1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Total Eclipse' by Annie Dillard: Book Summary

The setting is in the hotel room in which the narrator sees different things like the picture of a clown, which she said: “It was a print of a detailed and lifelike painting of a smiling clown’s head, made out of vegetables” (Dillard 10). The power of perception came to mind when she said, “It was a painting of the sort which you do not intend to look at, and which, alas, you never forget. Some tasteless fate presses it...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Things Fall Apart' as a Tragedy: Essay

The book “Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe is a fictional story based around the cultural and social life of an African tribe of the lower Niger River region. It depicts the daily life of the tribe and its members. It additionally shows the culture and customs of the tribe. The book focuses on one of the tribe members, Okonkwo. He is a well-revered member of the tribe. Okonkwo is a good example of a respected member of the tribe...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Essay about Women in the Surgical Field

Unequal representation of women in the health sector starts from the field of education itself. Ever since the right to education became a fundamental right, several barriers that were present in the past have been removed but however a few barriers still exist for women through academic institutions. These barriers could be understood through the phenomena of the leaky pipeline. Though a lot of women are educated, sever of the candidates gradually leak out of the educational system due to...
3 Pages 1164 Words

What Am I as a Leader?

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Nearly all men can stand the test of adversity, but if you really want to test a man’s character, give him power”. In this quote, Lincoln asserts that the more power individuals are granted, the greater their responsibility to serve, develop, and empower those around them. Ultimately, leadership is not just about what one person can do, but what they can inspire, encourage, and empower others to do. From this information, one can deduce that at...
3 Pages 1155 Words

We Must Take Control of Our Clothes: Argumentative Essay

Clothing is a basic need for all humans. We wear clothes every day. As it is so important why isn’t shopping for clothes as easy as walking into a shop, buying some clothes and leaving in a matter of seconds? One main factor of this is because of sizing. It is near to impossible for someone to be the same size in two different shops. This proves that we need to take action on our clothing guides, placing stricter guidelines...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Analysis of Traits of a True Hero

What if one could save hundreds of people, or permanently change the world in a good way, but they had to put their lives at risk or give up 10 years of their own life? Would they choose it? Or would they not? Heroes are when people make a good impact to one's life or the world in some way, or they risk their lives to save someone. They never give up; the hero will try their best to reach...
3 Pages 1248 Words

The Place Where My Heart Is

It was the crack of dawn on June 21st which used to be one my utmost favorite days of the year. As I woke, I could smell the comforting familiar scents that I had longed for all year. I could hear the calm yet bustling sounds of chatter coming from family members whom I loved with every fiber of my being. And, I could see several items which represented an abundance of memories from summers past. They say home is...
3 Pages 1180 Words

Essay about the Life of Lone Wolf

For my final paper, I decided to write about Lone Wolf. When doing research on him I found it hard to find information at first. That is until I learned that his real name is Guipago. Throughout my research I never did find a birthdate. However, he died in 1879 due to jungle fever. Lone Wolf was a leader, father, and brave soldier that fought for what was his. Lone Wolf, also called Guipago, turned into a Kiowa leader. He...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Essence of Neo-Colonialism in the Documentary 'Life and Debt' and Kwame Nkrumah's Essay 'Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of Imperialism'

Kwame Nkrumah in his essay ‘Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of Imperialism’ unleashes two different dimensions where in theory a neo-colonial state seems independent and sovereign but in reality, that state’s economic system, political policy, cultural practices are influenced/controlled by external powers. In the documentary ‘Life and Debt’, directed by Stephanie Black, the director has carefully presented how external power such as the IMF entered Jamaica to save its economy from the financial crisis, but in reality, it was just exploitation...
3 Pages 1165 Words

Steve Jobs: The God of Apple

Wire rimmed glasses, black turtleneck, and jeans society automatically knows this symbolizes Steve Jobs. The population also knows him from one five letter word, ‘Apple’. Steve Jobs is so influential to society that they know him from the smallest details. However, he was not always an influential person. He had to start from the bottom and push through barriers, trials, and tribulations and in the end, he succeeded. Steve Jobs became one of the most well-known technological engineers in power...
3 Pages 1167 Words

Sexism in the Music Industry

Ariana Grande was the first artist to reach the top three of the Billboard 100 since The Beatles did in 1964. Beyonce was the top-selling artist of the 2000s. Lady Gaga became the first woman to win an Oscar, Grammy, BAFTA and Golden Globe in the same year in 2019. Adele’s ‘Hello’ was the first song to sell a million digital downloads within the first week of its release. We see our favorite female artist accomplishing all these remarkable achievements....
3 Pages 1185 Words

Review of Thomas Balmès' Documentary 'Babies'

Thomas Balmès documents the early phases of the lives of four culturally different newborns from birth until infancy in the documentary ‘Babies’. The experiences of Ponijao from Namibia, Bayanchandmachi (Bayar) from Mongolia, Mari from Japan and Hattie from California, provide insight into the influences culture has on cognitive development in the first years of life. This movie did not include narration nor subtitles which allows the focus to be on the infants and their interaction with their surroundings and allows...
3 Pages 1242 Words

Reflections on Del Toro’s Movie 'Pan’s Labyrinth'

Foreign movies have been transporting us to different worlds, since the beginning of cinema and a lot of these films use their fantasy worlds to comment on the real world that we all live in. I love foreign movies as it exposes you to an entirely new culture. This is what ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ has done for me. Filled with original imagery and drawing on folklore and fantasy traditions, ‘Pan’s Labyrinth’ takes us on a journey to a place as violent...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Analysis of Reality Television: The Real Moments Captured

The average American audience only goes so far before watching a variation of reality television. While there are many genres, it is best defined as capturing ‘real life’ moments on camera for consumers’ entertainment. This is achieved through constant filming, catching every second, and every moment: both good and bad. A very popular form of reality television is lifestyle. The Home and Garden channel, also known as HGTV, is a channel that showcases buying homes, selling homes, and improving homes....
3 Pages 1173 Words

Essay on Psychology in a Marching Band

The shrill call of the drum major’s whistle pierced the air, and the band stepped off as ordered. Every year, my former high school band inaugurated its new marching season with the Los Angeles County Fair. With our eyes focused above the horizon and our heels hitting the pavement synchronously, we marched forward, the way we had practiced hundreds of times prior to this day. Every roll-step was polished, every musical note tuned. As an eighth-grader marching next to experienced...
3 Pages 1186 Words

Photorealism: A Research Paper

Photography was invented and observed in the year 1839. Photorealism might also could have been a style manner of artwork that usually enclosed on portray drawings and exceptional photographs platform all through artists research an image, and so makes an attempt to create the photo as in any other medium although the time period can be used loosely to provide an explanation for layout in lots of diverse media it's conjointly accustomed refer in particular to plenty of art work...
2 Pages 1158 Words

Nussbaum’s Idea of Incorporating Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism in Schools and Its Inefficiency

In the essay ‘Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism’, written by Martha Nussbaum, she declares that our nation is shockingly ignorant to the remaining of the society. In societies, patriotism is “the devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country”. In society, cosmopolitanism is “the ideology that all human beings belong to a single community based on a shared morality”. Martha’s definition of cosmopolitanism is a human whose allegiance is to the community of human beings in the entire universe. Nussbaum begins by...
3 Pages 1241 Words

Materialism, Loneliness and the Problem with Capitalism

As a wise person once said, shopping is cheaper than a therapist. Is that statement actually truthful though? Every year thousands, maybe even millions, of Americans fall into the dangerous cycle of materialism due to loneliness. Buying unnecessary and trivial products hoping that they will make their life just a little bit better. Later on, they realize the purchase of those items only gives a short, fleeting feeling of satisfaction. As the high they experience from the purchase dies down,...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Essay about Master of Suspense: Sir Alfred Hitchcock

Thrillers and eggs are equally terrifying… Actually, according to one specific person, eggs are even more frightening. The Master of Suspense, also known as Sir Alfred Hitchcock, may be frightened of eggs, but he is famously known for his thrillers, such as ​‘Psycho’​ (1960), ‘​Rear Window’ ​(1954) and ‘​Vertigo’​ (1958). The purpose of this essay is to present some of his work, visions and style, and outline how Hitchcock changed the world cinema with his art. History Sir Alfred Joseph...
3 Pages 1240 Words

Long-Term Effects of Childhood Punishment

Throughout today’s society, many people grew up with the occasional ‘spank’ as a way to show disapproval from their parents and for the child to ‘get the message’ and supposedly discontinue this behavior. This may be the way that children have been brought up for many generations but is now starting to show effects towards their adulthood. Although some may believe that children define who they are based on the people they grew up around, children are more likely to...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Key Cinematic Devices Used in Baz Luhrmann's Films ‘William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet’ and ‘Moulin Rouge!’

Baz Luhrmann is an Australian writer, director and producer, notorious for his work in the Red Curtain Trilogy with it consisting of ‘Strictly Ballroom’ (1992), ‘William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet’ (1996), and ‘Moulin Rouge!’ (2001). Through these films he is recognized for creating an innovative style. To discuss the emotional response from his audience with the use of cinematic devices, it is essential to analyze how he builds emphasis through innovative techniques such as the different camera angles, etc., and...
3 Pages 1197 Words

How I Became Literate in Playing the Piano

As a young child I remember being passionate about playing the piano and music. But of course like every other person one must learn how to play and understand music itself. I have not learned how to read sheet music quite well, and is something that I lack in. I spent most of my time trying to learn how to play the piano and play different styles of music with friends and family — everyone seems to have a different...
3 Pages 1207 Words

Essay on Hollywood and Movie Industry

There is perhaps no other place on earth more known for show-business magic and glamour. Hollywood as we know it today began in the early 20th century. It’s an attribute of a modern American society full of history and innovation. Hollywood has a huge dominance of the movie industry and has been the subject of plentiful studies. Since the beginning of motion pictures created the ability to share a moment in time or reenact a historic moment that no one...
3 Pages 1249 Words

Global Issues Raised in 'Wall-E'

The Earth has been deserted, disregarded and disrespected. It is 700 years in the future. A city occupied by skyscrapers takes over the horizon. A more observant look reveals the structures are actually consist of garbage, neatly formed into blocks and piled to form skyscraper like structures. Throughout this vast city of trash, only one creature roams the land. This is Wall-E, the last remaining solar-powered robot. He scoops up trash, shovels it into his stomach, compresses it into a...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Factors Affecting the Running of a Multinational Corporation in Greece

A multinational corporation is defined as a company that operates in many countries (Skripak, 2013, p.87). Large companies are typically known to be multinational corporations. One example of a larger scale company well-known across the globe would be Amazon. Amazon is known for being an online marketplace which has mostly everything anyone could need, ranging from technology, to car parts, to decor. MNCs are popular due to the varying costs of labor and production, availability to resources, and cultural influence....
3 Pages 1180 Words

Drugs in the Music Industry

Drugs and the music industry have a very close relationship. Drugs have been associated with the music industry for decades, dating as far back to the nineteen-twenties. Many popular songs have lyrics that mention the use of drugs. The famous street drug known as ‘Molly’ is featured in a significant amount of songs. Nowadays, it is common to see many musicians on drugs and many of them are struggling from drug abuse. Musicians are more prone to become addicts than...
3 Pages 1180 Words

Coach Carter's Inspirational Character

'Coach Carter' is an American biographical teen sports drama film directed by Thomas Carter. In this paper I'm going to discuss how the main character of this fascinating movie, Ken Carter, demonstrates demonstrates his inspirational character. The Mississippi business, writer, coach and family man, Ken Carter’s motivation and inspiring work ethic has been seen to become a world-known person on and off the court by throwing himself in the deep end and taking up a coaching role with a struggling,...
3 Pages 1218 Words

Alfred Hitchcock's Film-making and His Influence on the Film Industry

Alfred Hitchcock may be one of the most famous directors of the last century. The British film director was born on August 13, 1899, and produced more than 50 films before his death in 1980. It is undeniable that he changed the way audiences watch movies, for example, Hitchcock asked for the specific opening time of ‘Psycho’ and asked the audience not to reveal the end of the movie. First Films In 1926, Hitchcock married his film editor and screenwriter...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Why Do You Want to Pursue a Master's Degree: Essay

Summing up my education was the most challenging task for me. I have a business background and I wanted to have a dream to study MBA not only because I’ve studied BBA previously but MBA is a sophisticated degree. MBA graduates have a high level of credibility and help you to develop your skills as a manager and also how you tackle real-life situations. I have always dreamed of eliminating poverty and illiteracy among Pakistani women. To achieve my dream...
3 Pages 1193 Words

What Is Leadership: Essay

What is leadership? According to Susan Ward leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company's needs. For any business, it allows for clear vision, and effective communication and gives a level of coordination within the business making sure everything is aligned and reconciled with all the personal interests and organizational goals. Leadership helps...
3 Pages 1213 Words
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