1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Crucial Factors Of Poverty In California

In California, there are many citizens and immigrants who are struggling to earn enough income to support themselves and, if applicable, one’s family. The cost of living in California is so high that many families in the Bay Area, in particular, are having a hard time paying off their bills. Even though the minimum wage continues to increase, yet the cost of living keeps increasing, but families are still struggling to earn a good living. This also leads to a...
3 Pages 1219 Words

Masculinity Portrayed In 13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why is an American teen drama television show that is based off a novel wrote in 2007 by Jay Asher. The show was made to spread awareness about suicide, rape and bullying. To summarize the first season, it revolves around seventeen year-old high school student Clay Jenson and his deceased friend Hannah Baker, who commited suicide after being bullied and being on the off end of gossip. She was also sexually assaulted by her fellow high school student....
3 Pages 1232 Words

Barriers And Strategies For Effective Communication

Introduction Communication is the exchange of information/ ideas or messages between parties who have a mutual interest. This can occur through the different types or methods of communication either verbally (using sound) or non-verbally (e.g. use of gestures, facial expressions eye contact). (O' Toole, 2016) states that here are many reasons why we communicate. According to O’toole, we communicate to meet our physical, identity, instrumental or relational needs. However, it is a common occurrence for messages to be passed across...
3 Pages 1202 Words

The Impact Of Using Word Genocide In Media

The word 'genocide' was invented by a polish - Jewish origin lawyer 'Ralphael Lemkin'. Raphael followed the widely-reported massacres and deportations of armenians in his youth and then later on he came up with the word 'genocide' as an original term to reflect and highlight the phenomenon.The Armenian genocide is the phenomenon of terribly killing of people after World War I in the Near East and the Russian Caucasus. About 1.5 million people suffered; some were killed and those who...
2 Pages 1153 Words

Victorian Society Values And The Concept Of New Woman In Dracula

Dracula (1897) written by Bram Stoker, is a Gothic novel composed in England in its late Victorian age. Its engaging use of invasion literature exposed the oppressiveness in this society and to a transitional period, specifically involving the evolution of the New Woman and fear of the ‘other’, its unfolding narrative reflected the fears and anxieties of the era. Dracula holds a mirror up to the late-Victorian society, towards the epoch of where social norms and beliefs were being challenged...
3 Pages 1226 Words

The Ethical Dilemmas Behind Using Marijuana For Epilepsy

Abstract Cannabis sativa (C. sativa) or medical marijuana, is the entirety of the plant and the internal chemicals. We have cannabinoid receptors within our cells, which allows the cannabis substances to act in order to cause effects. The two major chemicals are Tetrahydrocannabinol, the causation of the psychoactive “high” effects, and Cannabidiol, which has shown positive effects on some functions of the body, and would be the one primary one to reduce of seizures. Epilepsy is referred to as being...
2 Pages 1151 Words

Is Trial By Jury Necessary To Our Legal System?

INTRODUCTION It is argued that a trial by jury is not a positive attribute to the adversarial system, due to unnecessary prejudice being a factor in decision-making. However, it is a significant factor in non-discriminatory decision making. The Magna Carta formed the historical underpinning of trial by jury. This was then recognised in the Australian Constitution and is still established currently. There are rules and regulations surrounding judge and jury conduct in criminal law cases. Despite this, prejudice and differing...
3 Pages 1229 Words

Privacy And Consequences Of Online Dating

Searching for true love is hard and the process of looking for someone compatible can be frustrating, lonely and overwhelming. By digitalising love, technology has made the process as convenient and efficient as possible, reducing the uncertainty an individual may face. Who knows, your next swipe might be your soulmate. Living in this digital age, dating now serve as a means for people to connect and build relationships. Millions of relationship seekers are using popular dating apps such as Tinder,...
3 Pages 1211 Words

Abortion Overall Must Never Be A Person's First Choice Of Action

As a person, one is faced with many dilemmas in life. A tremendous epidemic that has been debated for many years is abortion. Abortion is a major moral dilemma in today’s society, which most people do not take into consideration. The thesis I am arguing is that abortion must be liberated in society and it is unacceptable that innocent lives are terminated due to a lack of inhumanity and integrity. There may be certain situations that may be reasonable to...
3 Pages 1222 Words

Effective Negotiation And How To Gain It

Negotiation is an open process through which two or more parties who are in conflict over outcomes attempt to reach agreement. It is the constructive, positive alternative to haggling or arguing; it is aimed at building an agreement rather than winning a battle. THE NEGOTIATION PROCESS Companies have to negotiate in various areas of organizational conflict. Negotiation is an open process through which two or more parties who are in conflict over outcomes attempt to reach agreement. Rejoice corporation is...
3 Pages 1229 Words

The Significance And Issues Of Family In Bless Me Ultima

Bless Me, Ultima by Rudalfo Anaya presents a powerful story of this young boy reaching his coming of age and demonstrates the distress caused by the split of two families. Antonio is on a journey of self-discovery and the war between the Márez’s and Lunas only adds additional conflict. His childhood is revolved around choosing who to become and this takes a major toll on his life. Through Anaya’s use of the symbolism of the moon and the sea, he...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Types of Cyberbullying

Harassment is the demonstration of sending hostile, discourteous, and offending messages and being abusive. Terrible or embarrassing remarks on posts, photographs, and in visit rooms also fall within the ambit of harassment. It implies being expressly hostile to gaming destinations. As for adults, the “Pew Research Center reported in 2014 that 40 percent of adult Internet users said they had personally experienced online harassment while 73 percent witnessed it occurring to others”. The Cyber bullying Research Center says” that about...
3 Pages 1230 Words

Ted Bundy And His Crimes

Intelligence is the key factor which drives the constant advancement that defines our country, the United States. Our nation is full of deeply intelligent, bright, talented and skilled individuals. These people have led to discoveries and technological advancements that have benefited the world in many ways. However, not all intelligence leads to a positive impact, and a clear example of this is Ted Bundy. Theodore Bundy was a serial killer from the 1970s that committed violence, physical abuse, and crimes...
3 Pages 1171 Words

The Relationship Between Procrastination And Wellbeing

It might be hard to believe, but procrastination did not rise because of the Internet. It started during ancient civilizations where people have struggled with habitual hesitation. Around 800 B.C., the Greek Poet Hesiod wrote the following: “Do not put off your work until tomorrow and the day after. For the sluggish worker does not fill his barn, nor the one who puts off his work; industry aids work, but the man who puts off work always wrestles with disaster”....
3 Pages 1184 Words

A Significance Of Conversation In The Modern World

The species of Homo sapien sapiens arrived on Earth two-hundred-thousand years ago. This species is what is called the “Modern Human.” The ability to “speak” is an aspect that is fascinating, seeing as humans are the only organism that has this ability. Some microorganisms have vocal cords and hold a conversation in their way, as well. However, it is believed that they are not able to communicate at such a level as humans. One can argue that animals communicate better...
3 Pages 1234 Words

The Images Of Being An American In The Novel The Great Gatsby, The Play Glengarry Glen Ross And The Film The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

In modern society, being an American means to be free and loyal. Being free means to live in the country without prejudices and to have the ability to fairly attain your dreams. On the other hand, “fake it till you make it” is a phrase adopted by Americans, which simply means to imitate certain qualities one wishes to have until one does obtain those qualities. With this phrase in mind, people create a mirage of their idealized selves in order...
3 Pages 1178 Words

Scientific Method Applied To Forensic Science

The scientific method is the steps used to ask questions and develop sufficient data to answer the question. The scientific method provides steps in which to follow when testing a hypothesis or theory. The researcher through his and her, standardized steps they can observe, and developed a hypothesis or theory, and answers can be found. Forensic science applies science helps to developing evidence that help in civil or criminal cases. Forensic science comes in many disciplines each applying the scientific...
3 Pages 1235 Words

The Media Impacts On Tourist Destinations

Abstract Tourist destinations are currently pursuing more distinction in an increasingly competitive market, within which image is a decisive element in tourists' destination selection. This research studies the impact of media channels, such as television, radio, magazines, newspapers, and magazines on the destination image and how it is delivered differently from one media platform to another. Introduction The rapid growth and versatility of the tourism industry during the last five decades, but also its fragility, has spawned a number of...
3 Pages 1221 Words

The History Of Citizenship And Diaspora

Citizenship is a concept of legal status which holds numbers of rights and entitlements and gives a sense of identity and belonging to the homeland country. It acquires or contains a universal desire term. Citizenship can be categories in many terms such as bad citizens, good citizens, active citizens and passive citizens. Having a citizenship is not only denoted legal status but also represents other claims, presumption and another status. Citizen is a word which is more than unselfconsciously imitative...
3 Pages 1188 Words

Ancient Greek Political Philosophy

Manifold attributes of modern-day civilization, if slightly taken heed of, predominantly carry the traces of concepts that were constructed and long conferred in the ancient Greek civilization. More precisely, it provided the basis for the foundation of the political system and its philosophy, bearing in mind that the word “politics” itself comes from “polis”, which simply refers to the Greek city-state. Despite the fact that the ideas and methods were generated and practiced in the olden days within the block...
3 Pages 1219 Words

The Determinants Of Child Labour In Pakistan

Introduction Child labour is a world practice and has many bad outcomes. According to the International Labour Organization, child labour is the vital source of child exploitation and child abuse in the world today. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has estimated the range of Pakistani working youth to be round 11-12 millions, out of which, at least, half the youth are underneath the age of ten years. Haneef, an eleven 12 months old child, labored in a carpet weaving,...
3 Pages 1216 Words

Socrates Theory Of Recollection

In the Meno and the Phaedo, the character of Socrates argues for the recall possibility of encyclopaedism . In this paper I will first briefly explain what the remembrance theory of encyclopaedism is. Thenwill consider how Socrates argues for the reminiscence theory in the Phaedo. Next, I will consider why Socrates thinks that the recollection theory of eruditeness supports the claim that the somebody of a soul is immortal. I conclude by lifting a remonstration to Socrates' use of the...
3 Pages 1155 Words

The Use Of Figurative, Foils And Allusions In The Book Siddhartha

In Herman Hesse's Siddhartha, the main character, Siddhartha perseveres through a tedious mission for Nirvana. Throughout his entire life, Siddhartha had been advised to stop allowing the six Ripus to blockade him, with their lustful thoughts. Even though Siddhartha is truly proficient, he does not feel satisfied and wishes to enter Maya to be with his friend Atman. He accepts that enlightenment must be accomplished through individual understanding, as opposed to the understanding of others. Hesse recommends that learning is...
3 Pages 1229 Words

Letter From Birmingham Jail By Martin Luther King Jr: Reality For African Americans

Martin Luther King Jr. was an African American who worked for racial equality and civil rights in the United States of America. He was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. From my perspective, King brought to the world’s attention how unfairly blacks were treated equally to white people. Letter from Birmingham jail can teach contemporary leaders a lot about what African Americans had to go through in their everyday lives such as discrimination, police brutality, and the fear...
3 Pages 1249 Words

Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury: Why The Novel Is So Relevant Today

Ray Bradbury’s famous novel, Fahrenheit 451, is about Guy Montag, a man who burns books for a living in an uncultured dystopian future. Set in the United States during an unspecified distant time period, people have become utterly consumed with modern media and advanced technology. Through a cultural lens, Fahrenheit 451 is a tragic story about the loss of individuality and the growing deficit of expressive culturalism. In 1953, Bradbury rebelliously wrote Fahrenheit 451 in a turbulent time in American...
3 Pages 1170 Words

Oryx And Crake By Margaret Atwood: The Confusion With Evolution

Throughout the novel Oryx and Crake, Atwood accentuates how individuals’ humanistic thinking will mitigate by scientific progress that is caused by perverse uses of scientific power and knowledge. Many scientists today rely on advanced biological science and genetic experiments, which allow them to exercise their abuse of nature. They try to find new technological innovations and biological solutions that can either award them with materialistic gains or fame. However, they are not able to understand the immoral conduct of their...
3 Pages 1163 Words

The Main Ideas Of The Novel Brave New World

October 30, 2019 People frequently prior put social stability at the first place, but the fatal effect is what would eventually cause the destruction worldwide.The development of science and technology has already brought human society into a highly streamlined super-fine division of labor society. Through the development of bioengineering technology, humans have abandoned natural fertility, and the offspring are reproduced by artificial insemination and in vitro culture. Through the multiple means of embryo breeding control and children's brainwashing education, everyone...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Themes Of Marriage, Communication And Cultural Identity In Interpreter Of Maladies

Interpreter of Maladies is a short story written by Jhumpa Lahiri. The story evolves around a married Indian American couple visiting their country of heritage India alongside with their children. During their visit to India, a lot of things started to cue on such as marriage problems between the Das couple to shocking secrets revealed by Mrs Das, the rollercoaster ride just never seems to be ending. There are quite a few interesting themes that can be found in the...
3 Pages 1218 Words

Psychological And Physical Health - Self Reflection

I have always kept a reasonably good eye on my sleep habits and tracked them fairly well, so I thought. During the last two weeks, I spent more time relatively than usual tracking and analyzing my sleep and dreams trying to find any type of pattern between how my psychological and physical health is connected. I do wear a smart watch during the day and also to bed which I use to track my sleep patterns, which include total time...
3 Pages 1200 Words

The Effects And Consequences Of War Trauma On The Soldiers In All Quiet On The Western Front

When Erich Maria Remarque’s first published, All Quiet on Western Front in 1929, scholars of historical medicine, and history, analyzed the effects of war on soldiers. Analyzing effects of war on individuals allowed various scholars and medical professionals to quantify war-trauma in terms of desensitization to life, and a loss of hope. Charles Hamilton Sorley’s poem, When You see Millions of the Mouthless Dead, suggests a sense of trauma experienced by soldiers inching towards mortality, and a declining emotional state....
3 Pages 1210 Words
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