1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

GMO Proposal Essay

Agriculture is an important part of the framework for the United States society. The plants that are grown and produced are essential in everyday life due to their prevalence in the diets of human beings. Recent advancements in agriculture have led to the creation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) which has sparked furious debate. As you have informed me, you are wondering what side to support regarding the issue of whether food manufacturers should be required to label foods that...
2 Pages 1128 Words

Failure Is a Good Thing Essay

Failure is a part of life, it can make or break a person. When a person experiences a type of failure it is now up to them to see how they respond. They can choose the high road, and become a stronger person for it. Then they can choose the low road, the easy way out. The easy way out is never a good choice. It can lead only to destruction. The high road is the right choice to take...
2 Pages 1085 Words

Joan Didion 'On Morality' Essay

Morality is a social phenomenon. It is the difference of purpose, decisions, and actions between those that are known as right and those that are wrong. In this society, morals are important and are imperative to help society run. However, a lot of times people get the true meaning of morality mixed up or they believe something is moral but in reality, it's just beneficial for themselves. In Joan Didion’s essay “On Morality,” Didion digs deep into how to know...
2 Pages 1061 Words

Working with Veterans Essay

As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for District 10, Michael McCaul is the Congressman that is busy helping keep U.S. borders secure, the economy sound, our healthcare affordable, our energy resources safe, veterans cared for, plus other concerns that affect the individual freedoms of the average American. He is currently the Lead Republican on the Foreign Affairs committee where he and many others use their skills to combat threats from across the world. He also is the...
2 Pages 1073 Words

Diversity Essay on Volunteering Experience

My experiences with culturally and linguistically diverse groups started from a very early age. Spanish was my first language and continues to remain to be the prominent language that remains spoken in my family’s household. I was introduced to English when I entered preschool kindergarten, however, I still retained my skills to read, write, and speak fluently in Spanish. I taught Spanish Sunday school to elementary and junior high students at my local church for four years. This served as...
2 Pages 1064 Words

Essay on 'The Death and Life of Great American Cities' Summary

Issues in urban planning according to Jacobs Jane Jacobs, in her book The death and Life of great American Cities, was keen on learning the Planning principles what restoration practices will foster social and economic development in cities, and what policies and values will diminish those qualities. In this context, she was unhappy about issues such as What kinds of city streets are secure and what kinds are not; why some city parks are excellent, and others vice traps and...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Personal Experience Essay about Family

Growing up as a child my dad was never there for me. I always saw families including a mum and a dad and then I would look at mine and feel like something was missing. My mum separated from my dad before I could even walk so I never really knew what it was like to have a dad and I was always told I didn’t need one; however my mind still wondered if it would be better with one....
2 Pages 1099 Words

Essay on How Did Television Impact the Civil Rights Movement

In 1865, the American Civil War ended and the 13th Amendment abolished slavery; however, they didn’t end discrimination against black Americans, thus leading to the Black Civil Rights Movement. In England, according to the PPT, the franchise had been extended from only rich men to almost all men from 1832 to 1884; therefore, women’s exclusion from the franchise seemed increasingly silly (Clohesy 2019). As a result, the Suffragist Movement began. These two movements are two significant movements for equal rights...
2 Pages 1122 Words

To Kill a Mockingbird' Civil Rights Essay

Rousseau in his book The Contract Social argues that the individual finds his true being and freedom only in submission to the “general will” of the community. In this desired social contract, everyone will be free because they all forfeit the same number of rights and impose the same duties on all. The fundamental purpose of the rule of law is to establish a socially acceptable and consistent bottom line of human behavior. It acts as a deterrent and a...
2 Pages 1053 Words

Essay on 'The Masque of the Red Death' Symbolism

In the introduction, here we can see ample movements in American literature because of Edgar Allan Poe's works. First of all, I want to mention what is symbolism. Symbolism is a literary method that uses symbols, whether it is words, characters, marks, places, or abstract ideas, to express things beyond the literal meaning. It first originated in France. However,- American writer Edgar Allan Poe contributed many things in this way of writing. After Poe's works, even French writers such as...
2 Pages 1130 Words

Essay on Symbolism in 'The Crucible'

A crucible is a container used for melting and purifying materials inside of it. Salem, where Arthur Miller’s play took place, was ruled by a theocratic society with no tolerance for evil. It had served as a crucible that put many through a server test. This play is about a series of witch hunt trials that were started by a few girls’ testimonies, and the characters who were being accused of being witches would either choose to confess and name...
2 Pages 1129 Words

Essay on Langston Hughes 'Suicide's Note'

Poetry has no true meaning. This means it is one of a kind to anyone. However, we can distinguish the difference between poetry and different literature. To me, poetry lets a person categorize their emotions and use literary devices to further explain their point of view to the reader. Poetry uses many different forms of multidimensional languages to connect to us significantly more easily. “Suicide’s Note” by Langston Hughes and “Richard Cory” by Edward Arlington Robinson utilizes symbolism, irony, and...
2 Pages 1050 Words

Essay on Similarities between Salem Witch Trials and Mccarthyism

In the 1940s, America was living in fear. Hiding in plain sight, Communists were infiltrating the country. Everyone from government employees to actors was being subpoenaed to testify before Congress. However, the truth behind this story is that an ambitious Senator named Joseph McCarthy had scared the country into alienating large groups of innocent Americans. The paranoia that ensued led to a congressional committee accusing and in some cases imprisoning these citizens only for their alleged beliefs. Arthur Miller’s play...
2 Pages 1131 Words

Positive Effects of Internet Essay

The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks which links all the computers across the globe. “This leads us to another concept that has been augmented by the popularity of the Internet, and that is ‘helping the buyer to buy’” (Charlesworth, 2010, p.15). The World Wide Web never sleeps and so does the internet which is available 24/7. The Internet has also grown exponentially over the years and has vast untapped uses. “Internet and its graphical interface, the...
3 Pages 1132 Words

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Argumentative Essay

Families, friends, and visitors came to visit the memorial in Washington for different reasons. It was not a simple memorial to honor soldiers who died and served in the war, but it was a place to mourn and heal for the country. The Vietnam War was a National trauma which is a trauma that needed to heal (Hobbs 1). Otherwise, it becomes bigger and will haunt them later. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was a black wall that gathered more than...
2 Pages 1094 Words

Definition Essay on Loneliness

Attention Grabber: Everyone feels lonely from time to time when we have no one to sit next to at lunch, when we move to a new city, or when nobody has time for us at the weekend. However, over the last few decades, this occasional feeling has become chronic for millions. Introductory Remarks: In the UK, 60% of 18 to 34-year-olds say they often feel lonely. In the US, 46% of the entire population feels lonely regularly. We are living...
2 Pages 1145 Words

Essay on Happiness in 'Brave New World'

In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley depicts how people sacrifice their relationships, specifically family, to have a feeling of happiness. The people only have a temporary, self-centered, kind of happiness instead of true joy or strong emotions. They do not realize how much they are missing out, because they have never been around anything different; they are only told of the horrors of strong emotions or attachments and they are conditioned to think everyone is happy. Today’s society is similar...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Chinese Cinderella Essay

The true story of an unwanted daughter Chinese Cinderella is the personal novel of Adeline Yen Mah. Adeline Yen Mah’s life was full of family rejection, poor relationships, abandonment, loneliness, low self-esteem, no identity, sorrow, disappointment, and resilience. The hopeless diary of Adeline Yen Mah's childhood encountering youth and entering her fight for affirmation from the time she was bound to the age of fourteen during the 1940s and 1950s, a battle of acknowledgment. All through this discouraging novel the...
2 Pages 1093 Words

Essay on Starbucks SWOT Analysis

Starbucks is a US-based, globally renowned independent coffeehouse founded in the year 1971 in Seattle, Pike Place. Being a seller of great quality coffee, it not only markets but roasts and retails it too. Spreading its arms wide across the global market, with approximately 25,000 stores all over the world Starbucks, has become one of the biggest brands in the coffee world. The SWOT analysis table below, will identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to Starbucks and will...
2 Pages 1148 Words

Essay on Did Robespierre Support the French Revolution

Imagine this, you are living in France and are part of the current Third Estate which consists of a variety of people with different occupations, levels of education, and wealth. You consisted of around 97% of the people but only owned about 65% of the land whereas the other two Estates, the First and Second Estates, consisted of both the nobility and clergies. The First Estate was only around 1% of the population but owned 10% of the Land and...
3 Pages 1135 Words

Essay on Community Problems Essay

She is me and I am here Dearly beloved, I have gathered you through a letter to give you a description of how my generation was severed. See peace on these streets is a paper line thin, I am a witness. Bang, bang. That's the music our feet dance to When fear chases us down with a warm hug. Children lose their lives before they are legally grown. Generations norm, The sound of the soil on their coffin cripples my...
3 Pages 1148 Words

Essay on 'Maquilapolis' Film Analysis

Living in a world where the battle for supremacy has been a pressing matter for centuries, with the constant change in the world's economy as well as changes within individual nations' governments except a very few, there is bound to be some debate as what is considered to be right and what is considered to be wrong form of government. At the heart of this economic discrepancy lies the question that all humans must ask themselves-socialism or capitalism? Socialism by...
2 Pages 1072 Words

Metropolis' Film Analysis Essay

The 1927 silent black-and-white film Metropolis critiques the stark inequality between working and wealthy classes to champion Marxism through a science-fictional, dystopian world. The text follows Freder, son of the city master Joh Frederson discovering the underground workers who have suffered under the strict regimen, slaving away on machines that power the city above, hence feeling obligated to save ‘his brothers’. Whilst the disparity between socioeconomic classes is still present today, it is not as exaggerated as in the film....
2 Pages 1053 Words

Importance of Teamwork Essay for Students

Teamwork is when several people work together towards a common goal. Teamwork also means understanding between the members of those who are completing a task. A group of people combines their potential, skills, and ability to produce a better result. Perfect teamwork is performing as one and focusing on the performance to succeed in their shared goal. Teamwork is influenced by the contribution of all the members in a group and the marks will be given based on the outcome...
3 Pages 1128 Words

Persuasive Essay on Civil Disobedience

Extinction Rebellion is an activist group that pushes for change across the globe through nonviolent civil disobedience. Martin Luther King and Thomas Hobbes both believed that rules should be followed, but believed in two different sets of rules. On the one hand, Martin Luther King argued that if you break an unjust law, you must do so willingly and accept the penalty (Birmingham Jail Letter, Page 4). Hobbes, on the other hand, focused on the state of nature and the...
2 Pages 1131 Words

Essay on 'Emma' by Jane Austen Summary

The upper class is responsible for creating friendships, initiating invitations, and more importantly, being charitable to those in a lesser position. When someone violates these social norms, they are met with indignation as evidence of Mrs. Elton not understanding entirely her social position in society. Mrs. Elton is insufferably conceited about new money and only has money because of her father’s generation and not even for most of his lifetime. Her father is described as being a “merchant” added by...
2 Pages 1106 Words

Essay on What Made the Vietnam War So Difficult

Historical warfare has often catalyzed a decline in an individual’s well-being. Scholars of historical medicine have documented upheavals of health consequences within individuals in combat. The cascades of concurrent wars and the discovery of infectious diseases introduced military medicine protocols to be administered. Modern protocols administered in the United States military services include routine vaccinations before entry and the establishment of a medical corps. The Library of Congress presents an interview with William M. McConahey, Jr., a battalion surgeon serving...
2 Pages 1132 Words

Essay Tiresias in 'The Odyssey'

In Book XI of The Odyssey, in the underworld, Tiresias describes to Odysseus a final journey he must take to 'have a gentle, painless death... with all [his] people there in blessed peace around [him]” (Homer, XI. 155,157). Tiresias says that Odysseus must walk inland with an oar until he gets to a place where people mistake it for a winnowing fan. Then, he must plant the oar and appease Poseidon with sacrifices. The scene where Tiresias instructs Odysseus is...
2 Pages 1057 Words

Their Eyes Were Watching God' Argumentative Essay

In both towns, Janie speaks as an outsider. The men’s stories feature silent women who are included in the stories as objects for the men to lust after or win, rather than active characters with their own emotions. They only include women in the stories about men. These tales cast women as men’s objects of desire, reduced to their appearance and the social status it affords them. In Eatonville, Coker and Hicks, just after greeting Janie and Jody to Eatonville,...
2 Pages 1114 Words

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: Photo Analysis Essay

Several photographers have photographed home and family life. Their styles range from the cinematic, staged, conceptual views of home, like Gregory Crewdson's 'Cathedral of the Pines' (2014) and Philip-Lorca diCorcia's 'Brian in the Kitchen' (1988), Tina Barney's family snapshots 'Theatre of Manners' (1997), showing the life of wealthy Americans, in an intimate, informal way, through to Richard Billingham's 'Ray's a Laugh' (2000), which documents a raw, chaotic image of his family life in a flat in the Midlands, using a...
3 Pages 1147 Words
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