1300 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Equal Opportunity, Duty Of Care & Ethical Considerations

Each employer and organisation must be committed to providing a safe, all-inclusive workplace that promotes respect and is free of discrimination and harassment (1). Within a workplace, an individual has the right to feel protected and participate freely in all areas of working life. A workplace is often diverse, having employees from all backgrounds, religions, age, gender, sexual orientation and education status. It is the responsibility of the organisation and employer to ensure that all employees are provided with a...
3 Pages 1327 Words

Multitasking’s Role In The Learning Of Young Students

In this modern time in history, multitasking as many tasks as possible within a set time frame has become a necessary trait to be more efficient. Through the influence of technology, many believe multitasking is enhancing valuable skills that help with effective learning. However, in reality, multitasking is destructive to young students. Multitasking dilutes a person’s focus whilst trying to complete tasks simultaneously. This results in lower quality and greater time taken to complete all the tasks, making multitasking inefficient....
3 Pages 1338 Words

What Is Peculiar About Climbing The Big Red Rock

For over a year, it has been decided that there will be no more climbing Uluru, and yet people still fight this. For decades, people have been able to climb, drill and 'pop a squat' on Australia's biggest rock. The end of this tradition is nearing, and thousands of people are flocking to the rock for the last time. The recent images from Uluru almost resemble the chaotic scenes of people rushing to a supermarket once a zombie apocalypse has...
3 Pages 1347 Words

Themes Of Betrayal And Immorality In He Play Macbeth And Poem The War Works Hard

Shakespeare's medieval “Macbeth” and Dunya Mikhail’s poem” The War Works Hard” highlight similar concepts and themes such as betrayal throughout different points of time. Through appropriate language features and techniques Shakespeare he provides an insight into how Macbeth, a well known nobleman battles the road of corruption for a high position of power during the Middle Ages. Actions are fumed by betrayal, deception and ambition which represent Macbeth’s desire for power. Shakespeare’s constant use of imagery and metaphors support Macbeth’s...
3 Pages 1297 Words

The Cultural And Political Consequences Of Rising Literacy In Early Modern Europe

Upon the invention of the European printing press around 1439, the very fabric of society was destined to change. With reading materials more readily available, literacy rates throughout the continent rose steadily, allowing commoners access to new ideas, both political and cultural, beckoning in events such as the Protestant Reformation, and allowing people the opportunity to not only voice their ideas, but to be heard. A better informed populous gave rise to the exchange of radical ideas of reform. The...
3 Pages 1328 Words

Jesus Christ: Who Was He?

Jesus, who was he? To start I would probably have to begin with his birth. He was born in a stable in Bethlehem. He was the son of God, as well as the virgin Mary and Joseph. After his birth, he was visited by three wise men who each gave him a gift. gold, frankincense and myrrh. These items each had a significant meaning relating to Jesus Christ: Gold represented the kingship on earth, Frankincense, symbolizing deity and myrrh symbolizing...
3 Pages 1324 Words

What Are The Views Of People From Different Christian Groups In Australia Towards The Idea Of Same Sex Marriage?

Several opinions are held or have been voiced by various religious groups in regards to same-sex marriage. Arguments both supporting and opposing same-sex marriage are often made on religious grounds and or are expressed in terms of religious policies. Although the majority of the significant world religions disagree with same-sex marriage, there is continuous debate about the legalisation of same-sex marriage within Christianity. This essay aims to highlight the views held by the Roman Catholic Church, Anglican Church and the...
3 Pages 1301 Words

Terracotta Warriors And Cai Guo-qiang: The Visible And Invisible Worlds

The elemental frontage of the Qin Dynasty, has compelled many to follow suit and progress from premodern China to the world today. Spreading the ancient history of China throughout the world and letting others embrace the delicates materials to the religious aspects. The terracotta warriors is considered one of the greatest archeological discoveries ever, they represent something a lot more than years of hard work and sculpting to create them, they gave us a deep understanding into ancient chinas burial...
3 Pages 1250 Words

Key Components Of Scientific Success

In the debate between Howard Sankey and Kristian Camilleri there was a key aspect of the topic that both the affirmative and negative interlocutors failed to address. This key component was that of “success”, and the feature of science that has led to its success. In the debate, Howard argued that there is a scientific method which is used broadly throughout science. However, his main argument wasn’t regarding whether this scientific method was the reason for the success of science,...
3 Pages 1280 Words

Maya Angelou And Dance

Maya Angelou was born in St. Louis, Missouri. When her parents split, she was only three years old; Bailey (her brother) and Maya went to live with their grandmother. Growing up, Maya Angelou faced many racial factors of being a black woman. With this in mind, she grew up with a deep faith to believe in the good. When Maya Angelou was eight years old she was molested at eight years old by her mother’s boyfriend. She did not speak...
3 Pages 1256 Words

How Does The Media Affect Society’s Perceptions Of Women’s Sports In The Modern Era?

The media affects society’s perceptions of women’s sports through either conforming to or challenging conventional gender norms and generating interest. Sport has traditionally been considered a male-dominated area and many people hold the belief that women’s sports simply aren’t as interesting. However, is this a reflection of the skill of female athletes or of the media coverage they receive? Especially in the modern context, the media, as the primary source of information, shapes societal thought. In recent years, women’s sport...
3 Pages 1328 Words

The Impact Of Brain Training

The human brain is the most potent and sophisticated information-processing device. Researchers have carried out extensive studies on the effects of engaging in cognitive training programs for both the younger and the older population. Brain training is a program of regular brain activities that help to improve one’s cognitive abilities. The cognitive ability of the elderly changes as time goes by as they experience a reduction of cognitive function such as attention, memory, and processing speed. The decline in cognitive...
3 Pages 1322 Words

The Concept Of Being Merciful Like The Heavenly Father In Catholics

Be merciful as your Heavenly Father is a theme relevant to Catholics as they are called to be a disciple of Jesus and be a part of act towards peace and mercy. In 2015 it was declared as the year of mercy by the church because this is a key component and trait that the church has. Most saints and doctors of the church have demonstrated mercy but the person who exhibited the biggest acts of mercy was Jesus, even...
3 Pages 1332 Words

Ways To Raise Life Satisfaction And Happiness

Happiness is a human's general feeling about life, and how pleased with it. Many factors influence people’s happiness from different fields, including work, relationships, individual development, health, and others. Although the latest world ranking of happiness from (Helliwell, Huang & Wang, 2019) shows that, almost all the top 20 locations are western countries, but Canada has decreased from fifth to ninth place while America has declined from 11th to 19th. Some residents in western countries state lower levels of life...
3 Pages 1290 Words

How Genetic Modification Technology Will Affect The Future

Rationale and background The growth and advancements of GM technology are rapidly evolving. The original claim stated that ‘genetic technology will benefit society in the future?’ This then led to form the more specific question, ‘will genetic modification technology affect human evolution positively or negatively in the future?’ The question was refined to make the focus point about one certain component of the advancements in GM (genetically modified) technology, leading to the final questions of ‘Will genetic modification technology affect...
3 Pages 1311 Words

Extraction Of DNA From Strawberries

Introduction Deoxyribonucleic acid, often abbreviated to DNA, is found in the nucleus of the cells of almost all living organisms on earth. DNA contains the genetic instructions for making proteins and how an organism will develop, live and reproduce, and is often referred to the building block of life for organisms (reference). DNA is arranged in a spiralling double helix shape, similar to a twisted ladder, and contains thousands of repeating nucleotides, which are the structural components of DNA. Each...
3 Pages 1321 Words

Discovering The Limiting Reagent For A Chemical Reaction

Introduction The purpose of this investigation was to find the quantitative data for the reaction between a solution of Sodium iodide and a solution of Lead (II) nitrate. This was done by finding when the limiting reactant changed from one solution to the other. To achieve this, one of the two reactants in the experiment was chosen to maintain the same measurement throughout and the second was gradually increased. Stoichiometry is the branch of chemistry that deals with measuring the...
3 Pages 1336 Words

God And The Concept Of Life

The common concern for an Atheist is the overlaying question umbrellaed over all religious traditions, the question of God’s existence, respectively, God’s allowance in evil and suffering. Cancer, mental health disorder, evil in the form of murder or spite, sickness… If there is a God, an all loving God, then why are these a part of someone’s reality? Theology relies on Faith. Religion isn’t always backed up with evidence, faith is the grounds of religion. Faith alone means “strong belief...
3 Pages 1309 Words

Nanotechnology In Tennis Racquets

It is claimed that the development of organic and inorganic nanomaterials will address the contemporary needs of consumers, healthcare, transportation, energy and agriculture. Rationale Wooden racquets are stiff and not strong enough to support tension in the strings without breaking For wooden racquets to become stiff and durable it would be fairly heavy and usually weighed 370-430 grams. Flexible racquets made from wood absorbed more energy from impact, with more energy going into the bending of the material (Davis, Swinbank,...
3 Pages 1328 Words

The Peculiarities Of Industrial Microbiology

Abstract This report is about industrial microbiology that’s mean using benefit microorganisms in important product by some processes. Industrial microbiology has served humanity since prebiblival times , providing fermented beverages and food to enhance the quality of the life . the antibiotic era featured an explosion in number of microbial products for medicine ,nutrition, industry , and research .revolutionary development in molecular genetics are propelling the field into a new growth phase with promise of solution to major world problem...
3 Pages 1299 Words

The Main Dysfunctions Of A Team In The Book Five Dysfunctions Of A Team

“Five dysfunctions of a team” by Patrick Lencioni is different than the other books I have read because of the facts that it is a fable and it addresses problems of a special, crucial subject from the life of an entrepreneur: the health his team. With a simple narrative thread, the book presents the fictive story of a Silicon Valley company upon which we can take many conclusions for our own real-life team. The first and most effective dysfunction, Lack...
3 Pages 1253 Words

The Meaning Of Companies’ Reputation on The Example Of H&M

In the digital age, there are a lot of competition between companies in various fields and maintaining a good reputation and image might be difficult. To appeal to the costumers and market, companies need to care about their product’s quality in addition to keeping their reputation. This is not considered easy, because companies’ reputation can be destroyed in a blink, after building it for years. What happened to H&M company is a clear example of this case. Firstly, companies need...
3 Pages 1300 Words

The Peculiarities Of Doctor-Patient Relationship

INTRODUCTION Medicine is of great significance for mankind. It deals with the most fundamental aspects of the human condition: birth, life, physical functioning, vulnerability, loss, and death. Estimates show that health and medical care contribute to life expectancy over several years. Moreover, they contribute to improving people’s functional ability and quality of life. However, scientific knowledge and technical abilities are not only requirements of the medical field, but also an understanding of the human nature. As the patient is a...
3 Pages 1312 Words

Kantian Vs. Utilitarianism In Academic Dishonesty

What is ethics? Simply put, ethics is the study of the way things should be – ethics gives insight into what people do and why they do it. There are several different types of ethics; this paper will focus on two types: Kantian Ethics and Utilitarianism. Kantian Ethics Kantian Ethics is the ethical theory of philosopher Immanuel Kant. Instead of emphasizing an action’s results, Kantian Ethics emphasizes the principles behind actions. People must treat others with respect and be motivated...
3 Pages 1343 Words

Applications Of Root Tip Culture And In Vitro Production Of 2ry Metabolites

Abstract Plant tissue culture is a collection of techniques used to grow plant cells, tissue, organs and their components under defined physical and chemical conditions in vitro. Plant tissue culture used to create large number of clones from a single explant and it is easy to select the desirable traits. Plant tissue culture technique is very helpful in genetically modified. In addition, we can do this technique at a very short time and small spaces. Therefore, the plant tissue culture...
3 Pages 1305 Words

Resilience And Its Relations To Academic Performance

Research evidence indicates that many schools have yielded to the pressure in more recent years to illustrate academic numbers and to address deeply troubling disproportions among students of different races and income levels. Mainly boosting academic achievement instead of building confidence in the students, which should be a top priority. Less obvious is the long-term effect of backing up this goal by focusing more attention and funding from these programs that have supported student health and well-being instead. In the...
3 Pages 1321 Words

A Strategy For Pest Detection And Disease Identification On Tomato Plant Using Powered AI

Abstract India is an agricultural country and most of the people, wherein about 70% depends on agriculture. So, disease detection in plants is very important. Tomato is one of the strongly grown and widely used crops. There are many types of tomato diseases and pests, in which the pathology of which is complex. Crop diseases are a major threat to crop production, but their identification remains difficult in many parts of India due to the lack of the necessary infrastructure....
3 Pages 1332 Words

Patience And Persistence In Educated: A Memoir By Tara Westover

To begin, in the book Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover, there’s no doubt that she has had her share of hardships throughout her life that started at a young age. Although Westover went through a lot as a child and as a teenager, that didn’t stop her from her goal of pursuing an education, but of course to reach this goal she had to have plenty of patience and persistence. Having patience and being persistent is beneficial as it...
3 Pages 1314 Words

Gandhian Model Of Community Development

The Gandhian philosophy of community development was accepted officially and the adaption of the Khadi and village industry programming the nation, village self-sufficiency and the faith in Panchyati Raj, Sahakary Samaj, Gram Samaj, Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, Garmdan, Decentralization, Swadeshi are very important and helpful in Gandhian Community development. The village’s development is the real development. The community development program is designed to support this voluntary community effort. It consists of a number of individual schemes each of which falls under one...
3 Pages 1272 Words

The Peculiarities Of Pope John Paul II Work

Pope John Paul ll has a variety of different beliefs about abortion. In his reading he lists belief which align with the church. Paul II also has scientific background to prove his case that abortion should not be used. Paul talks about the reasons why abortion is bad and who are likely to be blamed. The pope also gives out when a fetus is considered a human. The fetus is a human from conception to birth. Paul gives a list...
3 Pages 1299 Words
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