1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Ethical Dilemma in Nursing Essay

Defining attributes are the features of ethical dilemmas that are frequently seen and constantly present in the literature. To differentiate from the other concepts these attributes are helpful. After the literature review, at least five defining attributes are observed within the context of nursing. 1-Involvement, engagement, and professional commitment. The nurses must be involved in the ethical conflicting situations to identify and recognize the dilemmas and possible alternatives with professional commitment and continuous engagement with the patients. Without professional commitment...
3 Pages 1272 Words

Essay on Why Is Diversity Important in Psychology

As a field that explores human experiences, psychology has been pushing to include diversity in its education, research, and services. The discipline has been ensured to include a multicultural approach and diversity while emphasizing topics such as individual and cultural differences (Gallor, 2017). As of recent, psychology has been focusing on integrating social justice in its field, specifically academically and in training future professionals. Psychology textbooks and courses lack coverage of race, racism, and other forms of oppression; however, psychologists...
3 Pages 1300 Words

Essay on Sartre on Freedom and Responsibility

This composition seeks to compare the writing styles and structures of Sartre in “Why Write?” and Foucault in “Panopticism” from Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison”. The discussion of influence and its wielder by both writers will be drawn upon to establish parallels with the developments of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In their writings, both authors display profound illustrations to further their arguments. In “Why Write?”, Sartre begins with a descriptive depiction of the world and its elements. How...
3 Pages 1316 Words

Essay on Moral of 'The Lottery'

Today I will be looking at The Lottery and Married at First Sight. I am looking at a lack of morality. The lack of a moral compass is common in both The Lottery and Married at first. Morals are defined as the standard behavior and the principles of right and wrong. So here is my thesis statement- In The Lottery and Married at First Sight we are invited to look at immoral acts throughout these stories and shows. Stoning a...
3 Pages 1336 Words

Essay on Importance of Educational Psychology

The importance of knowledge about teacher growth and development According to ZaidRehman, all children in 2015 were directly affected by genetic and environmental factors, but most were all. Applies to the child. There are certain developments. There are models. .. All children. In today's education, it is important to have a deep understanding of these developments. These understandings can be used to maximize classroom problems. According to Zaid Rehman's 2015 survey, educational psychology can support teachers in the following ways:...
3 Pages 1271 Words

Essay on Costco Corporate Social Responsibility

A business’s only responsibility is to produce profits. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? The relationship between business and society is closely connected, one cannot live without another. Society needs to be provided with jobs and to be paid wages and salaries, a fair share of taxes so that government spending can be supported on the things that society needs. To achieve that, business must exist invest, and innovate. On the other hand, business needs...
3 Pages 1341 Words

Essay Goals for Preschool Teachers

Plan makes a difference What differentiates a dream from a goal? A plan. Attempting to achieve a goal without a plan is like trying to reach a destination without direction you will end up completely lost and confused. By knowing exactly what you want to achieve, you know where to concentrate all your efforts. You will also quickly see the distractions that can so easily lead to previous errors. When defining a goal, we should also consider ourselves, our skills,...
3 Pages 1302 Words

Impact of French Revolution on Modern World: Exploratory Essay

The image chosen is illustrated by James Gillray, the image is named ‘Presages of the Millenium, 1795’. It includes a hand-colored etching and aquatint on paper. And was gifted by the Trier-Fodor Foundation, in 1985. The description is as follows, “Warning: the apocalypse approaches! Inspired by the fierce political debates in Great Britain following the French Revolution, Gillray draws on the classic biblical image of the four apocalyptic horsemen in this depiction of Prime Minister William Pitt as Death, trampling...
3 Pages 1348 Words

Why Is It Important to Respect Other Cultures Essay

Culture can vary from one society to another based on various cultural attributes and elements that make up the respective culture providing a unique edge to each culture. Multinational companies need to adopt a global approach where they introduce global measures for engaging in respective cultures and for making decisions based on unique cultures. This essay identifies the uniqueness of each culture and how this uniqueness impacts the decisions made by multinational companies when they are making their decisions. Introduction...
3 Pages 1261 Words

Feminism During the Progressive Era Essay

In one of her finest works, Charlotte Perkins Gilman is well-known for her writing of “Women and Economics” in 1898. In this work, she described how rigid social norms and unequal gender roles between men and women negatively affected women’s rights. In addition to these social norms, it prevented women from developing or having opportunities equal to those of men, thus neither acknowledging nor utilizing their true abilities or potential. Through her work, Gilman tried to appeal to her audience...
3 Pages 1317 Words

Theodore Roosevelt Role in Progressive Era: Essay

The United States once found itself entering a world of rapid economic and industrial growth. Technological advances came forth at a rapid rate in both the transportation and manufacturing industries. Along with such developments, a wave of transformation came over the country and multiple social reform movements came to fruition. The Women’s Suffrage Movement, Child Labor, Abolition, Temperance, Prison Reform, and Workplace Improvements were some of the unions formed during such a deceiving period. Such a prosperous era that bloomed...
3 Pages 1295 Words

Essay on Space Exploration Vs Ocean Exploration

Over the years, only less than twenty percent of the ocean of the Earth was explored. According to many scientists, humans know more about space than the oceans. For years they have been equipped with knowledge about what is beyond the atmosphere, what the stars look like, what is it made of, what the color of the moon and many more things that involve outer space. Contrasting under the sea, you never know what is down there. Deep-sea exploration is...
3 Pages 1259 Words

California During Progressive Era Essay

California was controlled by Mexico before the gold rush (1849-1855) radically transformed it. It provoked one of the largest migrations in U.S. history, with hundreds of thousands of people coming from all states and across the globe to find gold in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This led to the formation of rapid economic growth and prosperity, railroads, banks, and churches. 'They who came to California were not the self-satisfied, happy and content people, but the adventurous, the restless' (Didion, 2004)....
3 Pages 1322 Words

Space Exploration Synthesis Essay

Have you ever felt that winter has become longer and summer has become hotter? If so, you are experiencing global warming firsthand. As the threat from global warming continues to increase, mankind is desperate to find other inhabitable planets. We must also not forget about the scarce resources in our overpopulated earth. To many people, the only foreseeable solution we face is for us to invest in space exploration to inhabit a new planet. Although space exploration seems to be...
3 Pages 1254 Words

Flowers for Algernon' Comparative Analysis Essay

Nonetheless, Keyes stresses another predominant theme: that self-awareness, the ability to acquire knowledge about one’s self, ultimately decides an individual’s identity. As the experiment progresses and Charlie’s academic knowledge, and personal understanding increase, a sense of inner confinement emerges. This interior conflict is apparent when there is a “sharp switch in perception” as the narration alternates between first-person, and third-person (page 100). This change of perspective elucidates how Charlie considers himself as two, distinct people; as if “the old Charlie...
3 Pages 1306 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about My Colour

Being an African American woman in the workplace means always having to walk a thin line, stabilizing your feelings and emotions with the judgments and motives of others, providing comfort, and being approachable versus uncomfortable and anxious in the process. Throughout my work history, I have noticed that the majority of my jobs surprised me by how few women there were who resembled me. Yes, I know that in the workplace, you're not supposed to look and reflect on race,...
3 Pages 1320 Words

Essay on Why Is Equality the Most Important

Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favorably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disabilities or belief, sexual orientation, and age, and that 'every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents.' (high-speed training. 2016) this means that, for example, no matter what disability a person has they have the right to be considered for fulfilling their dreams and desires with the...
3 Pages 1347 Words

Essay on Nike Advertisement Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Advertisements are all around us: on television, magazines, billboards, and even on park benches. The advertising genre promotes a company’s product in a way that will appeal to consumers. Commercial advertising is one of the most influential ways to increase sales. Some common ads are Toyota, Budweiser, and Geico. Some commercials have a deeper message to give their company a positive image and connect with the audience on an emotional level to persuade them to purchase their product. This deeper...
3 Pages 1306 Words

Pros and Cons of Vegan Essay

A vegan lifestyle, from the outside, is viewed in many different ways. For some people, vegans are seen in a bad light, as annoying and foolish. Others see vegans as the health freaks, always the ones walking around with their protein shakes and avocado toast. Then some stereotype vegans as the pierced and tattooed hippies. There are even many differing opinions on what constitutes a vegan. According to Miriam-Webster, a vegan can be defined as 'a strict vegetarian who consumes...
3 Pages 1303 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Not Having Self Confidence

Self-confidence is not something that holds me back, in fact, I appreciate the level of confidence I enjoy and feel that I can make the choices and decisions I want without a feeling of concern or overriding fear. That is not to say that I am always successful, but I realize that even by trying I am moving closer to a higher level of confidence. I did not always have a high level of self-confidence. When I was younger, I...
3 Pages 1260 Words

Cheryl Strayed in 'Wild' and 'Into the Wild': Comparison Essay

Can people who were a part of society be healed by the power of nature? Ella Park investigates the challenges that humans, who are social an animal may face while they are in nature through the book ‘Into the Wild’ and the film “Wild”. In the book ‘Into the Wild’ and the movie ‘Wild’, there is a contrast between nature and humanity. Nature is wild, harsh, and isolated, while humanity is more intimately connected to society’s expectations and communications. I...
3 Pages 1327 Words

Synthesis Essay 'Into the Wild'

‘Into the Wild’ is a non-fiction book written by Jon Krakauer. In the novel, the protagonist Christopher McCandless, is a graduate who decides to renounce all his belongings and goes on a hitchhike mission across America. Throughout his journey, Christopher comes across many circumstances that transform his personality. There are two interconnected plots involved in the story; one includes the psychological perspective of the character and the other one is the represented action which is carefully developed. The first half...
3 Pages 1329 Words

Research Essay on Elizabeth Blackwell

Blackwell's and Neurological Associate's case stands out and requires mindful examination of the substances as the two Parties have genuine facts that substantiate their position. In such a way, a modifying test is crucial, as it were, since it offers a tendency to limit interests. In case one social affair presents substances that give them an off-the-mark edge over the other, it is sensible for just that information. Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, despite having been extended to various employment opportunities in...
3 Pages 1317 Words

5 Paragraph Essay on Theodore Roosevelt and How He Changed the Progressive Era

Theodore Roosevelt, the twenty-sixth president of the United States of America. A fine educated and athletic man. Known to be the second youngest president of the United States of America behind John F. Kennedy. Was recognized for being a man on a mission even though he might not have known he was on a mission he very much was. A mission to enlarge and protect the environment as well as to expand the powers of the presidency and the federal...
3 Pages 1299 Words

Essay: Informative Speech on Basketball

For my heritage fair project, I’ll be talking about the inventor of basketball and how his invention became one of the known sports in Canadian history. You’re going to learn about the early life of the inventor, the early development of the game, and much more about basketball in Canada. The inventor of basketball is Dr. James Naismith, he was born in Ramsey Township Ontario in the year 1861. When he was still a child both his parents died of...
3 Pages 1292 Words

Basketball Stereotypes Essay

Introduction Paragraph: Thesis: The University of Michigan’s “Fab Five” basketball team, defied racial stereotypes as they revolutionized basketball on and off the court with their new style, as they are still leaving their footprints today. Rest of paragraph: These five freshmen revolutionized the way basketball is played and their style on and off the court made them instant commodities. With their baggy shorts, black socks, and black shoes, the stereotype of what a basketball player should be, feared the “Fab...
3 Pages 1348 Words

Essay on Development of Basketball

The NBA: A Global Service To me, there is no service a corporation provides that delivers such a high level of entertainment more than that of a professional sports league. The best is the NBA of course. Adam Silver, a Duke University Fuqua School of Business graduate, has transformed the NBA from a regional service for local fans to a worldwide global service enjoyed by all cultures. It’s clear that the NBA is rapidly growing beyond its US borders. Some...
3 Pages 1284 Words

Perennialism Philosophy of Education Essay

Philosophy is a determinant of what one thinks, values, or believes. Every individual has its own personal learning philosophy, but to learn one’s philosophy is not easy. It requires persistent reflection and a lot of work to reach and dig out the inner thoughts. Teaching and learning philosophy has emerged from values that are learned from several exposures and life experiences from parents, and teachers, and from my own experiences of working in connection to teaching. In this paper, I...
3 Pages 1255 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay on Novel 'Night'

From little children being burned to characters wanting their family members to die, from princesses falling out the sky to people being gassed alive, ‘Night’ and ‘Life is Beautiful’ portray the same dreadful event that took place almost 80 years ago. However, the aims are wildly different. The memoir ‘Night’ written by Elie Wiesel and the film ‘Life is Beautiful’ directed by Roberto Benigni are both stories based on people trying to survive the Holocaust. However, the memoir and the...
3 Pages 1343 Words

Persuasive Speech on Depression

 Do you or anyone you know suffer from depression? It’s a line almost everyone alive has heard in their life at one time or another. A line I’ve heard many times in my life but have now seen it two different ways. At first, I’d hear the line then move past it as if it was just talking about the weather. This line now means so much more since I myself suffer from depression. Once it affects you it means...
3 Pages 1273 Words
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