1400 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Comparative Analysis Of The Late And Great Henry David Thoreau And Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In Henry David Thoreau's ' Civil Disobedience' and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's. 'Letter from Birmingham Jail,' the creators look at the thought of defying the administration on account of good treachery. Thoreau sets forth his thinking for opposing the law and gets other individuals to battle for what they know to be ethically right. Likewise a century later King verbalizes his need to fight the legislature and how a dynamic approach can possibly make a difference. In both of...
3 Pages 1356 Words

Institutional Humility In The United States

Humility requires that we see ourselves accurately. We neither value ourselves too low or too high. Humility often encourages us to challenge the forces around us make us feel superior and those that make us feel inferior. Humility is not self-deprecating but an act of emphasizing our own self-worth and dignity, while often calling us to examine and rework poor choices. We desire humility in our companions, friends and neighbors but as a country and as an institution do, we...
3 Pages 1435 Words

Sweet Truth About Athletes And Steroids

Every sports fan wants to see a fair contest when watching two people, or two teams battle it out. But when some athletes secretly take steroids, it gives them a very unfair advantage. As an athlete, taking steroids is not the smartest decision to make on the fact that if the word gets out to people it could be potentially career ending for them. Steroids also will harm a user in many ways. When it comes down to it, harming...
3 Pages 1403 Words

The Concept Of God In The Human's Life

Under liberal and rational thinking, many thoughts in the universe explain the concept and the idea of God. People determine the idea of God as an imaginary cosmic that is initiated to enhance personal and emotional protection. The aspect of this belief is based on the creation of a human-like image. It acts as a way to offer comfort as well as a perfect phantom designed as a psychological projection. The approach seeks to confound to the notion that religion...
3 Pages 1404 Words

Conservation And The Dying Hunter

Conservation, noun, con·ser·va·tionˌkĂ€n(t)-sər-ˈvā-shən : a careful preservation and protection of something, especially : planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect (Merriam-Webster). This definition embodies the wildlife conservation efforts of America. When many people think of wildlife conservation, it does not immediately come to mind how much money and efforts are needed to sustain wildlife conservation. Conservation efforts are largely funded by hunters and most recently, hunter numbers have been on the decline for the past...
3 Pages 1378 Words

Gender Roles In A Doll's House

The play A Doll's Home, by Henrik Ibsen, offers an investigate of the shallow marriage between Nora and Torvald Helmer. Written in 1879, the play depicts the issues which result after Nora subtly and wrongfully applies for a line of credit from a nearby bank so as to spare Torvald's life. All through the play, the fragile connection among Nora and Torvald depends to a great extent upon the authorization of traditional sex jobs. For instance, Torvald fills the role...
3 Pages 1362 Words

The Evolution And Background Of The Division Of Labor

Throughout history and as history has been studied, women’s labor is constantly overlooked. Whether it be European Americans, Native Americans, African Americans, or any other variation of person, it seems that men’s labor is always more appreciated and always given more attention when being studied. Whether or not a majority of people have learned about it, women’s history was an influential part of history, and it has been analyzed to an extent. Three major groups of women, the European American...
3 Pages 1412 Words

A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis Of Advertisements Portraying Women In Domestic Roles

There is often much more meaning behind the language used in speech, texts and advertisements than what appears on the surface. Ideologies, from a critical point of view, are considered to be descriptions of worldly features which build, support and challenge the dynamics between different groups of individuals (Fairclough, 2003). Dominant groups embed these ideologies in different methods of communication in order to manipulate and persuade the public to conform to an idea that primarily promotes the interests of the...
3 Pages 1383 Words

Chinese Culture, Same Sex Marriage And Christianity

The issue of same-sex marriage arouses a considerable discussion nowadays, contrasting argument show up in different countries, discourses between LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) and anti-homosexuality seem more problematic. It could be argued that the grand narrative of sexual orientation still strong in the world. In 2019, Taiwan becomes the first place in Asia which legalised same-sex marriage. The constitutional court introduced the law ‘Press Release On the Same-Sex Marriage Case’ in 2017, after 2 years, it has been processed...
3 Pages 1415 Words

EPQ Germline Gene Therapy

Germline gene therapy has developed a wide spread of opinions into the regards of its ethics with many very relevant positive and negative opinions being expressed amongst the breakthroughs occurring within its progress. There are lots of varying factors contributing towards these ethics which both overlap and contrast in many ways. The argument on the ethics of this therapy has been fuelled recently by many breakthroughs such as gene therapy restoring immunity in infants with a rare immunodeficiency disease. It...
3 Pages 1374 Words

Philosophers And Scientists Views On Humans Good And Evil

The question about if humans are essentially good has been asked for many years. Different philosophers and even scientists have tried to answer it, yet there is no true answer. This topic can be controversial since we are all involved and the nature of us being evil or good is very subjective. It is very important to define the terms I will be discussing, since different people have different opinions. Human nature is the main characteristics shared by all people...
3 Pages 1434 Words

The Origin Of HIV In Humans

Introduction In 1981 the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was firstly identified as a new disease caused by a retrovirus, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). It was the cause factor of the most devastating disease that emerged in the last 35 years. HIV-1 also spreads by percutaneous and perinatal routes, or exposure at mucosal surfaces, but primarily via sexual transmission.(Cohen et al., 2011) Since the identification of this virus it infected more than 60 million people and caused about...
3 Pages 1392 Words

Guilty By Association: The Anatomy Of Historical Guilt

On the 18th of January 2017, Björn Höcke, a leading member of German right-wing party AfD, sparked an outcry through his criticism of the Holocaust memorial, or what he sees as “a monument of shame”. Hocke’s erroneous arguments for Germany to stop atoning its Nazi past were, naturally, faced with widespread criticism. However, it was the replica of Berlin’s Holocaust Memorial secretly erected outside the home of Höcke, as a form of protest and rejection of his beliefs, that proved...
3 Pages 1351 Words

Effectiveness Of High Intensity Interval & Strength Training On Body Fat Percentage In Overweight And Obese Women

INTRODUCTION Obesity, defined by American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is an excessive amount of adipose tissue that presents a risk to individual’s health[1]. Overweight & obesity are rapidly increasing in countries like India. The prevalence of obesity in the world for women is about 38.5% and exceeds more than 50% in some countries. As in India, the prevalence of obesity in women is 31.3 % and it has increased by 24.52% from the years 2006-2016 and is only increasing...
3 Pages 1393 Words

Abraham Maslow: Life And Contributions

Abraham Maslow was born in Brooklyn, New York on April 1, 1908. His parents were Jewish emigrants from Russia. Abraham was the first of seven children describing his young childhood as unhappy and lonely. He spent much of his time in the library absorbed in books. Maslow studied law at City College of New York. According to Cherry (2014), Maslow married his first cousin Martha Goodman. (Cherry, 2014) Maslow switched to the University of Wisconsin where his major changed to...
3 Pages 1427 Words

Resiliency Of Disease-Carrying Microorganisms In A Changing World

Introduction Microorganisms have been on planet earth for billion years before us humans have even existed. Some of these microorganisms are helpful to the environment including the plants and animals and us humans. Pathogens (disease-causing microorganisms) are parasites which grow in or out of the host’s body. Microorganisms such as bacteria, virus, fungi, and protists are harmful to some living organisms because they can cause damage to tissues and eventually causing death (Lewis, et. al., 2002). Viruses for example are...
3 Pages 1439 Words

Types And Features Of Influenza Human Virus

INTRODUCTION Influenza continues to be a major public health concern.The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that in a typical year, 10 to 20 percent of the world's population is infected with influenza, resulting in 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 severe illnesses and 250,000 to 500,000 deaths (World Health Organization, 1999). In the United States, there are tens of thousands of deaths each year and the problem will increase due to the aging of the population and the susceptibility of the elderly. Influenza,...
3 Pages 1399 Words

Gamification In English Language Teaching

What is Gamification? Gamification is introducing elements of a game to a language learning activity. Game is a form of play that includes game rules, goals, competition, and an element of chance [4]. The main aim of gamification is engaging and motivating students. Basically, the outcome is developing intrinsic motivation by associating learning with fun, and thus enjoyment [3]. Game elements that engage and motivate can be points, badges, levels, leader boards, and challenges [2, p. 21]. Points give students...
3 Pages 1375 Words

Contemporary Global Challenges

In the modern world many global challenges show up and we as humans have to solve them. The biggest global challenges: Political challenges in modern world. Social challenges in the modern world. Global economies Science, technology, and environment challenges. The Political challenges in modern world: 1. India and Pakistan The confilict between those two countrys is because of Kashmir region The conflict started after the partition of India in 1947 as a dispute over the former princely state of Jammu...
3 Pages 1433 Words

What Are Coronaviruses And How Do They Invade Cells?

Coronaviruses are single-stranded RNA viruses, about 120 nanometers in diameter. They are susceptible to mutation and recombination and are therefore highly diverse. There are about 40 different varieties and they mainly infect human and non-human mammals and birds. They reside in bats and wild birds, and can spread to other animals and hence to humans. The virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to have originated in bats and then spread to snakes and pangolins and hence to humans, perhaps by...
3 Pages 1437 Words

The Danger Of Ambition And Nobility In Macbeth

In the play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare, the main character has traits of a tragic hero throughout the play. Macbeth has ambition and nobility at the beginning of the play, so that is why he is a tragic hero. Macbeth’s ambition takes over him throughout the play because his actions are based on his fate given to him by three witches. His ambition to become King and follow the prophecies cause Macbeth to succumb to evil. Macbeth's noble qualities...
3 Pages 1353 Words

Android App For Blood Bank

ABSTRACT The seminar titled “ANDROID APP FOR BLOOD BANK” acts as an important role in saving life of human beings , which is its main aim. This project is developed, so that users of the app can view the information about registered blood donors such as name, address, and other such personal information along with their details of blood group and other medical information of donor. Thus this application helps to select the right donor instantly using medical details along...
3 Pages 1354 Words

Techniques In Forensic Science And Their Utility In The Criminal Justice System

'Today we see enomorous changes being realized by science. The entire setting of life is changing .As a self evident actuality, glancing back at any rate 50 years with which I have been pretty much concerned and some of you additionally observe that huge changes have been realized mainly by science and innovation. This pace of progress is developing and I have almost certainly that an additional fifty years thus you will see considerably more noteworthy changes not simply in...
3 Pages 1420 Words

Police Officer’ Discrimination Against African Americans

Abstract In recent years, there has been an increase in civilian casualties due to the fact of discrimination and or hate. Studies have shown that a police officer tends to get more aggressive when dealing with an African American because they “fear for their safety.''According to Frank Edwards’ study it is two and a half times more likely for an African American to die in an encounter with a police officer than it is for a Caucation. The fact that...
3 Pages 1384 Words

NASA’s Artemis’ Program Will Send The First Woman To The Moon. Why Is This Important?

Space is a place full of unsolved mysteries for humans to solve, setting endless goals; meanwhile, there are a huge number of possibilities for humans to make other discoveries in space. Government agencies and private companies such as NASA and SpaceX are leading the way towards the unknown universe. However, NASA, one of the most important agencies, has been sending mostly male astronauts for decades, leaving women as minorities in the space programs. Starting with Yuri Gagarin, 565 male astronauts...
3 Pages 1421 Words

Intellectual Humility As The Key To Disagreeing Effectively

When someone disagrees with you, contradicts your argument, or rejects your ideas, it doesn’t feel so good, does it? Our values and beliefs represent a small glance into our hearts: our personal experiences, our upbringing, our passions. Knowing this, it isn’t so surprising that when our political, ethical, or social ideas are questioned, we tend to get defensive, emotional, or even accusatory. In modern day discussions, whether it be in politics, business, school, or around the dinner table, we seem...
3 Pages 1420 Words

How To Box Properly?

In everyone's life there comes a time in life where they’re going to have to fight, even if they don't want to, such as to keep themselves safe. Yet, some people may grow up in rough places and must fight for their survival as if they were in the jungle. Canelo Alvarez was one of these boxers. This worldwide known boxer is a perfect example of someone fighting their way out of a tough childhood to make it big. Canelo...
3 Pages 1422 Words

Women's Struggle With Machismo In The Poems TĂș Me Quieres Blanca And Hombre Pequeñito

In the poems “TĂș me quieres blanca” and in “Hombre pequeñito”, Alfosina Storni writes about women’s struggles with machismo. Storni openly and actively criticizes the men of society and those who value men and their desires more than those of women. To express her frustrations and emphasize society’s hypocrisy Storni uses many elements of modernism and postmodernism. Postmodernism is the expression of feelings, postmodernism literature is ironic and sentimental, it focuses heavily on emotions. This literary movement is more direct...
3 Pages 1377 Words

The Features Of A Customised English

Abstract Recent commercial developments in the South-eastern Sea Islands threaten the survival of African American communities known as Geechee or Gullah. Descended from slaves brought to the southeast United States between the early 17th and mid-19th centuries, the Gullah-Geechee of South Carolina and Georgia in the United States, have developed distinctive, culturally-expressive Creole communities. The African-American people who were brought to the New World during the time of the Slave Trade are descendants of the tribesmen. They live in this...
3 Pages 1372 Words

Payment For College Athletes: The Cause And Effect Reaction

When Zion Williamson blew through his shoe and injured his knee in a meaningless game vs UNC on February 20, 2019, it sparked a nationwide debate over whether athletes at the college level deserve to be compensated as if they are professionals. Most people would argue that yes, college athletes do deserve to be compensated because most of them have millions of dollars waiting for them in the professional leagues and are jeopardizing their future by even playing in the...
3 Pages 1353 Words
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