1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Bhutan and its Foreign Policy in Response to Environment and Climate Change

Environment and climate change is a concerning issue in Bhutan. Climate change has become one of the twenty first century’s important and debated environmental issues in both, national and international forums. They have been discussions regarding climate change and environmental deterioration as a cause of insecurity. The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan which is a land locked country is also working tirelessly to overcome such issues and one of the climate policies of the country is to remain carbon neutral. Climate...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Plato's View on Democracy

While Plato built on the idea of aristocracy as his method of governance in an ideal society (Kallipolis), he laid down heavy criticism towards democracy as a form of government in the process as well. In this essay, I will explore these arguments but first establishing what Plato’s conception of a democracy is. I will first discuss Plato’s assertion of the eventual disintegration for each type of regime followed by his critique of the form of leadership in a democracy....
3 Pages 1401 Words

Extinction Threats to Chinese Pangolins

Pangolins are the most trafficked mammals in the world. Being hunted in every state they call home, most notably China. There are 8 species of pangolin, all of which are on the IUCN red list. The most endangered being the Chinese, Sunda and Phillipine Pangolins. All are hunted for similar reasons that I will explore in the following essay. The Chinese Pangolin is known to have once lived in many areas across the southern parts of China, as well as...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Crime & Its Effects on Society: Crime Reduction Initiatives

Identify approaches used by public services to reduce crime, disorder, and antisocial behaviour: NIM: The National Intelligence Model is a thoroughly structured Policing system/ reference approach. NIM features aspects of the following areas – Devised development – through collection and subsequent analysis of corresponding data, succeeding initiatives relating to reduction in crime can be drafted, altered, practiced, and advanced. Acknowledgement & action of potential risks - Addressing connected risks, opens opportunities for further measures; to recognise and expect these dangers...
3 Pages 1424 Words

The World Is Flat Book': Impact Of New Innovations And New Technologies

In his book, The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman analyzes how innovation and new technologies, among other factors are “flattening” the world, making interaction and trade between nations more convenient and efficient, making some nations, like China and India more competitive, and revolutionizing the global market. Friedman discusses many complex factors that are, in many ways, interacting with each other to drive further the globalization of what were once more independent national markets, connecting people, groups, and corporations to those...
3 Pages 1389 Words

Money and Fame Offers too Much Protection for Men in the Modern World

“The game is rigged to work for those who already have money and power.” The celebrity world is driven by money, fame and power. The ones we look up to, our “role models” aren't playing by the same rules, or even the same game. They are teaching us that money and power protect you from justice and consequences. It is time for the likes of R.Kelly and Brett Kavanaugh to stop hiding their criminal actions behind dollar bills and powerful...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Will Robots Replace Human Employment? Essay

The robotics revolution has started! Since robotics have been manufactured, the efficiency and productivity in working conditions are growing rapidly. They formed a huge leap in our lives as they became part of many workplaces. Moreover, they can implement a wide variety of tasks successfully in a record time compared to human performance. Also, they are playing a pivotal role in helping laborers in their work to be faster and more effective. “When automation or computerization makes some steps in...
3 Pages 1408 Words

The Influence of Pop Art and Minimalism on Graphic Design in the 21st Century

The moderation of digital technology provides a huge opportunity for graphic designers, artists and businesses to showcase their work, products and services. Wider concepts and ideas are being bring into life far faster as technology evolved from manual to automatic. Nowadays, graphic design covers variety of fields such as motion graphics, calligraphy, typography, illustration and is also associated with computer games, video, fashion, architecture etc. Firstly, I would like to expand the topic about pop art, its impact on graphic...
3 Pages 1359 Words

Drones Should Be Banned by International Law

In this essay I will argue that the operation of drones should be ban in international law. Drones in their general definition are unmanned aerial vehicles operated by a pilot who may be thousands of miles away from where the drone is flying. Originally, drones were designed as reconnaissance aircraft or in other words an exploratory military survey of enemy territory. However, as years go by, drones became armed and thousands of civilian people. The United States has two types...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Responsibility of Alexander II for the Tsardom’s Collapse

Alexander II ascended to the throne with immediate problems from the Crimean War 1853 to 1856, it proposed that the lack of ability to seize territory would lead to economic strains as modernization would be difficult to achieve especially in the First World War as there would not be enough time to modernize. The secondary operations in the Caucasus in the Black Sea resulted in the Russian fleet being destroyed, suggesting the economy was struggling since the Treaty of Paris...
3 Pages 1352 Words

1992 Presidential Election: Bill Clinton Vs George H. W. Bush

William Jefferson Blythe III, known to many today as Bill Clinton, was born August 19, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas. William was born to William Jefferson Blythe Junior and Virginia Cassidy. Before Virginia gave birth to her son, William, her husband died in a vehicle accident. A few years after her husband's death, Virginia married Roger Clinton, an abusive alcoholic who would become the stepfather of Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was first introduced to politics in high school, where he was...
3 Pages 1375 Words

Review of Dana Goldstein's 'The Teacher Wars'

How schooling has changed! Moving forward to present day and everything is done by computer. Notebook paper is barely used, presentations are ‘slides’ on ‘google classroom’, and if you do not know ‘Excel’ or ‘PowerPoint’, you will be left behind. Everyone has at least one computer at home, if not more. We can submit and/or complete homework and classroom assignments any day of the week. The computer is a way of everyday communication and it is a very useful tool...
3 Pages 1395 Words

Terracotta Army: Puzzle for the Living

The Terracotta Army of China is an exclusive display in a similarly unique scenery. It explains the origin of China and its construction upon the notion of eternal power in time and space. The molding of their thoughts happened through monumental buildings and cemeteries, which united China. It led to the formation of the Middle Kingdom, a sophisticated kingdom that lasted for more than two thousand years (Oppenheim, 56). The main focus of the exhibition was on the Han and...
3 Pages 1395 Words

The Problem of Decent Wages

The Council of Europe is not an institution of the European Union. It was founded in 1949 and one of its main goals is to protect human rights and work towards the standardization of legal and social protection in all its 46 member states. In 1965 the 'European Social Charter' entered into force. Article 4 paragraph 1 speaks on the “right to fair compensation' and urges the signatory states: 'Recognize workers' right to compensation which will enable them and their...
3 Pages 1412 Words

Twitter's Influence on the Black Lives Matter Movement

I would like you all to think about the question I am about to ask, what's social media? Is it a news outlet? A way to attach yourself with friends? Well, both answers that were stated aren’t really wrong; however, it can most definitely be defined as an influence to our society thanks to its ability to attach people across the world. Studies show that in 2019, there have been 3.5 billion social media users worldwide, and growing, which equates...
3 Pages 1430 Words

Depicting of 'Body Writing' in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Novel ‘Purple Hibiscus’

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novel ‘Purple Hibiscus’ explores the tumultuous relationships between the members of the Achike family, inflicted by the father, Eugene. The novel is narrated in the first person, by the fifteen-year-old protagonist Kambili. This essay will portray the significance of ‘body writing’ which will be depicted through Eugene and Aunty Ifeoma. The entire family are subjects to domestic violence, in which the father justifies through the practice of strict Catholicism. The idea of dualism, where the mind and...
3 Pages 1387 Words

The Significance of American-African American Reconciliation for Modern American Society

The Black Lives Matter movement is a devolved movement supporting for nonviolent civil misconduct in protest against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against African American people. The Black Lives Matter movement first started on the 13th July 2013; the founders of this movement were Alicia Garza Opal Tometi Patrisse Cullors. For several of years Africans Americans have suffered cruelty and oppression by white americans. All over the globe, many people from different countries protest as one...
3 Pages 1370 Words

Target Market Analysis of Lockheed Martin Corporation

A target market can be defined as a group of customers that a company decided to sell its products and services to. It also can be defined as a group of consumers that like to buy the products that produce by the company. This group of customers or consumers usually shares similar features and characteristics such as gender, age, location, income and others. Major Customers of Lockheed Martin Customer can be defined as an individual or organization that buy another...
3 Pages 1427 Words

The Importance of Cybersecurity for Businesses

Cybersecurity is a growing field, where there are always new advances being made. Security forces continue to rapidly evolve in our technological world. Cybersecurity is the way of protecting electronic data which can be accessed through various networks and technology. Cybersecurity also protects from the access of unauthorized users from our email passwords, internet network, and the bank's security on online banking. The reliance on electronic systems and networks has accelerated throughout history. We are in a digital era where...
3 Pages 1400 Words

How Has the Internet Changed the World

In this century, with the advent of the Internet, we can study online even while sitting at home. If you have an Internet connection, mobile and computer, you can easily enroll in an online education program. Internet is used in infinity fields like emails, video conferences, mobile phones, social medias, businesses, universities, healthcare, and more sector. Also, the children use the Internet for watching a cartoon, young people use it for watching social media and doing their business, the older...
3 Pages 1395 Words

The British Were Right and We Were Brats

When looking back at the American Revolution most history books between the grades of 1st-12th majority public schools, have it written that the British were unfair and unjust in their ways with how they treated/ handled the colonies. After taking this particular course on American history it's come to my attention that it may not have been the case and the British were completely in their rights and standings politically. Also, that we as a colony were being like children...
3 Pages 1423 Words

The Emergence and Significance of the Samurai

The word ‘samurai’ is most often associated with skilful warriors dressed in heavy armour and fighting their battles with the famous Katana or possibly the ultimate battle of skill between the samurai and his brother-in-arms the ninja or simply the warrior one meets in mass-media. The above-mentioned associations may be true, but one rarely thinks of how this honoured expert of warfare originated and how their legacy has impacted not only Japan but continue to intrigue the West do to...
3 Pages 1407 Words

The Influence of Transnational Policing on Organized Crime and Its Development

Transnational policing is most frequently quoted as a solution to organized crime. Organized crime is a global phenomenon beyond the scope of any one agency or jurisdiction to deal with alone. So cooperation, international law enforcement, mutual legal assistance and transnational criminal investigation and knowledge or information helps to control the risk of such crime across the world. The capacity to communicate around the world has radically increased through personal computers and mobile telephone and opens up new possibilities for...
3 Pages 1416 Words

The Theme of Abandonment in Toni Morrison's 'Sula'

Abandonment is defined as leaving completely and finally or to forsake utterly. Sometimes in the case of abandonment it causes women to switch roles with males and become the head of the household. Women can use sex as a means of switching roles also and that is what we see in the book ‘Sula’. Men use sex as a way for pleasure and now since the roles have switched women have taken control of their bodies and gained pleasure of...
3 Pages 1436 Words

Various Moral Themes in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Robert Louis Stevenson’s ​'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' ​was originally published in 1886 during the Victorian era. This was a period where almost every sphere of society was changing in some way, for better or for worse. The story is about a man who finds out a way to separate the evil parts of himself by drinking a potion he concocted in his laboratory. The book is of the third-person limited perspective of Mr. Utterson, who...
3 Pages 1408 Words

Reaction to Rebecca Skloot's Novel 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks'

My first reaction to this book was outrage. What an extremely disgraceful way for medical professionals to treat a human being. Henrietta’s story raises questions about ethics, race, and informed consent. John Hopkins University Hospital should be ashamed of themselves! There is an element of time frame that could be used to account for a practice that was status quo at the time but mostly it is just shear disregard for African Americans and their basic rights. There was a...
3 Pages 1398 Words

Etiqa's Company Planning Process

Organizations exist to achieve some purpose or goal, someone has to define that purpose or goal and find ways to achieve it. A manager is that someone and does this by planning. Planning includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities. Setting goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans ensures that the work to be done is kept in proper focus and helps organizational members keep their attention on what is most important. Planning is a very essential...
3 Pages 1396 Words

Protesting Through Art Using the Examples of the Harlem Renaissance and the Chicano Mural Movement

One culture factor that influences social changes is communication through music and art. The Civil Rights Movement in United States was infused with religion and lead by a social group of people to share the interests of equality. The Civil Rights Movement began between the Harlem Renaissance era (1910- 1929) to the Chicano Mural Movement (1951-1964). Both eras created murals and sculptures as a representation of civil rights. For example, the civil rights movement was created due to discrimination and...
3 Pages 1390 Words

The Evaluation of The Serotonin Theory of MDD and the Effectiveness of SSRIs

Major depressive disorder (MDD), one of the leading causes of disability worldwide (Thornicroft et al., 2018), is a common psychological condition categorized under mood disorders in the DSM-5. Mood disorders consist of conditions that involve predominant problems with either mood or affect (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). According to the World Health Organisation, the prevalence of MDD in all age categories has increased in recent years, with over 300 million cases reported worldwide (Pan et al., 2018). Affecting one in six...
3 Pages 1431 Words

What Is the Relationship Between the Citizen and the State? Essay

As a citizen in a democratic nation for all my life, I would not deny of thinking of not obeying the state on various of laws. As I thought of the question over time of why I should obey the state, and other citizen should to. The state allows and creates a society of peace and quiet to enjoy our lives free of a constant fear of death as the state quells instability and anarchy. Citizens inside of democratic state...
3 Pages 1439 Words
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