2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Analysis of Darker Side of Human Nature in Heart of Darkness

Ben Martin Research Essay Heart of Darkness(1899) 12 April 2019 In-text references; Conrad, J. (2007). Heart of Darkness. Penguin publication. The power of the written text lies in its ability to capture the things that make us human. Examine the extent to which Heart of Darkness has represented its context of the situation to this end. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (1899) portrays an unsettling but vital aspect of human nature; our inherent darkness, which ultimately leads to our capacity...
5 Pages 2323 Words

Adaption of Stephen King's Work in Movies and Popular Culture

Introduction Stephen King is one of the most established names in the world and he has had an effect on so many generations. Since the 70s, Stephen King has become the most famous horror writer. His books are a mainstay of book racks everywhere in the world. The genius of Stephen King has produced a multi-media franchise that has included movies, gaming, television shows and comic books. “It’s nearly impossible to overstate how influential Stephen King is. For the past...
6 Pages 2589 Words

Action Research on Making Mettu Polytechnic College More Attractive Than High School

Abstract The purpose of this action research was to help the students to identify professions appropriate with their abilities, interests, and personality traits and to guide the students to technical and vocational training, especially at the primary and secondary levels with their own will. An action research strategy in which qualitative methods and quantitative methods were used was selected for this study. As a result of this action research, there was a promising difference in terms of the proportional change...
5 Pages 2411 Words

Why I Want to Participate in Leadership Program: Essay

Introduction: The Importance of Leadership and the Program's Purpose Leadership is defined as the ability to empower followers (Conger 17) through guidance, example, and encouragement. Leaders vary in style: some are bold and transform their followers by instilling in them a vision of what they can achieve and how to achieve it. Other leaders are humble and inspire their followers by serving them, identifying their needs, and ensuring that those needs are met. Therefore, a leadership program is important for...
5 Pages 2450 Words

Why I Want to Become a Medical Assistant: Essay

Sociological Autobiography My name is Samaya Afzali and I am a Muslim Afghan American who was born in Hayward, CA. I am the middle child in my family and have four siblings. They consist of two older sisters a younger sister and a younger brother. I currently live with my two parents my mom and dad and three of my siblings. My main goal for the future is to enter the medical field and specifically go into the field of...
6 Pages 2545 Words

Who Killed Jonbenet Ramsey: Essay

The Unsolved Mystery of JonBenet Ramsey With an unsolved murder of a young girl on Christmas night, contaminated evidence, and neglectful police officers, the case of JonBenet Ramsey is perhaps one of the most infamous cold cases in the United States. The gruesome murder of the six-year-old beauty queen from Boulder, Colorado, left the entire nation in a state of paranoia and blame. The world needed to know why, how, and who. Why would someone do such a heinous thing...
6 Pages 2690 Words

Who Am I: Essay

Who am I? Who am I in terms of self? For me this is quite a difficult question to answer because I have yet to discover myself but in a few words I could say I am self-aware which is something that most people don't have, I am very cautious meaning I am able to get myself out of situations that I see will have a negative turn out. I am hard-working and always get what I want because I...
5 Pages 2519 Words

Time Management Essay (2000 words)

Introduction to Time Management for University Students A lot of university students complain about running out of time when asked to do a certain task, they get frustrated because they are not able to make it before the deadline. Time management is an ability that every student must not only know but also apply. Time management is extremely important, particularly when it comes to university students since it will boost their grades and improve their productivity (Laurie & Hellsten, 2002)....
5 Pages 2479 Words

Essay on Masculinity in 'Things Fall Apart’

Introduction: Unveiling the Complexities of Masculinity in Igbo Society No singular work of the twentieth century explores the complexity of the Igbo tradition and its ties with concrete nativism and toxic masculinity like Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart does. This adorable story, set in in the transition period that straddles the pre-colonial Igbo society and the time of the arrival of the Europeans, i.e. during the late nineteenth century revolves around Okonkwo as the epicenter of the ideas that the...
6 Pages 2591 Words

Reasons Why Atomic Bomb Was Necessary: Essay

Throughout U.S. History, the American government has consistently been a central actor in foreign conflicts and affairs. Over time, the United States has grown to be one of the largest and most powerful nations in the world, and although presidents have tried to lead the US down independent paths, the United States has always dealt with international relations. First, the United States has constantly promoted democracy and capitalism across the foreign world in hopes of their own benefit. Second, the...
5 Pages 2280 Words

My Community Essay

Talcott Parsons was an American sociologist who was born on December 13, 1902. He is seen by many as the most influential American sociologist. He has brought the ideas of Weber and Durkheim to American students. After bringing this to his students, he challenged them to think bigger than the ideas brought forth to them. One of the theories he talked about was the Modernization theory. Modernization theory can be defined as “the thesis that all societies will inevitably and...
5 Pages 2318 Words

Essay about My Clinical Experience

Learning plans are a key component of student learning in professional practice settings. The learning plan is a dynamic document that informs the learner, preceptor, and faculty advisor in relation to selecting learning opportunities. The idea is that learning evolves over the course of the practical experience as students’ learning needs unfold, therefore these plans are revisited and revised throughout the semester. The student is to reflect on their own personal knowledge base from past courses and clinical experiences to...
6 Pages 2734 Words

Mother Tongue: Essay Summary

Title of Work: “Mother Tongue” Author: Amy Tan Occasion: Explain the context of the piece. What has caused the speaker to say what s/he says? Minimum of 3 sentences. Include 3 quotes as evidence and explain what each quote tells us about the occasion. The Genesis of "Mother Tongue": A Personal Revelation “Mother Tongue” was inspired by Tan’s realization of the certain type of English she uses with her mother in comparison to her formal diction. As she was speaking...
5 Pages 2440 Words

Morning Rain Hisaye Yamamoto: Analysis Essay

Introduction to Hisaye Yamamoto and Her Works Hisaye Yamamoto was a Japanese American, Nisei (“Second Generation”) author. One of her most famous works, Seventeen Syllables, and other short stories, was a collection of short stories produced over her 40-year career. Owing to the nature of Realistic Fiction writing, the short stories of Hisaye Yamamoto reveal her perspective on gender roles in Japanese culture and the generational conflicts between the Issei and Nisei, with her technique of double-telling in her stories....
6 Pages 2584 Words

Language and Culture Essay

Language is what we use every day, a way to communicate. It’s composed of characters and pronunciations. And, characters include words from all over the world, all the countries, like English letters, Chinese characters, Arabian numbers, etc. However, what makes all the languages so different is another thing called “pronunciation”, which makes English sound like English, and Chinese sound like Chinese. On hearing the pronunciation, you can immediately take a reaction that it is English or Chinese or any other...
5 Pages 2438 Words

Juveniles Should not Be Tried as Adults: Essay

Historical Perspective on Juvenile Conviction and Moral Development The United States is one of the few countries where minors can be transferred from the juvenile court system to the adult court system. When working with juveniles, the question tends to revolve around knowing right from wrong. The legal system wants to know at what age can they assume children have fully developed their moral compasses. However, the problem is that there isn’t a definite answer to this question. Children learn...
5 Pages 2354 Words

Japan Vs US Healthcare System: Essay

Introduction to Healthcare Systems When people think of the United States of America, they think of a country that strives for perfection among other things, but is the U.S. really the best at what counts? Healthcare is one of the most important systems within the United States and should be the most important system in most countries. There are 195 countries in the world, but today I have chosen to compare the United States healthcare system to Japan's healthcare system...
5 Pages 2352 Words

Is Globalization Good or Bad: Essay

Introduction to Globalization’s Impact Globalization is the technique by which the planet, prior separated through physical and mechanical separation, turns out to be dynamically interconnected. It is finished by the ascent in the connection between people groups around the world that includes the sharing of ideas, societies, merchandise, administrations, and speculation. In the present time, globalization is a blessing in a few components of the planet. With all the decent and each one the advancement inside the world, their region...
5 Pages 2272 Words

Essay on Importance of Time Management

Self-reflection is one of the key exercises of observing and reporting one’s thoughts, practices, skills, and their associated outcomes Gläser-Zikuda (2012). It is a conscious effort of realizing and considering areas that need attention and improvement in an individual’s personality. Only after a person has undergone self-realization, one can work towards being a better human being by inculcating self-assessment skills that were lacking previously Gläser-Zikuda (2012). This reflective essay will focus on self-reflection with specific references to time management skills...
6 Pages 2606 Words

Essay on Importance of Family Traditions

As a proud Chinese Malaysian that grew up in Malaysia. The traditional holidays were my favorite times during the year. The biggest celebration of the year for me was the celebration of the lunar new year or also known as the Chinese New Year, and the spring festival. Thankfully we live in a multicultural country that celebrates different kinds of traditional holidays throughout the year. I loved celebrating every culture’s traditional holiday as it also meant I had public holidays...
5 Pages 2280 Words

Essay on Acquisition of Money and Possessions

Introduction to Consumerism and its Implications Twenty-first-century America is an extremely consumerist society. Seventy percent of its GDP comes from consumption (Kulman 58). It has more shopping malls than it has high schools. An average American spends six hours shopping every week, while only forty minutes of the same week goes to playing with their children (Frantz). A consumerist attitude has long been connected to things external. In his book “The High Price of Materialism,” Tim Kasser connects consumers with...
5 Pages 2399 Words

Review of Get Out Movie: Essay

Abstract This essay provides some secret messages about Jordan Peele's film, Get Out that revealed racism in American culture. The author argues that Peele's Get Out illustrates the protracted terrorism that is whiteness and the concomitant objectification and utilization of the black body for white survival, accumulation, and pleasure. The film challenges those audiences to consider how anti-blackness operates within schools and education policy. More specifically, those audiences should challenge longstanding inequities that foreclose the present and future of black...
5 Pages 2427 Words

Essay on Gandhi Civil Disobedience

Developed in the early nineteenth century, transcendentalism was a philosophical movement that arose to pose objections to the general state of spirituality and intellectualism. As fathers of the transcendentalist movement, Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson endorsed principles of morality predicated upon higher spiritual laws. They argued that in order to experience personal liberty, one must align themselves with moral truth, as doing so would allow one to identify the masters within themselves. Both Emerson and Thoreau promoted that...
6 Pages 2537 Words

Essay on Gandhi and Nonviolence

The Gandhian strategy is the combination of truth, sacrifice, non-violence, selfless service, and cooperation. According to Gandhi, one should be brave and not a coward. He should present his views, suggestions, and thoughts without being violent. One should fight a war with the weapons of truth and nonviolence. Gandhi said that “There is no god higher than truth.” According to Gandhi’s thoughts, non-violence is the ultimate solution to every kind of problem in the world. In the present scenario, Satyagraha...
5 Pages 2325 Words

Essay on Why Prostitution Should Be Legal

Introduction to the Debate on Prostitution Prostitution is the act of providing, or offering to provide, sexual services in exchange for compensation. Laws are in place to penalize those who sell sexual services, as well as those who purchase the services. Laws also punish those who arrange prostitution or benefit from it in any way. In the U.S. Prostitution is against the law in altogether states apart from Nevada, where it's regulated by very strict laws. Prostitution laws specify that...
6 Pages 2644 Words

Essay on How Does History Shape Who You Are

My History I came into this world on April 26th, 1999. I came into this world without being aware of the advantages I already had just from being a white girl. I came into this world and little did I know that a few months later, one of the most well-respected female athletes would win her first title. It was on a hot summer day in 1999 when Serena Williams won her first U.S. Open Women’s Singles Tennis Championship at...
5 Pages 2380 Words

Why Pets Should Be Allowed on College Campuses

College can be rough at times. Sometimes you need something to help relieve your stress, and what better than that is a pet? They have multiple benefits, and it’s been noted that student’s may do better in school with a pet. Pets are loved by many people, and one thing that college students miss while they’re away at school, is their pets. Most people love to have a furry, feathery or scaley friend to care for. Slippery Rock University, would...
5 Pages 2464 Words

Welcome to My Solar System

Welcome to my solar system. I would love to show you a tour to visit each of my planets. First of all, let look at the most important one, Home, where my parents are a tremendous support for me. I also have a younger brother who is not at home often as he used to be. With the help of my parents, I can go to the next planet, School, specifically the University of Washington Bothell (UWB). I am a...
5 Pages 2334 Words

United States History: Irrelevant and Boring

According to Loewen, United States history is seen as the most irrelevant and boring of all of the subjects to take in high school. He believes textbooks are the reason why the majority of students have a negative view on the subject. Teachers are dependent on textbooks, as many plan their entire curriculum based on them. However, textbooks provided in schools across America lack critical aspects that are needed when teaching students about United States history. Loewen believes United States...
5 Pages 2397 Words

The Rise and Rise of Video Games

Super Mario Bros., Sonic, Skyrim, Legend of Zelda, and Pac-Man are all examples of classic video game titles that almost anybody who has even touched a video game would know. Video games have had a major influence on those that grew up between the 80s and now. The popularity of video games has only rose since its debut in the 70s. The main causes for this rise were the decisions early on in the design of video games, the addictive...
5 Pages 2425 Words
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