1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss and Main Ways to Prevent It

Hearing loss is when your ability to hear is reduced. Hearing loss can develop by two main factors, exposure to loud noise for an extended amount of time and/or ageing. Noise induced hearing loss is often sensorineural, this is where the problem lies between the inner ear and the brain. The world is a loud environment, in the average everyday life the ear is exposed to a wide range of harming decibels. In this essay on hearing loss the focus...
3 Pages 1411 Words

Various Factors Leading to Revolution

Revolutionary war refers to the seizure of political power by the use of armed forces. Not everyone would accept such a simple definition, and indeed the term has other connotations: that the seizure of power is by a popular or broad-based political movement that the seizure entails a fairly long period of armed conflict, and that power is seized in order to carry out a well-advertised political or social program. Revolutionary war is also distinguished by what it is not....
3 Pages 1412 Words

Apollo Moon Landing Program

The Soviet Union began to gain some attention in 1957 as they sent the first man-made satellite into space. Soon after Sputnik, the first man-made satellite, made its way to space President John F. Kennedy introduced the thought of how important starting a space exploration team would be for the United States. President Kennedy encouraged the Apollo program with a goal, to have a man walk on the moon by the end of the decade. The National Aeronautics and Space...
3 Pages 1383 Words

Addiction as a Problem of Modern Society and Ways to Deal With it

Addiction is the feeling of wanting more and more of something to satisfy yourself. It is when one cannot control themselves from doing something repetitively. Drug addiction for example is a issue that is widespread in our world, it has a huge impact on the mind, and tends to influence a person’s emotional and physical states. Nowadays, anyone can easily get a hold of addictive substances. They are wide-spread in schools, parks, between people and much more. It all starts...
3 Pages 1352 Words

Understaffed Healthcare Workers in Elderly Nursing Homes

A nursing home is place where people who do not need a hospital but cannot be cared for at home either. Most nursing homes have a nursing aides and skilled nurses on hand 24/7. Some of the issues affecting the nursing home are cost of living, staff to resident ratio, and nutrition. Community Needs Assessment are performed to determine current situations, identify issues to determine a course of action, and establish the foundation for vital planning. The target population for...
3 Pages 1420 Words

Selecting for Deafness as a Moral Harm: An Objection

In ‘Genetic Dilemmas’, Dena Davis posits that every child has a right to an open future. If a parent makes a choice that imposes on that right, they are violating the future autonomy of their child. Davis uses this argument to oppose using reproductive technology to select for deafness. In this paper, I will argue that choosing for deafness is not morally wrong as Davis suggests as it is not the deafness itself that is imposing on that child’s future...
3 Pages 1388 Words

The Importance of New Product Development to Maintain a Company's Competitiveness

The article ‘The Effect of Product Introduction Delays on Operating Performance’ provides an experimental evidence on the effects of product introduction delays on accounting-based procedures of operating performances. The speed of research on product development issues has increased. Delay in product introduction, publicly available accounting data is used to estimate delays on return on assets (ROA), sales over assets (SOA) and return on sales (ROS). A sample of 450 publicly traded firms were considered for the experiment that had faced...
3 Pages 1388 Words

In the Footsteps of Christian Leaders

Christianity has remained one of the strongest and well-known religions for ages dating back to Jesus’s birth. Christianity is the religion established on Jesus Christ the person, his teachings and story. Numerous people partake in and follow Christianity, however there have been individuals who lived their whole lives faithfully and expressed their religions values and beliefs through Christ like actions. St (Mother) Teresa of Calcutta, St Oscar Romero and Martin Luther King Jr. All offered their lives to Christianity through...
3 Pages 1376 Words

The Cost We Pay for Modern Technology

Technology plays a vital role in today’s world. People are so dependent on technology, that one cannot think of survival without it. In 20th century technology has shown its growth in every sector whether it is in education, communication, automobile etc. and also technology has vastly increased our capacity to know, achieve and collaborate. When mentioning of how technology impacts our society people will think of its positive influence. However according to Newton’s third law of motion “for every action...
3 Pages 1378 Words

The Underestimated Method of Fighting Back

Ever since the first human civilization was established, the imperfections of humanity are prone to give birth to injustices amongst ourselves. With the inveterate inclination for humans to take the best of everything for themselves, throughout history, stories of oppression from one party to another are common. However, when the exploited party becomes aware of the inequality, people begin to stand up and voice their opinions. Protests, the public demonstration of strong objection and disapproval, would be carried out by...
3 Pages 1394 Words

Review of Anthony Best's 'International History of the Twentieth Century and Beyond'

Chapter 6 titled as ‘Good Neighbors? The United States and the Americans 1900-1945’ covers in depth how United States used various policies of expansionism to develop a firm grip on the western hemisphere placing them on a strong footing with the Europeans and paving way to United States becoming one of the most powerful nations of the World. This chapter also discusses in detail the significance of world events such as the World War II, Spanish American War in dictating...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Comparative Analysis of Psychological Egoism and Ethical Egoism

As members of society, we gravitate toward certain decision-making based on our emotions as well as our surroundings. Physiological egoism argues that the reason we do all things is for ourselves. That is, everything we do is out of self-interest. On the other hand, ethical egoism makes a moral claim about how life ought to be lived. “According to ethical egoists, a person is always justified in doing whatever is in his own interests, regardless of the effect on others'...
3 Pages 1436 Words

Fit Students Equals Happier and Smarter Students

Education should be brought back into grade schools. We need to implement programs that show our youth how to stay healthy and active. Recess and P.E. could be extended a bit more, while ensuring that the kids spent that time being physically active. Promote team sports so that kids are encouraged to stay physically active after school. Creating a national standardized testing would also to ensure students are learning and improving. Studies have shown that physically active kids become better...
3 Pages 1355 Words

Low Voter Turnout as a Problem

In the past, white men were only allowed to vote. As the years progress towards the 1900s, voting rights got more attention. Women protested their right to vote and were able to eventually win the fight. Today, voting doesn’t seem that important anymore. Citizens are not exercising their right to vote as voter turnouts aren’t very high during elections. It makes people question how democracy can be sustained if people aren’t voting. It also makes them wonder if something needs...
3 Pages 1410 Words

The Distinctive Features of Victorian Literature

Literature in the Victorian era is a response to the economic, political and social changes that have accrued in that period. Each of literature is only a difference in how faithful the record is, and in what point of view is the reaction and what values are advocated. The diversity of Victorian literature–exception of play area—indicates that Victorians enthusiastically reacted to the realities of that time in all possible ways. Furthermore, It shows Victorians were expressed various kind of thoughts...
3 Pages 1357 Words

What Do I Think Is New About Art Nouveau

I love the link between nature and architecture and how it creates exciting forms in the shapes and styles of the products and items, central to the outcome of the movement. It is so interesting how unique and distinctive each piece of design is compared to past movements and how popular Art Nouveau was throughout different countries. I chose this topic as I would love to learn more about it and I am going to show what I thought was...
3 Pages 1389 Words

Role of Financial Management in Healthcare Organizations

It is significant that the health service chiefs make the most ideal utilization of the assets accessible to them. Whatever your zone management responsibility. Financial management abilities empower you to utilize financial data to guarantee that you do as such. For many people, financial management may seem a complicated and overwhelming job that is best offered to the finance department. Which is best given to the finance department. Over the last few decades, however, it has interacted with financial management...
3 Pages 1407 Words

Defense Mechanisms of the Human Body

The physical barriers of the skin include things such as the skin, tears, mucus, mucus membranes and also stomach acid. You have beneficial bacteria that grows on your skin, your bowel and other places in the body that's main function is to stop bad bacteria from taking over your body. Also, the flow of urine would wash out microorganisms that may enter the urinary tract. These are the first line of defence that helps us fight or prevent infection as...
3 Pages 1380 Words

Benefits of Amazon's Company

Introduction Amazon is the brainchild of Jeff Bezos. It was founded in July 1994. Its headquarters are based in Seattle. The funding of the company was done by his friends and family. In the beginning, it was only an online Bookstore. Currently it sells a plethora of products ranging from cosmetics, tech gadgets, clothing and toys. Over the years, it has become a global enterprise. The company’s revenue touched $233 billion by 2018. Amazon only took twenty years to reach...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Fascinating Sri Lanka Festivals Not to Be Missed

Sri Lanka is an ideal holiday destination, not only because of the natural wonders spread across the island, but also the mix of cultures and religions. Home to the world's four major religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity), Sri Lanka is an island with 25 public holidays each year. Celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm, experiencing a festival in Sri Lanka offers the perfect chance to witness and be a part of this beautiful country's culture and traditions. Here’s a...
3 Pages 1418 Words

Understanding the Concept of Total Quality Management

In the past decade, numerous businesses have emerged pertaining to various sectors of industry. This has given rise to a highly competitive market wherein survival for each business has become crucial. Due to the continuous changes in business environment, it is of utmost importance that businesses undergo an enhancement in the quality of their goods or services in order to achieve an organizational competitive advantage. Improvement in the quality can be attained by the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM)...
3 Pages 1430 Words

Time Management as Key to Higher Academic Achievement

There is a huge difference between secondary and higher schooling when it comes to managing time and academic responsibilities. In secondary education, there was once the sort of mastering that includes a clarification of everything. On the other hand, when students enter university, they find out that what they research is a lecture, that only includes superficial data and the rest is their job to recognize about and explore further (Britton & Tesser, 2001). Time management is a skill that...
3 Pages 1389 Words

The Development of Creative and Critical Thinking as the Main Task of the Modern Educational System

With the evolution of mankind and the constant advancement in technology, there should be a match in education system. What I mean by this is that the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 has caused the regression of intelligence and stagnation of education in the United States. This is identified in a multitude of ways by philosophers throughout the ages, great scientific minds of their time, and even the great minds of today that shape the future that is...
3 Pages 1382 Words

Pathophysiology of Acute Heart Condition - Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial infarction is a very serious medical issue and it needs to be treated as soon as possible. Every nurse should have the knowledge about this condition and should know how to treat a patient who is suffering from this condition. According to the Australian Bureau of statistics Ischaemic heart disease was top leading cause of death in Australia in 2017 and heart failure was number thirteen cause of death for men and number eleven for women in Australia (Australian...
3 Pages 1355 Words

Researching the Effectiveness of Rhetorical Appeals

When attempting to persuade an audience on your outlook on a topic, how acceptable is the use of illogical reasoning in order to give more credibility to an argument? How does the art of discourse affect audiences with the intent of learning more about a topic? The issue of gender equity is one which has sparked a plethora of debate, revealing differing perspectives on the topic whilst collecting large amounts of controversy due to its contentious nature. According to The...
3 Pages 1411 Words

Analysis of the Connection Between the Baby Boom and the Stock Market

The impact of a changing demographic structure on the price of financial assets, especially stock prices has been the subject of extensive research and discussion for some time (Quayes & Jamal, 2014). Data gathered from the U.S Census estimated there were 65 million US born baby boomers accounting for more than 20% of the US population in 2014 (Colby & Ortman, 2014). Thus, when we consider the vast stake the baby boomer generation have on the stock market, it is...
3 Pages 1408 Words

The Influence of Marcus Tullius Cicero on the Breakdown of the Roman Republic

The rise and eventual breakdown of the Roman Republic is deemed to be one of the most important events in Roman history. Marcus Tullius Cicero had a lasting impact on the downfall of the Roman Republic, however this impact, once explored more, can be seen to be a less obvious and underlying cause. Due to Cicero’s politically-charged writings, mislead beliefs and power-hungry associates, cracks began to form to become what is now known as the downfall of the Roman Republic....
3 Pages 1430 Words

Chivalry Essay: From the Middle Ages to the Present Day

The Path to Knighthood: From Page to Dubbing The easiest way to become a knight was to be the son of a noble. At age 7, the sons were taken to a different castle to be trained as a page. They spent their time becoming strong, riding horses, and mastering the use of weapons. They learned how to read, write and speak Latin and French. They also learned about dancing. At the age of 16, the page became a squire...
3 Pages 1402 Words

Analysis of Australian Gas Price Changes Over the Past Ten Years in the Context of Supply and Demand Theory

Economics is regarded as the social science that is concerned with the distribution, production as well as usage of goods and services. In economics, demand and supply are those factors that are said to decide price, producers would like to sell at a specific price i.e. supply, and customers will be able to buy the product by determining the price of the particular commodity. Supply refers according to the varying amount of commodities that producers will supply at various costs...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Information Technology Revolution and Its Dark Side

The rapid rate of technological development during the information technology revolution is very significant to the functioning of our society today. The rise of the internet, social media and the video gaming industry are crucial in showing how our society has changed. The twenty-first century has experienced a technological revolution marked by rapid growth of information and communication technologies. Today’s children are growing up in an increasingly interdependent and globalized society, with unprecedented access to information, people, and ideas. The...
3 Pages 1366 Words
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