1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Emotional Diversity And Emotional Intelligence

From the time we wake up in the morning, to the time we go to sleep at night, we are always cycling through emotions. Both positive feelings and negative feelings are experienced daily. How often do we, as college students, delve into each range within a twenty-four hour period, though? There is no simple answer to this question, because we go through many emotions, moods, and feelings in that amount of time. For example, happiness and sadness are two general...
3 Pages 1180 Words

The Impact Of Religion In Women's Role In Society

Before modern education evolved, religious authorities and institutions were responsible for teaching reading and writing, generating and distributing sacred and secular knowledge for many centuries. Religion plays a vital role in the history and development of our society. This essay will tackle the differences and similarities between Christianity and Islam, the traditional social roles of women based on the sacred texts of both religions and aims to veil the direct connections and impact of these teachings on the current stand...
3 Pages 1208 Words

The Encounter Between African Traditional Religion And Islam In North African Societies

African Traditional Religion (ATR) and Islam are two of the biggest religions on the continent of Africa, along with Christianity as well. When it comes to ATR, there are many religious phenomena from which we are able to analyze. Some examples of this include the belief in a Supreme Being, belief in spirits/divinities, belief in life after death, witchcraft and magic practices. Belief in a Supreme Being is very universal amongst African traditional religions especially because God created humanity and...
3 Pages 1244 Words

Science As Mankind’s Greatest Achievement

From walking on the moon to making biodegradable plastic bags, from talking to people all around the world on a handheld device to having a head transplant, none of this would be even remotely possible without the help of science. According to Wikipedia; science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organises knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe, which in basic terms means information of the natural world built on facts learned through experiments...
3 Pages 1237 Words

National Research Council And Science Service

In the 1920 the partnership between the National Research Council and Science service signaled the start that radio could be a dignified way to popularize science and for achieving positive publicity for all science. Science Service continued to be involved in radio production for the next forty years, essentially functioning as the scientific establishment’s sanctioned surrogate on the airwaves. To understand Science Service’s commitment to broadcasting requires first understanding the organization’s founders and essential mission and the important role it...
3 Pages 1193 Words

Types Of Religion In Singapore

Singapore like india is a secular country. This means that it does not have a state regulated religion which the citizens are bound to follow. Singaporeans are free to decide and follow any religion they like. Unlike other countries, this stands absolutely true. The government does not go against those following other languages, the freedom of choosing and followings ones religion is one of the foremost rights given to each Singaporean. Children are also made to participate in religious outreach...
3 Pages 1239 Words

The Contributions Of Religion And Secularism In Political Actions

Religion and secularism portray different aspects of modern society. Certain individuals who believe in the practices of spirituality represent the significance of faith in a religion, while other secular individuals have no association or affliction to spirituality or religion. This essay will discuss the Pakistani activist, Malala Yousafzai’s perspective on female education based upon human rights. In addition, the opposing terrorist group, the Islamist Boko Haram expose the enactment of school attacks in Nigeria. Furthermore, the examination of fundamentalism explained...
3 Pages 1223 Words

The Role And Impacts Of Science On Pain Management

The Role Of Science Ibuprofen was discovered in 1961 by Stewart Adams. The problem ibuprofen was trying to solve was pain management. Pain management includes: headaches, fevers, inflammation and general aches and pains. At the time Ibuprofen was first made available to the public in 1969, there were a number of alternative pain management solutions. This included natural and manufactured products. Opium was the main solution people used for pain management. Opium is a compound that was made from the...
3 Pages 1166 Words

The Relationship Between Technology And Science

Due to the environment of today’s society, the relationship between science and technology has become bigger every day. Technology helps science to discover more information and knowledge. Science and technology mend together but serve completely different purposes throughout the world. Science has a goal to answer questions and increase knowledge and the goal of technology is to find solutions to the more practical problems in the world. Technology has helped science to discover new information that would have never been...
3 Pages 1240 Words

The New Science In The Midst Of Pandemic

Studying Biology is important to everyday life because it allows humans to better understand their bodies, their resources and potential threats in the environment. Biology is the study of all living things, so it helps people to understand every organism alive, from the smallest bacteria to biggest living organism. Studying Biology has also helped doctors learn how to keep people healthy and fight off disease. Biologist have learned that things called pathogens, which are themselves other living entities, cause diseases....
3 Pages 1241 Words

Daniel Pearson Studies Of Religion

The influence of religious beliefs on Aboriginal cultural identity is quite profound the religious beliefs they hold influence everything they do from rituals to environmentally sustainable hunting techniques. These actions all stem from the Dreamtime stories which promote good stewardship of the world, this encourages environmentally sustainable land practices in a way that is in conjunction with the environment not in competition with it. The Dreamtime mythology also gave the Aboriginal a strong sense of purpose and meaning which led...
3 Pages 1246 Words

The Reasons Of Suicides In Romeo And Juliet

In play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, young love and passion play the most important themes throughout the entire play, the elements were being discussed and questioned when the passion and love had form between Romeo and Juliet by each other’s first sight. The play become dramatic when the two lamentable star-crossed lover had to face their family feud and other obstacles in order to obtain the relationship, risking their own life to see each other,...
3 Pages 1210 Words

The Significance Of Plant-Based Food

Eating healthy, clean, and nutrient-rich food fills your body with energy, nutrients, and antioxidants. Imagine your cells smiling back at you and they say: thank you! Unknown. As a construction of a building, plant-based food is one of the special providers that conduct materials to construct the human body. One of the functions of a material is to give a powerful body. The power coming from the reaction that catches from the material that provides from the food. The benefit...
3 Pages 1186 Words

Fixing Foster Care System

As structure changes in the family, children have to pay the price of it. Children in the home may lose the comfort of a balanced household, or even a school to call theirs when the parents decide they are no longer in the picture. This is an issue that is not looked at often, and ignored quite a bit from society and the government. Without a foster care system, children would be left with nothing, not even hope that a...
3 Pages 1218 Words

The Ethical Case For Allowing Medical Trials The Deliberately Infect With Covid-19

The global pandemic that has severally affected everyone was originated in Wuhan, Hubei Provence, Central Chin. “Covid-19 is a virus that was caused by a novel coronavirus named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SAR-CoV-2) [previously provisionally known as 2019 novel coronavirus (2019- nCoV)]” (Li et al.)12020. This issued in many countries human challenge trials, due to the gravity of the disease, authorities in the U.S. and elsewhere are yet to authorize an ethically charged research procedure called “human challenge...
3 Pages 1226 Words

Plant Disease Detection Using Deep Learning

Abstract​ Crop diseases are one of the major issues, but their identification is difficult due to the lack of required infrastructure. Plant diseases affect farmers whose livelihood depends on the crops and also it increases the vulnerability of food security at the large scale. Plant disease identification is very important because it affects the growth of the plant species. Usage of pesticides reduces the ability to fight back. The plant diseases are detected using Deep Convolutional Neural Network trained and...
3 Pages 1227 Words

The Consequences Of Decisions In Romeo And Juliet

Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, follows the story of two young lovers that fell in love from the moment they laid eyes on each other. Romeo and Juliet’s families, the Montague and Capulets, had been in a continuous feud for several generations. This resulted in the two teenagers not being able to publicly express their love for each other. Not only was this feud restraining on their love, but it was dangerous in the sense that several characters had...
3 Pages 1157 Words

Super Bowl: Innovations And Marketing

The super bowl a sporting event that viewed by millions of people around the world, this sport event created around 1920; but wasn’t until 1960 that formally happened, In 1960, the NFL and the AFL to football leagues competed to catch the attention of the fans until they created an event to play against each other. This event called the “AFL-NFL championship game” Since the first super bowl companies had an interest in promoting their brands during this event because...
3 Pages 1168 Words

Does Advertising and Media Impact Self Esteem, Self Image, Self Worth of the Women?

Advertising and media have always been there, in commercials, tarpaulines, brochures and other means of advertisement. We cannot deny that these tools of promoting any products and services have always impact and effects to the audience. According to “Ryte Wiki dictionary” the advertising media is used for communicating a promotional message which include billboards, television, print media, newspapers, online banners, radio advertisement and any advertising meduim. Because it is a platoform to promote a product and to catch the eye...
3 Pages 1184 Words

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Dialects In Languages

Dialect which is also known as Language Shift is when a community who shares a native language, abandon it and collectively shift to speaking to another one instead. Dialects are rule- governed languages, with systematic deviations from other dialects of the same language. For example, Rajasthan has no common regional language. The people speak some 20 different dialects majorly including Marwari, Mewari, Mewati, Dhundari, etc. However, the result of dialect being a part of societies today is sometimes misunderstood. This...
2 Pages 1152 Words

Strengths And Weaknesses Of Community Service Organizations

According to my opinion I would like to start the proceedings of this essay by highlighting some of the important areas along with other relevant information which will be clearly illustrated with further explanations which is included in this particular essay. Specifically, the primary objective of this essay is to focus into the strengths and weaknesses of the community organizations in a management perspective. And ways in which they can be contrasted with private and public sector organizations in terms...
3 Pages 1188 Words

Why Reputation Is An Important Issue For Business To Consider

Introduction Reputation is an important issue for business in the 21st century. In fact, reputation is considered much more important nowadays when compare to any given point of time in the human business history. This essay begins by defining the business reputation, then review the business environment in the 21st century, finally discussed the reasons that reputation is important in this era by using the car manufacturing industry as an example. Reputation is important because it provides alternative regulations to...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Vaccine Mandates Are A Must: For Or Against?

Every year millions die from vaccine-preventable diseases, the majority of which are children. Vaccinations have been around for centuries and as society ages, vaccines improve. There have been increases in the development of new vaccinations and the number of modifications being made on older vaccines. There are seventeen highly recommended vaccines from the CDC, who is in charge of creating the immunization schedule and determining which vaccines should be on that list. However, there are only six mandated vaccines for...
3 Pages 1174 Words

Service Level Agreement Of Coast To Country Parks

Purpose of the Document This document’s main purpose is to study, investigate and research SLA (Service Level Agreement) for Caravan park called Coast to Country Parks (CPP Clubs) which has many independent caravan parks which provide accommodations to members of the public club in every Australian state. The report demonstrates about Service Level Agreement (SLA) along with their main components, description of the service catalogue and IT SLA criteria recommendations. Introduction Coast to Country Parks (CPP Club) is recently settled...
2 Pages 1153 Words

Rights Of A Trade Union As Stipulated In The Trade Union Act 1959

Representation in Court Proceeding As per Trade Unions Act 1959, Section 25 Subsection (6), “in any civil or criminal proceedings in which a registered trade union is a party such trade union may appear in such proceedings by anyone of its officers or by an advocate and solicitor.' To put into perspective, representation could mean someone from the union meeting with management on behalf of a member or a group of staff or discussing a problem with the employer on...
3 Pages 1150 Words

The Nature Vs Nurture: Human Growth And Development

Nature is how genetics shows our behaviour, personality traits and ability are nature, for example it is physical features for example eye colour, hair colour. Nature also assumes the connections between genetics and behaviours are responsible for a child’s characteristics of learning. For example, a child is born and has innate abilities to learn and progress without influencing factors. Piaget believed that the children are independent in their learning and that their learning and development was self-centred and guided. “Nature...
3 Pages 1232 Words

The Peculiarities Of British Constitution

State power is organised, distributed, and governed by constitutions. They set out the state structure, the major institutions of the state, and the principles regulating their relations with each other and with the people of the state. In that it has an 'unwritten constitution, Britain is unusual: unlike the vast majority of nations, there is no single legislative text that lays out the basic rules detailing how the state operates in one place. The lack of a ‘written’ constitution in...
3 Pages 1242 Words

What Is Qigong And How It Can Be Used In Physical Therapy

What exactly is Qigong? Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice used to promote not only physical health but mental health as well. Qigong is considered a form of meditation and is described as a “mind-body-spirit practice” (Bouguyon) that can increase all aspects of an individual’s health. The Chinese word Qi means (“subtle breath” or “vital energy”) and Gong (“skill cultivated through steady practice”) (Bouguyon). This practice can help all kinds of people even if they do not have any mental...
3 Pages 1190 Words

Status Of Muslim Women In Kashmir

In the present world Muslim women are facing a no of challnges twin challenges one of modernity and second empowerment, so the question of Muslim women is concerned not only with the principles of 'womanhood' in Islam, but also on social constructs of women surrounded by political divergence also. In Kashmir, the term ‘Muslim women' demands and brings to mind a amalgamated set of meanings; in Kashmir women are in relationship with Islam in diverse ways. On one hand they...
3 Pages 1172 Words

The Cranberry Juice’s Concentration Using Spectrophotometry

Introduction and Background information The aims of this experiment were to quantitatively analyse cranberry juice samples using the technique of spectrophotometry and also, to determine the percentage of pure, natural cranberry juice in a selection of cranberry juice drink products. Spectrophotometry is a technique used to measure the level of the chemical constitutes in a solution based on the absorption of light of a certain wavelength (UQ 2017). A spectrophotometer is an instrument that is used to measure the absorbance...
3 Pages 1209 Words
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