Essay Goals for Preschool Teachers

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Plan makes a difference

What differentiates a dream from a goal? A plan. Attempting to achieve a goal without a plan is like trying to reach a destination without direction you will end up completely lost and confused. By knowing exactly what you want to achieve, you know where to concentrate all your efforts. You will also quickly see the distractions that can so easily lead to previous errors. When defining a goal, we should also consider ourselves, our skills, and our interests, which are linked to reaching our goal. When you actively become aware of yourself, you can easily create a strategy that meets your goals. Every aspect of a person affects how they follow, and achieve their goal.

I have a lot of interests. I love nature and everything about it. I love to learn about other cultures, about other costumes, about people, and also about animals. I am thrilled with the National Geographic documentaries, and others involved in these themes. I like to walk in nature and be surprised by everything around me. From the smallest insect to the largest animal, everything is fascinating. I usually incorporate my passion for nature into my lesson plans. Not just talking about science, but also developing different skills using what the children know. Through that language, communication, problem-solving, and mathematic skills are improved. When we are talking about their cultures, it opens their mind, making the environment more pleasant, and comfortable for all.

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New technologies are one of my skills. I like learning about new gadgets, and also about different software and applications. I try to integrate this knowledge into my classroom, either through games, listening to music, or viewing small videos about animals, and people, which we are talking about in the topic under study. Another passion, I have is using material we consume and recycle. Cardboard boxes can be transformed into a castle or a car. Yogurt bottles can be converted into a bowling game. There are many ludic applications for materials that we use daily, and we usually throw away. This process, where students are included, makes them more aware of environmental problems and develops their imagination. The creativity of students has no limit it just needs to be stimulated, to encourage them. I love it when the parents tell me that their child now does not let them throw anything away, with this I can make a robot with that train. It is simply rewarding.

I was a teacher in my country, and here I already got my K-6 (Kindergarten to 6 grade) teacher certification. Before getting my certification, I began to work in a private school as a prek-3 (Pre-Kindergarten – 3 / 4 years old) teacher and I love it. Working with little children, construing things together, and seeing how they grow, not just in height but their creativity and their skills when they are playing. It is amazing. A preschool teacher needs to teach while playing, bring the green inside the classroom, make games to help the kids learn and improve different skills and knowledge, like ABCs, rimes, mathematics, science, etc., get information about different cultures existing in the classroom and the environment around the school. Because of that, I challenge myself to change my goal. My goal is to become a preschool teacher certificated. I need to improve my spoken and written English. I need to pass early childhood praxis to get a different teaching certificate. I think I am on my way to reach my goal.

My interests, my skills, and my goals are connected with my way of thinking which is teaching nowadays. Teaching needs to be more interesting, using the new technologies in a playful educational way. I remind myself every day that in the words of Albert Einstein, 'Playing is the highest form of research'. Learning while playing became my motto. What differentiates a dream from a goal? A plan. Attempting to achieve a goal without a plan is like trying to reach a destination without direction you will end up completely lost and confused. By knowing exactly what you want to achieve, you know where to concentrate all your efforts. You will also quickly see the distractions that can so easily lead to previous errors. When defining a goal, we should also consider ourselves, our skills, and our interests, which are linked to reaching our goal. When you actively become aware of yourself, you can easily create a strategy that meets your goals. Every aspect of a person affects how they follow, and achieve their goal.

I have a lot of interests. I love nature and everything about it. I love to learn about other cultures, about other costumes, about people, and also about animals. I am thrilled with the National Geographic documentaries, and others involved in these themes. I like to walk in nature and be surprised by everything around me. From the smallest insect to the largest animal, everything is fascinating. I usually incorporate my passion for nature into my lesson plans. Not just talking about science, but also developing different skills using what the children know. Through that, I can improve my language, communication, problem-solving, and mathematic skills. When we are talking about their cultures, it opens their mind, making the environment more pleasant, and comfortable for all.

New technologies are one of my skills. I like learning about new gadgets, and also about different software and applications. I habitually try to integrate this knowledge in my classroom, either through games, listening to music, or viewing small videos about animals, and other people, which we are talking about in the topic under study. Another passion, I have is using material we consume and recycle. Cardboard boxes can be transformed into a castle or a car. Yogurt bottles can be converted into a bowling game. There are many ludic applications for materials that we use daily, and we usually throw away. This process, where students are included, makes them more aware of environmental problems and develops their imagination. The creativity of students has no limit it just needs to be stimulated, to encourage them. I love it when the parents tell me that their child now does not let them throw anything away, with this I can make a robot with that train. It is simply rewarding.

I was a teacher in my country, and here I already got my K-6 (Kindergarten to 6 grade) teacher certification. Before I could get my certification, I began to work in a private school as a prek-3 (Pre-Kindergarten – 3 / 4 years old) teacher and I love it. Working with little children, construing things together, and seeing how they grow, not just in height but their creativity and their skills when they are playing. It is amazing. A preschool teacher needs to teach while playing, bring the green inside the classroom, make games to help the kids learn and improve different skills and knowledge, like ABCs, rimes, mathematics, science, etc., get information about different cultures existing in the classroom and the environment around the school. Because of that, I challenge myself to change my goal. My goal is to become a preschool teacher certificated. I need to improve my spoken and written English. I need to pass early childhood praxis to get a different teaching certificate. I think I am on my way to reach my goal.

My interests, my skills, and my goals are connected with my way of thinking which is teaching nowadays. Teaching needs to be more interesting, using the new technologies in a playful educational way. I remind myself every day that in the words of Albert Einstein, 'Playing is the highest form of research'. Learning while playing became my motto and somewhat of a short-term plan. Planning has been the most crucial part of reaching my goal. When I finally started planning, I noticed results.

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Essay Goals for Preschool Teachers. (2024, February 23). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 21, 2025, from
“Essay Goals for Preschool Teachers.” Edubirdie, 23 Feb. 2024,
Essay Goals for Preschool Teachers. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 21 Jan. 2025].
Essay Goals for Preschool Teachers [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 23 [cited 2025 Jan 21]. Available from:

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