2500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Estimation of Prediction for Getting Heart Disease Using Logistic Regression Model of Machine Learning

Abstract- In the current era deaths due to heart disease have become a major issue. Approximately one person dies per minute due to heart disease. Data is generated and has to be stored daily because of fast growth in Information Technology. The data which is collected is converted into knowledge by data analysis by using various combinations of algorithms. Medical professionals working in the field of heart disease have their own limitations, they cannot predict the chance of getting heart...
5 Pages 2311 Words

Critical Analysis of Cases Concerning Free Speech: Tinker Versus Des Moines Case

Part 1 A. Schenck v. United States was a case that would define the limits of the First Amendment’s right to free speech. Following the United States' entrance into the first world war, the Espionage Act was passed. The goal of the act was to prohibit interference with recruiting and military operations and also the aiding of the enemy in wartime. Charles Schenck was against the war, so he helped to distribute leaflets to draftees disencouraging them to join the...
6 Pages 2549 Words

Critical Analysis of the Article: Author’s Use of Seven Revelations Given to Abraham Lincoln

In his article Abraham the seer Martin Buber discusses the role of Abraham in the bible, especially in the book of Genesis chapters 12-25. Buber suggests that there is more to Abraham than meets the eye and that he is not just to be taken as the first patriarch of the western religions but also as an individual whose choices would come to affect large nations of peoples. The essence of the argument of this article is the importance of...
5 Pages 2298 Words

Me as a Student-Teacher and Analysis of My Personal Philosophy of Education

Aspire to Inspire Me as A Dream Teacher Introduction A dream teacher is someone who is successful in their profession. This raises the question in which ways can a teacher be successful? Is the most important part of being a successful teacher ensuring students are happy? Some believe this statement is untrue, as it is not the role of the teacher to ensure the happiness of their students. Instead, the role of a successful teacher is to create a positive...
6 Pages 2707 Words

Nursing Care Plan for Patient with Peripheral Fluid Retention

Nursing Care Plan for Patients with Edema The patient being discussed in this nursing care plan will be referred to as Mrs. Eileen Sparks. She is 80 years old, of German decent, speaks very little English, and currently resides in the Richmond, Vancouver area. Mrs. Spark’s husband, Ian Sparks, died five years ago. They had met in Berlin and immigrated to Canada in their late 20’s. They had one son named Robert, who currently resides in North Vancouver. Mrs. Sparks...
5 Pages 2275 Words

Influence of Race and Gender on the Structure of the International Trade Regime

How do race and gender structure the international trade regime? Race and gender are two forces which structure the international trade regime. In order to allow for a deeper analysis of the trade regime in consideration to development and neoliberalism this essay will focus on race rather than gender, to suggest these concepts give the regime an inherent racial bias. This is important because to speak of a post-colonial world conjures the inaccurate notion that decolonisation in the 20th century...
5 Pages 2465 Words

Use of Criminological Theory to Explain Cause of Engagement in Acts of Youth Violence

Using one criminological theory, explain why people engage in acts of violence and provide specific research examples. Introduction The criminological sociological theory of socialisation is used to underpin why people engage in acts of violence; identifying the definition of violence and placing the specific context of interpersonal violence will be the focus of this essay. Three individual journal article reports across three different social settings; youth violence, prisons and university programmes to challenge social norms will be focused on to...
5 Pages 2414 Words

Declaration of Independence Exploration in West: Impact of French and Indian War on British Colonies

In 1776, the thirteen colonies decided to separate from the British Empire. The Declaration begins by explaining why this document is being created. “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of...
6 Pages 2716 Words

The Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion: Analytical Essay

Question 9: (10/7/19): John Gast’s 1872 painting “The Manifest Destiny” was used to entice Euro-American settlers to move westward in the Americas. What activities did the painting suggest settlers should pursue in these western lands? How were Native Americans portrayed and impacted by the Manifest Destiny. John Gast’s 1872 painting titled “American Progress” is an allegory for Manifest Destiny and the modernization of the new westward expansion by the United States. A woman named Progress is the main image in...
6 Pages 2727 Words

Case Study of Kellogg: Analysis of Micro and Macro Environment, Strategic Management Plan

Strategic Management Plan Introduction Every business has some strategies. These strategies influenced by the internal and external environment of the business. Business strategy means the course of action that assists the manager to achieve the goal. (Businessjargons, 2018). This strategy calls the master plan of the business. By this plan, the business is conducted and manage their competitive position in the business area. This is the long term plan of the company. But this plan affected by the internal and...
6 Pages 2745 Words

Feminism Ideas in Room Of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf

The most common term used nowadays is 'Feminism' which can be utilized to portray a political, social or financial development planned for setting up equivalent rights and legitimate insurance for ladies. Women's liberation includes political and sociological speculations and ways of thinking worried about issues of sex contrast, just as a development that backers sexual orientation uniformity for ladies and crusades for ladies' privileges and interests. In spite of the fact that the expressions 'women's liberation and 'women's activist' didn't...
6 Pages 2680 Words

Clients' Privacy and Freedom of Speech in Computing: Analytical Essay

1. Introduction Technology is developing so fast nowadays that the world is more and more covered by digital productions. However, not so many people actually consider security issues about computing fields while using software and devices. The most important problems in this study field are client`s privacy when using the software and devices, and freedom of speech in coding for programmers. Such security issues in computing field are always considered with ethics, because those problems are not only the clients`...
5 Pages 2483 Words

Performance Management Practice in British Airways: Literature Review

Introduction This main purpose of this literature review will be based on four crucial parts regarding performance management practice in British Airways. The first part will discuss the methods of performance management, which will contain both the advantages and limitations whereas the second part will include a brief description of the British Airways and how the company used the methods of performance management (Noe et al., 2017). In addition, the third part will involve a critical discussion based on what...
5 Pages 2432 Words

Experience of Development of Personal Study Plan and Time Management: Reflective Essay

Introduction For my personal learning plan, I have decided to pay particular importance to my upcoming continuous assessment in my Economics in the World module. In my learning plan, I set out my goals, approaches and methods I will implement, learning strategies and organizational skills to help me prepare for this assessment. Economics in the WorldIn my course, in the first semester, I have a variety of modules, such as: Law Human Resource Management Financial Accounting Economics in the World...
5 Pages 2317 Words

Analytical Essay on Nationwide Photographic Survey of American’s Life During the Great Depression

He eventually met his goal after the projects eight years lifetime. Over 250,000 images were captured, captioned, and sent to the RA headquarters located in Washington to be then distributed to various locations. The Farm Security Administration or the FSA was a program also part of the New Deal. In 1935 it followed the steps of the RA agency and also set out to combat rural poverty during the Great Depression by conducting a large nationwide photographic survey of American’s...
6 Pages 2702 Words

Analysis of the Most Wanted List of the FBI

Law enforcement is a complicated balancing act of serving and protecting the public. There is really no limit to the different types of scenarios any person in any branch of law enforcement is going to encounter on a daily basis. From local police to the CIA there are countless citizens in the United States and around the world that rely on these men and women to bring the bad guys to justice. Within those organizations they have special tools to...
5 Pages 2335 Words

A Good Man is Hard to Find and All The Troubles of The World: Comparative Analysis

Isaac Asimov and Flannery O’ Connor are both renowned authors alive during the 20th century known specifically for their short stories. Isaac Asimov was a Russian Jew who immigrated with his family to America, while Asimov studied the sciences and actually worked as a professor of biochemistry. While he really did pursue the sciences, his science-fiction works bear a preponderance of respect as Asimov’s intellectual legacy resides mostly in his literary works. While he was a particularly prolific writer who...
6 Pages 2549 Words

Employee Retention, Training and Development: Literature Review

Abstract Employee retention is one of the most important factors that an organization needs to consider when developing its strategies. In today’s ever evolving world, retaining employees has become a challenge in itself for employers, since employees tend to change jobs very easily. Employers must therefore focus on a lot of different aspects like training and development, compensation packages, motivation and morale, job satisfaction, work environment etc. for the retention of their workers. For the purpose of our research, we...
6 Pages 2648 Words

Marketing Strategy of Zara and Its 9P’s: Analytical Essay

Zara is the most popular Spanish costume brand that uses a unique advertising method to fulfill its business objectives. Zara is known as Spain's best-realized style brand. The organization was started in 1963 by Amancio Ortia Gaona. After 50 years, it has transformed into the fastest growing brand in the world and the maker of Spanish design dress. As of now, there are around 2000 stores in 77 countries, Ireland has 10 major stores and the number is probably going...
5 Pages 2302 Words

Analytical Essay: Identification and Evaluation of Strategic Capabilities of Amazon and eBay

1. Introduction This report seeks to strategically the article, “No-deal Brexit will ‘instantly disrupt’ UK’s role as £174bn global data hub”, extract from The Guardian’s online International edition from the views of Amazon and EBay (Appendix A, page 16) with respect to the economical nature of their businesses. The purpose of the report is to identify and evaluate strategic capabilities of Amazon and Ebay as a result this specific change in world events. The article implies that there will be...
5 Pages 2448 Words

Discursive Essay on Labeling Theory and Criminal Behavior

This assignment is a review of the five articles given. In this assignment, topic on “Labeling Theory” will discussed first. The topic on “The Normal and Pathological”, “The Social Construction of Crime”, “The Reach of the Law: Sin, Crime and Poor Taste and Culture”, “Crime and Cultural Criminology” will also be discussed respectively. For the Labeling Theory discussed by Howard S. Becker, it stated that deviance is the violation of some agreed-upon rule. The Labeling Theory focuses on society reaction...
5 Pages 2288 Words

Influence of Idealism and Realism on the Philosophy of Education: Analytical Essay

Education is a liberal discipline and it is practical in nature, while philosophy is a theory, therefore, philosophy of education is referred to as the branch of philosophy that addresses philosophical questions concerning the nature, aims, and problems of education (Louman, 2011). Hence, philosophy is the cornerstone of the foundation of education and without philosophy, education would be a blind effort, and without education, philosophy would be crippled, as philosophy answers thousands of questions pertaining to the whole field of...
5 Pages 2346 Words

Still I Rise by Maya Angelou and Disabled by Wilfred Owen: Comparative Analysis

Both poems still i rise by Maya Angelou and disabled by Wilfred Owen explore the theme of the past and its consequences upon the present. Still i rise is a positive and almost defiant piece of lyrical poetry refusing to allow the poet's troubled past to affect her present. it shows Angelou's willpower and how like dust shell rise. while in disabled the soldiers present makes him long for his past leaving him very melancholic and wondering why don't they...
6 Pages 2561 Words

Antivaccination Culture: Analytical Essay on Smallpox Vaccination

Thesis: The opposition to vaccination was cultural and built upon societal value in money which resulted in the spread of mass religious hysteria, propaganda, and falsified data. Smallpox is a disease where small blisters pop up on the face, arms, and body. These then fill up with pus and customs develop a rash. It’s a deadly disease. Vaccinations and the anti-vaccination movement go hand in hand with the rise and eradication of Smallpox. During the 15th and 16th, Century Smallpox...
5 Pages 2424 Words

Pericles Versus Plato: Critical Analysis of Plato Republic

1. Pericles and Plato differ greatly over what the ideal form of government should be. What are their respective views and how does each justify his position? Are there any points, in theory or practice, on which they might agree? Pericles- Democracy, majority rule Plato- Republic, (Aristocracy followed by an Oligarchy) Pericles views- Based on Pericles’ aristocratic background he understood what the people of Athens wanted, a city fit to rule an empire. Pericles wanted the people who lived in...
5 Pages 2309 Words

Supply Chain Management of Newspaper: Analytical Essay

Finding the value: press operations In general, the critical time for press operations is the fixed run time. Papers per hour output is limited by the speed of a press and the number of presses. The number and type of press is difficult and costly to alter. Remaining opportunities inside press operations involve eliminating any barriers to maximum sustainable speed. The value of each stop and start, each edition change, or once weekly collect run, should be assessed versus its...
6 Pages 2716 Words

Review of a Physical Education and Youth Sport Related Policy

Introduction We are in critical point in history where there are more children being inactive due to digitalisation. Research by (Kohl et al., 2012) states that, “physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide”. Thus, Physical Education (PE) and Youth Sport (YS) are an essential part of a school’s curriculum in shaping today’s children and youths, leading to the policies being made. One policy this essay will be exploring in-depth is PE and sport premium for primary schools....
6 Pages 2650 Words

Argumentative Essay to Support Plate Tectonics Theory

Diagram of the structure of the earth: Geography.parkfieldprimary.com. (2018). The Structure of the Earth - Primary School Geography Encyclopedia. [online] Available at: http://geography.parkfieldprimary.com/rocks-and-soils/the-earth [Accessed 12 Oct. 2018]. The inner core is made of molten iron it is the hottest part of the earth, the crust is a solid layer that is rocky it’s made out of 3 types of rock (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.) Below the crust is the mantle it’s made of rock that is denser than rocks...
5 Pages 2314 Words

Nationalism and National Identity Created through Theatrical Performances: Comparative Analysis of Opening Ceremonies

A fundemental question that is asked is 'what defines national identity'? Is it the way people speak? The way they move? Or is it what makes the country stand out? The Oxford Dictionary defines nationalsim as 'Identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.'(Dcitionary, 2018) Taking this into consideration it is important to look into how nationalsim is portrayed throughout various types of performance. This essay...
6 Pages 2708 Words

Sustainability Accounting and Accountability in Sainsbury’s Group PLC: Analytical Essay

Introduction There is an emerging trend in large and small companies around the globe on sustainability reporting since the “early part of the 1990’s, when it became the focus of academic and skilled accounting” (Lamberton, 2005). This trend is a result of more people becoming aware of the importance of sustainability development and the benefits and impacts it brings to businesses and society at large. Additionally, sustainability is becoming a way of life mainly in developed countries as businesses endeavour...
6 Pages 2697 Words
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