1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Cyber Security and Its Importance in Cyberspace

We are living in a world that is swiftly developing. At this world, most of us have been using smart devices and we have been using the Internet with these devices. Generally, our data is kept on the Internet and this place in which this information are stored is designated as cyberspace. In this place, there are lots of attackers, and they are always trying to hack our data. So, we have to ensure security here. The following essay takes...
3 Pages 1356 Words

The Challenge of Climate Change in Vietnam

Vo Nguyen Giap, an influential Vietnamese military and political leader said that: “The soldier comes to another front now, the environmental front … without environmental recovery, Vietnam cannot have economic recovery” (cited in Beresford & Fraser, 1992). Despite being ranked as the 32nd largest economy in the world in 2017 (World Bank, 2017), Vietnam is ranked 5th in vulnerability to climate change according to the Global Climate Risk Index (2017) and is the 27th largest emitter of greenhouse gas (WRI,...
3 Pages 1358 Words

Essay on Indian Residential Schools in Canada and Their Architectural Purpose

The architectural techniques used to implement the Indian residential school system in Canada is a fundamental but frequently overlooked aspect of the overall system, which isolated “150,000 First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children from their communities and families over the duration of a century and a half” (Mortice, 2017). The residential structures were the sites of enforced assimilation, echoed throughout the lands in Canada, but their spaces were not merely a backdrop for the distressed story of the forfeiture of...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Job Overview of an Employment Lawyer

Anna and her boss, David, got into a big argument. Anna got paid less than her coworker John for the same job position, causing them to argue. Their gender causes their only difference. The clients utilize an employment lawyer to attempt to resolve this issue. Employment law, a branch of law, focuses on all the rights and obligations that define a business owner’s relationship with his or her employees. This includes, but not limited to; wages, discrimination, medical leave, overtime...
3 Pages 1414 Words

The Welfare of Caregivers for Dementia Patients

Caregivers are extremely important figures in all societies and look after the senior citizens who are esteemed individuals of the community. The Journals of Gerontology state, “There are 16,840 nursing homes in the United States with 1.56 million residents. The majority of these residents (70.8%) have some form of memory impairment” (Tornatore 2004). For some caregivers, both in and out of nursing homes, their work can bring them a sense of satisfaction and feelings of generosity. These feelings can lead...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Why Should Students Skip School To Protest For Climate Change

Would you believe me if i told you that we only have 135 months left before our planet passes a point of runaway global warming? Meaning to say we have less than a century to pack up our belongings, find another planet and start popping out the sprogs? Have you seen how long it takes for us to pack for a holiday, for crying out loud? Students should skip school to protest because no one else seems to be taking...
3 Pages 1386 Words

Electric Cars Essay

Abstract Electric cars are the latest development in the automotive industry. The cars are made in a manner that positively contributes toward a stable and healthy environment. Electric cars have both a number of advantages and disadvantages associated with them, but clearly, the advantages overshadow the disadvantages. Advantages include: No gas required Cost No emissions Popularity Safety Low maintenance Reduce noise pollution Disadvantages include: Availability of gas stations Cost of electricity Short driving range Longer recharge range and speed Silence,...
3 Pages 1414 Words

Argumentative Essay on Domestic Violence

Leaving an abusive relationship is the most dangerous time for victims of domestic violence. Sometimes we don’t know how to support the victims whether we turn a blind eye or pretend it’s not happening (Lori Fanene latest victim of domestic violence in American Samoa). Domestic Violence is not an option. It’s not okay. There needs to be zero tolerance laws and policies on this Island. Protect the victim, and not the predator. Violence impacts us all. It not only affects...
3 Pages 1413 Words

Why I Want to Be an Army Officer Essay

The issue facing today’s Army with future leaders is its need to produce great leaders in its Non-commissioned Officer corps, which comes from a framework of building talent through positive influences with mentoring, training, experience, and communication skills. The Army has been known for creating great fighting forces and great leaders through the education and training provided by its centers of excellence and training institutions. For over 200 years, the Non-commissioned Officer has played a significant role as a leader...
3 Pages 1406 Words

Biodiversity Essay

Everything in the universe is connected for good or bad. The human race has had a huge impact on the world for the better but more likely for the worse. The biodiversity decline we see today is a worrying sign of the adverse effects humans have had on the planet. The 2020 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity report states we are at a crossroads and we have to take action now to make space for nature to recover and...
3 Pages 1406 Words

Montaigne Essay Summary

The backbone of philosophical thoughts relied heavily on Greek Mythology in the 16th Century. The common understanding of what was human was halfway between the Beast and God. As philosophy grew more popular, the question of where humanity lies within humans became a topic of discussion. What does it mean to be human and what doesn’t make us beasts? In Jean-Pierre Vernant’s “Myth and Society in Ancient Greece” he explores defining characteristics that separate beast from man through the Gardens...
3 Pages 1407 Words

Argumentative Essay about Health Care

Similar to education, for instance, health care is a basic need of every human being and should be a fundamental right of all US citizens. Universal healthcare is a system that provides quality medical services to all of its citizens. The United States might be the only country that does not offer publicly funded health care to all of its people. Overall, healthcare coverage is too expensive, and therefore, the practices of insurance companies are often more interested in profits...
3 Pages 1366 Words

Academic and Career Goals Essay

Reflective report Introduction 1-In this reflective report, I will be reflecting on and discussing my academic goals, employability goals, and well-being goals that I have set up for myself. In this report, I will include different skills. I have learned and what I have done to build and develop my skills. Additionally, I will also talk about what it took for me to achieve my goals and the different problems I faced during my time at university in order to...
3 Pages 1390 Words

What Makes Me Unique Essay

Leadership has always meant everything to me because I have always looked up to people for inspiration and ideas. Being aware of what makes me unique is one of the most important things I never had the opportunity to reflect on. I feel now, more than ever, a sense of identity that has been reclaimed. At initial grasping, I assumed that my strength was being tested, however, with time and a better understanding I realized it is actually my talents...
3 Pages 1375 Words

Same-Sex Marriage Arguments Essay

Same sex marriage has become so prevalent in our society and is still becoming more rampant as the years goes by; same sex became available on the 20th of July 2005, some shocking statistics which was stated in the Canadian encyclopedia has proven this to be true, it states that after same-sex marriage became available on 20 July 2005, the 2006 census was the first to collect data on legally married same-sex couples. It showed there were more than 45,000...
3 Pages 1401 Words

Internship Essay Sample

Internships, college programs, and job shadows are all things that college students seek in the hospitality industry either because they are required or they want the experience. I know that I personally have learned so much from each and every internship whether it was negative or positive. I feel very lucky that Rosen requires internships and paid ones at that because of how they have shaped my career. After researching for this paper I realized that although the majority of...
3 Pages 1383 Words

Essay on Fire Safety at Home

In 2018, the frequency of house fires reached an all-time high, making it more important now than ever to know how to safely and effectively handle a house fire situation. With the rise in popularity of manufactured and modular homes, houses are burning faster than ever before. There are many risk factors that contribute to the likelihood of a house fire, from the amount and what a person cooks to improper electrical and heating equipment installation. The best way to...
3 Pages 1362 Words

Driving a Car and Using Public Transport Essay

Introduction: As urban areas around large cities increase in population density, transport road infrastructure becomes less able to cope with daily commuters. This results in heavy peak-hour congestion. Traffic congestion has been shown to decrease workplace productivity and increase emotions such as anger and aggression (Harriet, Poku & Emmanuel, 2013; Emo, Matthews & Funke, 2016). Despite these findings, commuters are reluctant to switch to public transport from private vehicles, due to perceived unsatisfactory levels of convenience and safety (Le, Trinh,...
3 Pages 1367 Words

Jimmy Carter Failures

The prisoner emergency in Iran was a discretionary emergency between the United States and Iran. This occurred between November 4, 1979, and January 20, 1981. During this period, fifty-two Americans were held prisoner for 444 days in Iran (Samuels, Richard 176). The emergency began when a couple of Iranian understudies, who were supporting the Iranian Revolution assumed control over the US Embassy in Tehran. During that period, President Carter alluded to the prisoners as casualties of disorder and fear-based oppressors....
3 Pages 1393 Words

Analytical Essay on Operation of Doctrine of Separation of Powers in the UK

Discuss whether and to what extent the doctrine of separation of powers is in operation in the UK. Include theorists' views and other academic evidence in support of your arguments. The theory of separation of powers involves the distribution of powers between the three branches of state, the judiciary, the executive, and the legislature. To prevent the abuse of power and ensure freedom is allocated to all, the roles, and responsibilities of each branch of state must not interlink and...
3 Pages 1386 Words

Using Fire Engineering Approach to Fire Safety: Analytical Essay

Performance based fire engineering approach is an approach that objectives are converted into performance levels that need to be specified such as fire safety goals and there is a sequence of steps for the design with the use of the fire engineering approach. The fire safety codes used in Hong Kong are mainly adopting the codes of United Kingdom (UK) with some changes that need to suit the local regulation. The building design is required to be submitted to the...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Analysis of Putin's Leadership: Is Russia Moving Forward or Backwards

In the world today many see Russia with a critical lense which prompts the question - Is Russia receding into a communist nation like its predecessors? The media, government actions, scandals, and the treatment of citizens have caused a call for an investigation. Recent articles have taken a leap of curiosity into Russia to find the truth. History has shown that dictatorships, like Russia with Putin, are harmful to the citizens and Putin needs to be stopped. Putin's control of...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Analysis of Main Political Parties of Canada and of Their Voting System

Executive Summary The main purpose of this assignment is to explore the main political parties of the Canada and also their voting system. This assignment will cover the topics about the right of people to vote and what information to think when voting. What are the political values to think when choosing the political leaders? Besides this, this report will also cover information about the current issues that are affecting the Canada. If we focus on Canada, there are four...
3 Pages 1397 Words

Fidel Castro Effective Leader

Cuba was originally an Indigenous country. In 1492 October 28th a man named Christopher Columbus found and settled Cuba. After the settlement, Cuba began to become a main resource of tobacco then became slavery for the Cubans. Cuba became ruled by Spain at the time. In the late 19th century America and Spain fought for Country Spain began to withdraw from Cuba till Fulgencio Batista became the Cuban President(1940-1959). Batista's presidential role was significant but then was later on taken...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Critical Analysis of Chemical Conspiracy Theory

Introduction Small kids always get so excited when they see the trails of clouds left behind by airplanes. They normally call other kids to watch and admire the white path left by these streaks. Chemtrail is a controversial topic in the sense that while some people find the patterns made by the streaks as beautiful and harmless, others are concerned that they aggravate global warming. As a result, people have come up with various theories to explain chemtrails and their...
3 Pages 1426 Words

The Shortage of Organ Donors in Hong Kong: Analytical Essay

1. Background Hong Kong organ transplants are the same as in other countries and regions, with thousands of people waiting every day for organ transplants. Living death and donation of the body are the main ways of organ donation. Unlike other countries and regions, there is a lack of voluntary living donations in Hong Kong, so body donation is currently the main method of organ transplantation in Hong Kong. As the social care level improves, organ transplantation can extend the...
3 Pages 1445 Words

Why Do I Deserve a Scholarship

I believe I consider myself a suitable candidate for Opportunity Funds Program because I am a determined and industrious student who will devote herself to efficiently taking advantage of the prospect that the scholarship will offer me. Having the belief that my passion for learning is fascinatingly allied with my desire to help others, not only do I excel as a student in my studies, but I also seek unique ways to see and connect with the material through real-world...
3 Pages 1379 Words

Should the Electoral College Be Abolished Essay

Every four years our country participates in the most thrilling and suspenseful race of all time, the Presidential elections. One of the most anxious times that leaves all Americans anxious and eager to know who will be elected President. On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, every four years the presidential election is held. Around 138 million voters race to their local voting polls to submit their ballots for who they want to be their next President....
3 Pages 1443 Words

Analytical Essay on Phobias: Symptoms, Types, Causes, and Treatment

Understanding Phobias. Everyone is not born with phobias, we might born with fear, but if you check on young children, they are born without fear until what they did harms them in some ways. A phobia is learned because it has become a connection with an object or an experience that is unpleasant and uncomfortable. According to the psychological behaviorist, a phobia has to be learned. This will happen in one or two ways: classical or operant conditioning. Everyone is...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Analytical Essay on Ethical Relativism

Ethical relativism highlights the idea that every situation may not have the same solution for all people. In Ethics Theory and Contemporary Issues, the authors explain “Relative means that our judgments about ethics are relative to (or dependent on) something else.” In other words, one’s ethics are dependent on the person’s culture, religion, beliefs, and many other factors that make up the life they live. There is not one form of ethics but many, which makes ethical discussions difficult when...
3 Pages 1441 Words
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