1100 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Why Should Weed be Legal?

Recreational marijuana should be legalized in all states to benefit people’s health and strengthen the U.S. economy. The use of Medical marijuana has grown dramatically over past years and it has become fond of by many Americans.. It has become a main drug option for those with anxiety, depression and even Parkinson’s disease, for it is more accessible and affordable than over the counter medicines. Though not enough research has been done, it has been documented that those who have...
2 Pages 1096 Words

Why Medical and Recreational Marijuana Should Be Legal

The first legalization of marijuana was in 2012 by the states of Colorado and Washington. Marijuana is part of the Schedule 1 drugs, which is defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. But for Colorado and Washington, allowing the legalization has brought a lot of positivity towards the drug, and potential to legalize it everywhere. As the legalization of marijuana proceeded in these states, it added billions of dollars to the economy,...
2 Pages 1120 Words

Understanding External Intervention in Violent Conflict

INTRODUCTION Ethiopia is known to be located at the Horn of Africa because it has had prolonged violent conflicts that had an immense impact on the people who live there and is very alarming and it is in the northern part of the Sub- Saharan Region and also happens to be one of the poorest countries in Africa. Ethiopia is a federal democratic republic composed of 9 national regional states: namely Tigray, afar, Amhara, Oromia, Somali, Benishangul-Gumuz, Southern Nations Nationalities...
2 Pages 1117 Words

Mental And Physical Effects Of Discrimination

Discrimination is not only a major problem in the book, but in real life as well. it is a very big problem in our society because it can really affect a person, mentally because it could give them anxiety or depression. Discrimination can physically affect a person because if they are being discriminated for their weight, they could decide to stop eating so that they lose weight which as a result, could cause an eating disorder. Situations where there are...
2 Pages 1131 Words

The Relationship between Social Media and Negative Body Image

If an individual were to pick up a magazine decades ago, they would see a combination of models of all racial groups and ethnicities that were the same shape, form, and size; pencil thin. If anyone today were to open their Instagram app or step outside and look at the people walking the streets, it is likely that their internal reaction would not be the best. Anyone on the internet can, and will, post pictures and/or videos of excessive workouts...
2 Pages 1121 Words

The Correlation Of Suicide And Depression

'How are you? Really?' How often do we take the time to check on our friends and family? Or even the classmate that sits quietly next to you each day? Every twelve minutes there is one death by suicide in the US. Suicide takes the lives of over 44,965 Americans every year. The leading cause of suicide is mental illness, the most common one being depression. I think the biggest question is how can we as a society come together...
2 Pages 1088 Words

Why without Freedom of the Press there is no Democracy

People trust one word in the press more than ten words from of the government. The government tries to hide their information from the press. Most people live in a country that has a democracy, but they have no idea what is really happening in the government. People usually find out about the government from the press. Therefore, the media should be given total freedom of the press so that citizens can pay more attention to the development of the...
2 Pages 1078 Words

The Idea of Judiciary in Relation to the Themes of Justice and Revenge in The Spanish Tragedy

The Spanish Tragedy is considered the best revenge play of its time and to this day, critics are analyzing its various aspects like justice, revenge, divinity etc. The most dominant subject matter throughout the play was the idea of judiciary. In this essay, it will be examined how justice played out through the characters of The Spanish tragedy and its relation to the theme of justice and revenge. While reading several articles associated to the play, the above-mentioned topic commanded...
2 Pages 1079 Words

Can Lying Be Justified As A Protection?

Many people feel Have you ever felt misunderstood?or wonder A about why people in this world lie so much to each other, whether it be like it could be a friend, family member, or even a your spouse. Sometimes lying could be a good thing to do because it could be to protect someone from getting hurt if they are told the truth. There are many different kinds of lies that could be told to people. Some are white lies,...
2 Pages 1053 Words

Characters' Archetypes In The Book Lord Of The Flies

Think of the biggest crises on earth, when civilization was falling. For example, when the stock market crashed, everyone was thrown into chaos and fear. However, within these times of chaos and fear, people often find their true nature. In the book Lord of the Flies, Roger and Piggy change through chaos and fear when trapped on an island with several dozens of other boys after a devastating plane crash. Without rules or someone to take charge, they transform from...
2 Pages 1133 Words

Rhetorical Analysis: Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass

Fredrick Douglass depicts his own style of writing in his memoir, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. Douglass, one of the most famous American slaves, has a writing style that is more old-fashioned, intimate, and direct. He belives that slavery should be should be abolished and he illustrates to the reader by telling his story. He shares how he tolerated being a slave and working for several slaveholders. Also how he overcame slavery and how he was able to...
2 Pages 1080 Words

Are People To Become Or Born Serial Killers?

Your child may have been born a serial kill, but never act like a serial killer. Many people in the world think that serial killers are created over time, but serial killers are actually born. A classic example of an upbringing of a child who turned out to be a serial killer Ted Bundy. Growing up, Mr. Bundy didn’t have a normal childhood, he was bullied as a kid and had family problems. Mr. Bundy wanted people to think that...
2 Pages 1073 Words

Feminism in the Scarlet Letter

The creation of “The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne was written at a time when the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes became a huge movement in America. Femenist authors such as Mary Wollstonecraft and Margaret Fuller had circulating works of literature, making women's rights a cultural discussion. Hawthorne had previously been labeled as a misogynist due to sexist comments about Wollstonecraft and Fuller when he called them a “damned mob of scribbling...
2 Pages 1067 Words

The Meaning of Capital Punishment in the United States

The meaning of Capital Punishment can be infered as multiple ideologies; however, the legal definition implies that an individual who commits a serious enough crime is liable to the death penalty. When an individual commits a serious enough crime they will be held under the due process of law where they will be innocent until proven guilty. In the cases where an individual is proven guilty they may be appointed to death row where they will wait for further trials...
2 Pages 1055 Words

The Factors Of Rape Culture In Modern Society

Rapists are usually the very clear choice as to the person to blame in rape cases. If this is a common thing then why is it said that often times it is the girls fault. If she wasn’t at the party, if she didn’t drink so much, if her clothes weren’t so revealing and if she would have just been smarter than nothing would have happened to her. These are many time peoples responses when talking about rape cases along...
2 Pages 1125 Words

The Theme of Classism in The Kite Runner

My grandmother, when growing up as a teenage immigrant from Japan in America, had suffered atrocities in her lifetime. Be it not speaking English with perfection in accent and pronunciation, or the foods in which she ate, she was tantalized and berated on a day-to-day basis. The people around her had thought of themselves as “elevated” or “above her” in all aspects of their lives, and treated her like she was beneath them, like gum on the soles of their...
2 Pages 1093 Words

Conflict between HR Department and Employee

Introduction Conflicts are the normal part of workplace and most of the times these conflicts take place between employees and human resource department of the firm. In this report I am also going to highlight the recent conflict that took place between an employee and the human resource manager. The conflict took place in the recognized telecommunication company of UAE named Etisalat. In this report I am going to highlight the brief history of the report and the details of...
2 Pages 1117 Words

Frederick Douglass And Slavery

In the Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass stated, “all of the white children could tell their ages. I could not tell why I ought to be deprived of the same privilege.” (Chapter I) The quote from the Narrative would hit home to many slaves, this is one of the many ways that slaves were dehumanized and treated more like cattle than human beings. Even though some slaves managed to escape from the south there is proof throughout the Life...
2 Pages 1059 Words

The Crucial Symbols in The Scarlet Letter

Imagine living a life, in today’s society, having one single letter define and determine everything you are and will be. Hester Prynne, a main character in the novel, The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, experiences this tragic feeling of judgment, guilt, dignity, confidence, and much more. She endures this because of an affair, causing her to bear a child, resulting in her becoming the face of sin and guilt by wearing the scarlet letter “A”. As Hester continues to...
2 Pages 1073 Words

Samsung Cost Structure

Through dependable items and administrations, inventive thoughts, skilled individuals, collaboration with other accomplices and clients and a mindful approach to trade and worldwide citizenship, Samsung has taken the world to modern creative headings. Samsung could be a producer like other Asian makers such as Sony Organization or NEC Enterprise, with a prominence of vertical integration. It may be a procedure in which a company possesses or has the specialist to control its wholesalers, providers or retail locations to influence its...
2 Pages 1107 Words

Equality VS Reality: An Exploration Of Animal Farm

Animal Farm, an allegorical novel written by George Orwell in 1945, tells the story of a group of personified animals who, after rebelling against their previous owner, attempt to create their own autonomous government system in which all of the animals become equal, happy, and - most importantly - free. A metaphor for Soviet Russia, Animal Farm aims to educate the reader about complications involving government systems through the childlike simplicity of talking animals. Within this work of literature, the...
2 Pages 1052 Words

Absolute Moral Truths and the Problem of the Human Condition

​Ghandi once said 'morality is the basis of all things and truth is the substance of all morality' ('Mahatma Gandhi Quotes' 2019). Among the beliefs of man is the inclination toward certain fixed, unalterable moral truths. These absolute moral truths, as they are known, are meant to dictate the actions of people. These truths have been posited by way of natural law, divine command, or (less likely) contractarianism. Natural law would dictate that there are basic unconditional moral principles that...
2 Pages 1131 Words

The Relationship between Law and Morality is a Coincidence

To state that the relationship between law and morality is one of mere coincidence, would be inherently false. There has long been controversy and debate between positivists and natural law theorists as to what extent morality influences the law. Essentially, one can argue that both our common law system and Acts of Parliament themselves are built upon and influenced by core moral values which are ever-present in today’s modern European society and continue to develop as time goes on. Jerome...
2 Pages 1110 Words

How Sleep is Related to Memory

Its a well known fact that a decent night's sleep makes us feel much better. Apart from the fact that sleep gives us body time to rest and revive, it might likewise be pivotal to our brain's capacity to learn and remember. This may not be brand new information to any individual who has pulled an all-nighter preparing for an exam just to discover that what they knew at 3 a.m wouldn't be able to be recalled the following day....
2 Pages 1059 Words

The Theme of Individuality in Brave New World

Have you ever thought of living in a perfect society in which people do not have feelings and have sex and take drugs for happines. In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, a society in which people have to follow strict rules we are presented with the idea of individuality by the characters Bernard Marx, Helmholtz Watson, and John “The Savage”. Bernard has always been different to the Alphas because he physically didn't look like one because of his height. Helmholtz...
2 Pages 1101 Words

Dystopian Equality in Harrison Bergeron

This short story is called Harrison Bergeron wrote by Kurt Vonnegut. The overall atmosphere of this story is like The Giver, The Hunger Games, Divergent and other well-known dystopian stories that describes the hardships of a corrupt and down falling society in which who survives to be the fittest but a different kind of mind tricking. My opinion on this core reading is that it shows a good example on how the world is currently is in dealing with war,...
2 Pages 1060 Words

Conflict Theoretical Perspective

Conflict theoretical approach can be defined as the pressures and problems that relate to limited resources (Crossman, 2019). The unequal distribution of resources creates an unbalanced social life and a sense of power control. The conflict theory views the social life as a contention among the different social classes that exist where those with power rule over others. The conflict scholars point out that social inequality in schools was not minimized through the introduction of public schools. Karl Marx's theory,...
2 Pages 1105 Words

The Effects Of Media On Suicide

Media can affect suicide in a lot of ways, these being through television, literature, music, videogames and almost of all social media. These can usually be divided into two categories, traditional and new. Traditional as in newspapers, television, and music, and new being social media and video games. Today I’ll be covering the ways these types of media affect suicide. The first way that media affects suicide is through television. This is one of the many traditional media I was...
2 Pages 1053 Words

Golding's Perspective Upon The Man In The Novel Lord Of The Flies

Overwhelmed, the plane started descending. Out of the windows, visibility was a green blur with an occasional flash of a dark, nervous sea. Within what seemed like a second, the plane's engines subsided, and as if a china bowl had dropped from the comfortable safety of the countertop, there was chaos and then silence. Away from society and order, what is to stop young boys from being young boys? Boys isolated from the norm, and exposed to everything except what...
2 Pages 1131 Words

Video Game and Violence Behavior

Does it seem dull and boring waiting for time to pass by? Even though some have better plans to do, there are some that do not have the same plans to do. For the time to pass by, the other thing they can do is relax at home and enjoy their video games. Although, there are others that say otherwise. There are some people that can argue that video games are bad for a person due to in-game violence. Also,...
2 Pages 1131 Words
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