1600 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Is The English Legal System Sufficient In Providing Justice For Victims Of Domestic Violence?

The topic of domestic abuse is a quite antagonistic topic. Police, Campaigners and victims all agree for its immediate stop, but are unable to determine how to do so. A consultation done by the recent government chose to concentrate it efforts on harder convictions, sentences as well as expanding restrictive civil orders. However according to The College of Policing it is said that there is no substantial evidence which proves that the use of criminal sanctions will stop abusers from...
4 Pages 1605 Words

The Peculiarities of World in Dystopian Texts

Utopianism has slowly made its way into a literary genre by authors comparable to Thomas More. More’s book, Utopia was written to show his disdain about the political corruption that happened in Europe during his life. Comparing the word “Utopia” to both a good place and no place. Although Thomas More was the “father” of Utopia, his neologism leads other authors: Gregory Claeys, Darko Suvin, and Ruth Levitas to publish their input on what a Utopia means. Since Utopia’s conception,...
4 Pages 1644 Words

The Important Aspects of Ethical Consideration

Ethics is important while doing research. The aspects that make ethical consideration important are its usefulness, ecological validity, reliability, validity and bioethics. Usefulness is where the research is applicable to everyday life as it refers to the contribution that it makes to human welfare. This kills two birds with one stone as it has ethical consideration and also improve the way researchers work. Such as in the research of Andrade study (2010); understanding the role of boredom, daydreaming and tasks...
4 Pages 1618 Words

How Social Media Influences Human Behavior?

Abstract According to Aristotle, human beings are “social animals” and therefore naturally seek the companionship of others as a part of their wellbeing. In this digital universe, the only medium that makes an individual socially paired is the various social media platforms made available to them. These platforms have eased the communication process with on touch sharing of content and by allowing people to comment/like posts and follow each other. Thus, everyone is creating their own virtual society called “social...
3 Pages 1570 Words

Jane Austen, Charles Dickens And Sir Walter Scott: Evolution Of Romantic Novels

In the late eighteenth century a moment in art and literature started known as romanticism. Towards the end of the period, prose writing gained momentum especially the novels. Moreover, from 1837 to 1901 novel became the most distinctive and lasting literary achievement of Victorian literature. The rise of the novel in this era was mainly associated with Ian Watt’s influential study “The rise of the Novel” which focused on the rise of fictional realism and it distinguished prose narratives from...
4 Pages 1611 Words

Bullying And Discrimination At Workplace

Human beings have the prospective to mistreat each other with verbal abuse and bad behaviour. It is aimed at an individual or a group of people to make them feel ashamed and damage their reputation. It can be physical bullying by speaking in abusive and aggressive language or using social sites and make rumours about a person or a group of people to make them feel disrespected. (Leymann, 2015). To begin with, bullying at workplace has become very common and...
4 Pages 1630 Words

The Impact On Children Who View Domestic Violence In Their Homes

Domestic abuse is classified by several things, including scratching, slapping, spitting, threatening, burning, etc. Due to aggressive domestic violence some children are exposed to at a young age, they are often left with a lifelong impact. These impacts include anxiety, depression, as well as possible violent behavior in their future. My research is focusing on how some children and teens, especially in Africa, are influenced throughout their whole life, just because of these events in their childhood. What is domestic...
3 Pages 1613 Words

Why Marijuana should be Legalized

The United States as it grows in an alarming fashion seems to always have problems that grow with it. Out of all the problems that grow in this nation, drug consumption is the largest. Marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes, relieving stress, and recreation. Marijuana affects natural mind functions like learning, remembering, or coordination it does not alter other bodily functions. Allowing it to keep the label of illegal creates no difference in the daily consumption, but contributes on...
4 Pages 1608 Words

Lord Of The Flies And World War II: A Battle Between Civility And Savagery

World War II is known to everyone as the last large-scale world war. This war revealed humanity's darkest and most frightening side. The war had two opposing sides: The Axis powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) and the Allies (France, Great Britain, the United States, Soviet Union, and China) (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica). These two groups had very different paths to power, with one path being morally unjust and the other being morally correct. The Axis’ group’s immoral longing for power...
3 Pages 1550 Words

The Issues of Professional Ethics

Professional ethics are the standards of behavior for individuals, social and civic organizations, religious institutions, businesses, and corporations. When these standards are violated the actions may not be considered as “criminal” or “illegal,” but as immoral and unethical. The root of the word professional is from the Medieval Latin professus “Avowed,” literally “having declared publicly.” The past participle of the Latin profiteri “ declare openly, testify voluntarily, acknowledge, make a public statement of.” The root of the word ethics is...
3 Pages 1575 Words

Pediatric Respiratory System Diseases

The research methodology was based on obtaining information from Hospital Infantil Robert Reid Cabral, as well as reliable sources that were found on the web, most of them from data bases. Much of the epidemiology found in this research was based on both the information found field on HIRRC, along with other researches that included medical examinations and studies. Information has been obtained from the years 2006 up to 2019, in able to obtain a wider spectrum of the conditions...
4 Pages 1593 Words

The Issue of National Legalization of Marijuana

As of July 1st, this year, recreational marijuana was legal in nine states (Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington), as well as the District of Columbia. In this paper, I will be arguing why recreational marijuana should be legal nationwide, and I will be using John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism to frame my argument. Mill defines utilitarianism as a moral theory, that actions are right as long they are intended to promote overall human happiness, or as...
4 Pages 1619 Words

Blind Fool: Oedipus Rex And King Lear

“How terrible is wisdom when it brings no profit to the man that’s wise” (Sophocles, line 316, “Oedipus Rex”). People often mistake blind people, or people labeled as somehow flawed, for being ignorant. Whether the blindness is literal, like Teiresias in Sophocles’ Teiresais in “Oedipus Rex,” or blindness as transparency, like the Fool in Shakespeare’s’ King Lear, both of these tragedies contain a persona of a fool, someone whom people think cannot see at all, or cannot see things clearly....
4 Pages 1617 Words

How To Put Human Trafficking To An End

Understanding Human Trafficking: A Modern-Day Slavery “Slavery is not a horror safely confined to the past; it continues to exist throughout the world, even in developed countries... Across the world, slaves work and build and suffer.” (Kevin Bales). Human trafficking is a multi-billion production that kidnaps victims and forces them to do services against his or her will for benefits or profit. According to Mclaughlin, “The United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and...
4 Pages 1648 Words

Is Iago Gay in Othello

Villainy is often born from jealousy, insecurity, and paranoia. Iago from Shakespeare’s Othello, though dubbed as motiveless, is no exception; what starts as an optimistic heterosexual romance ends as a tragedy brought about by homoerotic envy, competition, and fear of emasculation. The play is centered around a military environment, which puts emphasis on traditional indications of masculinity such as physical prowess and belligerent disposition. The military ranks also imply men’s superiority over women, thus making femininity a sign of weakness....
3 Pages 1555 Words

Reality, Knowledge And Death In The Giver, The Library Of Babel, Simulacra And Simulation, The Handbook And The Prophet

People have always been fascinated with the overall meaning of life. We always question whether we believe something is true, the worth of our gained knowledge and experience gained throughout life, and in some cases, the meaning or purpose of death. In The Giver by Lois Lowry, themes like reality, knowledge, and death are explored through the action and interactions as the protagonist struggles to find the truth about his society. These themes can be further explored in different literary...
4 Pages 1616 Words

Political Leadership and Gender Equality among Women in South Africa

Abstract South Africa has been experiencing various changes in the number of women elected in offices and other leadership positions both in the government and other non-governmental organizations. At the beginning, the number of women in offices was very low compared to other countries like the USA but the number has since changed to make South Africa one of the countries with the highest number of women working in government positions. However, having women get into leadership positions has brought...
4 Pages 1601 Words

The Role Of Woman In Jane Austen Era In Pride And Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice is a romantic novel written by Jane Austen which discusses women's duties or roles in the home or work force, and how they have changed for a better life for women. For work duriung the 18th century, “Generally this work was done for the benefit of the family, not the outside world. “Women's Work” would have included such activities as spinning, weaving, and churning.” (Gender roles in Colonial America). Women also didn't have many rights and did...
3 Pages 1552 Words

Marijuana Usage within Young Adolescent

Cannabis or marijuana is one of the most well-known, cheap and easy to get drug substance in the world. Even though this drug is very common, it is very difficult to classify in one category due to the plethora of effects it can have on the human body which can also differ from person to person. Marijuana, for example can act as a depressant which means it can calm down the nerves, a very effective opioid which can relieve pain,...
4 Pages 1633 Words

The Issue of Obesity of Home Pets

Abstract Pets that are obese is a growing concern and suffer from various diseases just like the humans (Whistle Lab Inc., 2019). Numerous of people who own pets have difficulty determining if their pet is fat and are at a loss on what action to take in remedying the issue (Sciences, 2019). Pets become obese for various of reasons and the majority of humans have knowledge that remaining overweight is hazardous for humans and animals (Pet Obesity Prevention, 2015). When...
4 Pages 1635 Words

Positive Effects Of Video Games On Today's Society

In the world of tomorrow, video games are constantly growing and thriving as a result of people’s interest in an escape from reality. Video games first stepped into the public eye in the early 1970’s, with the introduction of the Atari system, and the popular yet simple game known as Pong. When pong had launched on the Atari system, Atari Inc became a household name until the early 90’s (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019). Since the decline of the Atari, other popular...
4 Pages 1644 Words

Diastratic Varieties in English Focusing on Social Class

First of all, it is commonly known that there are varieties in the use of any language depending on diverse factors such as, the place, the context, the social group and the time. Nevertheless, I am going to focus on the diastratic varieties of the language, which refers to social class. Alameda and Fernández (2016: 64) stated, “even if it is commonly assumed that modern societies are classless and egalitarian, people can generally be grouped into social classes according to...
3 Pages 1558 Words

The Peculiarities of Ford Motors Company

Mission Ford Motor Company’s mission statement and vision statement focus on product effectiveness and business leadership in the automotive industry. Farfan, B. (2019, August 15) 'People working together as a lean, global enterprise to make people’s lives better through automotive and mobility leadership.' (para. 2) they want to become the world’s most trusted company Strategy Ford automobile industry is known in the biggest company of the world. They use two types of strategy in which one is intensive strategy and...
3 Pages 1594 Words

The Similarities And Differences In Oedipus Rex And Things Fall Apart

The novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe has been influenced by Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. The protagonists of both these works are similar because Okonkwo and Oedipus are both successful, they both have a flawed character, and they both experience a demise. ​Things Fall Apart’s protagonist Okonkwo and Oedipus Rex’s Oedipus are similar in that they are both successful. Both of these characters, Okonkwo and Oedipus, are both famous, well known, and their people admired them. In the book...
4 Pages 1625 Words

The Perception Of Racial Discrimination Against African Americans In The Workforce

We often wonder why racism is so alive in our society and can not seem to get rid of it despite what the government has done in the past to try to fix it. In recent studies, scientists have proven through social psychological research that judgment on individuals and their work ability is based a lot on their gender and racial stereotypes popular in U.S. society. Research by social psychologist has proven that stereotypes are cognitive schemata that always influence...
3 Pages 1599 Words

The Factors Of Main Character's Rebel In Fahrenheit 451

Most people know what a fireman’s job is. Common knowledge is that they put out fires and occasionally rescue a pet that’s stuck on top of a tree. In Fahrenheit 451, firemen are a special group who are tasked with burning books and people who read them. Fahrenheit 451 is set in the future, in an American city that is not named. The main character of the story is called Guy Montag, a fireman who rebels against his society after...
4 Pages 1646 Words

Conquering the Most Ruinous Epidemic: Obesity

It is not the noticeable dangers that should be feared, but the ones that are not spoken of. One of these dangers happens to be the rising obesity epidemic, which can be a result of consuming large quantities of processed or fast foods. Fast food has been a revolutionary force in American life, yet the consequences of consuming these foods are not stressed enough. The government fails to notify the public about the real issues concerning processed foods; therefore, the...
3 Pages 1571 Words

The Ideas of Betrayal and Redemption In The Kite Runner

True friendship is when someone knows you better than yourself and takes a position for your best interests in a crisis. It goes beyond just sharing time together, and it is long lasting. The novel, The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini demonstrates various themes that influence the development of the story including family, betrayal, violence, loyalty, regret, culture and many more that applies to the protagonist named Amir. Amir lives with Baba, his father, and two servants named Ali and...
4 Pages 1628 Words

Serial Killers: Types, Factors And Disorders

The definition of a serial killer is usually described as an individual who repeatedly commits murder, typically with a distinct pattern in the selection of victims, location, and method. The people usually perform there murders in a unique way that are often known as their signature. Serial killers are sometimes compared to mass murderers; however, serial killers don’t really follow the format of mass murders in which they don’t take breaks in between the murders. According to Sigmund Freud the...
3 Pages 1564 Words

Legalization of Opioids and Marijuana

There is a significant public health problem in America that is causing mass devastation. Ironically, it is administered by your healthcare providers. The culprit is opioid addiction. There have been some efforts to curb this epidemic. Andrew Yang has offered many solutions in his presidential campaign. But despite the attempts to stop this epidemic, Andrew Rogers, who is a doctoral student in clinical psychology who works in the UH Anxiety and Health Research Laboratory and its Substance Use Treatment Clinic...
4 Pages 1631 Words
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