1800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Community And Community Development In India

According to the United Nations document (1981), community development is “the creation of opportunities to enable all members of a community to actively contribute to and influence the development process and to share equitably in the fruits of development”. This community participation approach encompasses locally appropriate actions, principles or decisions that contribute significantly to the development of sustainable and equitable social conditions. I have already described in my first essay, the importance of the bottom-up approach to meet the local...
4 Pages 1821 Words

Employability Skills: Importance And Roles

Why are employability skills important? In a fast and very competitive labour market employability skills are the most important key in constructing relationships. The importance is revealed by employers focus for peoples or staffs who can communicate successfully , who are flexible , driven by motivation, who can take the initiative throughout their work , can have the capacity to undertake tasks of different domains. Great scholastic accreditations were adequate for a remunerating vocation, however today, understudies need to evaluate...
4 Pages 1767 Words

The Peculiarities Of Hunter Syndrome Disorder

Abstract There are genetic disorders that affect or disrupts the metabolism. These disorders are called inborn error of metabolisms. Most of the errors are due to difficulty or lack of enzyme that break down substrates. A substrate is the substance at which an enzyme act upon. The enzyme iduronate 2-sulfatse is what breaks down the sugar molecule called glycosaminoglycans or GAGs lacks in someone that has Hunter syndrome. Mucopolysaccharidosis Type 2, also known as Hunter syndrome is a rare progressive...
4 Pages 1822 Words

The Hypocrisy Of Characters In The Crucible

Introduction to Hypocrisy in "The Crucible" In the play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the story unfolds with a town named Salem. This town follows the Bible strictly and anyone who disobeys the rules of the Bible will be put in jail or will be hanged. Since, the town heavily relies on the Bible; dancing and any other activity that is not religious is being considered as sinful. One day a group of girls: Betty, Abigail Williams and Mary Warren...
4 Pages 1808 Words

The Role Of Reputation In The Crucible

Introduction to Reputation in The Crucible Most people have developed a reputation for themselves in one way or another during their lives. The desire to protect one’s reputation is an extremely prominent theme in The Crucible. This play takes place in a Puritan society in Salem, where the moral code and beliefs learned from the Bible stress the importance of bearing a good name. The protagonist, John Proctor, is extremely concerned with how the townspeople view him and does not...
4 Pages 1810 Words

The Economics Of Major League Baseball

Baseball is known as America’s favorite pastime, however Major League Baseball has turned America’s favorite pastime into a multi-billionaire business. According to Forbes the MLB’s revenue for 2018 was $10.3 billion, baseball being the second highest earning professional sport in the world, right behind the NBA. A variety of factors come together to create revenue for the MLB, such as merchandise, ticket sales, food and drink sales, online advertising, TV commercials, and sponsorships (Brown, 2019). The MLB is the only...
4 Pages 1754 Words

Human Genome Modifications And The Ethics Behind It

The CRISPR-Cas9 technology has made editing DNA so uncomplicated and inexpensive that amateaur scientists and even average people are beginning to dabble in the subject for things like dog breeding and agriculture. However, genome editing actually has the potential to completely transform the modern medical world with new approaches to the creation of treatments that could change lives. The significance of editing the human genome is immense, as this could help treat, and possibly even eradicate diseases that we have...
4 Pages 1774 Words

The Importance Of Volunteering In The Public Services

Many public services need member of staffs that will have the capability to work without receiving any money due to having to cope with emergency calls and accidents. Also, many public services don’t have the capability to pay new employees. This refers to having to provide the public with the right equipment and use the money received wisely. Having staff members that are expertise will allow the public services to serve the public more efficiently. For example, the paramedics have...
4 Pages 1789 Words

The Experience Of Anticipated Regret Of Adolescents In Group Decision Making

Regret is a central emotion in reflecting about the past and involves blaming oneself for having done something or not having done something (Gilovich & Medvec, 1995). Many studies have been conducted on the experience of regret in people, with regards to their decision-making process and how they can factor in the anticipated regret into their final decision. In the experience of anticipated regret, many studies have been conducted to understand the impact of anticipated regret at different points in...
4 Pages 1827 Words

The Zero-Tolerance Policy: Is It Effective Or Just Cruel?

Migration has been a part of humanity and animal kingdom since the beginning of time. Assuring their survival and quality of life.However, as time has passed and civilizations have been established, the rules of migration have changed and restricted those migrating. Nowadays, countries discriminate your migration status based on nationality, the color of skin, gender and religious beliefs. The ever changing rules immigration have been the source of both joy and devastation. The most current policy in place to determine...
4 Pages 1777 Words

Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, Types And Treatment

Arthritis It is a very odd disease, affects the joint and creates miserable pain. Impact of this disorder in both the hands and feet’s (mainly to the elder person), also causes such pain in the knee, victim thinks that they have been deficient in calcium, so they start to eat vitamins and supplements’ by themselves. If pain is not reduces, most patients in that case start to take any OTC pain antagonist. Arthritis cannot cure for ever. It needs to...
4 Pages 1773 Words

Bilingualism And Executive Control

With inconsistent results from various studies, identifying and quantifying the bilingual advantage, if there indeed is one, has become an increasingly controversial field of debate. Whilst initial studies proved promising; the bilingual advantage has more consistent null hypotheses with larger sample sizes and more robust testing. Bilingualism and Executive Control A contentious area currently under debate is the link between bilingualism and executive control (executive function used interchangeably) within the minds of children, and whether or not children benefit from...
4 Pages 1843 Words

The Factors And Aspects Of KFC Marketing Strategies

KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN KFC also called Kentucky fried chicken, famous for fried chicken, headquarter located in Louisville, California. It is world’s largest restaurant after McDonald and located in 136 countries of the world. The chain subsidises of YUM BRANDS, a company which owns the Taco bell and Pizza hut. KFC was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders, starting from roadside restaurant of fried chicken and opened a first franchise in Utah in 1952. Colonel used “original recipe” with 11 herbs and...
4 Pages 1822 Words

The History And Origin Of Hinduism

INTRODUCTION Hinduism refers as a religious designation to the sacred philosophy of peoples living in contemporary India and Southeast Asia. It is a combination of many spiritual customs in the region and does not have a set of clearly defined beliefs. It is accepted by the scholars that Hinduism is one of the oldest religions of the world, but no known historical figure is due to its origin. Hindu roots are diverse and are likely to be a combination of...
4 Pages 1803 Words

Evil As A Man’s Nature

Hsun Tzu, being an early Chinese philosopher and a Confucian scholar, was a highly intellectual individual, who offered a thorough and complete analysis of the Confucian theories. Also known as Xunzi, Hsun Tzu had rather conflicting and controversial theories compared to the other great architects of Confucianism; although he supported the central teachings of the religion. Xunzi believed that man’s nature is evil and goodness is the result of conscious activity. His argument that man is born evil is supported...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Who Is Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death Essay

Introduction In the tragedy play of Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet undergo horrible situations for the love of one another . Even though it may look like that they died because of their own poor choices. A few characters have affected the death of our couples like Friar Lawrence, the nurse and especially the big ongoing feud of both families.. Despite the similarity of both families, Montague and Capulets, they are the one who made...
4 Pages 1770 Words

The Factors Of The Fear To Fail Among Students

“Regardless of age, ethnicity, academic background, educational goals, or the path to college, students reveal tremendous anxiety about their educational trajectories and ability to succeed in college” (Cox 20). Change in life can be scary, but it is something that everyone must face at a certain point. The transition from high school to college is a drastic change that brings forth more challenges but also more opportunities as well. Author Rebecca D. Cox highlights these points in her book titled...
4 Pages 1794 Words

A Transcendent State: How The Traditional Japanese Understood Time

Throughout time, civilizations formed ideas to explain why things are the way they are, and they participated in life according to their conceptions. Over ages and across lands, people have come to a range of conclusions surrounding the existential questions of the universe; sometimes conclusions are gleaned through religious doctrine, and other times they are derived through philosophical reasoning. If one looks through history, major civilizations and religions offer a colorful web of schemas surrounding the world and how it...
4 Pages 1836 Words

Role Of Muslim Activist In Reducing The Impact Of Islamophobia In UK

Introduction There is a constant rise in issues regarding Islamophobia in UK and several cases have been reported till date. Abuse is becoming a part of everyday life for Muslims in UK and a lot of people aren't even taking the issue into consideration. Many officials have even denied existence of such a thing, but the reality remains the same. According to Marsh (2018) in 2017, vandalism replaced threatening behavior as the third most common category of anti-Muslim hate incident;...
4 Pages 1845 Words

The Role Of DNA In Forensic Science

The origin of DNA fingerprinting was discovered in 1984 by Dr Alec Jeffreys (Jackson and Jackson, 2011, p. 158). Over the decades, with technical developments in genetics, the original DNA fingerprinting procedure has undertaken a variety of modifications and refinements. DNA profiling has become so precise and sensitive that in the United Kingdom it is no longer allowed to be used as a sole piece of evidence in a criminal investigation, it has to be used alongside other procedures. Nevertheless,...
4 Pages 1792 Words

The Relationship Between Language And New Media

Introduction This paper is going to discuss the use of impoliteness in the YouTube comments of a video advertisement. Impoliteness can be best summarised as behaviour that is face-aggravating in a particular context (Locher & Bousfield, 2008). YouTube is an online platform where users can post and comment on videos with a user-name. Impoliteness is arguably greater in computer mediated discourse because of the anonymity that the internet and such user-names can provide. According to Suler (2004) when people can...
4 Pages 1803 Words

HIV: Past, Present And Future

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) damages cells of the immune system in particular CD4 cells or T cells leading to reduced numbers. This, therefore, lowers the ability to fight off infections and diseases. Over time the immune system becomes weaker and weaker until the final stage of HIV is reached, Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). The severity of AIDS makes suffers highly susceptible to life-threatening conditions for example cancers. There is currently no cure for HIV and AIDS, however, it can...
4 Pages 1759 Words

Microbiology And Its Importance In Hazard Identification Of Food-Chain Production

Introduction Microbiology refers to the study of microorganisms. As the name suggests, microorganisms are organisms that are so small they can only be seen using a microscope. Bacteria, fungi (such as yeasts and molds), protozoa, viruses, algae, and some parasites are all types of microorganisms. Some people also list prions as microorganisms even though they are proteins and not organisms. These broad areas encompass several specific fields. These fields include: immunology (the study of the immune system and how it...
4 Pages 1805 Words

The Effects Of Media Multitasking On Young Adults

Social media has become an integral aspect of individuals’ lives including young adults. With the rise in the use of technology, young adults have been noted to use a form of a. social media while performing a cognitive task which is known as media multitasking. This can be seen as college students listen to music while they study or have a social media website open on their laptops during class. Lack of attention retainability, susceptibility to errors, and memory distortions...
4 Pages 1784 Words

Is Coronavirus A Lab-made?

ABSTARCT Viruses are so tiny; about 20 to 400 nanometers in diameter, billions can fit on the head of a pin. Every 100 years there is a new virus that hit the world, at the end of 2019, an epidemic of cases with unexplained low respiratory infections caused by virus detected in Wuhan, the largest metropolitan area in China, last December has spread to six continents. The virus killed almost 200,000 innocent people and infected about 3 million people. Yes,...
4 Pages 1792 Words

Guided Tissue Regeneration In Relation To Periodontology

Introduction Guided tissue regeneration is defined by the glossary of the American Academy of Periodontology: A surgical procedure with the goal of achieving new bone, cementum, and PDL attachment to a periodontally diseased tooth, using barrier devices or membranes to provide space maintenance, epithelial exclusion, and wound stabilization. Guided tissue regeneration aims to compartmentalize or exclude cells from the healing wound to allow for regeneration rather than repair. This concept was first explored by Melcher in 1976 he pointed out...
4 Pages 1772 Words

Knowledge In Empiricism And Rationalism

In art, the first lesson taught is to not focus on small details instead to stop and examine the overall structure and form of what is being captured. Focusing on a single detail can provide some information about the form, but it is not enough. To overcome this issue, artists study the fundamentals such as anatomy, lights, and perspective. Similar to artists, philosophers aim to see the overall form without getting too caught up on the individual details. In epistemology,...
4 Pages 1820 Words

Knowledge, Attitude & Practices Of HBV Infection In The Dental Pupils At Taif University

ABSTRACT Background: The World Health Organization (WHO), states categorically that Hepatitis B infection is the world's most prevalent liver infection. Nearly forty five percent of the global population lives endemic regions. [1] Objective: To analyze the information , attitude, and practices of dental pupils regarding the Hepatitis B Virus infection at Taif university dental college institution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using, a validated, pretested, structured questionnaire containing 14 questions on...
4 Pages 1804 Words

Stability Of Sodium Nitroprusside In Aqueous Solutions

Introduction Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) is red-brown odorless crystal, stable in air but photosensitive so it should be protected from light, also small amount of moisture with light is enough to photodegrade sodium nitroprusside. Beside the photodegradation, sodium nitroprusside undergoes many reactions which some of them are undefined, or it yields Prussian blue, cyanic acid and nitric oxide [1,2]. Sodium nitroprusside is a strong, rapidly acting hypotensive agent in the emergencies, heart failure and for controlled hypotension during surgery. It is...
4 Pages 1833 Words

Fear And Understanding

The average person ingests eight spiders per year while sleeping. A ridiculous and yet commonly heard myth that continues to spread. It is not a secret that even just the thought of spiders is enough to elicit fear out of people, but many people may not know why society has this automatic response. Many people may also not know why it is that a simple arachnid is able to produce such a large emotion out of the general population. Fear...
4 Pages 1753 Words
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