1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Hurricane Katrina: Causes and Effects

Hurricane Katrina killed 1,833 people with 1,577 being from Louisiana. Of those killed 40% were from drowning, 25% were from injury or trauma, and 11% died because of heart conditions. Almost half of the deaths in Louisiana were elderly people over age 74. Ninety thousand square miles of the United States was impacted. More than 1 million people were displaced along the gulf region. The city of New Orleans had a population of 484,674 in April 2000 and fell to...
3 Pages 1149 Words

The New Silk Road

China has summitted huge sums of money for investments in Kazakhstan.On March 2015 at Boao Forum, Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Masimov and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang signed off some 33 deals worth US $ 23,6 billion. These varied from projects in then steel, non-ferrous metals, sheet glass, and auto industries to the more usual oil refining, and hydropower industries. Li praised the deals as a sign of the complementary nature of the Chinese and Kazakh economies.Kazakhstan itself is also committing...
2 Pages 1130 Words

Essay on the Negative Effects of Technology on Mental Health

Technology runs the world and at this point, technological advances in any field are inevitable. Imagining a world without technology would be virtually impossible at this state in time because of how it surrounds us and how we rely so heavily on it in our day-to-day life. Because we rely so much on technology, it makes people, more specifically, younger generations to be more reliant on it, it makes them more prone to mental health related illnesses or disorders and...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Perceptions of Transformative Learning by Christian Education Professors

“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” - Corinthians 3:18 (NIV). The article chosen is, 'Perception and Experience of Transformative Learning and Faculty Authenticity Among North American Professors of Christian Education (NAPCE)' by Hoykung Paul Kang examines the importance of authenticity of Christian professors who have had experience with the transformative model of learning and its impact in...
2 Pages 1064 Words

Euro Vs Dollar: Differences Between the US and European Financial Systems

The Eurozone is a geographic and economic region that consists of all the European Union (EU) countries that have fully incorporated the euro as their national currency. As of 2019, the Eurozone consists of 19 countries in the EU: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. In 1992, the countries making up the European Community (EC) signed the Maastricht Treaty, thereby creating the EU. The creation...
2 Pages 1053 Words

Pros and Cons of Cell Phones in Relationships: An Essay

According to Meredith David and James Roberts (2017), “It is ironic that cell phones, originally designed as a communication tool, may actually hinder rather than foster interpersonal connectedness”. Even though this wonderful device was initially created for communication can create a communication gap among users. Hence, cell phones hurt as well as help friendships. Relationships and technology are far two different concepts. One is emotional and requires feelings whereas the other is technical and more logical. The growth in technology...
2 Pages 1057 Words

How Should the US Reduce Economic Inequality? Essay

Over the past few decades, America has been experiencing a great deal of alterations. One of those changes involves the growth of the country. The expansion rate in America has been rapidly growing since 1950. Decreased death rate and an increase in average human age are some of the leading causes of skyrocketing population. Growth has tended to be more rapid, especially in lower-working categories. However, social disengagement arising from growing inequality has not altered. Poverty and inequality are interlinked...
2 Pages 1133 Words

Fear in the Crucible

The 32nd president of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt once said during the presidential election of 1932, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. Roosevelt was trying to describe that fear is the one thing to be afraid of since it can be used to manipulate many with fears and make them act irrationally, which gives them false hope of security. In Arthur Miller’s ‘The Crucible’, he uses fear in the story to show us how...
2 Pages 1088 Words

The Impacts of Medicaid Program

When investigating the impacts of Medicaid, the emotional parts in social insurance spending and the portion of GDP committed to human services have raised worries about the negative effect of medicinal services cost swelling on the U.S. economy. The impacts are probably going to happen over all segments of the economy – governments, organizations and families – as all these interrelated parts assume a significant job in the arrangement, financing and utilization of medicinal services in the US. For instance,...
2 Pages 1145 Words

Chinese Immigrants In Texas

Located at heart of United States, Texas is rich in natural resources and has a business friendly environment. In fact, for a long time now, Texas has been a hub for immigrants from all over the world. The state hosts both immigrants and natives of America. As a result, Texas’ population is rapidly growing. In 2005, Texas had outperformed other American states in population growth. The number of people moving to Texas has been rapidly increasing since the year 2000....
2 Pages 1061 Words

Major Aspects of Industrialization Between 1865 and 1920

In the 19th century, the period between 1865 and 1900 marked as a major threshold in the improvement of industrialization in America. The Northern society realized a profound positive change, due to the rapid expansion of industrialization. There were various factors that boosted the expansion of industrialization in America at the end of the 19th century. Some of these elements were improvement of the large-scale agricultural activities and increasement of the national labor unions. Also, the presence of technology necessitated...
2 Pages 1119 Words

Comparative Analysis of Usability of Media Players

Nowadays computer systems are playing a vital role in almost every aspect of human life with the help of complex and user-friendly software systems. Multimedia players are one of the application of computers system used to watch videos and listen audios. In this paper, we conduct a comparative analysis of four media players i.e. VLC, QQ player, Windows media player class and Pot Player. We conduct a survey from exerts of different organizations on usability of media players, containing parameters...
2 Pages 1130 Words

Adolescent Drug Addiction: Risk Factors and Strategies for Prevention

Addiction is a rapidly growing issue impacting today’s society. Unfortunatly, there are many different types of addictions and each one brings along a unique set of challenges. The American Phsychiatic Association describes addiction as “a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence”. Drug addictions hinder and restrain people from everyday life events, dreams, accomplishments, and the relationships they have with friends and family members. A common and often repetitive problem related to...
2 Pages 1140 Words

Virtual Reality: Potential Future Popularity, Key Benefits and Challenges

Virtual reality is “an artificial environment which is experienced through sensory stimuli (such as sights and sounds) provided by a computer”. It is basically a 3D (three-dimensional) environment, generated artificially, by a computer. The artificial environment can be explored, and also interacted with, by a person using the VR (virtual reality) technology. It is also important to mention that the given environment can be similar to the real world but it can also be completely different. As for now, standard...
2 Pages 1072 Words

Theories Justifying International Trade

International trade emerged as a controversial concept that led to the creation of various theories to justify the adoption of the practice. International trade theories explain the exchange of goods and services between entities or people from two different nations. The trade between individuals and entities results from the belief in the possibilities of benefiting from exchanging goods and services (Viner, 2016). International trade constitutes a significant number of theories, business strategies, and policies. Comparative advantage is one of the...
2 Pages 1061 Words

The Issue of Discrimination in Standardized Testing

This all started from the beginning of the 19th Century when the United States began taking in immigrants fleeing from Europe due to the devastation of World War I. During this time Carl C. Brigham—a professor of psychology at Princeton University— published A Study of American Intelligence (1923) “in which he emphasized that the decline in America's intelligence was attributable to the influx of low IQ immigrants” (Strout and Stuart, 133). Brigham came to this conclusion by creating puzzles for...
2 Pages 1050 Words

Lego Target Market Analysis

The LEGO Company is a very good example of the importance of understanding the target market. The main target market for the LEGO Company is children between the ages of 1-15 years. Having said this, whilst kids are the main target audience for the LEGO company, LEGO understands that parents are also the key target market for their business. Four Main Target Profiles Young children who are encouraged to learn: interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) related activities;...
2 Pages 1083 Words

Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence

Humans use available information as well as reason in order to solve problems and make decisions, so why can’t machines do the same thing? That's the question that continues to fuel the growth of artificial intelligence today. Artificial intelligence is simply computer systems being able to perform skills that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages. People are finally cracking down on AI and making it more useful and rapid than ever...
2 Pages 1137 Words

Essay on Computer Crimes

In the modern era, computers and the networks grew rapidly and at the same time it increased many opportunities for criminal activities, and organizations, law enforcement agencies are struggling to keep up from those attacks. Computer crimes not only include unauthorized user access but also include fraud, identity theft, altering user’s data, holding user information until ransom paid. Several methods of committing computer crimes are distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks, ransomware attacks, viruses, worms, social engineering, phishing, key loggers....
2 Pages 1093 Words

Overview of USS Utah's History as a Battleship

Resilience and adaptation are terms that can certainly be applied a ship that started an eventful timeline as a Battleship, and ultimately morphed into the one of the first training drones used by the US Navy, as is in the case of the USS Utah. Understanding the history of the USS Utah will give senior enlisted leaders a sense of understanding of adapting to the needs of mission, and putting the needs of others above self. This essay will discuss...
2 Pages 1126 Words

Student Loan Debt Crisis and Ways to Prevent It

Loans taken for the right reason and used efficiently are beneficial to students. Most loan debt crisis among students arises when the borrowed funds are taken for the wrong reasons and also because of poor financial planning. There are various reasons why students take loans, one being to cater for their living expenses. The cost of living in colleges and campuses has increased over the last few years. Students who study in big cities have to face the high cost...
2 Pages 1136 Words

The Deadly Danger of the Ebola Virus

Ebola is defined as a rare disease in the United States, it has only occurred because cases were obtained in other countries that eventually led it to spread by human transmission (CDC, 2019). There are fewer than 1000 US cases per year, but in West Africa Ebola is considered a zoonotic disease because it originated from animals to humans (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2019). It’s a catastrophic disease that is infectious and frequently fatal. Ebola marked by a fever and critical...
3 Pages 1129 Words

The Great Depression and Its Main 'Lessons'

Many people claim that the Stock Market crash of 1929, was the main cause of the Great Depression. Multiple predicaments led to the economic fall in the United States. World War I created a web of debts and reparations, created under the Treaty of Versailles. Nationally, stocks were being bought with credit. Agriculture began to take the plunge because the demand was decreasing, since the war was over. Slowly, the loss of money began to plague the American economy, along...
2 Pages 1111 Words

The Presidency of Richard Nixon: Strengths and Weaknesses

Richard Nixon’s presidency started January 20th, 1969. Before his life as president, he was born in Yorba Linda, California. The family experienced tragedy twice early in Richard's life. His younger brother died in 1925 after a short illness, and in 1933, his older brother, whom he greatly admired, died of tuberculosis. Nixon had a very successful school life, winning debates and elections and leading roles in school dramatic productions. His grades were excellent, at both Whittier College and Duke University's...
2 Pages 1125 Words

Reasons for Low Voter Turnout Among Young People in Canada

Centuries people have fought for the right to vote, the right to vote is guaranteed constitutionally through the Charter of Rights and Freedoms all restrictions were moved in 1982. Yet, there is a decline in voter turnout due to young people. In most eyes, democracy is a privilege which exercises the right to vote. However, voting is not the only form of political participation or civic engagement for young people. Low voter turnout among Canadian youth should not only focused...
2 Pages 1056 Words

Historical and Current Perspectives on Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a robust technology, it allows each owner to transfer an amount of money directly from person to person without the requirement of central authority or intermediaries. It is a technology underlying Bitcoin. Every transaction block set with its own hash value, which entitled a transaction finder with a set of inputs and outputs. A block in a blockchain network can store the details about who is involved in the transaction, date, and time etc. instead of your actual...
2 Pages 1092 Words

Critical Reflexive Analysis Concerning Whiteness

Whiteness has, until recently, been an issue which has laid dormant in my mind for almost my entire life. And when one considers all the times I didn’t have to think about it, for example when I was not arrested for public intoxication, having a party at my house, or driving with loud music, this fact makes more sense. I, like the majority of Caucasian people in society, do not have to live with eyes in the back of our...
2 Pages 1124 Words

The Influence of Cultural Context on the Art Produced by African Culture

Archaeological evidence from about 200,000 years ago suggests that the first modern humans lived on the African continent, before moving to other parts of the world. Due to the fact that as more recent records of human activity show, oral history is more important for African communities in comparison to written documentation, therefore making art a particularly important form of communication and cultural expression. Art created in Africa is unlike other art developed around the rest of the world as...
2 Pages 1071 Words

Trace of the US Government’s Changing Relationship with Labor Movement from 1890 to 1940

The labor movement in the United States has come a long way. That is, in the earlier years, any efforts that were made by tradesmen to create better working conditions was considered a criminal offense. Besides, many boot-makers and other tradespeople were convicted of criminal conspiracy just because they tried to negotiate for better working conditions. Initially, long working hours, low pay, and child labor were the primary characteristics that were associated with American factories. Furthermore, child labor remained to...
2 Pages 1065 Words

The Need for Digital Literacy in the Modern World

The American Library Association's digital-literacy task force offers this definition of digital literacy: “Digital literacy is the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information requiring both cognitive and technical skills”. Hiller Spires, a professor of literacy and technology at North Carolina State University, views digital literacy as having “three buckets: 1) finding and consuming digital content; 2) creating digital content; and 3) communicating or sharing it”. I was first introduced to the world...
2 Pages 1082 Words
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