1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Socio-Economic Consequences of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl

The Great Depression was caused by the stock market crashing it was the worst economic event in the history of the economic world the market crashed in 1929 and ended in 1939. So ten years of riots fights and homelessness. 12.9 million shares were traded on october 29th or black tuesday then another 16 million shares were traded after another wave of panic swept Wall Street. Over the next few years the consumer spending and investment declined failing companies laid...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Purpose of Emma Watson's and Malala Yousafzai's Speeches

Emma Watson and Malala Yousafzai both speak to their specific audiences to strive for their common purpose which is having gender equality worldwide. Emma Watson is launching a campaign called ‘HeForShe’. She wants to end gender inequality for good. By presenting her campaign to the United Nations members she is getting the attention of the highest power that she can and informing them on her hopes and dreams for women everywhere. Malala Yousafzai is advocating for women all over the...
3 Pages 1306 Words

Income Inequality Throughout the American Society

Income inequality not only puts us in harm, but affects our physical and mental well-being. With that being, it is important to know the correct ways of distributing the wealth among people. Income Inequality has affected citizens in the United States ever since the American Dream had come into existence. The American Dream is the concept of having the ability to work hard, support a family, buy a home, have an investment for retirement and be able to send their...
3 Pages 1292 Words

Analysis of Major Mood Disorders: Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder

Is it possible for an emotionally traumatized person to develop some physical pain? The answer is yes, moreover, most of the physical pain such as stress is highly related to brain function, which contains our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Furthermore, our emotions and mood changes within the normal range, but it is possible to be dysfunctional and create some moods disorders. Mood disorders, additionally recognized as mood affective disorder, can defined as bothering emotions that can affect one’s mind, which...
3 Pages 1264 Words

The Impact of Waste Management on Economy: Comparative Analysis of South Korea and India

Introduction The rise in environmental issues has led to the field of environmental economics which deals with the relationship between the economy and environment becoming extremely important. India as a country generates 62 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) each year. (Wikipedia contributors,2019, October 16). However, only about 30% of the waste collected is actually treated (Livemint, Mar 1, 2018). South Korea has one of the most efficient waste management systems in the world, even after having 5 times...
3 Pages 1296 Words

The Fourth of July Is not an Important Day for Everyone

Throughout American history, there have been many incidents of oppression regarding the people of the United States especially African Americans. Frederick Douglass’ speech ‘What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?’ shows that The Declaration of Independence is not only historically important, but it also has faults. Both documents briefly discuss the British crown and freedom in both cases. But there are some similarities along with differences to look at within the two documents. Including more oppression and considering...
3 Pages 1344 Words

Antisocial Personality Disorder of the Main Character of J.Sheridan Le Fanu's 'Carmilla'

When it comes to mental health, a lot more people suffer from different mental illnesses than one would typically assume. It is said that around 1 in 4 people in the world are affected by mental disorders at some point in their lives. In the case of the story, ‘Carmilla’ by J. Sheridan Le Fanu, the main character Carmilla appears to be part of this statistic. Based on her actions and behavior throughout the entire story, Carmilla can be diagnosed...
3 Pages 1347 Words

The Overview of the Addiction to Games, Sugar, Drugs and Main Methods of Treatment

Based on research, there are 166,000 direct deaths caused by the drug abuse in year 2017. Besides that, there are 0.9% of the global population had a drug use disorder. On the contrary, sugary drinks are responsible for 184,000 deaths each year and research found 133,000 annual deaths happen at the hand of type 2 diabetes. More than 2 billion people worldwide regularly play video games. Studies have found anywhere from 1-10% of gamers struggle with compulsive addiction issues. Example...
3 Pages 1330 Words

Equality and Diversity Models in the Context of Disability

There are two models that are used in the discussion of equality and diversity, the medical model and a slightly newer model which was developed in the 60s within the paper of Paul Hunt, ‘A Critical condition’ named the social model. The differences between the medical and the social model create different impacts on the professional role and how they affect equality and diversity within these roles. In basic terms the medical model views the individual as being defined by...
3 Pages 1337 Words

The Dim Light Ages: New Name for the Dark Ages

Is the Dark Ages an appropriate name? Should it be renamed or should the name stay the same? The Dark Ages took place roughly between 500 to 1500 AD. It started when in 395 the Roman Empire split into its eastern and western component, but as time passed the western empire collapsed and the eastern empire gradually evolved into a new organism. During the time period people couldn’t read or write, there was a food shortage and many more. The...
3 Pages 1305 Words

Kneeling for the National Anthem Should Not Be Allowed

I believe our flag is more than just cloth and ink. It is a universally recognized symbol that stands for liberty, and freedom. It is the history of our nation, and it's marked by the blood of those who died defending it. Standing for the National Anthem is a small way for people to pay their respects to those who have served or lost their lives for our freedoms. There have been many that have sided with those who have...
3 Pages 1286 Words

The Wealth of What Nation

Philosophers from different parts of history are still studied today all over the world. The works of people like Socrates and Ibn Sina, which were written thousands of years ago, are still continuing to be discussed by intellectuals. So why is philosophy so important? Why must we continue to discuss the works of people who lived in ancient times? Well interestingly enough, the works of these philosophers are still relevant today. We can look at contemporary issues today, and compare...
3 Pages 1308 Words

Excuse of Jeffrey Deskovic's Guilt as a Prime Example of the Evolution of the American Justice System

Throughout the history of the American justice system there has been no shortage of evolutions both in practice of all aspects of the American justice system but also evolutions in technology that makes the justice system more precise. This increase in accuracy among all phases of the justice system maintains the assertation that someone will be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt. However, before all of these current advancements in practice and technology many people were wrongly convicted of crimes they...
3 Pages 1313 Words

The Analysis of Costco’s Business Model

Costco’s business model and overall strategy is very interesting, they only keep a selection of approximately 3,700 items in their store that could be provided at a lower cost. However, supermarkets like Walmart keep around 125,000 items stocked for shoppers, this is a large difference that I don’t think Costco can maintain and continue to be competitive with Walmart. Costco’s mission statement is “to continually provide our members with quality goods and services at the lowers possible prices”. They achieve...
3 Pages 1314 Words

Effects of Early Childhood Trauma

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that negative early life experiences have a profound impact on the growing brain. Changes in the brain that take place in response to early life stress can lead to lifelong trauma. Children who are exposed to sexual or physical abuse or the loss of a mom or dad are at higher threat for development of depressive and anxiety issues later in life. Clearly, exposure to early life stressors leads to changes in...
3 Pages 1345 Words

Child Sexual Abuse: Caused by Nature or Nurture

The purpose of this literature review is to identify relevant findings for sex offenders and whether it is nature or nurture that causes them to molest children, from any published literature I find and also relevant websites. Searches were carried out on numerous books such as ‘theories of sexual offending’, ‘child molestation’ and ‘sex as a crime?’. As well as using books for research, searches were carried out on the internet on websites such as The Conversation and The Royal...
3 Pages 1255 Words

AT&T Support – Snappy Solution for Every AT&T Error

Using emails has been in trends since the beginning of the first email platform. With time, emails made their place as an official mode of communicate. People frequently depend upon emails to send and receive critical data, therefore picking a right webmail service platform is necessary. Each day a new email service launched in the market but the AT&T attracted masses of eyes. This email service has many features which other platforms fail to offer. Some of the Remarkable Features...
3 Pages 1276 Words

The Possibility of Using Chiropractic in the Treatment of Muscular Dystrophy

The developmental condition that I thought would be the most beneficial to learn to enhance my chiropractic career is muscular dystrophy. Muscular dystrophy is categorized as rare genetic diseases, that displays numerous symptoms, however, the main apparent symptom is loss of muscle function (Do et al. 2018). The abnormality that appears with muscular dystrophy is that abnormal genes interrupt the production of protein affecting the natural process that is essential to developing healthy functional muscle (Mayoclinic, n.d.). The several types...
3 Pages 1262 Words

Slavery in the American Colonies

The origin of Jamestown began with the support Of Virginia company of London, who were investors that hoped to profit from the journey. On December 6th, 1606 104 English men climbed aboard three ships named Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery and head towards North American. A year later on May 13th, they picked Jamestown Virginia for their settlement which is named after their King James the first, this settlement became known as the very first permanent English settlement...
3 Pages 1301 Words

Elements Influencing the Business Environment, Supply and Demand

The economy is significantly essential for one nation’s development. If the economy was depressed, many individuals and organizations would suffer seriously. In this essay, I am going to present factors that affect the business environment, explain the factors that drive supply and demand. The environmental forces that impact on company’s ability to serve its customers are the micro-environment and macro-environment. Firstly, micro-environment is the factors that affect its ability to serve its customers - company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, competitors, public...
3 Pages 1344 Words

My Philosophy of Education

“The great world, the background, in all of us, is the world of our beliefs. That is the world of the permanencies and the immensities” - William James. Education from Socrates to Dewey has been an attempt to find the secrets of this natural world. The definition of education is a basis for all the philosophies of all these great philosophers. To define education is too general and is a wide range of opinion. One cannot give the true definition,...
3 Pages 1273 Words

Wild Wiley's Nail Salon Marketing Plan

Wild Wiley’s Nail Salon is a small nail salon business in Warrensville Heights, Ohio. This salon is a sole proprietorship which is unincorporated business, but I have several business licenses to be able to operate a nail salon legally. I have been in business for two years and going strong. We conduct business through a store front and offer all nail services a patient might be looking for to make sure their hands and nails always look beautiful and for...
3 Pages 1300 Words

The Diverse and Incredibly Unique Culture of Pakistan

'Culture' and 'Tradition' are more significant in a country like Pakistan which has always been its rich culture and heritage. What are we doing now? It’s a shame to see that 'Pakistan’s pride', 'We Pakistani Youth', doesn’t have even a bit of importance for Pakistan’s culture and heritage, its culture. And we are easily influenced by western culture. Right from our clothing, till the music, the films, our attitude, our lifestyle, in short, every aspect of our life has totally...
3 Pages 1265 Words

The Overview of Major Types of Addiction

My first health issue that is happening every day is Drug addiction. Many do not realize how harmful some substances can be towards their health and overall on how they look. People judge others based on those habits and also by the person first impression, in which they claim that people who have a drug addictions lack moral principles and do not have self-control and that they have the ability to stop using substances at any time (NIDA). Although this...
3 Pages 1302 Words

The Use of Drones in Various Fields and Its Prospects

In the course of recent years, drones have become amazingly famous. You may have seen them on the web, or even at the market. A drone is an aircraft or flying device which does not have a human pilot onboard. Officially named UAV, a drone can be flown autonomously by on-board computers or via remote control by a human pilot. Despite the fact that drones have their starting points in the military, the utilization of such in business, recreational, horticultural,...
3 Pages 1286 Words

Possible Ethical Issues in Project Management

The project management is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements” (Project Management Institute [PMI], 2004, p. 23). According to the definition, we can find that the objective of project management is to realize the value of a project, which is to meet the project requirements. The value of project management includes two dimensions. On the one hand, project management turns resources into the project outputs, thereby realizing the value of...
3 Pages 1330 Words

The Main Effects of the Great Depression

The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the industrialised world's history, lasting from the 1929-39 stock-market crash. This time began after the October, 1929 stock market crash, which devastated Wall Street and wiped out millions of shareholders. Consumer spending and investment dropped over the next several years, causing steep declines in industrial output and employment as workers were laid off by failed companies. In 1933, at its lowest point in the Great Depression, about 15 million People were...
3 Pages 1321 Words

A Room of One's Own Analysis

‘A Room of One’s Own’ by Virginia Woolf shows the importance of having ‘a room of one’s own’ for female writers or artists. An analysis of ‘A Room of One’s Own’, and an overview of some gender-related themes will be shown in this paper. Spaces, androgyny, money, and creativity are the main themes in ‘A Room of One’s Own’. This paper analyses the relation between these themes and female writing or artistic creation. Apart from the primary text, secondary sources...
3 Pages 1343 Words

Smartphones and Their Significant Impact on People's Lives

Smartphones are objects found in one’s everyday life and utilized for various reasons. It has become one of society’s technological advances, which has significantly changed the lives of those individuals who own one, myself included. If you own a smartphone, you find yourself bringing it with you everywhere you go; whether it may be school, work, gym, or simply places where you find leisure, smartphones are the one object that you’re accompanied by. Individuals can be seen to be physically...
3 Pages 1341 Words

Digital Literacy and Its Importance for Adapting to Future Digital Environments

There is no denial behind the rise of digital technologies becoming a part of everyday life for some. These digital devices, such as cell phones or computers, have become so common in everyday use that at times can become inconvenient if individuals don’t own such devices. As society continues to progress with these digital shifts, it leaves an interesting question on how these shifts are affecting individual’s lifestyles beyond just the conventional calling or texting. In Danielle DeVoss et al.’s...
3 Pages 1270 Words
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