1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Does Voting Matter: Essay

Freedom to vote is one of the most important and most hard-earned political rights outside the bill of rights. We began as a nation where rights were restricted to only white men. It’s only because of perpetual hard work and the firm beliefs of people like Sojourner Truth, Alice Paul, Martin Luther King Jr, and many more that the franchise of voting rights was expanded to include people of color and women. Democracy cannot be taken for granted. It involves...
3 Pages 1388 Words

Descriptive Essay on Festival Dances

Festival dance is a cultural dance performed to the strong beats of percussion instruments by a community of people who share the same culture, generally performed to honor the patron saint or as a thank-you for the rich harvest. Festival dance can be religious or secular in nature. However, the best thing about the festival is that it adds to the fun of the place where the festival is held and the atmosphere of the festival, which is why it...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Critical Analysis of the New Urbanism Theory: Case Study

The centre site masterplan brings out special features of the terrains through the creation of the additional space to reinforce consumers’ experiences and impressions. This is the “Urban Core zone” of the Wimbledon where the centre court is located. The main majority of tennis fans dream to be in this specific position to get as close to the experience as possible. Therefore, the space and architectural structure must serve their expectation right. The site provides perfect circulation and hierarchy of...
3 Pages 1375 Words

Characteristics of American Government

Characteristics of Trump's Government Is the modern democratic state turning more conservative and authoritarian? I would argue that yes its turning more conservatist but not authoritarian, there are many examples of democratic states turning conservatist but not authoritarian. Some examples of democratic states that have turned conservatist would be Trump's America. Others such North Korea are authoritarian regimes. We will be comparing these two in this assignment to establish whether the modern state is turning conservatist and authoritarian. We will...
3 Pages 1381 Words

Building Autonomous Teams in Organization: Analytical Essay

Building autonomous teams is an art and thought to be the Holy Grail of an agile enterprise. With that being said, Spotify is one of the best examples of companies, which didn’t undergo a transformation, but was founded with an agile mindset from the very beginning. Over the past years the company has continuously improved its processes and organizational structures to accomplish what is has today – high performing, autonomous teams. And for a good reason. According to research in...
3 Pages 1371 Words

Body, Paper, Stage: Writing and Performing Auto Ethnography': Critical Overview

Post 1; Introduction After intensively analyzing and reading the introduction, preface and foreword of this work, I was far from having a clue of the several terminological words used. For instance, in the introduction, Spry, in “Body, Paper and Stage”, explicates the core and vital aspects of performance. She goes further in giving the details which engulf performance, “per formative- I as a critical heterogeneous auto ethnographic research disposition constructed through the body’s continual negotiation of self/other/culture/language” (Spry 28). In...
3 Pages 1393 Words

YouTube's SWOT Analysis

Introduction YouTube is a free video-sharing website that makes it easy to watch online videos. You can even create and upload your own videos to share with others. Originally created in 2005, YouTube is now one of the most popular sites on the Web, with visitors watching around 6 billion hours of video every month. YouTube is an American online video-sharing platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. Three former PayPal employees-Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim—created the service in...
3 Pages 1401 Words

Transvestism in Don Quixote: Critical Analysis

Many of Shakespeare’s plays included transvestism in order to progress the plot. Transvestism, commonly known as cross-dressing, is the practice of wearing the clothes of the opposite sex. During the time Shakespeare wrote these plays, women lived in a very restrictive society. Female actors were banned, so female characters were played by male actors. Regardless, all of Shakespeare’s plays during that time would have had to include cross-dressers. (Bullion 2). Similar to the plays of Shakespeare, transvestism was also a...
3 Pages 1391 Words

The Death of Ivan Ilyich: Reader's Analysis

Author: Leo Tolstoy wrote The Death of Ivan Ilyich. People visited Tolstoy in his older years and said they were very uncomfortable when he could understand their inner thoughts. He was known for being extremely smart and struggled with human limitations. Some people say he represented human life, but almost all said he was one of the greatest writers of all time and people looked to him for life’s meaning. Structure/Plot: The Death of Ivan Illych has a very important...
3 Pages 1358 Words

Sydney New Year’s Eve: Descriptive Essay

Organizational Method: Chronological Order Topic: Sydney New Year’s Eve General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the evolution of the Sydney New Year’s Eve from 2015 to 2018. Central Ideas: Sydney New Year’s Eve is an annual multitier event that is held every year in Sydney, Australia and it gets a lot of attention from all around the world. Introduction Why the Sydney New Year’s Eve is so popular? It’s because it is one of the...
3 Pages 1445 Words

Some Recollections of Mortality Versus Oliver Twist: Comparative Essay

Choose one of Dickens’ journalistic essays and relate it to any one of his novels. Dickens’ 1863 journalistic essay ‘Some Recollections of Mortality’ (hereafter: ‘Mortality’) explores the human fascination with death, and the wretched conditions in which it often occurs. By comparing his essay to passages concerning death in Oliver Twist (1837–1839), interesting observations can be made particularly about the carelessness regarding death, ways to look upon it, and death as spectacle within contemporary popular culture. Carelessness towards the dead...
3 Pages 1420 Words

Role of Literature: Analysis of Medea and Don Quixote

An important role of literature is to define 'the other' within the social structure despite or because of their quirks and peculiarities. This allows for change, often declaring it to be brilliant. It recognizes the mark of courage: The character is who he or she chooses to be, often fighting for freedom, perception, and thoughts. Fiction allows one to think about change in a creative way. Studies in psychology, anthropology, and sociology- all provide conceptual accounts of what literature teaches...
3 Pages 1367 Words

Role of Henry Ford: Analytical Essay

The automobile being invented was truly something no one anticipated would be this special. When people hear or think about the automobile, the first name that typically comes to mind is often that of Henry Ford. Although he isn’t being given the credit for the invention of the automobile, Henry Ford did play a significant role in the development aspect. The automobile was first invented in Europe in 1771 with the highest speed of 2.3 miles per hour. Invented in...
3 Pages 1364 Words

Risk Factor’s Malaria Incidence In ARSO III Health Primary Keerom Regency

Abstract Background: Malaria is an endemic disease in Keerom Regency, Papua Province which is influenced by age, sex, education, socio-economic, use of mosquito repellent, use of insecticide-treated bed nets, wire mesh installation, house walls, puddles, presence of large animal cages and distances house with a place breeding Objective: To determine the risk factors for malaria in the working area of Also III Community Health Center, Keerom Regency, Papua Province. Research Methods: Descriptive analytic case-control design. The population was patients who...
3 Pages 1428 Words

Research Paper on Walt Disney Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy Entrepreneurship “Walter Elias Disney was an American entrepreneur, animator, voice actor and film producer. A pioneer of the American animation industry, he introduced several developments in the production of cartoons.” Walt Disney started in 1923 in the back of a small office occupied by Holly-Vermont Realty in Los Angeles. That is where Walt Disney and his brother Roy, produced a series of short live-action/animated films collectively called the Alice Comedies. In 1937 Disney’s innovative first full-length animated would...
3 Pages 1390 Words

Reflective Essay on The Perks of Being a Wallflower

We as humans are creatures of the culture that we create; as a 19-year-old girl living in the stereotypical 'I’m lost in life and nobody can understand me' point of my life, I’ve become fairly acquainted with the side effects of today’s complex culture. Whether it be books or movies, it is very common to see portrayals of different people wanting to be represented more accurately. Though more times than not, Hollywood gets everything wrong. The romanticization of mental illness...
3 Pages 1414 Words

Narratives of Women in Arranged Marriages in the Christian Philippines: Analytical Essay

In this essay, I argue that an anthropological perspective can show us that modern views about companionate marriage, often seen as the ideal for romantic love, can co-exist with differing perspectives about love and marriage. To show this, I initially focus on the narratives of women in arranged marriages in the Christian Philippines, then turn to the conflict between polygamy, romantic love, and cultural expectations for the Senegalese. Particular reference is given to two ethnographies about marriages, with Neveu-Kringelbach`s focusing...
3 Pages 1425 Words

Moral and Social Injustices in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, is a complicated and witty narration of the moral and social injustices that existed during the time of the novel. The end of the civil war became a starting point for realism in literature right after Romanticism, which focused on idealistic and imaginative views. Realism covered specific subject matter, especially in the representation of average middle-class lives. Authors wrote fiction that accurately represented average lives. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark...
3 Pages 1362 Words

Monsters in Film and Literature: Analysis Based on the Uncanny by Sigmund Freud

The Monstrosity of the Ordinary in George Langelaan’s “The Fly” In the concepts surrounding the ideas of monstrosity, one tends to invoke images from gothic horror like Frankenstein, Carmilla, Nosferatu, etc., Or at the very least, extremely grotesque and eerie figures that possess abnormal features and forms. This is rightfully so, the etymology of the word suggests the disfiguration of a person and/or “misshapen being,” as the word derives from the Anglo-Norman and Middle French monstre during the first half...
3 Pages 1400 Words

Limits of Power in Invisible Man: Analytical Essay

Wells wrote The Invisible Man as something of a lesson about scientists playing God, and placing themselves above normal people. In his book, H.G. Wells ventures into the abstract concept of invisibility and the human emotions and reactions involved in the attainment and realization of this amazingly incomprehensible power. A once sensible scientist is engulfed by the power he feels when unseen, and this power mongering eventually leads into insanity. He carries a sociopath anger that explodes at random, causing...
3 Pages 1377 Words

Legal Protection of Civil Liberties in the United Kingdom

The European convention of human rights is a product of the council for European an international organization on human rights (consisting of 47 member states). The primary purpose of the council was to foster human rights around the world and the secondary purpose was to protect the rule of law. In order to insure the effective application of ECHR it also formed the European court of human rights are dealing with the breaches of rights granted under ECHR. The UK...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Issues of Differences and Similarities in The Outsiders: Analytical Essay

How similar are we? Usually, when we talk about people that are complete opposites of ourselves we usually say something along the lines of “I am NOT like this person at all!” We say this because of the different variables that we believe make us nothing like the said person. These variables can be multiple different things, however, they usually involve appearance, class, and the difference in privilege. This is exemplified in the novel The Outsiders by S.E Hinton. The...
3 Pages 1424 Words

Interpretation and Analysis of Medieval and Renaissance Human Anatomy

The Renaissance Humanism program was the age of recovery and emulation. This course examined the shift toward the interpretation and analysis of Medieval and Renaissance anatomy. In this essay, I will demonstrate Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey presented the goals and ideals of the Renaissance Humanist program. Furthermore, due to a shift towards a more humanist approach, aided by the anatomical expertise of Renaissance artists, knowledge of medicine improved as physicians gradually corrected the mistakes of the ancient authors Celsus...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Importance of Personal Identity: Analytical Essay

What is it that makes me different from everyone else? This is a question most philosophers ask when it comes to personal identity. This precisely is a question of life and death and the accurate answer is to decide on which changes a person can undertake without coming to an end. There are some questions of our own existence like is there life after death? Who am I? To differentiate these changes that makeup survival to death, there is a...
3 Pages 1392 Words

Importance of Midwife for Women

A midwife is many women’s channel of care throughout the antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal period and is key in providing women with support and information to provide safe and compassionate care throughout their journey. This includes the promotion of normal birth while assessing the well-being of the woman and fetus and taking any preventative or emergency measures to ensure their well-being. A key role of a contemporary midwife is to be proactive in educating women to ensure women are empowered...
3 Pages 1423 Words

Impact of Social Media Marketing on Customer’s Purchase Intention of Qarshi Refreshing Syrups

The research work is about online social media marketing and customer purchase intention. Marketing had much importance. Advertiser companies prefer social media. It is considered an important variable in global business. Findings show that there is a positive relationship between social media marketing and customer purchase intention. Chapter 1: 1.1 Introduction of Project This study deals with the impact of Social Media Marketing on Customer’s purchase intention of Qarshi Refreshing Syrups. It will check social media marketing and customer purchase...
3 Pages 1419 Words

Impact of Neoliberalism and Globalization on the War on Drugs

Neoliberalism is a policy model that tends to bridge politics, economics and social studies. The ideology of Neo-liberalism emphasizes on free market competition and capitalism that moves away from government regulation, spending or public ownership. This ideology was identified in 1980’s during the conservative governments of Ronald Reagan in the US and Margret Thatcher in the UK (Harp 2010). It is commonly associated with seeking a middle ground between the far right and the leftists. It supports free trade, minimal...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Impact of Effective Communication on Career Growth

Executive Summary: This report discusses the importance of effective communication skills for the career of advancement. The aim of the report is to demonstrate why great communication are matters for employees who are looking for career growth. After giving some background information on the topic, we see exactly what benefits great communication skills provide. The exact skills needs to become an excellent communicator are discussed then. Finally, we see results based on practical studies and discuss those results in order...
3 Pages 1375 Words

Ideas of Universalism and Cultural Relativism in Human Rights

Global law, which really has begun creating with the main states, has been a subject of critical changes, particularly amid the period between the Westphalian harmony arrangement (1648) and World War I. Conventional global law is a law of intensity, that is war is viewed as an imperative trait of state sway. One of the basic subjective contrasts between customary universal law and contemporary worldwide law is the preclusion of forceful wars and the possibility of global assurance of human...
3 Pages 1384 Words

Gender-competent Experience of Education and Learning for Girls and Women

Introduction As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” (UN General Assembly. Article 1) Gender inequalities between women and men are embedded throughout society and can be defined as unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. As a typical feature of school culture, gender stereotypes are reinforced through everyday actions, the education system is no exception. As such, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural...
3 Pages 1358 Words
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