside the king, is his daughter, a princess who is just as “semi-barbaric” as her father. The princess has fallen in love with a man, one who is stunning and brave. The gentleman...
2 Pages 1075 Words

The Good Life Essay

What is a ‘good life’? The idea of a ‘good life’ varies and is argued as everyone has their own beliefs on what is the best use of their life and how that will contribute to it being a good life. Not only this but different upbringings and religions influence the way we perceive goodness and success in life. Buddhism: What is Buddhism? Buddhists believe that human life consists of suffering and that the practice of meditation, spiritual and physical...
2 Pages 1050 Words

The Epic of Gilgamesh’: Summary Essay

Epic of Gilgamesh Essay All of the events that transpired throughout the text created an unbreakable bond between Gilgamesh and Enkidu. This friendship is developed through all of the near-death experiences and solidified even more after Enkidu’s death. Their friendship can be described as complex. One could argue that their friendship was almost necessary for Gilgamesh’s life. What is so important about their friendship is that it is able to bring animals, humans, and even gods together. Throughout the text,...
2 Pages 1132 Words

The Blind Side’: Movie Summary Essay

Analysis: The Blind Side The movie The Blind Side is about a homeless African American teen who was given a home to stay in by a wealthy white family. With the help of his new family, he was able to attend a quality school regularly and find his talent for football. He later attended Ole Miss on a football scholarship before becoming an NFL star. This movie shows how, with the help of his mentors, Michael Ohr was able to...
2 Pages 1065 Words

The Blind Side’: Film Analysis Essay

The Blind Side, written and directed by John Lee Hancock is a must-see for mature viewers. The movie brings to life the heart-wrenching, tear-jerking, true story of National Football League (NFL) player, Michael Oher who was played by Quinton Aaron. Sandra Bullock and Tim McGraw play the brave married couple, Leigh Anne and Sean Tuohy while Lily Collins and Jae Head play their two biological children, Collins, and S.J. Tuohy. The production was filmed in Atlanta, Georgia in 2009 but...
2 Pages 1063 Words

Should Students Wear School Uniforms Essay

School uniforms should be stopped. They are bland, outdated, and uncomfortable. Very few students enjoy wearing school uniforms and although they`ve been around for ages it`s time for a change. There are a few good reasons why a uniform should be in place and for almost any argument in favor of uniforms, there is more often than not a simple solution. The fact is, that it's uninformed themselves that prevent a free education by giving carers an additional expense to...
2 Pages 1062 Words

Student Loan Debt Problem: Solution Essay

Student Loan Debt Earning a college degree is expected after a person graduates from high school. The higher the degree, the more money is earned. It is the goal of many to be a college graduate, however, the financial status of those seems to be a huge factor as to why many do not go to college or take out loans. Student loans can come from the federal government, private sources such as banks or financial institutions, or from other...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Essay about Starting a Business

Challenges faced when starting a business Abstract There are many challenges that an owner might face while starting a business depending on what a business might sell due to the current difficulties. Which is when taking proportions and answering every detail and being ready for any flaws that might occur and ruin the business. such as the pandemic and how businesses may tend to struggle with how they could operate and make a profit by selling their goods to their...
2 Pages 1078 Words

Should School Days Be Longer: Essay

Should school time be extended? That is a question that many adults are keeping on top of their minds. They believe that 6 to 7 hours of school are not quite enough for a day, some suggest that school time should match the average of 8 hours of work every day. This divided the debate into two sides: “Reduce school time and extend school time”. However, it’s believed that most of us prefer the school hours to be left untouched...
3 Pages 1148 Words

Should Fathers Get Paternity Leave: Essay

For the past decades, family dynamics have shifted from a single-income household, consisting of a breadwinning father and a caregiving mother. The trend has transitioned to a dual-income household, whereby income responsibilities rest in the hands of both parents. With that in mind, notably, mothers give birth nearly every day all around the world, yet, some fathers struggle to find time off-duty to lend them support. Many fathers struggle to find time to be there long enough for their newborns....
2 Pages 1077 Words

Should College Athletes Be Paid: Essay Outline

The sports culture is a very crucial element of the general college experience in most colleges. Several colleges attract students based on their academic reputations and capabilities but research shows that there is a good number of colleges that attract students due to their sports culture reputations. The University of Alabama and Oklahoma University possess strong sports cultures and evidence shows that they also hire talented athletes in the states starting from the high school level. Despite the fact that...
2 Pages 1099 Words

Should Chocolate Milk Be Served in Schools: Essay

There have been many hard decisions that people have been thinking about across schools that provide chocolate milk. That is whether we want to keep chocolate milk or ban it! Well, this is why I believe that we should ban chocolate milk from schools. Because it causes health problems, contains too much sugar, and cow’s milk is not even meant for humans. Many kids love chocolate milk because of its delicious, chocolatey flavor. Another reason why kids love chocolate milk...
2 Pages 1068 Words

Self Evaluation Essay

Self-Evaluation and Its Importance in Goal Setting This paper touches basis on some of the reasons an individual may feel the need to perform better based on their knowledge of themselves and how it relates to goal performance and goal setting. Goal setting can be a very important thing to people who desire to reach that particular goal based on their motivation at the time. A person’s self-evaluation may be the underlying motivational factor of how well they decide to...
2 Pages 1098 Words

Salem Witch Trials: DBQ Essay

The Puritans in New England endured the chilliest winters of the time in the period of 1680 to 1730 according to the weather records from Mckaila (2014). In the duration, of the Salem witch trials occurred, hundreds of innocent people had been hounded and nineteen of them were hanged at the end starting in 1962. This assignment is going to argue that the driving factor of these large-scale witch trials was the people’s anxiety by adverse weather at Salem, using...
2 Pages 1112 Words

Role of Art Works in Religions

Introduction Art is the process of making or creating something different by using our skills, thoughts, and feelings. Art plays a crucial role in our society as it helps us to remember the events that had happened in past, identify one’s religion, and in understanding the various socially constructed concepts. Art can be expressed in paintings, sculptures, or any other visual form. Here, in this research paper, I would like to discuss the relationship between art and spirituality especially How...
3 Pages 1149 Words

Essay on Rhetorical Situation

When asking oneself what exactly a “rhetorical situation” is, what tends to come to your curious mind? I didn`t know either. But an easier way to understand, and grasp the concept is to first look at rhetorical analysis. A simplistic way of putting it is by giving an example, first impressions. Have you ever walked into any of your classes the very first day of classes and as you look at your professor, you analyze them from head to toe...
2 Pages 1127 Words

Raising the Driving Age to 18: Persuasive Essay

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), “In 2017, 2,364 teens in the United States aged 16-19 were killed, and about 300,000 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes.” From this, one can acknowledge how extremely dangerous teens tend to drive and cause many deaths and serious injuries. The lives of many innocent people and children are also taken away by reckless driving by careless teens. Why should teens under the age...
2 Pages 1144 Words

Quality Management of Construction in Nigeria in the Last 5 Years

1.0 Introduction To improve quality management, this report examines the effect of quality management on building construction in Nigeria. Construction failures and, in extreme cases, building collapses have been blamed on a variety of factors, including poor quality management. Quality control measures employed in quality management by the Nigerian construction industry include physical checks and statistical reliance, indicating that quality management and effective quality evaluations (a measure of quality assurance in building production) are not generally implemented. Greed, bribery, and...
2 Pages 1056 Words

DBQ Essay on Prohibition

Following the conclusion of World War I, Americans assimilated into a nation that was greatly transformed. At the time, The United States of America was at a peak of its global leadership, a flourishing economy, and worldwide guidance, but only after having experienced a period of substantial economic changes. In the Great Depression of the 1930s, Americans encountered the vastest economic crisis in the history of the U.S., and as a result, more than ¼ of the nationwide workforce became...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Essay on Postmodernism

Since the mid-late twentieth century, Postmodernism is more commonly referred to as the most controversial of all the art and design movements of that era, exhausting all concepts of innovation, individualism, and style. The definition according to the Oxford Dictionaries for Postmodernism is a late-twentieth-century style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism, which represents a departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media...
2 Pages 1139 Words

Personal Views on Obtaining an MBA: Opinion Essay

According to the obstetrician, my mothers’ estimated date of delivery for my younger twin sisters was 4 February – my birthday. My mother used to tell the story of how when she initially told me that the twins would be born on the same day as me, I promptly declared that they thus belonged to me and that she should hand them over once they arrived. Needless to say, she ended up having an emergency C-section 2 weeks before the...
2 Pages 1051 Words

Personal Brand Essay

What is a personal brand? As the saying goes, “Everyone is unique in their own special way”, we all have at least one uncommon quality within us. Uncovering these unique qualities gives us the potential needed to stand out in a crowd and make our own place. Now, this is the very basic idea of what a personal brand is – it is a “sign” that is created around you as an individual. If you are just starting to think...
2 Pages 1099 Words

Essay about Paternity Leave

The world has never witnessed a faster increase in the number of paternity leave recently. The term “paternity leave” is the period of time offered legally for men to take a temporary break from work to take care of their newborn babies. According to research from OECD countries (2016), the paternity leave recipient rate among countries where data are available is over 50% (1). In other words, in every 100 childbirth, there are more than 50 individuals claiming that they...
3 Pages 1134 Words

Essay on Parents-Child Relationship

Children are the most important entities not only in the life of parents but also in the life of society and the state to a larger extent. Even before a child is born, his parents have certain notions about what their dream child will be like and the kind of. This study is an endeavor to study the impact of the home environment on academic achievement with the objective to find out the academic achievement of twelfth-grade students in relation...
2 Pages 1126 Words

My Study Plan to Get MBA

Study Plan I have been accepted for the MBA program, in September 2019 at the University of New Brunswick. I believe that this degree will present me with a string of opportunities that will help me develop my professional career. Therefore, I decided to pursue my MBA program in Canada, because it is one of the most suitable countries compared to the other English-speaking counties and their curriculum is adapted to current events. Canada is also becoming increasingly popular among...
2 Pages 1112 Words

Essay on Trade Networks in the Post Classical Era

The destiny of the Global economy: Transition, recession, or the end? The global economy has been heavily debated as there is a lack of consensus as to its meaning, emergence, extent, and future. For the past century, there is a push and pull on globalization, decolonization, and world war-divided countries, after which an acceptance of the common economic ideology of capitalism united the world. Globalization made the world economically and culturally alike (Agnew, 2001) as countries adopted free markets and...
3 Pages 1131 Words
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