2000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Conflict Management Strategies Applied by an Organization in Zimbabwe in Christmas Situation: Analytical Essay

Question Evaluate the conflict management strategies applied by an organization of your choice in Zimbabwe Introduction Conflict is present in group dynamics. Whenever people are brought together as a group to work on a project or in the workplace, conflict in inevitable. This is because of differing work ethics, goals, needs, or attitudes. Every manager, therefore, requires skills in managing their team in order to resolve conflicts as they arise in the workplace. Conflict can be either functional or dysfunctional....
4 Pages 1993 Words

Adolescent Psychology: Ways to Prevent Children from Engaging in Premarital Sex

Question 1: Below is the interview of 3 parents who have children in the adolescent stage; 1. How they educate their children about sexuality · Parents A: father is a policeman and mother is a stay at home mother -has 3 children (13 y/o girl,10y/o boy and 6 y/o girl)- According to parents A , sexuality means introducing their child to their own body and their emotions. They don’t really use any specific method to teach about sexuality but just...
5 Pages 2236 Words

Concept and Categories of Ghosts: Opinion Essay

It is a matter of time when I was 18 years old. I went out camping with my friends and we went to the Bhangarh Fort, one of the most haunted places in India because we all friends liked to do adventurous activities. People are not allowed to visit the fort after the sunset, so we all stayed in a hut at night to sleep and the hut was situated near the Bhangarh Fort. During midnight, I woke up suddenly...
4 Pages 1992 Words

Barriers to Effective Intercultural Communication and Multicultural Communication Guidelines: Case Study of Australia and China

Intercultural Communication “Intercultural communication refers to an interpretive, symbolic, contextual and transactional process in which people belonging from different cultures create shared meanings” (Kolinko, 2019). However, each of the cultures has its way of interpretation of information or message. The style of communication is also different from one culture to the other. In communication, the differences between cultures are related mostly to verbal and nonverbal codes, cultural patterns, standards and roles of relationships, and social perceptions. According to Cappellini (2015),...
5 Pages 2195 Words

Importance of Health Care Policy in America: Analytical Essay

Health policy refers to decisions, plans, and actions that are undertaken to achieve specific health care goals within a society (World Health Organization, 2019). It outlines priorities and the expected roles of different groups; and it builds consensus and informs people (WHO, 2019). Health care policy implicates the nursing field on so many levels. There are around four million nurses practicing in the United States of America, Nurses have the potential to change and influence policy change on a local...
4 Pages 1990 Words

Analysis of Key Areas to Be Improved in Victorian Criminal Court System: Appointment of Judges, Due Process, Mandatory Sentencing

Chosen Topics: Appointment of Judges Due Process Mandatory Sentencing 1. Appointment of Judges The process of appointing heads of jurisdiction has been the topic of a public debate within recent years. The Judicial Conference (2015 pvi) outlines that the Executive government is responsible for such appointments, obligated by the parliament who is ultimately selected by the electorates. Affectively this would suggest that a generalised political view at the time decides which individual is appointed. It is the purpose of the...
4 Pages 1971 Words

Reflective Essay on Every-day Activities of a Person with Hearing Loss

A Speech and language therapist (SLT) is considered an expert in the treatment and management of communication and swallowing concerns across the lifespan. An SLT should have a comprehensive understanding of hearing and the auditory mechanism in order to identify individuals who may have impaired hearing, resulting in communication challenges. This report examines the different categories of hearing loss and the challenges and consequences that may arise for clients in this area. A mild hearing loss is evident in air...
4 Pages 2007 Words

Importance of integrating Laws and Concepts to Control Gun Violence: Argumentative Essay

Every twenty minutes an American is victim to gun violence ending in death. The current theme of gun control is a very sensitive and controversial topic which is now in the spotlight of discussion. In the wake of recent tragic mass shooting governmental agencies from around the globe need to address this increasing issue of mass shootings and gun violence, enforcing some laws and investing in protecting citizens. This paper will be focusing on the US and why it is...
4 Pages 2033 Words

Diagnostic Challenges in Gastrointestinal Infections: Analysis of Yellow Fever As Tropical Infectious Disease

Travelling for business and pleasure is a small proportion of the total movement of people. Modern transport modes allow more goods and people to travel around the world at a faster pace; they also open up the airways to the transcontinental movement of vectors for infectious diseases. While travelling, people carry their genetic profile, immunological sequelae from previous illnesses, cultural preferences, traditions, and patterns of behaviour. They are also accompanied by microbes, animals and other biological lives. The range of...
4 Pages 2034 Words

Reflection on Equal Rights Amendment: Argumentative Essay

Equal Rights Amendment For new female voters or future female voters, it is important to understand how voting rights and equal rights for women have progressed. At the age of 27, “In 1912 [Alice Paul] promptly joined the National American Woman Suffrage Association” (Baron, 1995). Suffrage means the right to vote; therefore, the NAWSA was formed to gain voting rights for women. After several years of fighting, women’s voting rights were ratified and became the Nineteenth Amendment in 1919. Although...
4 Pages 2070 Words

The Value of Reflective Practice in Physical Education Teacher Training

Reflective practice is a method of looking back on your own experiences and looking at the positives (what work well) and the negatives (what didn’t go as well). It is an opportunity to develop sessions/skills and make yourself an overall more professional and top-level Physical Educator. Through reflection, we are able to improve the quality of our sessions as a PE teacher and subsequently this can boost our confidence in terms of teaching because when we reflect, we work on...
4 Pages 2064 Words

Business Case Analysis Kellogg’s and Nokia

Introduction This essay is about business case analysis of two companies from different countries. The selected companies for this essay are Kellogg’s and NOKIA. The purpose of the essay is to provide an overview of the two selected companies including business and governance structures. The main aim of the paper is to analyze the influential business environmental factors which positively impact organizational performance. The key points of the essay are to discuss about the internal and external environmental factors that...
4 Pages 1966 Words

Aristotle's and Plato’s View on Metaphysics: Analytical Essay

There are many contributions made to the development of western philosophy made by both Plato and Aristotle. There is no other way to talk about the greats, without starting with Plato. Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who is known to have founded the first academy which was located in Athens. He was known to be an educator to after Socrates and known to be the teacher of Aristotle which we will discuss more soon. Some of the topics that...
4 Pages 1975 Words

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: Critical and Literary Analysis

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Step 1: Definitions of terms and concepts Heavy boots- would weigh a person down, slow them up, or even keep them in place. Reconnaissance- observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features. Detect- discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of Ballast- any heavy material used to stabilize a ship or airship Irrefutable- impossible to deny or disprove Invigorate- heighten or intensify Mundane- found in the ordinary course of events...
5 Pages 2188 Words

Injustice in The New York City Criminal Justice System: Analysis of Broken Windows Policing and New York City Criminal Court

Introduction Racial inequality in the New York City Criminal Courts, only exacerbates and help metastasize the mass incarceration epidemic in the United States. Instead of protecting the rights of the accused, New York City Criminal Court is an institution of injustice, marked by assembly justice, a lack of due process and racial bias. One of the topics discussed is how “Stop and Frisk” has also played a key role; It have made a negative impact in our society based on...
5 Pages 2226 Words

Critical Analysis of the Extent to Which Standardized Testing Negatively Portray Students

The concept of education has changed throughout the years. When kids are adolescents, everyone believes it is all ingenuity and out of this world projects; however, the burgeon of standardized testing engulfing our school systems. The issue that standardized testing is creating is that it gives general statistics that diminish students' intelligence, increases students' anxiety as well as teachers, and questions teachers' credibility. This issue has impacted many professionals in the education field. In addition, Alfie Kohn an author and...
4 Pages 2003 Words

The Discovery of HeLa Cells and The Principle of Informed Consent: Analysis of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Human biospecimens have been imperative in scientific and medical advances. Their continued widespread availability for research will be vital to realizing the goals of medicinal accuracy. Once tissue is removed from patients, they were used for diagnostic purposes, and later discarded. The research, very seldomly, resulted in the tissue becoming valuable to the medical community; yet, record of them were limited to “paper files, photographs in medical journals or textbooks, or fixed microscope slides buried in library archives.[footnoteRef:0]” The case...
4 Pages 1987 Words

Analysis of Academic Interest in Positionality and Politics with Regards to Gender

This essay examines the contention that philosophy, not politics or positionality, drives geographers’ changing approaches to social difference. Through analyzing three social differences, namely gender, sexualities and children, this essay contends that philosophy, politics and positionality are all intrinsically intertwined and have all driven geographers’ changing approaches. However, this essay goes on to show that there exists the need to consider other drivers like the interaction between geography and other bodies of literature, in order to gain a fuller understanding...
5 Pages 2134 Words

Book Essay on Eric Foner's Give Me Liberty (Volume 1): Articles of Confederation

Ch.6, The Revolution Within In what ways did political and religious liberties expand after the Revolution? (Democratizing Freedom + Toward Religious Toleration The Revolution more desirable the variety of American Christianity and improved the idea of religious liberty. The separation of church and state created the social and political area that allowed all types of spiritual establishments to flourish, the way of life of character rights of which that separation was once a phase threatened to undermine church authority “...
4 Pages 1990 Words

Theme of Dichotomy between Mind and Body in The Metamorphosis: Critical Analysis

Franz Kafka was a German novelist and short story writer who was born and lived in Prague, Czechia. Kafka was known for his particular style of writing. His novels often consisted of isolated protagonists that were faced with surreal conflicts. Many of his stories have even been considered to be somewhat autobiographical. Kafka often shows dichotomy through his writings and the existential dilemmas men face. In his novella Metamorphosis, published in 1915 dichotomy is presented as the dilemma that exists...
5 Pages 2114 Words

Reflective Essay on Idea and Activity of Black Lives Matter

Anyone who hears the lyrics “Okay ladies, now let’s get in formation” automatically thinks about Knowles (Beyoncé Giselle Knowles), especially if you are known to be a part of the Beehive (Knowles fanbase). “Formation” was one of the trendiest songs of the year 2016, many women around the world were singing and recreating the choreography to this song. Knowles is known for many things throughout the years, from singer, songwriter to record producer and actress. The meaning behind the song...
4 Pages 2002 Words

Idea of Maturity in Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card: Critical Analysis

Bewildered, pressure, pain and determination. Imagine having to deal with such emotions every second. In the award winning novel, Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, a young exceptional intellectual is given the task and responsibility of taking the weight of the world. Andrew Wiggins, a 6 year old boy is called on by the government to attend battle school where he must learn how to fight, serve and protect. When an individual is referred to as mature, it also comes...
5 Pages 2134 Words

Lincoln Versus Douglas Debate: Analytical Essay on Justice of Dred Scott Decision

The Lincoln Douglas Debate was a very short two months of debating. Although this debate was very short a lot of factors have been mentioned in this debate from the past and have made it quite interesting for historians to argue about. This has been a debate in the books for a very long time and it’s all clear that Stephen Douglas, who actually won the debate, is the real winner in the debate and everything that he said from...
5 Pages 2101 Words

Critical Analysis of a “Real Man”: Masculinity Versus Hegemonic Masculinity

Introduction: What should a “real man” be like? You may hear this couple of times, meanwhile, there are lots of voices trying to answer that question in the given society. So, who is defining the meaning / the methods of being a “real man”? does it come naturally? From which way the society keeps telling you? in this article, I will discuss about the relation between hegemonic masculinity, media, and consumption. Masculinity and hegemonic masculinity: Masculinity is about the relation...
5 Pages 2117 Words

Analytical Essay on Issues of Chinese Immigration

The rapid growth in Chinese population since World War II has created many social problems in the country. While the growth may have decreased after the one-child policy, the effects of such a swift increase in population has strained Chinese educational opportunities. Due to high competition and unfair test policies, many Chinese adolescents emigrate to America for educational opportunity (Zong). In addition, the free market reforms in 1979 have made China into one of the world’s fastest growing economies. This...
5 Pages 2222 Words

Analytical Essay on Marketing Research: Definition, Objectives and Types

Introduction The subject of marketing research is the result of consumer oriented marketing. Today, it has become necessary to study systematically the different aspects relating to marketing process with regard to fulfilling the expectations and needs of the consumer by the right thing (product), at the right time and at the right place. In the simple words, marketing research is concerned with all those factors, which have a direct impact upon the marketing of products and services. It links the...
5 Pages 2166 Words

Music of the Harlem Renaissance: Analytical Essay

The cultural shift that the United States experienced during the Harlem Renaissance affected the lives of everyday citizens. One factor that affected this cultural shift was the new, lively music you could hear coming from the East coast to the West coast. Jazz was the newly popular music genre during the 1920s. The 1920s was nicknamed the Jazz Age as a result of the immense popularity of the genre itself. Jazz was a different kind of music no one had...
5 Pages 2140 Words

Rogerian Argument Research Essay: The Effects of Cellphone Use

Is one of the world’s most profound inventions becoming an issue? In today’s day in age cell phones have played a vital role in the way people communicate with one another. There are multiple ways rise of the cellphone has changed the life of the average person, and research supports that assertion. One way they have an impact on our daily life their increasingly widespread use while driving this poses a danger to almost all of us, one statistic from...
4 Pages 2119 Words

A White Washed Society: Argumentative Essay on White Privilege

You’re on your way to work, going over your notes in your head. You’ve been planning this presentation for weeks, and you feel the utmost prepared. You wore your lucky socks just for the added luck, but you really don’t need it. You got this. But in reality, you don’t. You will not get the job. You definitely won’t get the raise. You will never be fully respected by your boss. You will never be the face of the company....
5 Pages 2247 Words

Effects of Standardized Testing on Graduation Rates: Analytical Essay

In 2002, The No Child Left Behind act was passed, which required students to take standardized testing, to measure the quality of the schools within each district. This act was set in place with the idea to provide equal educational opportunities to all students. However, as this idea sounds reasonable, since the initiation of No Child Left Behind, it has been contended that high stakes testing prompts a higher dropout rate which has increased by 15 percent. These standardized tests...
4 Pages 2044 Words
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