1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Should Student-Athletes Be Held To A Higher Standard?

Sports have been around for years. In 1636, lacrosse became the first sport in America. Later on in 1837, education came along which led to high school and college and of coulp[rse sports got bigger as time went on which led us to student-athletes. In today's modern society, being a student- athlete is popular. Being a student-athlete is about being a student first; therefore, keeping up good grades should be a top priority. To be a student- athlete, it requires...
3 Pages 1229 Words

How Does Carol Ann Duffy Portray Different Types Of Relationships In The World's Wife?

The World’s Wife was written in a way that the positions of man and woman are explored with a feminist point of view. Carol Ann Duffy wants to show the different kinds of view and relationships man and woman can have in a society based on power and identity as represented in the poems “Little Red Cap”, “Thetis” and “Queen Kong”. In the poem “Thetis”, the narrator is trying to change and explore new identities and relationships. In the beginning...
3 Pages 1204 Words

Hydrogen and Recycled Materials

The use of recycled materials and hydrogens engines can help the environment and the economy at the same time. Hydrogen engines produce less dangerous emissions than other engine technologies that are currently available to the public. Industrial processes use hydrogen for processing metal, ceramics, electronics, edible oils and other various applications. Once it is used it is then released into the atmosphere. The use of recycled materials could free up other materials to be used in building roads and other...
3 Pages 1225 Words

Strong Power And Influence Of Courage In The Book To Kill A Mockingbird

Courage is standing up or fighting for what one believes in, even when the odds are against that courageous individual. Courage is one of the most significant themes in To Kill a Mockingbird. In the novel, Harper Lee shows both types of courage using the characters throughout the book, as well as illustrating her own way of writing this novel to demonstrate all characteristics of courage. She shows actions taken by characters in a courageous act even when Lee makes...
3 Pages 1207 Words

Major League Baseball Performance And Pay In Position

Abstract This paper will provide information on internet sites along with published articles that provide statistical data for Major League Baseball players and offer a broad view on specific stats that are used to analyze a player’s performance and prospective worth. Websites, such as Baseball Prospectus, Baseball References, USA Today, and Baseball Prospectus, provide an extensive overview of recorded statistical data for Major and Minor League baseball players for numerous years. News sites such as Sporting News and CBS Sports...
3 Pages 1245 Words

The Characteristics Of Prophet Muhammad As Teacher

Abstract All praise is due Allah, we praise him, ask refuge with him and his forgiveness. As we know the teaching is the one of the most honorable professions in the world. Teaching field has the different specialties compared to other fields. Especially in our society teacher has a big role of preparing thinking styles, behavior of the students who are our next generation. Our prophet had a more of the qualities that a educator should have. Our prophet Muhammad(peace...
2 Pages 1154 Words

Hydrogen Economy Challenges And Opportunities

ABSTRACT Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. When used as a fuel hydrogen produces clean energy and water (H2O). The Hydrogen economy is considered as a sunrise industry which would help to achieve as many goals. Such as reducing energy consumption and emissions, also stimulating economic growth. Hydrogen economy is also the long term goal of many nations, which can potentially provide energy security, and environmental and economic benefits. However, the transition from a conventional petroleum based...
3 Pages 1188 Words

Mysteries Of The Human Soul

The concept of soul is a discourse that is fascinating to people from all walks of life. The essence, characteristics, nature of the human has always been a captivating to people of all religions, backgrounds and ages. Since the nature of this topic tends to be very exciting- one who investigates this subject is faced with a huge amount of conflicting data. Philosophers and thinkers have always differed greatly regarding the nature of this entity that dwells and is the...
3 Pages 1210 Words

Martin Luther King Jr. As A Massive Part In The Civil Rights Movement

“You can not separate Peace from Freedom because if one man does not have freedom he shall never have peace” (Malcom X) . Malcom is presenting that one man can never have peace of mind without freedom because without freedom the man would never know how he would be treated in day to day life . He could have the best day of his life just to be killed the next , he may not be able to get enough...
3 Pages 1228 Words

Muslims Doctor And Patient Relationships

Being a Muslim is actually one of the best gifts and nikmah that a person got from his Creator. As a Muslim physician who are practicing Islamic basis in the daily life, we are basically practicing the same practice and share the same knowledge with the other doctor or physician in this field. The only thing that makes us differ is our religion and faith. This one thing is the most valuable criteria of a Muslim doctor that brings us...
3 Pages 1167 Words

The Problem Of Evil Within The Lord Of The Flies

“There are very few people who are going to look in the mirror and say. ‘That person I see is a savage monster;’ instead they make up some construction that justifies what they do” - Noam Chomsky. In the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding suggests that one cannot acknowledge the presence of evil if evil has overcome them. Golding demonstrates how some characters including Ralph, Piggy and Simon acknowledge the chaotic behaviour growing on the island while other...
3 Pages 1171 Words

Augustine View On An Innate Desire

Augustine believes that God had intended for man to obey God and woman to obey both God and man. He also thought that God intended there to be a hierarchy between body and soul. The soul, being rational, moral and capable of understanding was to be the ruler of the body and govern the spiritual part of a human. Prior to his conversion, Augustine follows the Manicheans beliefs that physical matter is an evil force distracting the pure soul. However,...
3 Pages 1213 Words

The Effects Of Sin On Humanity’s Moral Disposition In Dante’s Inferno

After a perilous journey through a savage forest, Dante reaches the foot of a hill and desperately desires to climb it: 'After I had a little rested my weary body, I took my way along that deserted slope, so that my halted foot was always the lower' (28-30). In the act of walking, Dante describes his left foot as dragging behind his right foot to reveal the relationship between the two components of the human soul: the intellect and the...
3 Pages 1227 Words

Parkinson’s Disease: Causes, Factors, Symptoms And Treatment

Introduction Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative and chronic disorder of the central nervous system that progresses slowly and progressively incapacitates the person who suffers it. PD is often classified as a movement disorder, but it also produces some alterations in certain mental functions such as memory, learning and the expression of emotions. This disease was first described in 1817 by the British doctor James Parkinson in his publication An essay on the shaking palsy, where he exposed the main...
3 Pages 1234 Words

Five Attributes Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) Possess As A Teacher

Introduction Praise to Allah, the Lord of the worlds and may peace be upon his Prophet Muhammad. One of the great attributes of giving Dawah is to be able to teach with proper etiquettes and no better model than the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Below are five among the countless noble characters which made him the greatest teacher till the end of times. 1. Manners His manners was the example of the whole of Arabia even in the...
3 Pages 1185 Words

Peculiarities And Components Of Environmental Education

The value of natural resources and environment for the development of an economy is clearly visible when analysing the economic thought in antiquity (eg., Adam Smith’s magnum opus on “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations”, Malthus’s theory on the shortage of natural resources, Ricardo’s land rent theory and so on). Since human beings are both the creature and moulder of this environment that gives him material provisions and gives him the scope for intellectual,...
3 Pages 1188 Words

Role Of Wife In Othello

Shakespeare’s Othello revolves its two central characters: Othello, a general in the Venetian army and a husband to Desdemona, and his treacherous friend, Iago. In Othello, the role of women is a prevalent theme that gets presented in a negative approach. Othello demonstrates different modes of containment are portrayed through restrictions on acts of violence and used to isolate women. The characters of Desdemona and Emilia demonstrate the treatment of what women had to go through in that time period....
3 Pages 1152 Words

Immanuel Kant And Capital Punishment

Immanuel Kant is the philosopher chosen for this paper for their philosophy on morals, what is right and wrong, whether the judgement of what is right or wrong, the right choice, and freedom to preserve one’s own happiness. His philosophy most likely has a part on whether it is still used today, whether it be with us, the people, or in political issues. Immanuel Kant is a philosopher whose ideas revolved mostly around morality, that a person’s actions or a...
2 Pages 1154 Words

The Evolution And Aspects Of Space Exploration

Introduction Humans have been curious about whats above the sky from a long time ago and scientists have been looking for ways to travel into outer space, within the Nineteen Forties,experimental rockets were sent one by one but none of them had the ability to reach the desired hight.On October 4,1957 the Soviet Union sent the first umanned ship was sent to space,they launched a satellite named sputnik 1,which stayed in space for about three months.On November 3,1957 , another...
2 Pages 1161 Words

Collective Agreement And Its Features

Before we go into defusing the tensions between both parties, they must first understand what a Collective Agreement is. A Collective Agreement according to the (Labour Relations and disputes act, 1975), is made (in whatever way and in whatever form) between one or more organizations representing workers and either one or more employers, one or more organizations representing employers, or a combination of one or more employers and one or more organizations representing employers. Since we have made the two...
2 Pages 1157 Words

Evil In A Closet: Exploring Evil In William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

In his 2008 Ted Talk, speech entitled: “The Psychology of Evil,” Philip Zimbardo explores the nature of human evilness. He argues that when a person changes it is because the situation changes. When he put a good person in a bad situation they turn into a bad person. Then he talks about how these experiments affected the people mentaly. Zimbardo's research becomes especially helpful when Reading William Golding's Lord of the Flies, which also explores the idea of a person's...
3 Pages 1165 Words

Sustainable Hydrogen Production For Green Technology

Abstract Hydrogen tops as one among the sustainable alternatives of fossil fuels. The purpose of this paper is to consider various technologies for hydrogen production. The paper also explores various fields of hydrogen usage and their current and future scope. Also it briefs the recovery of hydrogen from the PSA and its advantages INTRODUCTION Since the last 20 years, reducing dependence on fossil fuels has become a huge matter of concern. Techniques like photobiological water splitting, solar driven electrolysis promises...
3 Pages 1206 Words

Why Reading E-books Is Good?

Over the past several years the rates of reading books jumped higher, along with the spreading of genres like the YA (young adult) and romance fiction. And with the growing interest in books and fiction, the more there are new stories to pick up from. However, there stands the neverending dispute: is reading print books or e-books better? Nobody can deny that the smell of a paper book is way better than the flat body of an ebook reader, smartphone...
3 Pages 1228 Words

Three-Generation Family History

After analyzing the pedigree, it is evident that people in this family have a high chance of developing metabolic syndrome, because obesity, hypercholesterolemia, and systemic hypertension are all prevalent in the family. Also, many people in the family have presbyopia, which is normal, as it is a progressive, age-related condition; However, 3.2 is the only person in the family with myopia, which is unusual since both the parents do not have myopia. Moreover, both offspring of 2.3 developed childhood asthma,...
3 Pages 1197 Words

The Reasons And Prerequisites Of Writing Letter From Birmingham Jail

Throughout the period of time where African Americans were quoted as being “separate yet equal” to their white counterparts, many of the equality did not seems to exist. Prevalent examples are seen in the south, especially in Birmingham, Alabama with Rosa Parks and the bus incident. Or perhaps mentioning the time a group known as the Freedom Riders were arrested for their peaceful protest against the bus system. Many African Americans were hopeless for change, yet they would soon to...
3 Pages 1219 Words

The Similarities And Differences Of Socrates And Diogenes

The iconic philosophical works of Zen Master Dogen by Yuho Yokoi and The Apology of Socrates by Plato are known for focusing on how to create and follow the path towards gaining true self-knowledge. Each of these philosophers is widely known for emphasizing the significance of true self-knowledge through similarities like self-realization and how to devote attention to each of the philosophical practices. On the other hand, there are key differences between these two beliefs like, for example, where self-knowledge...
3 Pages 1220 Words

Muslim Influences On Occupational Therapy

The creator of the Muslim faith is Muhammad. The Muslims believe that the only God and creator of the universe is Allah. Allah is the equivalent to a Christian’s God in the Muslim faith. Muslim belief states Muhammad was Allah’s last prophet. When trying to compare Muslim and Christian faith, there are no relations between Jesus and Allah or the way in which they believe they will encounter heaven or “paradise”. Muslims believe that they get to “paradise” by their...
3 Pages 1154 Words

The Islamophobic Experiences Of Muslim Converts In Britain

The article I chose for this assignment is ‘The Racialization of Muslim Converts in Britain and Their Experiences of Islamophobia’, written by Leon Moosavi in 2014, and published in the ‘Critical Sociology’ journal. This article is about how Islamophobia negatively affects the lives of the majority of white converts in Britain. Their conversion to Islam can impact their family relationships along with their 'membership' from the dominant white majority. It also demonstrates the crucial connection between Islamophobia and racism. Moreover,...
3 Pages 1225 Words

Race And Gender Biases As Portrayed In The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom by three exclusive creators Steven Molaro, Bill Prady, and Chuck Loree. It is called a sitcom because they shot it in live spectators setting; the series has a total of two hundred and seventy-nine episodes all in twelve seasons.. The last episode of the series was released in May this year. It has five key actors and actresses and other supporting characters. The primary focus in the series will be on one...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Pride And Anger In The Novel Things Fall Apart

Although Chinua Achebe’s novel, Things Fall Apart is the broadly read African novel, the failure of its main character leaves readers with many unanswered questions. Central to the many questions is why Achebe allowed the aspiring but brutal young person to take away his life at the time everyone looked unto him? Other commentators argue that Okonkwo’s pride and anger contributed to his downfall while others blame the fragmentation of the Umuofia society coupled with cultural destruction by the white...
3 Pages 1235 Words
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