2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Anime Influence and Comparison to Cartoons

Introduction Animations have been around us since our childhood. Cartoons are the major source of entertainment among kids. Anime refers to the animations of Japanese creators adapted directly from primary source material comic books known as manga. Anime has a huge impact on the current society in many different aspects. In this project we will explore how people communicate through the mode of anime. Japanese anime has been widely accepted all around the world during the past decade. It cuts...
5 Pages 2457 Words

Analytical Essay on Money Insurance: Study of Armed or Unarmed Robbery with Visible Evidence

Risks and insurance Abstract This paper will discuss what money insurance is about and the benefits provided from being insured. In this regard, this paper will study on the crimes committed while money is in transit and in premises. The act of forcible and violent entry upon premises due to armed or unarmed robbery with visible evidence will ensure that the insured is compensated. The increasing crime rate in Malaysia will also be studied from the view of unemployment rate....
6 Pages 2531 Words

Applicability of Incentive Zoning Within Built Up Areas in South African Context

Land Value Capture (LVC) consists of a number of different instruments which can be implemented by state to increase the land value market around a certain urban area. Some of these instruments which is associated with LVC includes strategies such as incentive zonings, development levies, land swaps, transit development impact fees, etc. Land value capture investment is also a source of generating public funds to allocate to future development in other areas. So in theory, these instruments should include a...
5 Pages 2254 Words

Concepts of Class, Ethnicity, Religion, and Gender in Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interaction, Critical Theory, and Postmodernism

Introduction On the grounds of contemporary theory, it is satisfactory that it is perturbed with the understanding of deep structures of such as class, ethnicity, religion, and gender from the functionalism perspective, conflict theory, symbolic interaction, critical theory, and postmodernism perspective. However, as it is obliged by the assignment, the pivotal point of this essay will be on comprehending the deep structure of class from the analysis of functionalism perspective, conflict theory, and critical theory. Therefore, this essay calls for...
5 Pages 2365 Words

Essay About the Burj Khalifa

The Burj Khalifa is the world's tallest structure, standing at 2722 feet. The building's exterior was finished in 2009, after construction began in 2004. Reinforced concrete was used to build it. The building was opened to the general public in 2010. The country hoped to gain international recognition and diversify its economy with this initiative. The architecture is named after the President of the United Arab Emirates, Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyun. The total cost of the project was projected...
6 Pages 2585 Words

Environmental Journalism in Colombia: Why Are People ‘Shooting the Messengers’

The topic being explored in this essay was chosen following a conversation with a Tearfund worker who spoke of the global silence surrounding the murder of environmental defenders in Latin America. Colombia ranked 2nd in Global Witness’ list of worst affected regions for the persecution of environmental defenders (Global Witness, 2019). Moreover, Reporters Without Borders reports that in the past decade, two environmental journalists in Colombia have been murdered, with many more facing constant threats and other abuses (RSF, 2020)....
6 Pages 2682 Words

Indian Agriculture in the Light of the Green Revolution

Agriculture in India has been persistent even before the advent of the East India Company to India in the 18th century. But, only the weavers of India were famous for their fine and intricate craftmanship on cotton and silk. Little did the world know of the Indian farmers until they were made to grow Indigo forcefully on the Indian soils for world export. This, in many parts of India, like Bihar, reduced the fertility of the soil. The colonial system...
6 Pages 2660 Words

Essay on Ethical Issues in Conservation of Wildlife in India

India is home to an array of wildlife, living in different stretches of land. The country’s distinctive ecosystems comprising high mountains in the snow regions, east and west coastal regions, deserts and semi-arid regions, close to all 'types' of forests, grasslands, plateaus, rivers, estuaries and islands makes this country unique and rich in biodiversity. Truly, it is a treasure trove of a large portion of the world's animal and plant species. During ancient times, Indian religious teachings and socio-economic ideology...
6 Pages 2658 Words

The Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Potential Negative Effects on Greece, 'Weakened' by the Debt Crisis and Strong Migration Waves

Greece’s international reputation took a battering during the European debt crisis that dominated the first half of the last decade. The country was widely perceived as irresponsible, corrupt and inefficient. The country’s financial situation was sound when it entered the EU in the early 1980s, but it deteriorated substantially over the following next thirty years. While the economy boomed from 2001 to 2008, high spending and mounting debt loads accompanied the growth. The end of 2009 and 2010 marked the...
5 Pages 2303 Words

Women in Nazi Germany: An Essay

Women in Nazi Germany were undoubtedly recognized as the ‘home-makers’ and mother figures of the household. However, although politically non-existent, during the period leading up to the Second World War, women were intensely involved within the Nazi Regime, regardless of whether they supported the regime or not. Thus, demonstrating a transformative perception of women and their roles within the Nazi regime. Although Nazi ideology promoted the female as the care takers, their incorporation in key roles throughout the regime directly...
6 Pages 2594 Words

Marital Rape in India and Why It Should Be Criminalized: An Essay

Rape is a heinous act of sexual intercourse committed against any natural person forcefully without the consent of such person against whom it is committed. Rape has been contained within the ambit of sexual assault, which also includes acts that fail to be regarded as intercourse, by several regimes. For a long duration of time rape was contemplated to be caused by rampant sexual impulse, however now it is considered as a pathological contention of power over a victim. Section...
6 Pages 2705 Words

Essay About the Multi-Objective Transportation Problem and Approaches for Its Solution

Transportation is important in the sense that it allows people to take part in human activities. The classical transportation problem can be described in a special case of linear programming problem and its models are applied to determine an optimal solution of the transportation problem required for deterministic of how many units of commodity to be shipped from each origin to various destinations where the objectives have to optimize (minimize or maximize) cost or time. The basic transportation problem is...
6 Pages 2584 Words

Reflections on Why Communism Is Not Historically Inevitable

The conflict between different social classes was once so real and that one could think that it will result in a revolution. Nevertheless, today, 171 years after the idea of communism was founded, things seem to be taking the opposite direction. The social gap is widening every day. The working class which was presumed to be the one to revolt against the social inequality and thus causing a revolution are the one working so hard even when they are underpaid...
5 Pages 2309 Words

Cloud Computing as a Transformative Achievement

Cloud computing is a standout amongst the hugest changes in data innovation with numerous points of interest to the two organizations and end clients, and the fundamental element of cloud computing is a blend of tremendous programming and basic equipment to give a ground-breaking computing paradigm. Cloud computing gives a chance to build proficiency and diminish costs in the IT bit of the business, by offering the likelihood of utilizing frameworks with the condition of workmanship computing abilities, high accessibility,...
5 Pages 2487 Words

Essay on Gender Inequality in China

It goes without saying that the world we know today is torn – be it wars, racism, segregation, elitism – all for the pursuit of one thing: power. A few moons ago, the ‘impending doom’ of the earth might have been viewed in direct correspondence to the ever-increasing frequency of natural disasters as well as global warming. However, many scholars are now of the view that, before anything else, the end of the earth will almost certainly be the result...
6 Pages 2594 Words

Essay on Innovation in Transportation Technology

A world without vehicles and transportation could be harsh for people to survive as trading and traveling are important for certain countries and regions to survive. Many vehicles used for transportation are very convenient and beneficial to our society, however, there is a price to pay for transportation such as money, resources, and more. Because vehicles cause problems in our society such as creating pollution, people are always making new vehicles that can be a solution to these problems. Therefore,...
6 Pages 2684 Words

Should Euthanasia Be Legalized in Canada? Essay

Physician assisted suicide has been an ongoing debate since the early years however, it recently sparked more attention in 2009 when Gloria Taylor, an ALS patient, decided to challenge the Canadian courts’ prohibition. ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a disease affecting motor neurons of the spinal cord, which causes progressive weakness and atrophy of muscles. She was soon joined by Dr. Shoichet, Lee Carter and Hollis Johnson both of whom were fighting for Kay Carter, a woman with spinal stenosis...
5 Pages 2321 Words

Essay on Poverty in Canada

People generalize the idea of poverty that it is just homeless poor people. While this is part of it, the basic description of poverty is; people not having enough money to afford the basic needs to have a good quality of life like food, water, shelter, and clothing. Poverty is hunger. Poverty is lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not being able to see a doctor. Poverty is not having access to school and not knowing how to...
5 Pages 2394 Words

Essay on the Impact of Advanced Science and Technology on Rural Development in India

The social and economic importance of a country is possible through the support of developing science and technology. In India, science and technology has an exclusive role in rural development. In the context of rural development, science and technology in warded into different field of organic farming, biotechnology, energy, health, sanitation etc. In the recent scenario, the government is giving much attention for the rural development. The government is taking many positive steps in the direction of rural improvement. After...
6 Pages 2749 Words

Essay on the Use of Internet by Terrorist Organizations

The Internet has demonstrated to be a powerful means of communication that reaches people worldwide. The improvement of progressively advanced technologies has made a network with a worldwide reach, and generally low hindrances to entry. Internet innovation makes it simple to speak with relative obscurity, rapidly and adequately across borders, to a great gathering of people. The advantages of Internet innovation are various, beginning with its remarkable suitability for sharing information and thoughts, which is perceived as a human right...
6 Pages 2674 Words

Children's Cyber Security in Georgia

21 century is known as the technological era. Today, the whole civilized world is aware of the huge problem of digital technology through massive propaganda in different directions. The Internet has also contributed to the growth of community groups to meet the activities and demands of Internet communities. Generating Internet support and development starts from the 2000s in Georgia. According to internet polls, Internet user growth is constant and it had already reached a total growth of 68.0% in 2017....
6 Pages 2651 Words

Changing Dynamics of Relations Between the US and Its Allies in the World Order: The Case of the US and Turkey

There has ever been changes in the world order in the sense that either a country whose economic, social and political spheres are much more advanced that they have a lot more say in the global environment than other less advanced countries. Or it could be that after winning in the battle field the winners come together and work on how the new world order should be shaped (usually done through international organizations like the United Nations or formally known...
5 Pages 2338 Words

Organizational Culture of In-Group and Out-Groups Working in Hospitality Industry Organizations

The term organization has always been tied-up with three analogies that are anthropomorphic, biomorphic and sociomorphic. Out of the three explicit analogies, the term sociomorphic has been consistently used to describe organization. Where organizations have been termed as smaller societies with their own distinctive structure, norms and ideologies. According to (Allaire and Firsirotu, 1984, pp.194), if organizations are small societies, it is evident that they will reflect the concept of culture. Which leads us to elaborate the concept of culture...
6 Pages 2720 Words

Is Free Trade Good for the United States of America? Essay

Since 1790 trade has had major benefits to the United States and contributed to economic growth in the country. American workers participate in producing exports while foreign workers produce imports. America's free trade agreements have facilitated economic growth and resulted in major benefits to the different industries. Despite the benefits associated with free trade, President Donald Trump has increased tariffs on goods worth billions of dollars, imported from the EU, Canada, and Mexico as well as China. These nations form...
6 Pages 2696 Words

Public Transportation Problems and Policies to Solve Them

For decades, Canadians have mainly been reliant on transportation in order to get to their destinations such as their place of work, education centers, social hubs and so forth. Public transit has been an emerging urban issue since it is the most used mode of transportation specifically across Toronto since we live in such a dense, multicultural and urbanized city. Accompanied by the immense number of immigrants that come into Canada continuously, policies are always in the need to change...
6 Pages 2610 Words

Urbanization and Restoration in the Everglades of South Florida

In his special report in 1938 for National Park Services before the Everglades was officially recognized as a national park, Daniel Beard, a notable wildlife technician, wrote the following in his introduction: “Practically without exception, areas that have been turned over to the Service as national parks have been of superlative value with existing features so outstanding that if the Service were able to merely retain the status quo, the job was a success. This will not be true of...
5 Pages 2380 Words

Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

Introduction: The Double-Edged Sword of Technology Can you imagine your life without technology? I think the answer is no and it is a terrible thing. Technology gives us access to more information. It is the sum of all of the knowledge that we have to make our lives easier. You should remember you are using technology to read this content right now. We use technology in everything in our lives. It can help us to communicate with others, travel to...
5 Pages 2274 Words

Benefits of Cryptography and Its Future Potential

Cryptography is a broad topic and has been around for quite a while. The principal was known utilization of cryptography dates to roughly 1900 BC. It was essential cryptography, and wasn't generally developed until the finish of World War I. Amid World War II we utilized a machine known as the Enigma Machine. The substitution figure, which was made by Julius Caesar, molded our present encryption techniques. Right now, there are two kinds of cryptographic plans: symmetric and asymmetric. They...
5 Pages 2437 Words

Private Cloud Computing: How to Access and Use Private Cloud

Cloud computing is additional considered as an originating technology. Cloud computing, and private cloud particularly, have modified fully the method that organizations deploy and manage business important enterprise applications. By combining the pliability and reliability of server virtualization with the serenity of management and provisioning of cloud computing, private cloud makes it a lot of less complicated for businesses to require advantage of enterprise applications as a platform that are absolutely increased for these crucial services. And businesses these days...
5 Pages 2466 Words

Reflections on Whether Investing in Cryptocurrencies Could Be the Future

Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that work under blockchain which secures and controls the transaction that occurs through the network. This was created to send online payment directly without the interface of the banks. This decentralized network was created by Satoshi Nakamoto so that anyone could use it but no one can own it. The first most popular type of cryptocurrency is bitcoin. Other examples of cryptocurrencies are Namecoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dogecoin or Zcash. The total number of cryptocurrencies sums...
5 Pages 2394 Words
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