Songs That Describe Your Life: Essay

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Because the way to win my heart is through music, I realized that there is a song for each of my relationships. Songs can describe my life, especially my love life, best, so I want to share some below.

“When it comes to you/ Don’t be blind/ Watch me speak from my heart/ When it comes to you/ Comes to you”, sing David Guetta and Justin Bieber in their '2U'. This relationship was my first real crush and the one that probably hit me the hardest back when it was happening. I met a guy who was absolutely spontaneous and was just a fun person to be around. We became friends quickly and just bonded over several things. I remember the day he found out that I listen to the exact same music as him, he was practically overjoyed. He showed me this song while we were bouncing off some song suggestions and insisted it was a great song. I had no idea how much I was in love with him until I listened to the song and instantly just felt a rush of emotions. I had no idea how much I was in love with him until I listened to the song and instantly just felt a rush of emotions. It's been four years and he still has no idea how much I liked him in the past. We still share music from time to time, and I’ll always be grateful for the amount of growth he inspired me to initiate.

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Next up will be the song 'Death of a Bachelor' by Panic! at the Disco. “A lifetime of laughter/ At the expense of the death of a bachelor”. This would be my first love. It was around Valentine’s Day when we first met, and there were tons of complications. We got along and became close very quickly, and even quicker became good friends. He got asked out on the fourteenth, and out of pity, set me up with his best friend. We both realized that we were interested in each other and not in the people we were essentially set up with. He asked me out on the twentieth of that month, and that was how I got my first boyfriend. We had no idea what we were doing since it was his first relationship as well, but we had a blast. I remember when I brought up this song and he freaked out because it was his favorite song at the time. After several more issues, we ended up splitting after three months. We’re now really good friends and still talk to this day, but I have to credit him for opening up and teaching me to take the shot while I have it.

“I know that my schedule is fucked up/ But, baby, you know you’re the same/ And that’s why/ I think we’re a hit” ('Schedules' by Sigrid). I met a guy after he commented on one of my posts. It was summer time and time was on our side. Apparently, we had the same sense of humor, so this led to us getting along pretty well. Things started rolling, and we ended up talking non-stop, whether it was random stuff or getting into deep conversations, night or day. Although we had a nine-hour time difference, it felt as if we were closer than most people in my life at the time. After a subtle push to the friend zone (since I was kinda scared to get back into a relationship), I could tell he started to push away. We still talked, but a bit more sparsely. One day he said that he was writing a poem about his crush, which ended up being about me. A couple of cheesy moments later we were a couple, which would have to be the most romantic relationship I’ve ever experienced. I remember when he showed me Sigrid and I instantly fell in love with her music. This includes 'Schedules', which we both thought represented our relationship pretty well. However, time started to become an issue, and eventually, we had to break it off due to the time difference. The breakup was pretty rough, but eventually, we got over it and became friends again. I thank him for helping me know what I want and for helping me be a better person.

And the final will be the song 'Morning' by Marc E. Bassy. This song decision was probably the hardest with this one since he sends me songs constantly. This relationship is with my current boyfriend, and my longest relationship by far. It all started with seeing him around Amino and greeting him every time he entered a group chat. Then, when I created my own group chat to give advice, he was there to help others as well. We started talking finally after I had asked for advice about a certain situation. He was there for me through it all, but the biggest thing he did was make me feel human. Weird, I know, but he brought me down to earth and wasn’t afraid to speak his mind. I admired his honesty and slowly became more and more interested in who he was. We talked practically every day, and at 1 a.m. on Halloween, he straight up told me how he felt about me. I gave him a couple of weeks to confirm that it was me that he wanted, and his mind didn’t change. We enjoyed several conversations where we just got to know each other and spilled everything about ourselves. Whenever there was something that concerned either of us, we were real with each other and worked hard to change it. Respect and love were in the spotlight of this relationship, and he continues to make me a better person. When he sent me this song, I knew that I’d be there for him, and he’d be there for me. Bleh, gross emotions, I know. But that's what I truly felt. I didn’t know what a real committed relationship was until I met him. We still have a long way to go, but I know for sure that this is love.

So these are the songs that best describe my love life. They, like all my relationships, hold a special place in my heart and my memories, and will always be there.

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Songs That Describe Your Life: Essay. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
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