1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Features of the Corporate Culture of Ryanair

Language used by O’Leary became synonymous with Ryanair. He can tell anyone to ‘fuck off’ and his favourite insult is ‘wanker’, he used his own ‘bolloxology’. A volatile atmosphere was created at the airline, where people were impatient, shouted and roared when they shouldn’t. Ryanair does not publish an official vision and mission. However, the literature acknowledges that Tony Ryan’s original vision was modified over the years. Ryanair was established as a ‘value for money’ company, which provided affordable air...
2 Pages 1173 Words

Reflection on Why Nordic Modernism Is More Than an Aesthetic Movement

Nordic modernism came to light in response to previous architectural styles and social changes in the late 19th and 20th century, essentially seen to be a reaction to realism. Aesthetics often dominate architecture; however, the aesthetic side of Nordic modernism is not all that lead the movement. “Nordic design attempts to achieve a balance between form, function, color, texture, durability and cost” (‘New Scandinavian Design’, Anja Llorella Oriol, 2005). Architects such as Alvar Aalto and Sveere Fehn focussed on these...
3 Pages 1243 Words

What if There Is No Mobile Phone? Essay

Have you ever noticed that every morning that you wake up that your hands go to your phone? This is not something to worry about. The reason for this is that our mobile phones have a huge impact on our lives, they are a must. Yes, a must. Think about it, every night whilst in bed, you have the urge to look at your phone, these mobiles are so helpful that they prevent us away from being bored, upset and...
3 Pages 1182 Words

Donald Trump's Strengths and Weaknesses

Donald Trump is one of the most famous and prominent US Presidents. As a person, he has both strengths and weaknesses. In this essay, it is to them that I intend to turn my attention. Strengths of Donald Trump Riches. Donald Trump has entered the Forbes world positioning of extremely rich person and has been relied upon to claim resources and have a total asset over $3.1 billion. Point of fact regardless of whether he wasn't the leader of the...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Benchmarking South African and Chinese Consumers

Culture is communicated to members of the society through a common language and through commonly shared symbols because the human mind has the ability to absorb and process symbolic communication. Marketers can therefore successfully promote both tangible and intangible products and product concepts to consumers through mass media. Understanding how culture influences consumer behaviors is crucial to success in international marketing. Given the broad nature of culture, its study generally requires a detailed examination of the character of society, including...
3 Pages 1227 Words

Analysis of the Union Certification Process

This is issued by the government through the board of labour relations in that the union has the capacity to operate as a bargaining authority for all workers. This is because it has the mandate from the majority. The process of Union сertification has different unified stages that drive it and below are well detailed procedures to be followed during the process of Union certification: Cards of membership. The first requirement for any Union is the membership card which shows...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Time Is Money: Essay

Time is money, just as money is time - but is one really worth more than the other? You spend at the bare minimum twelve years of your precious time preparing to waste the next forty at some menial job just to make money and retire to live out the next fifteen years of your life at some lake in the middle of Michigan. Time is free, and everyone has the same amount of it, unlike money. Time isn't just...
3 Pages 1157 Words

Slavery: The Dark Side of America's History

America the land of the free, even if we may know the country as the land of the free America holds a dark history of slavery in the early centuries. Dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries when slavery was born, over millions of Africans were being captured and forced into servitude, Africans were not only the form of servitude in early America. Poor Europeans were indentured servants and performed heavy labor under a seven-year contract that in return...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Arthurian Allusions in the Music of Modern Society

For thousands of years people throughout the world have become enamored with the tale of King Arthur and the elements that go along with legends that feature him. The exciting and twisting tales are able to quickly grab one’s attention. Even though the origin of the age-old tale of King Arthur is still not fully known, the plotline continues to be featured in many areas of modern society. Arthurian allusions are common in popular culture, but the meaning they convey...
3 Pages 1176 Words

Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Cell Phones for Children

Cell phone usage has always been a contradictory and immense topic to speak about especially with the impact on younger generations. In this paper the information will be addressing the use of smartphones relating to effects it can have on children of all ages. There are many aspects of the situation, but it recently has become quite a much broader issue now that the faces behind the screen are young children and preteens. I will be discussing both the advantages...
3 Pages 1177 Words

Silk and Its Importance to Ancient Chinese Culture

Silk is the material comprised of slender and a continuous strand called fibers that was recognized by a human being and attained from plants which are produced by silkworms. The most popular silk is called mulberry silkworm. It releases the fluid form as single filament by a caterpillar known as silkworm which is used for silk production, Silk has only four stages in its whole life which include eggs, silkworm larvae, pupa and moth but man interferes in its life...
3 Pages 1240 Words

The Lesson of the Salem Witch Trials for Future Generations

“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right” - Rosa Parks. What is the right thing? Throughout society, people have been fighting to do the right thing. From America fighting for their freedom, to women's equality. Sometimes doing something right changes society, other times no matter how hard people try, evil takes over. As in the case of the Salem Witch Trials, evil won. Abigail Williams and a group of young girls were accused...
3 Pages 1195 Words

Internet Crime: Common Types and Prevention Methods

Nowadays Internet crimes are a common problem in the world, and everyone exposes to these crimes. These crimes can cause very serious damage to the individual and society. Many people and companies had suffered from the impact of these types of crimes. To protect us from these we have a cyber-security and some precautions. This paper accordingly discusses and summarize these types of crimes and their preventions. Internet crimes are a common type of crimes at this century, and everyone...
2 Pages 1152 Words

The Overview of the Best-Known Neuroplasticity Studies

Neuroplasticity can be defined as brain’s ability to change, remodel and reorganize for purpose of better ability to adapt to new situations. Neural networks are not fixed, but occurring and disappearing dynamically throughout our whole life, depending on experiences. While we repeatedly practice one activity such as a sequence of movements or a mathematical problem, neuronal circuits are being formed, leading to better ability to perform the practiced task with less waste of energy. Once we stop practicing a certain...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Essay on the Questionable Ethics of Drone Warfare and Drone Attacks

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, as a means of destruction or harm has been debated in the media for many years now. Since Barack Obama’s arguably ‘most controversial legacy’, increased speculation about the ethics, accuracy and the just war theories has arisen. Critics argue that the west has attempted to humanize warfare due to its ‘bloodless’ nature when using drones bidding to reduce the mental repercussions associated with committing violent crimes of murder. The...
3 Pages 1156 Words

Reflection on How the Australian Federal Model Fits Shangri-La

Shangri-La is a strong economical country buried inside the Kunlun Mountain. At present the Crown exercises the power and it does not have any official constitution. However, they have Legislative council (17 members), Cartons (5) and the High Court which is the higher court of appeal. All of which are appointed by Rani Plantagenet (Hereditary ruler) after Queens approval. Rani Plantagenet wants to implement a representative form of federal government which allows the inhabitants and the local regional government bodies...
3 Pages 1174 Words

Storytelling as an Excellent Form to Express People's Public and Personal Personas

Do you remember Bill Clinton? The 42nd president of the United States, a supposed role model to the nation. Well, his scandal of 1995 reveled that he had an affair with a fellow government worker Monica Lewinski. In this case, Clinton’s choices put in perspective how a person’s public and personal actions and choices can be the complete opposite. Through the action of storytelling, we are able to reveal and experience others conflicting public and personal personas, which make us...
3 Pages 1176 Words

Pandemics and Their Enormous Social, Economic and Political Impact on the Population

Pandemics are worldwide outbreaks of disease that greatly effect a population socially, economically and politically (Gallivan et al. 2017). They are different to epidemics in the way that pandemics impact globally, while epidemics are often contained inside one community. The most devasting pandemic is the influenza virus. Also known as the flu, this virus is constantly spreading throughout the world, but as each person grows more immune to it, the effects of the flu are generally mild and non-life threatening....
3 Pages 1176 Words

Medical Practices in the Middle Dark Ages

The Middle Ages in Europe was an expansive period of time spanning from 476 AD to 1492, periodically referred to as the dark ages; due to the fact that minimal knowledge has been obtained regarding this era. Originating after the fall of the Western Roman Empire and proceeded by the Renaissance – pharmaceutical knowledge of any reliability was scarce. The rejection of human dissection by church authorities in the 12th and 13th centuries prevented the cultivation of knowledge about anatomy...
3 Pages 1246 Words

Engineering Marvel: 5G Network Technology

5G network is the 5th generation wireless network generated from 2019. Verizon is the first company to launch the 5G network service worldwide in Chicago and Minneapolis in 3rd April, 2019. The aim of this project is to increase the network speed and responsiveness for the wireless network. By using 5G wireless network, it has 20Gbps for the network travel rate. Thus, 5G assists people work and entertain in a more efficient way and develop users’ experience. Besides the development...
3 Pages 1169 Words

Saigo Takamori as One of Japan’s Most Distinctive Samurai

Saigƍ was well known as ‘The Last Samurai’. He succeeded in the difficult task of overthrowing Tokugawa who led the Shogun’s and took control from the Emperor. Saigƍ returned all power to the Emperor and helped to establish the Meiji Restoration. However, being a new leader soon collided with his own values and beliefs as a firm follower of the code of conduct. Saigƍ Takamori is considered one of the many great heroes of Japanese history. He had led the...
3 Pages 1155 Words

What Are They, the Artists of the Pop Art Movement?

Artist tried to create art which everyone could understand and corelate. They tried to incorporate imagery and materials from their daily environment; thus, pop art was born. One of the most recognizable and influential development of the 20th century was pop art. It was a strong movement, that emerged from Britain and America in the 1950s. Pop art used everyday objects and mass media influences to produce a relatable sense of contemporary art. Pop art challenges the norm and traditional...
3 Pages 1216 Words

Reasons Why the Futurists Despised the Ideas of the Past

“Futurism is the embodiment of the apparent paradox that, to embrace the true tradition in our day, one must revolt against every mere ‘tradition’” (Jonasson, 2019). Futurism was mainly an Italian movement that was founded in 1909 in Milan (Lista 2001, p. 29). It was a collective of artists led by Marinetti striving to break the norms of society and they decided to go into politics in order to propel change in Italy and Europe. This essay will explain the...
3 Pages 1229 Words

Negative Impact of Social Networks on Human Well-Being

Social media are websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Social media statistics from 2019 indicate 3.2 billion active social media users worldwide which is equal to 42% of the current population. (Globalwebindex, 2018) states that an average person spends approximately 2 hours and 22 minutes on social networks per day. Subjective well-being is defined as “a broad category of phenomena that includes people’s emotional responses, domain satisfactions, and global...
3 Pages 1229 Words

The Struggle of African Americans Against Inequality and Racial Injustice

In the 1900s many African Americans suffered prejudice, violence, and the devastating effects of racism. During the 1950s and 1960s it was a time of growing groups of African Americans speaking out against inequality and injustice. This struggle lasted for decades. Many strategies were used by the civil rights activists and organisations, and all contributed to gain constitutional and legal rights, outlaw discrimination and put an end to segregation. Most of the strategies implemented were non-violent protests like the sit-in...
3 Pages 1159 Words

The Importance of Building a Close Community for College Success

At a young age, we learn that making friends and maintaining relationships is key to ensure that we do not feel lonely and have a sense of purpose and security. Building a community helps you adapt to your new environment and helps prevents you from isolating yourself. This can be done by joining friend groups, participating in extracurricular activities, and joining study groups. Without building a firm and supportive community, becoming successful in college can be very difficult. Having people...
3 Pages 1176 Words

The Working and Living Conditions in the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was the big ‘manufacturing boom’ when Europe and the US transitioned to a new manufactured/ technological age and system. Due to this revolution many citizens of Europe moved into large, cramped cities which had very poor hygiene and living conditions. Majority of people worked on farms or in small communities. They would grow, harvest and make what they would need, earning money off what they had produced. There was not much organisation in the farms until the...
3 Pages 1183 Words

The Story and Character Development of Gregor Samsa in ‘The Metamorphosis’ by Franz Kafka

‘The Metamorphosis’, by Franz Kafka, is story about Gregor Samsa who is a traveling salesman forced to keep his job in order to pay off his father’s debts and to support his family. There is a great change in the character’s physical appearance considering he wakes up as a giant insect. Gregor goes through many challenges and unusual situations in the story but seems as if he only cares about being able to work for his family, and almost completely...
3 Pages 1198 Words

Megakaryocytic Blast Crisis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is an indolent neoplasm which is known for its invariable progression from a chronic to blastic phase. However, CML primarily presenting with megakaryocytic blast crisis (MKBC) in a young male without any preceding chronic phase is of extremely rare occurrence. We report an unusual case of a 22-year-old man who presented for the first time with splenomegaly and presence of blasts in the peripheral blood and bone marrow, clinically masquerading as acute leukemia. This case report...
3 Pages 1160 Words

Case study of a Sexually Abused Child

This study is based on a 16 year old girl who was sexually abused by both of her parents with no one to turn to. The purpose of this study is to inform readers on different types of physical and mental distress children and young teens suffer from when they are sexually abused. Many adolescents suffer from sexual abuse and is usually assaulted by a family member. Therefore, it does not get reported. Children are less likely to speak up...
3 Pages 1230 Words
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